atoms and molecules Word Searches

light and energy 2023-04-12

11 Items: lightforcex-raysenergyinfraredradiowavesmicrowavesgammawavesultravioletvisiblelightlightspectrum

Now and then 2023-06-03

11 Items: packdollmaizemovingadjustfigurescharadeschocolateadvantagesupportivedisadvantage

jobs and places 2023-06-17

11 Items: cookhomenursepilotdoctorschoolteacherstudenthospitalrestaurantfirefighter

Animals and Jobs 2023-07-18

11 Items: SparksWater horseStripy horseRoars loudlyWorks the landWild or domesticMans best friendPurveyor of meatBig ears and tusksmales have antlersNo one likes going to soo them

fruit and vegetable 2023-09-04

11 Items: scarfsocksbeltsshirtdresspantsjeansjumperjackett-shirttrousers

Careers and More 2016-08-26

11 Items: coverresumeletterskillsskillsetemotionseducationinternshipnetworkinginterviewscontinuing

Surface and Groundwater 2019-11-18

11 Items: welldividegeysermeanderaquiferrechargewatershedupwellingfloodplaininfiltrationeutrophication

food and drink 2023-12-05

11 Items: eggfishkiwifoodchipsgrapefruitdrinktomatocarrotsausages

Games and sports 2024-02-21

11 Items: chesstennissudokurunningjumpinghandballswimmingfootballcardgamevideogamebasketball

David and Golith 2024-02-14

11 Items: godkingsauldavidtyrantgoliathfaithfulslingshotdecapitateisraelitesphilistines

Bobby and Kyle 2024-06-06

11 Items: popkylesickbobbymoaninggregsighsgotcaughtsneakinginthreemothersoverhearsbobbygregsaysbaddream

Diamonds and Toads 2024-07-02

11 Items: to go out: _______to come in: _______being not clean: _______all of something: _______to put on clothing: _______A proud woman has two _______.The old lady is really a _______.The young girl _______ in the come back from another place: _______to stay in one place for a long time: _______...

ALMA and KORIHOR 2024-07-15

12 Items: askgodalmaamennightfaithjesusnightprayermorningkorihorthankful

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

Ball games 2023-03-18

11 Items: You hit the ball with a racket.You kick the ball and pass the ball.What do you do when you get a point?You throw the ball and catch the ball.You hit the shuttlecock with a racket.What is the word for getting the ball?You throw the ball in a basket to score.What is the word called when you hit a ball?What does the ball do when it goes up and down?...

Thanksgiving 2022-10-26

35 Items: PiePiehamPlanexamxraygravyBreadSauceBeansChairrollstablespinesquatsGreensreporthealthTurkeytherapystretchprecorevertebradressingwellnessPotatoesexercisePotatoesscoliosisadjustmenttherabandsand Cheesesubluxationthanksgivingchiropractic

Emergency Procedures and Bioterrorism 2015-04-22

17 Items: RicinPlagueHypoxiaAnthraxAcidosisSmallpoxTularemiaCongestiveSpontaneousCirculationVentricularArrhythmaisRelievePainHeartfailureBotulinToxinCardiacFunctionViralHemorrhagicFevers

E-Cigarettes and Vaping 2022-11-22

17 Items: leadevalitoxicpatchnickelrewardacroleinnicotineinsomniadopaminetriggersirritableheartbeatformaldehydevitamineacetatepropyleneglycolpackofcigarettes

Teenagers and Social Media 2023-01-02

17 Items: appsuserphonemediaonlinetiktokimagessocialtwitteraccountcontentsnapchatplatformtrendinginstagramscreentimecommunication

Peter and the Wolf 2023-02-08

17 Items: catbirdduckwolfoboepeterfluteviolinrussiahuntersbassoontimpaniclarinetorchestraprokofievfrenchhorngrandfather

Heat, Light and Sound! 2023-04-26

17 Items: heatlightpitchsoundenergyvolumevibrateparticlespectrumfrequencyradiationrelectionrefractionwavelengthtemperatureelectromagneticscienceisfunyay

Holly and Saff Songs 2023-05-17

17 Items: viennaheyloverdirtyworkspacesongperfectdaymysweetlordcoffeeandtvitneverrainsinmoonagedaydreamcarelesswhispersatelliteoflovecrimsonandcloverrightdownthelinesoutherncaliforniacigarettedaydreamsnormanfuckingrockwellsittinonthedockofthebay

Perek 1 Mishna 2 and 3 2023-09-03

15 Items: חוּץוְכֵןרוּחַעָמַדגִנָּהחֲזִיתבִקְעָהכּוֹנֵסלְתוֹךְמִכָּאןחֲבֵרוֹלִגְדֹּרמִדַּעַתמַּקִּיףמְגַלְגְּלִין

CB: Os Desportos 2024-01-11

15 Items: netgolfcoachtrackhockeytennisrefereeswimmingbasketballsoccer netgolf coursebasket;hoopvolley ballroller skatestrack and field

For Since and Ago 2017-05-17

17 Items: hadoutbeenlivedbuilttowerboughtcastlemarriedarrivedsmokingmidnightdalmatianreservationconvertiblethirtyseventwentyohfive

Long and Short Vowels 2022-10-26

17 Items: humweblosspillbuzzmadedimewirehomeruleweakwhaletradequitestovedreambeach

Computer Science and Coding 2022-11-12

17 Items: runcodedebugrepeatsymbolexecuteprogramoutcomemindsetcompasstransfervariablesequencealgorithmdirectionpseudocodemicroprocessor


17 Items: bakernursebakinggamingdoctorfarmerwaiterdancingcookingreadingpainterteacherswimmingmusiciantravelingpharmacistelectrician

Greeting, farewells, and intros 2024-02-12

17 Items: ianeinhallodankebittetschubgutentagwiegehtsichheibegutenabendgutennachtwieheibtdugutenmorgenesgatemirgutaufwiedersehenesgatemirsehrguteesgatemirnichtgut

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration 2024-03-06

17 Items: suncelllightsugarwaterplantsoxygencarbonenergyanimalsglucosestomataglycolysisrespirationchloroplastmitochondriaphotosynthesis


17 Items: fatseggsfishmilkbreadfibersugarwarmthstarchpulsessimpleproteincomplexpotatoesfunctioncarbohydratesmacronutrients

Physics forces and machines 2024-07-16

17 Items: netloadforceleverfieldeffortcontactfulcrumgravitybalancedmagneticfriction,attractionlubricationmagnetcpolesairresistanceelectrostatic

Space 2023-07-15

12 Items: comitA dwarf planetOur home planetEarth's sister planetThe planet with ringsOften called the "Red PlanetThe closest planet to the Sunthe center of our solar systemThe largest planet in our solar systemThe seventh planet that is an ice giantthe belt that lies between mars and jupiterThe eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun


11 Items: Each component has a _____________ SYMBOL.Which component supplies power to circuits?Every ELECTRONIC COMPONENT has a _______________ .Which component is used to open and close circuits?Which component has a BASE, EMITTER, and COLLECTOR?Which component is also known a a VARIABLE RESISTOR?The primary function of this component to emit sound....

Colours and Pirates 2016-09-02

11 Items: redbluegreypinkblackwhitebrowngreenbeardColoursPirates

Foods and Drinks 2021-01-19

11 Items: foodmeatmilksodafruitbreadjuicecheesecoffeeyogurtvegetables

Potter and Clay 2023-07-10

11 Items: mangodboygirlclaymakewomanwheelpottermotherfather

Ben and Me  2014-04-09

11 Items: pleaaffrayhorridsingedembassyconversefirebrandmanifestodowntroddenaquaintancesuspiciously

Dave and Yuni 2017-04-27


Uniform and Dril 2024-04-11

11 Items: uniformleftfacespinningblacktierightfaceaboutfaceattentionblacksocksrankinsigniapolishedshoesservicedressblues

countries and languages 2024-04-25

11 Items: japanindiahindipolandarabicgermanrussiacanadaspanishthialandaustralia

Bobby and Kyle 2024-05-08

11 Items: kylearmsbobbypukeswakingupgetsangryworstdreamcaliforniafenceshakinggetbettersoonkylesintrouble


11 Items: plainbaggysmarttightstylesfloralcasualcheckedspottedstripedpatterns

Find the clothes 2016-10-13

45 Items: andcookactorclerkbakerdiverriggerbarberbutlerdancerdiggerfarmeractuarymanagerathleteauditorboatmanbutchercleanerdressermechanicanimatorrestorerassessordesignerbotanistarchitectassistantauxiliarybartenderbiologistagronomisttechnicianastrologerauctioneerbeauticianbiochemisthousekeeperelectricianhairdresseragriculturalarcheologistphotographer...

Short words 2024-05-05

45 Items: iaanewifortheandforarebutnotyouallanycanhadherwasoneouroutdaygethashimhishowmannewnowoldseetwowaywhoboydiditsletputsayshetoouse

Living and Working in the UK; Rights and Responsibilities 2023-05-03

18 Items: lawobeyworkhelpvoteawarerightsothersfamilyfamilyrespectprotectequallyprovidefairnesspreserveresponsiblyenvironment

vacab-reece cook 2024-03-01

19 Items: oynininadarpuessbailarcantarcorrerdibujaresquiartambièntambièntrabajarver-la-teleleer-revistastocar-la-guitarrahablar-por-telèfono

revy levay 2022-02-06

45 Items: atoinofalltheyounowandfunfatwashowkeyneedknowwithyourlikebookbakelakelovelifefarttootwichwhenwerewideracewordsgradeboothwitchwhereworldsportsecondlivingsportsteacherbecausebaseballtollbooth

Shops Word Search 2023-01-05

32 Items: kfch&mbigwzaramyerlushduskcoleskmartdaisorebelscoopitargetsmiggletong-lilancomeminkpinkbreadtopgong-chatimezonejb-hi-fidynmocksstarbucksmcdonaldswoolworthsbuildabearjapan-misodavid-jonesshoes-and-soxmorning-glorybaker’s-delightthe-cupcake-room

The Blues 2023-06-21

35 Items: sadriffmoodKingbluesthemetempoSmithslavesafricachordslyricsguitarrhythmAmericatrumpetCassidyClaptonpatternbasslinedynamicseuropeanemotionalstructureBar Bluesworksongsharmonicasaxophoneexpressionatmospherespiritualssyncopationand Responseimprovisationinterpretation

Power Words  2014-12-11

44 Items: bedogoheallandarebigcanforgethadhasoneseeshethewaswhowhyyesyoucantcomedownhaveherelikelivelooklotslovesaidthattheythiswantwentwhatwillwiththerewherelittle

Week 1 2023-09-29

64 Items: Where we put notes in the module._____Authorizations last 24 hours.A borrower is also known as a _______The tab you go to to open a new claimWe find documents in the module here.In claim documents S stands for _____.In claim documents P stands for _____.In claim documents U stands for _____.An account used to pay insurance and taxes....

trs23 ver3 u15 2023-06-17

10 Items: Not weak.Not thick.Can cut easily.A school subject.Not light. Weighs a lot.We can use it to cut things.A material. It is hard and shiny.When something makes us say 'Wow!".A piece of ice we can put in our drinks.It is long and we can use it to tie things up.

Ephemeral Word Search 2023-12-10

10 Items: Emitting light or heatTo light up or brightenFull of life and energyTo mix or blend togetherTo captivate or fascinateLasting for a very short timeTo come together to form a wholeA feeling of great joy and triumphTo sparkle or shine with reflected lightA pleasing arrangement or combination of elements

Kingdom 2023-06-17

14 Items: fishsonscoinwidowservantbanquetbuildersRich foolfoundationsTares Sowertax collectorof great priceman and Lazarusin the vineyard

CompTia ITF 2023-02-03

12 Items: How to treat people.Number system based on 8.Connects devices to Wi-Fi.Connects home to network ethernet.Company that created the ITF exam.Number system based on 2 numbers 0 and 1.Image that doesn't lose quality when resized.Number system based on 10 numbers and 6 letters.Type of internet that may be disrupted by weather....

Gemma's Hen Do Packing List 2024-03-29

12 Items: used to clean teetha brush for the hairA brief two piece swimming suitcare of the skin using cosmeticsa jumper that opens with buttonsa small bag worn around the waisttrousers that finish above the kneea hat worn for protection from the sunglasses with dark lenses to protect eyes from the sunlight shoe with straps attaching the sole to the foot...

Unit 13 Vocabulary Word Search 2023-03-29

20 Items: To charmDull, boringGive care forTo set on fireNoisy confusionExtremely funnyLarge and heavyWell thought ofTo humble oneselfWork done by handOf or like a motherTo lose interest inTo change continuallyTo make or become smallerTo love and respect dearlyA narrative of heroic exploitsTo say suddenly or without thinking...

Chapter 3 - Settlements Take Root - myWorld Social Studies 2023-01-26

15 Items: a rulera long period without raina person chosen to act on behalf of othersa person who makes a journey for religious reasonsthe buying and selling of products on a large scalea person sent to a new land to spread his or her religiona person who risks money in a business, hoping to earn a profit...

Baptism 2023-11-13

8 Items: a new convertimpossible to eraseWashing away all the dirty stuff - sins.getting dunked under water to remove original sinrite has to take place in order for the sacrament to counta consecrated ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam....

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition  2017-02-27

16 Items: icemovewindrockswaterbreakriverserosionchangesdepositcanyonsphysicalchemicalmountainsweatheringdeposition

Sports and Sporting Events 2020-10-16

16 Items: GolfTennisSoccerUSOpenFootballBaseballBasketballSuperBowelWimbeledonTheMastersHorseRacingKentuckyDerbyMLBAllStarGameNBAAllStarGamePGAChampionshipUSOpenChampionship

The months and seasons 2021-05-04

16 Items: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilAugustWinterSpringSummerAutumnJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptember

WORDSEARCH Lautaro and RAMIRO. 2022-09-28

16 Items: dogsmeatcokericefishcakemilkfruitsaladpizzachipsdairychessevegetableshamburguerwatermelon


16 Items: All rocks are made of m_____________Rubbing a mineral on a tile forms a s______The igneous rock that floats on water: p_______The igneous rock underlying the College: g______When lava solidifies it forms this rock: b______Igneous rocks formed from expelled lava: e___________Extrusive igneous rocks tend to have s______ crystals...

Workplace rights and laws 2022-11-12

16 Items: wageleavesafetyhealthsocialfamilyminimumcoveragesecuritybenefitsworkplaceemploymentprotectionsunemploymentwhistleblowerdiscrimination

Genes, Inheritance and Evolution 2022-11-30

16 Items: genesbasesallelesquaregenomepunnettproteindominantgenotypeorganismrecessivephenotypesynthesisvariationevolutioninheritance

Ceramics, Polymers and Composites 2023-03-10

16 Items: hardcfrpwoolstiffsolidstrongcottonrubberbrittleceramicspolymerscompositesinsulatorscarbonfibrenaturalpolymerssyntheticpolymers

S and Z spelling 2023-02-21

16 Items: ownbaseslippondyardareaplantlunchfrontthumpwidthinchesbetweencountryformulacalculate

AAA And Lia Crossword 2023-03-31

16 Items: corePointforcebatterycircuitCurrenttransferengineerfilamentcomponentcriterionradiationconstraintinsulationelectromagnetelectromagnetism

AV1 - Food and Cooking 2015-09-08

16 Items: rawfreshfriedstalefrozentinnedcookedboiledcerealsteamedcustardsavourypleasantbarbecuedmicrowavedcontainers

prefix -ful and -less 2024-05-29

16 Items: usefuluselessfearfulharmfulcarefulhopefulpowerfulfearlessharmlesscarelesshopelesspowerlessmeaningfulthoughtfulmeaninglessthoughtless

Ancient Greece Timeline 2023-01-25

15 Items: academy 386 BCE: Plato establishes this school.776 BCE: The first of these takes place to honor Zeus.431 BCE: These wars, between Athens and Sparta, begin.432 BCE: This temple to the goddess Athena was completed.323 BCE: This period begins after the death of Alexander the Great.490 BCE: The Greeks battle this Middle Eastern group for independence....

Ancient Greece Timeline 2023-01-25

15 Items: 386 BCE: Plato establishes this school.776 BCE: The first of these takes place to honor Zeus.431 BCE: These wars, between Athens and Sparta, begin.432 BCE: This temple to the goddess Athena was completed.323 BCE: This period begins after the death of Alexander the Great.490 BCE: The Greeks battle this Middle Eastern group for independence....

Neigh 2024-04-16

45 Items: anandfewforfindalsofindyournameivanaivaabryellaelsaryanleviliamessayotherwordswyattbowiebillyjamiedaryajonasmettapalomasophiaaaydendamounmaleahkaiseiskylercallansciencecatelinevelynnexample:aureliusfractionsnumeratoryour_namedenominatorinstructions:

Short words( 2-4 letters) 2024-05-21

46 Items: wesodoofnobememomdadsonkiddogcatpigbattwobutourforandonepiebeesaymaywhomoocowtheyesalltopcanyoufortensixleftbellp.m.a.m.fivefromfourteennine

The Red Umbrella Word Search 2023-05-17

7 Items: Where Papa workedThe main characterSpanish for "worm"The nickname Eddie gives LuciaFrankie gets this as a Christmas giftLucia goes to the dance with him in AmericaWhere Lucia and Frankie go to live with Mr. and Mrs. Baxter

Roman Gods and Goddesses 2015-01-09

16 Items: JunoMarsPlutoDianaVenusCupidCeresVestaApolloVulcanSaturnJupiterNeptuneMercuryMinervaProserpine

Volume and Surface Area 2016-04-29

16 Items: facecubeareabasewidthvolumelengthheightcylinderdistancesurfaceareacentimetersparallelogramtwodimensionalrectangularprismthreedimensional

Spring Sights and Smells 2018-05-31

16 Items: RainBeesAprilFrogsTreesShortsLeavesShowersFlowersinsectsRunningT-ShirtsSwimmingBlossomsumbrellasButterflies

Ocean and Water Animals 2020-05-16

16 Items: SealSharkWhaleSquidClamsWalrusOysterShellsOctopusPenguinLobsterPelicanSeagullDolphinSeahorseJellyfish

Awesomely and Wonderfully Made 2022-08-27

16 Items: godboymalegirlcampimagebibletimmyfemaleawesomegenesiscreationwonderfulconsciencegingersnapmasterpiece

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems 2023-01-30

16 Items: aortaheartlungssystolecoronaryarteriesdiastolerightatriumcapillariesmitralvalveaorticvalveleftventriclepulmonaryveincoronaryarterytricuspidvalvepulmonaryvalve

Abdominial and Genitourinary Trauma 2014-05-07

16 Items: injurypylorussomaticduodenumkehrsignvisceralhematuriamesenteryperitoneumperitonealblunttraumaperitonitiseviscerationperiumbilicalhemoperitoneumretroperitoneal

Beha’alotcha 2024-06-15

17 Items: PesachShalomanointed“Yeshua”“Chanukkah”Beha’alotcha“korban”, Hebrew; “to draw near”The prophet of Haftarah Beha’alotcha.The Children of Israel’s first stop after Sinai.All the tribes brought gifts (Numbers 7) except this tribe.what material were the trumpets of Numbers 10 to be made of?How many ate from the five loaves and two fish? (Matthew 14)...

Vocab 7 Bonus 2023-03-11

15 Items: gloomy or sullen; melancholycapable of being felt; tangibleno longer in use, useful, or currentpoisonous or corrupting; deadly or toxicsomeone who is despised or rejected; outcasta wrong or inappropriate name or designationa high peak, the highest point; climax or summitunusually mature or advanced early in development...

Week 12 Hard 2023-12-16

25 Items: to startkept goingto replacesignificancebursting outgovernment buildingOccurring every yearthe study of the pastA period of deep sorrowGive me the short versiona doctor who performs operationsthe minimum amount to sustain lifeto honor something in a special wayto sink a ship by cutting holes in itthe fact or process of doing something...

Poland 2020-03-10

45 Items: 2redoldwarandskinewdaycoldmildtowndudalinecarswhitewatermariecurieworldtrackfieldlaborzlotytramsmetropolandplainsWarsawPolishpolishracingyear'seasterschoolbussesjumpingandrzejcatholicorthodoxnicolausepiphanymountainspentecostcopernicusmotorcycle

Gavin's Sight Word Word Search 2024-01-26

45 Items: inofonwedomygomeuphetoitnoisamtoothearedadhasyeswasmomcanandyouseewhoforcomelovesaidherelikehaveplaytheydoeslookthishelpwithgoodwherelittle

Anime Names 2023-12-24

53 Items: RAINNOTEFISHPASSCRYINKREUZGEASSBEBOPSTARSPIECEDANCEdororoyugiohnarutobleachgundamspiralutapriakikanNO ACEamnesiagintamadigimonpokemonstarmyuclannadtsurunehaikyuuX HUNTERinuyashaCHAMPLOObeyblademeganebuON TITANparasytexxxholicEXORCISTAND BUNNYyashahimeNO BASUKEREVENGERSNEVERLANDNO SERAPHYU HAKUSHOsarazanmaiSTRAY DOGSCRIME EDGEAND DRAGONWONDERLAND...

Week 3 - Adding ING and dropping the E and doubling 2023-05-02

20 Items: usingmovinghopingwavingdancingpastingcausingsmilingtastingclosingwinningswimmingskippingshoppingquittingtrimminggrippingsteppingdraggingbeginning

Kwanzaa Word Search - Swahili Word for ... 2022-12-15

15 Items: matcornunityfaithcropsgiftsfeastpurposecreativitycandle holderseven candlesseven principlesself determinationcooperative economicscollective work and responsibility

trs23 ver3 u2 2023-02-16

10 Items: Ha ha ha.Jump into water.Don't do something.Water that goes far down.Some water you can swim in.An animal that swims and jumps.What you get when you hit water.A colour between white and black.Between two corners. A dice has six.The place where you can walk across a road.

Chapter 18 2023-01-08

10 Items: Common dangerCity in FloridaNative AmericansWhat attacked Janie?Where was the refuge place?What number was significant?Who offered Janie and Tea Cake a ride?Who was Tea Cake's dice competition and friend?Which direction did the creatures travel when avoiding the hurricane?What were the Bahaman workers that danced behind Tea Cake's house called?

Illuminate Word Search 2023-12-11

10 Items: To blend or combineTo captivate or charmTo light up or brightenQuick and nimble in movementLasting for a very short timeCalm, peaceful, and untroubledTo come together to form a wholeTo sparkle or shine with reflected lightTo shine brilliantly or impress intenselyAble to recover quickly from difficult conditions

Pirket Avot פרק ג, משנה טז 2024-04-16

19 Items: This writesThis is openHe offers creditHe is the shopkeeperEverything is given on _Nobody can escape Hashem's _Hashem has this as collateralthey go around often every dayHashem runs the world like thisThis lies open (you write in it)all who wish to _ may come and _The judgement is a judgement of _This is spread over all the living...

8th Grade Forces and Energy Chapter 4 Hints 2024-01-04

13 Items: scientific ruleenergy of electric chargesability to do work or cause changeenergy of stretched or compressed objectsenergy that an object has due to its motionpotential energy stored in the nucleus of an atompotential energy that depends on the height of an objectform of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms...

Dogs and People 2014-10-19

11 Items: AveryAidanSusanMableRobertMaggieAddisonPitBullsPointersGreatDanesChocolateLabs

Weathering and Erosion 2016-11-29

11 Items: dropmovepullwindrainbreakstreamerosiongravityweatheringdeposition