atoms and molecules Word Searches

dog and cat 2022-09-28

11 Items: redpinkblakbluegreenwhitebrownorangeyellowpurplelighblue

Careers and Income 2022-10-15

11 Items: jobfiveskillvaluecareerincometalentthingsoutlookconsiderinterest

Joy and Peace 2023-01-11

11 Items: joylordcalmagainpeacerightjesusfruitalwaysspiritrejoice

Fruit and Vegetables 2023-03-09

11 Items: pearapplepeachbananaorangegrapescarrotpotatolettucecucumberbroccoli

Force and Motion 2023-08-16

11 Items: masscauseequalexertforceinfereffectEnergyfrictionoppositecollision

Payments and Debt 2023-08-14

11 Items: What does the D stand for in DCA?What does the C stand for in DCA?What does the A stand for in DCA?What is the longest we can spread a repayment plan?What button in Kraken do we press to process a refund?A repayment plant must include debt and what other element?What payment method do we prefer and always promote to our customers?...

genetics and chromosomes 2014-05-27

11 Items: genestraitallelegametehybridgeneticshereditydominantgenotypephenotyperecessive

Games and Sports 2024-02-21

11 Items: chesstennissudokurunningjumpinghandballswimmingfootballcardgamevideogamebasketball

countries and languages 2024-04-25

11 Items: japanindiahindipolandarabicgermanrussiacanadaspanishthialandaustralia

Responsibility and values 2024-04-25

11 Items: valueshonestyloyaltyrespectfairnesscharacterintegrityconsistenttrustworthyresponsibilityaccountability

Bobby and Kyle 2024-05-29

11 Items: kylebobbydangeroushearskyleneedssurgeryineedmycreamneeds1kidneylooksupatkyle2peoplewakinguplooksatjessejamesyellingwhilesleeping

Kyle and Bobby 2024-06-06

11 Items: illkylestanbobbytalkstwicemoanstwicecartmanlandsitsupinbedmikeandcindycomfortskyleoverhearbobby

Jobs and Occupation 2024-07-15

11 Items: hostchefactorsingerdancerartistactressmagicianfootballerhairdresserphotographer

Heather's Mortgage Word Search 2022-10-27

20 Items: Fannie MaeFreddie MacWhat is a 1003To buy real propertyThe number of days the lock is effectiveproperty secured to the repayment of the loanThe numeric value issued by the credit bureauFee paid to an appraiser for preparing an reportThe annual cost or fee associated with a serviceThe first individual listed on a loan application...

Phonetics_1st_Yr_Introductory _Lec. 2023-10-06

9 Items: phoneticsthe adjective of lungThe cavity of the Pharynxthe voice box or Adam's applelies after teeth ridge and hard palatedivided into tip,blade,front, back and edgesounds produced with vibration in vocal cordsSmall fleshy structure at the very end of soft palatethe study of speech sounds and the way it transfers to the listener

GW-B2--Unit2 2022-11-30

17 Items: thinkturn downtry to getenterpreneurdisadvantageno longer neededbe sacked or firedtake control of sth.hope of getting aheadready and able to adapta better position in a joba monthly pay you get at workproviding satisfaction, gratifyingto become old enough to stop workingto quit the job because of your own will...

Hair Structure, Functions & Types 2023-04-24

15 Items: The coat aids with...Hair growth occurs in cycle.What type of hair is the coat?What is below the skin surface?What condition causes hair loss?What part is above the skin surface?What is the middle level of the hair?What decides the pigment of the coat?What is the deepest layer of the hair?What hair is found nostrils and trachea?...

James space 2023-12-18

15 Items: a rock flying through spacea rock sitting still in spacealignments of stars that make a shapethe smaller version of the big dippera space rock that has landed on earthwhen the sun passes through the equatora rock/ice ball that flies through spacewhen sunlight isn't on the north and eastthe most famous constellation in the north...

U.S. History Word Search 2024-04-25

15 Items: December 7th 1941Your 2nd Amendment RightFirst African American PresidentMusic genre made during the 1920's1st Medal of Honor winner during WWIKilled in Dallas on November, 22nd 1963Creator of The Smartphone and founder of AppleProgram made under FDR during the Great DepressionCivil Rights group that will use force if necessary...

Unit 1 Vocabulary - Set A 2023-08-31

10 Items: return totime staying awakean expression of praisework jointly on an activityfeel about or search blindlypush or bump against somethingincrease in wealth, good fortunerude in a mean-spirited and surly waya person who makes slow progress and falls behinda short extract from a film, piece of music, or writing

The months and seasons 2021-05-04

16 Items: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilAugustWinterSpringSummerAutumnJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptember

Chapters 5 and 6 2022-09-21

16 Items: FbombmuckjobsbathRaidcamelsirenadonismanuretweedyescapejosephhitlerpenguintwyfords

Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 2022-11-09

16 Items: etcatpoxygencalorieglucoseaerobicalcoholpyruvateanaerobickrebscycleglycolysislacticacidrespirationmitochondriafermentationcarbondioxide

Christmas film and tv 2023-12-24

16 Items: elfhomealonedoctorwhoeastenderspaddingtonloveactuallytherepairshopmogschristmaswhitechristmascallthemidwifetheroylefamilythekingsspeechgavinandstaceyarthurchristmasthepolarexpressmorecombeandwise

Make Do and Mend 2024-06-22

16 Items: darnmendknitpatchholestearsreuserationrepairmakedostitchrecyclesalvageswapshopreinforcehandmedown

IT and computers 2015-02-23

11 Items: MouseSystemDisplayWindowsKeyboardHarddriveDiskdriveMotherboardgraphicscardLoudspeakersComputercable

Weathering and Erosion  2015-12-09

11 Items: rainfrostplantserosionanimalschemicalweatheringmechanicaldepositiondenudationtemperature

fruit and vegetables 2017-04-08

11 Items: plumpearapplebananagrapestomatopotatocarrotcucumberblueberrywatermelon

Landforms and adjectives 2018-04-18

11 Items: hotbigtallcoldoceanrocksheavyfrozenvolcanoglaciermountain

Abilities and Requests 2020-10-01

11 Items: sewskifixsingswimdrawcookknitdancedrivepaint

Forces and Fields 2021-01-21

11 Items: RepelProtonMagnetCurrentAttractCircuitElectronElectricFieldElectricForcesElectricChargeStaticElectricity

Tim and Gladys 2022-09-15

11 Items: robjanrodmarybilltyjagreggangiejalenjewelcherity

Weathering and Erosion  2021-02-05

11 Items: IceAcidRustWindWaterErosionSedimentWeatheringDepositionPhysicalWeatheringChemicalWeathering

21 and 22 2023-11-02

11 Items: wavyrosesightmarblegulpedgentlyearliermukluksdinosaurskeletonplayfully

Art and Creativity 2024-04-09

11 Items: easelsketchpalettemontagetextilescharcoalpaintnsiptechniquepuffnpaintspraypaintpaintballs

Uniform and Dril 2024-04-11

11 Items: uniformleftfacespinningblacktierightfaceaboutfaceattentionblacksocksrankinsigniapolishedshoesservicedressblues

Aubrie Barnes 6th grade 2024-05-17

12 Items: a planet where life existswhen water turns into steamwhen the moon covers the sunis when gas turns into liquidthe total amount of water on a planetone of the ice giants in the solar systemis the second biggest planet in the solar systemThe soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats...

S4: Unit 6 2022-11-23

20 Items: painrejectgeneralunlikelyimminentenergeticsearch fornot seriousamazing, shockinga way out of a problempeas, beans, lentils, etc.chicken, duck, turkey meathave difficulty doing you digest faster and betteryoughurt, cream, cheese, milk, that remained from a previous dayfruit and vegetables are rich in those...

Show GOATs Word Search 2023-02-28


TEB 2.8C 2023-04-12

37 Items: codcrabwelllandspicywatershrimplambisskewercreolespringscallopalmondsstuffedHaitiangoatfishfritterssuppliesspecialtyfirst aiddestroyeddeep-friedpipe(line)earthquakeassistancerebuildingto installto polluteto replacefor, sincelangoustinewater hydrantto do a favorsearch and rescueto be in charge ofclearing operationsrolled in flour and sautéed

food 2024-07-26

5 Items: A dairy product made from curdled milk.A common poultry meat often used in a variety of dishes.A popular fruit often associated with a doctor and a day.A staple food made from flour and water, typically baked.A type of Italian food made from wheat and shaped into various forms.

Earth Stuff 2023-09-29

14 Items: 23.5∘ N23.5∘ Scauses day and nightcauses seasons and yearsVernal equinox's season is...Summer solstice's season is...winter solstice's season is...Autumnal equinox's is season...Circle surrounding the north poleCircle surrounding the south polethe earth is rotating at one________mphLine of latitude that splits the hemispheres...

weather lexicon 2024-02-27

14 Items: stormand thunderand lightningwhat the wind doesyou can slip on ita synonym of humidan infinit(iv)e Elsathe curtain of the skyJack, one of the guardianswhat Olaf's body is made of~, ~, go away come again another dayleather shoes, when they are like the sunGone with the ... (Hollywood blockbuster)it can be thick or thin, when it disappears it lifts

Gulliver's Travels 2024-06-03

9 Items: 7 days: __________having life: __________being popular: __________to go away from a place: __________The tiny man had a bow and __________.a place that is surrounded by water: __________Gulliver put tiny cows and sheep into his __________.Some __________ asked the king to let Gulliver go free....

Mental Health Crossword 2024-02-21

15 Items: A cause of stress.Causes extreme mood swings.The act of harming ones self.Way to take a break from feelings.The act of causing ones own death.A feeling of fear, uneasiness, or dread.Expression or release of strong emotions.The reactions on what to do when stressed.Emotional, physiological, and social well-being....

united 2022-12-08

66 Items: rosesagebiomecamelbridgeantigenacologybiologybiofuelbiotechbiomassparsleyaerologyairplaneaccepterantibodybackbonebiometerbroadwaybrooklynconsumercompounddolphinscardamomlavenderaerospaceanabolismastronomyacidulantbiospherebiologistchinatownchemistryatmosphereabsolutismabsorptionantibioticabsorbancecapitalismcryospherecardiologyaerodynamic...

5B-01 2024-01-03

18 Items: I won an _________ last week for never being late to class.I had no idea how _________ the pyramids in Egypt were until we traveled there last year. I felt so small.I really want to _________ something everyone in the world needs, then I can be rich when everyone buys it!...

Unit 7: Other Land Use Part 2 2024-04-25

14 Items: when water usage exceeds supplydigging a pit and extracting layers of mineralsthe process of restoring land to a natural stateamount of water taken that can be returned quicklyprolonged period of consistently below average rainfallremoving minerals from underwater by deepening or widening a waterway...

vocab 7 2023-03-06

15 Items: gloomy or sullen; melancholycapable of being felt; tangibleno longer in use, useful, or currentpoisonous or corrupting; deadly or toxicproductive, fertile; bountiful and fruitfula wrong or inappropriate name or designationsomeone who is despised or rejected; outcasta high peak, the highest point; climax or summit...

Unit 4: Spelling Quiz 2 2022-12-01

30 Items: skillfulentirelysacred; set aparta book of synonymsboundless; limitlessone who writes psalmsa slothful, idle personto tear down or demolishlazy; indolent; sluggisha shortened form of a wordprotection and preservationmisrepresentation; falsenesslacking moisture; parched by heatan island; especially a small onehaving subtly penetrated or spread...

Topic 3 2024-01-19

26 Items: means Incomerider with Paul RevereTax on legal documentsriders with Paul Revereclosed the port of BostonProtest against the Tea actharsh and unfair governmentNickname for British Soldiersthe leader of the Sons of Libertyauthor of the Common Sense pamphletWarned the approach of British TroopsGroup that protested British policies...

LD Info Part 1 2023-09-29

25 Items: Typically the claim check amount._____Authorizations last 24 hours.The named insured on a Lender Placed Policy.The claims process for lender placed claims takes _____.We need ____ pieces of verification to fully verify a party.Once received, documents will be uploaded in _____ business days....

​🇨​​🇦​​🇷​​🇸​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇼​​🇴​​🇷​​🇩​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇦​​🇷​​🇨​​🇭​ 2024-05-16

15 Items: What humans BreatheThe end of A long boneAre ocean currents related to windHow Carbon moves out of the atmosphereThe process were liquid turns into gasZone of the ocean that has a lot of sunlightA flexible material found on the ends of bonesThe less muscular of the two types of blood vesselsThe more muscular of the two types of blood vessels...

Nervous System 2023-02-05

14 Items: action under our controlThe largest part of the brainregulates blood pressure and breathingconnects your brain to your spinal cordextends downward from the base of your brain.voluntary control of body movements via skeletal musclesbest known for its role in responding to dangerous or stressful situations...

Greek and Rome Theater  2016-01-27

16 Items: RomeGreekMimesMasksThemesActingActorsTheaterComediesCostumesOrchestraTragediesCharactersPerformanceTheatherofPompeyTheatherofMarcellus

Bikes and Bike Safety 2016-07-26

16 Items: bikelaneriderwaterbrakechaingearswheelpedalmountbottlesafetyspokesrepairhelmethandlebar

KS2 Food and body 2019-04-10

16 Items: fatsfibrewaterbonesrelaxjointsproteinmusclesvitaminsmineralsskeletoncontractnutritionnutrientsvertebratecarbohydrate

The months and seasons 2021-05-04

16 Items: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilAugustWinterSpringSummerAutumnJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptember

Cellular respiration and Photosynthesis 2022-05-27

16 Items: atph2oco2waterglucosesunlightconsumerproducerautotrophrespirationchloroplastchlorophyllheterotrophmitochondriaphotosynthesiscarbon-dioxide

Fitness and Skill components 2022-10-13

16 Items: eyeforceheartlungspowerspeedmuscleagilitybalancestrengthreactionendurancecompositionflexibilitycoordinationcardiovascular

People and the Ocean 2023-02-06

16 Items: preyfewerindianarcticanimalsextinctspeciespacificevidenceatlanticsouthernecosystempredatoorsdecreasingincreasingoverpopulated

Word Search_court and litigation 2023-06-15

16 Items: juryoathjudgetrialappealverdictwitnessdamagesbailiffattorneyevidencesubpoenaplaintiffdefendantdepositioncross-examination

Spelliing and Vocab 20 2023-11-14

16 Items: ringwavetearyardpupiltrialbrandnovelcranecourtwatchbordertemplebatterlittercabinet

Of Dusk and Dawn 2024-03-12

16 Items: ruesulzarabriasethlenaleoranahlaroryntorbencephasrhennaaveragepelekaostruggletheodore



Oceans, Atmosphere, and Climate 2023-02-28

16 Items: gyresolarenergyelninosurfaceequatorclimatelatitudetransferlongitudeupwellingcontinenttemperatureclimatologyoceancurrentsprevailingwinds

Water and Sun Safety 2023-05-30

16 Items: cpraloefloatstrokeScreenJacketlessonssunburnCurrentsunlightswimmingdrowninglifeguardbackstrokesunglassessupervision

Icarus and Daedalus eve 2014-04-30

16 Items: delayfavoraloftthirstquenchattemptcaptiveglimpselibertywaveredcautionsovertookfashionedarchitectsustainedimprisoned

Physical and Chemical Changes 2023-11-15

16 Items: meltingrustingfreezingtarnishingodorchangeexothermicsublimationevaporationdecomposingcolorchangeprecipitateendothermiccondensationphysicalchangechemicalchangechemicalreaction

Electric field and charges 2024-05-13

16 Items: chargedipolegauss-lawpotentialtest-chargecoulombs-lawpermittivitypolarizationelectric-fluxsource-chargesuperpositiondipole-momentelectrostaticelectric-fieldelectric-dipoleelectric-field-lines

Aboriginal Peoples and Technologies 2024-07-19

16 Items: totemkinshipautonomytechnologyecotourismadaptationinnovationagricultureaquacultureperceptionsconservationconsultationbiodiversitysustainabilityimplementationculturalburning

Tuck Everlasting Chapters 1-5 2024-01-19

18 Items: Not eagerLook searchinglyCapable of being reachedShowing fear and lack of courageMade less hopeful or enthusiasticFeeling or expressing pain or sorrowPrevent from being seen or discoveredA quick reply to a question or remarkDeficient in amount or quality or extentA formal and solemn declaration of objection...

Musical Theater 2024-02-21

5 Items: wizLinechartsof the Operaand the Beast

Strain theory 2024-02-23

6 Items: Cohen uses _________ to explain group deviance.Who's theory of crime focuses on 'status frustration'?Merton and Cohen argue crime is a _________ phenomenon.Merton looks at two factors in his strain theory, cultural and ...?A strength of Cohen's theory is that it explains non-__________ crime....

Bearing gifts 2023-08-12

6 Items: something that you give to somebodya group of twelve of the same thingthe period during which a king, queen or emperor rulesa way of doing something that has existed for a long timelarge black and white animals that look like bears and live in Chinacountries that have agreed to help and support one another, especially in case of a war

The Last Sin Eater Vocabulary Ch. 1-5 2022-06-27

21 Items: enough (pg.37)illness (pg.36)a lecture (pg.25)painful aching (pg. 18)to make better (pg. 19)to scold harshly (pg. 52)distress or shock (pg. 39)dignified or serious (pg. 59)gloomily or resentfully (pg. 25)face or facial expression (pg. 22)sounding sad and mournful (pg. 70)complimentary or flattering (pg.26)spreads throughout something (pg. 40)...

Alt Word Search 2023-02-21

45 Items: altcpufaxrowusbipadentermousemouseshiftcursorescapedevicelaptopqwertytabletwebcamheadsetloadingmacbookmonitoropticalpointerprinterspeakerwindowsand dropfunctionfunctionkeyboardkeyboardportableshortcutwirelessleftclicknumberpadchromebookheadphonesmechanicalrightclickcontrolkeysdoubleclickspreadsheetoutputdevicedesktopcomputer

POSTIES 0819 BIG READ 2024-06-26

6 Items: a period of 100 yearsland outside towns and citiessomeone who visits a place for pleasure and interestThe seven-course Hakka meal featured ____ as the main ingredient.Paul Chan believes that ____ is a great way for people of different interests to connect.a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients you need for it

Task #13 - SPH4U Word Search (Lucas Soliman) 2023-06-14

25 Items: A quantity with only magnitude.The change of an object's positionThe x and y properties of a vector.The amount of matter within an objectThe amount of energy stored within an objectenergy in the form of motion within an objectA material that permits the flow of electronsThe rate of change within an object's position...

Mia. L Astronomy Word Search 2023-12-18

8 Items: looks like the dig spoonlooks like a small spoonshortest days of the yearThe belief of constellationsa celestial made out of ice and dusta system of million or billion starsScience test that deals with space and universeperson who is trained to travel in a spacecraft

Character Trait 2023-04-29

4 Items: Bearing another's burdens with great affection and admirationExpressing thanks to God and others for the ways they have blessed and served meGiving whatever is necessary to meet another's needs without expecting anything in returnRadiating the joy of the Lord in life as a result of dally delighting in and meditating on God's Word

Energy Transmission and Distribution 2015-08-03

15 Items: sectordieselanalyzeimportspropanemegawattkerosenecommoditycoalfieldresourcesrenewableproductionconsumptionexpendituredistribution

Greek and Latin Roots 2015-11-12

15 Items: ejectrejectreportdictaterespectauditoryauditionportableobjectiontransportinspectorspectacleauditoriumcontradictprediction

Reaction Rates and Equilibrium  2017-02-17

15 Items: LeratetheoryenergycomplexreactionchemicalcollisionactivatedinhibitorcatatlystChatelieractivationreversibleequilibrium

Fearfully and Wonderfully made 2018-08-18

15 Items: yougodmadeDavidpraisepsalmsformedinwardmotheramazingpowerfuluniversefearfullymarvelouswonderfully

Countries and Capitals III 2019-04-05

15 Items: TogoLomeTongaSyriaDodomaTaiwanTaipeiTunisiaBangkokTrinidadThailandTanzaniaDushanbeTajikstanPortOfSpain

Countries and Capitals IX 2019-04-05

15 Items: NepalRabatNiameyMaputoManaguaNamibiaMoroccoWindhoekNicaraguaAmsterdamKathmanduNewZealandWellingtonMozambiqueNetherlands

Countries and Capitals XVII 2019-04-06

15 Items: DiliCubaRoseauPragueCyprusHavanaZagrebDenmarkNicosiaCroatiaDominicaDjiboutiCostaRicaCopenhagenCzechRepublic

loing and short i 2019-09-30

15 Items: skidgiantminusriflewhineislandpiratedentisthistoryimaginesilencespinachcinnamonblindfoldprincipal





Sam,Peter and Kyle 2021-02-14

15 Items: SamRedKyle200519721997PeterBradyBrownGreenEightFourteenTwentyTwoWinchesterBroflovski

Christ's Person and Work 2021-05-10

15 Items: workChristpersonmightysavioreternalcreatorpurposecreaturewonderfulfirstbornrevelationfoundationexpressionredemption

Insects and bugs I 2023-04-29

15 Items: antbeeflyfleamothlocustcricketfireflyladybugmosquitobutterflycockroachdragonflycaterpillargrasshopper

Climate change and dustbowl 2023-05-25

15 Items: windwastechangeenergyreduceplainsnortonclimatedroughtpacificrainfallatlanticwildfiresconnectedtemperatures

Climate change and dustbowl 2023-05-25

15 Items: windwastechangeenergyreduceplainsnortonclimatedroughtpacificrainfallatlanticwildfiresconnectedtemperatures





Diseases and Health Conditions! 2024-04-08

16 Items: covideczemagliosisgliosiscolitisalopeciainfluenzapsoriasisarthritishepatitisrhinovirusbronchitiscellulitissclerodermaencephalitisfibromyalgia

oi and oy sound 2024-05-06

15 Items: boyjoysoytoyboilcoilcoinjoinsoilenjoyloyalnoiseroyalspoilvoice