health Word Searches

Core Values 2023-08-04

222 Items: funjoycalmworkhopeloveriskclearsensedrivefocusgracehonorlogicorderpeacepoisepowerrigorskillsmarttrusttruthunityvalorvigorbeautycandorcleverenergyfamilyfamousgeniusgivinggrowthhealthlawfulreasonspiritstatustalentvisionwealthwisdomwonderbalancebraverycapablecarefulcharitycomfortcontrolcouragedignityempathyempowerethicalfreedomharmonyhonestyjustice...

Chapter 15 - Key Terms 2023-11-01

10 Items: Mucous membranes of the eyes.A process of cleansing to remove undesirable debris.Complete destruction of organisms after they leave the body.The complete destruction of organisms before they enter the body.Date after which a product is no longer effective and should not be used....

Mantras for 2023 2022-12-31

1 Item: wealth, prosperity, community, friendship, love, contentment, intention, authenticity, beauty, family, organization, ambition, fearless, dreams, determination, faith, hope, health, strength, levelup, trust, commitment, freedom, kindness, joy, truth, accep

It Will Be, In 2023 2022-12-12

1 Item: Gratefulness Mercy Love Devotion Meaning Trust Power Creation Humbleness Favor Encouragement Kindness Connection Change Elevation Abundance Wealth Transfer Enlightenment Money Health Healing Transformation Regeneration Confidence Compassion Manifestation

Genetically Word Search 2024-04-25

1 Item: MODIFIED ORGANISM, HEALTH, ORGANIC, ENVIRONMENT, ARTIFICIAL,BTCORN, DIVELY, HERBERT, COHEN, ENGINEERED Transgenic, Genetically Modified Organisms, Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology,GMOs, Modified Crops, Gene Splicing, Engineered Foods,Genetic Modificati

Socioeconomic Disparity Word Search 2023-11-29

4 Items: What type of disparity refers to the unequal distribution of economic resources and opportunities among different individuals or groups within a society?What is the communication model discussed in the presentation that helps determine the extent of a patient’s understanding of health information and instructions?...

Unit 8 APES review 2024-04-30

20 Items: Where over 50% of MSW ends upA common exposure route through the airA common exposure route through the skinA common exposure route through food/ waterIncrease in death rate occurs over a large areaType of waste that is mostly chemical and constructionType of disease not caused by pathogens and can be genetic...

Addictionary Word Search 1 2023-08-08

10 Items: Not consuming the drug of choice during a specified period of time.An attribute, behavior, or condition that is socially discrediting.The use of punishment as a threat to deter people from committing offenses.A state in which one is not intoxicated or affected by the use of alcohol or drugs....

Angel Word Search 2024-05-08

1 Item: peace, God, romance, proposal, Bible, Jesus, engagement, abundance, freedom, health, dating, enlightenment, growth, dating, create, new, courage, faith, opportunities, second chance, new job, healing, faith, moving, building, entrepreneur, school, lessons

Angel Word Search 2024-05-08

1 Item: peace, God, romance, proposal, Bible, Jesus, engagement, abundance, freedom, health, dating, enlightenment, growth, dating, create, new, courage, faith, opportunities, second chance, new job, healing, faith, moving, building, entrepreneur, school, lessons

Angel Word Search 2024-05-08

1 Item: peace, God, romance, proposal, Bible, Jesus, engagement, abundance, freedom, health, dating, enlightenment, growth, dating, create, new, courage, faith, opportunities, second chance, new job, healing, faith, moving, building, entrepreneur, school, lessons


12 Items: Show cases the horses health with a ride between 25 and 500 miles.Rider guides horsed through a precise pattern of circles, spins, and stops.A combination of three disciplines: dressage, cross country, and show jumping.Horse and rider attempt to complete a pattern around barrels placed in a triangle....

Safety and Sanitation 2023-01-23

22 Items: Maximum safe level in foodSpoilage due to breakdown of fats.Monoxide- Odorless highly poisonous gas.Prevention of illness through cleanliness.Immediate removal of a product from store shelves.Plug- Plug that has one blade wider than the otherBurn- Moisture loss caused by improper chilling out packaging...

VET 211 Alt Med 2022-12-20

29 Items: Measures ROMFinger pressureHerb drug formularyUnderwater treadmillMeasures muscle atrophyRapid shaking of tissueHeat increases circulationMost common type of massageUsed to promote circulationEvent or maintenance massageKneading, squeezing, lifitingThe use of soundwaves to treat tissueCauses vasoconstriction which reduces...

Esthetician Vocabulary 102.02 2023-01-18

22 Items: safety data sheetHazzard communication standardenvironmental protection agencySodium Hypochlorite 5.25% ConcentrateDispose of items that can no longer be usedMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusUsually able to disinfect within 10 minutesoccupational health and safety administrationmaterial that allows liquid or air to pass through...

vehicle insurance 2024-05-14

21 Items: impairment of physical activitythe cost of an insurance policycombination of coverage bundled into one policythe scattered remains of something broken or destroyedperson in charge of processing claims to their resolutionagency in charge of keeping driving records of the driversstablishment specialized in repairing the framework of a vehicle...

Recovery 2022-10-15

12 Items: non-use of any addictive psychoactive substance.A dysfunctional state resulting from the use of psychoactive substances.A state in which an increased dosage of a psychoactive substance is needed to produce a desired effect.A process of withdrawing a person from a specific psychoactive substance in a safe and effective manner....

beverage 2024-07-19

15 Items: Tea Chilled tea served over ice, often sweetened and flavored with lemon or other fruit infusions.A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables, often consumed for its vitamins and refreshing taste.Water Water infused with fresh lemon juice, enjoyed for its refreshing taste and potential health benefits....

Getting Paid 2024-04-29

20 Items: A tax on earned and unearned income.Outlines the deductions made to wages.Agreement between an employer and employee.The regular schedule that employers pay employees.A person who relies on someone else for financial support.A check written to a worker in the amount of money earned.A fee that a salesperson receives upon completion of a sale....

Engineers A to Z 2023-01-24

26 Items: Investigate force and motion by working in teams to complete design challenges and build ramps and pathways!Introduction. Genetic engineers alter, splice, eliminate, and rearrange genes in order to modify an organism or groups of organisms....

4B 0617 2023-06-16

24 Items: The beach ball is floating on the ________ of the sea.When you go to the zoo, you can see a ________ of animals.After drinking too much ice cream, Emily had a terrible ________.The more you exercise, the faster and stronger your ________ are.Dolphins are very smart animals. They can __________ with each other....

The Superhero Secret: How Veggies Fuel Your Health, Strength, and SuperpowersVeggies, superheroes, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, energy, strong, powerful, muscles, eyes, skin, brainpower, antioxidants, germs, healthy, 2024-04-11

2 Items: fun, game, challenge, cook, dipsuperheroes, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, energy, strong, powerful, muscles, eyes, skin, brainpower, antioxidants, germs, healthy,

Series 6 Review #2 2023-07-19

62 Items: Highest bond rating availableCapital growth is also known as capital ___________Industries least affected by normal business cyclesThe _______ market is typically based on the S&P 500A U.S. government security that mature in 2-10 yearsIncludes gross investment income minus operating expenses...