current events Word Searches

Electronics 2024-06-28

64 Items: lawledpinacidbulbcellcoilleadohmspolebrushdiodemetalmotorpanelpiezopowerrotorvoltschargecopperdirectrubberseriessupplyswitchsymbolammeteramperesbatterycircuitconductcontrolcrystalcurrentvoltagealkalinearmaturenegativeohmmeterparallelpositiveresistorrotationterminalvariablecapacitordependentelectronsmagnetismpolarizedresonatorvoltmetercommutator...


10 Items: What component can vary current in a circuit?How many terminals does a potentiometer have?What is the third color band on a 100 Ohm resistor?What is the color of the negative lead on the battery snap?A potentiometer is a variable ___________________________ .The word LED stands for Light-Emitting ________________________ ....

Masthead Word Search 2023-02-21

28 Items: journalista reportercapital letterstype of letteringtitle of an articlea piece of reportinga thick visible printa popular type of papera news article or bulletinnewspaper published everydayline giving the date of writingnewspaper published once a weekthe main article in a newspaper.information about current eventsnewspaper appearing every 4-weeks...

Landmark History 2023-09-13

21 Items: Landmarks first namelandmarks ____ # is 401043In 2013 ____ was appointed CEOLCU serves 2 counties in _____Landmarks saying is Youre_____ hereHow many members did we have by 1973?What position did Joseph Woelfel have?Who was the first PAID employee for us?How many times do we check Night drop a day?we have three of these machines at our branch...

Science Vocab Word Search 2024-05-06

72 Items: acidbasealloydiodehertzjoulequarkradiorobotanalogcarboncationcesiumchargeenergyopticsphotonprotontheoryvacuumbalancebatterybrominecalciumcathodecircuitcurrentfissionhalogenneutronquantumvoltageaccuracyadhesioncatalystfilamentfrictiongigabytekilobytekilowattmegabyteparallelreactantsolenoidterabyteacousticsbarometerberylliumcapacitordiffusion...

High frequency facials and machines 2023-03-07

25 Items: the ozone has a ___________ smell to it.High-frequency _______ oxygenate the skinThis treatment promotes _______ productionthe high-frequency machine creates ______.high-frequency machine __________ the skin.This treatment promotes ________ stimulationhigh-frequency machine stimulates ____________.High-frequency devices kill ________ with contact...

A&G News 7-14 2022-11-06

7 Items: price inflation is __________ break is coming up!A civil war happened in _____Director General ______ Grossi statedMr . Biden told a rally of supporters inA catalog of events that destroys the world.the spreading ____ ____ globally has led to sea levels rising

SI units 2022-10-28

8 Items: Unit related to time.Unit related to mass.Unit that measures length.Unit that measures temperature.Units that everyone understands.Unit that measures electric current.Unit that measures luminous intensity.Unit that measures the amount of substance.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window 2024-03-03

10 Items: jaggedadmiraldespisehastilytriumphrancorousrevoltingumpteenthproclaimingastonishment


10 Items: Inside a SPEAKER there is a wire _____________ .What part of the SPEAKER moves when current flows through it?When a _____________ is made, a sound comes from the SPEAKER.What electronic device converts electrical energy into sound?A SPEAKER converts electrical _______________________ into sound....

Posties Dec 4 Teen writers 2023-11-15

5 Items: not sure about somethingthe main character in a storya natural ability to do somethinga young person who is very good at somethinga book that tells a story about imaginary people and events

Word of the day 2023-02-11

10 Items: AFC championsNFC championsSpend or use upCheerful and friendlycard sent to a person you loveA person who investigates crimesGive official permission or approval tomethodically cut up to study internal partsIndulge in enjoyable recollection of past eventsA person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed

Executive Branch Review Word Search 2024-05-08

9 Items: What body selects the President?Current President of the United States?Who is the elected head of the republic?Current Vice President of the United States?A rule that is made by an authority that must be obeyed?What body is made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments?...

VET 211 Alt Med 2022-12-20

29 Items: Measures ROMFinger pressureHerb drug formularyUnderwater treadmillMeasures muscle atrophyRapid shaking of tissueHeat increases circulationMost common type of massageUsed to promote circulationEvent or maintenance massageKneading, squeezing, lifitingThe use of soundwaves to treat tissueCauses vasoconstriction which reduces...

HOW AN SCR WORKS 2024-05-09

10 Items: An SCR is a "DIODE WITH A ____________________ ".The GATE pin on the SCR is marked by the _________ .The center pin on an SCR is called the _____________ .What is the abbreviation for SILICON CONTROL RECTIFIER?To 'trigger' the SCR, a ______________ voltage has to be applied to the GATE....

ELA Word Search 2024-01-08

26 Items: Time orderExtreme exaggerationThe problem of a storyPerson telling the storyGood guy or hero of a storyOpposition's claim/argumentTo restate in your own wordsSequence of events in a storyBad guy or villain of a storyA word with a similar meaningThe time and place of a storyConversation between charactersMain idea of a text (two words)...

Manifest destiny 123454321 2024-02-22

10 Items: last of these eventsthe worlds best contentwar in this time periodwhat we did to the nativeswhat we found in Californiaa trail to the Oregon territorypresident who broke a lot of ruleswhat we forced the natives to walkpopulation of California after gold rushthe belief that the USA should cover the entire content

World Cup 2022 2022-10-06

10 Items: Host NationOrganising bodyCurrent championMost successful teamLabelled "greatest" PlayerMonth which the world cup startRefer to an instance of scoringRound shaped equipment used for matchMethod of restarting play when a foul is givenA person who is responsible for presiding the game

Moose Lodge 509 Nov 2023 Word-Search 2023-10-11

20 Items: Our Lodge MascotMan's best friendCurrent US PresidentCurrent Chapter Senior RegentFirst name of the LOOM ChaplainNumber of barstools we have in useEditor of Anderson Moose HighlightsLast name of our Lodge AdministratorThese Members deserve our many THANKSThe largest planet in our solar systemLast name of our 2022/23 LOOM President...

FAST Test Review 2024-04-16

29 Items: sound wordsan exaggerationthe lesson in a storyexplains steps in orderthe problem in the storyhow the text is organizedhow the conflict is solveda group of lines in a poemthe key events in the storywhat the text is mostly aboutexplains events in time orderwords that mean the same thingwords with the same ending sound...

Adjectives 2022-12-05

13 Items: adept - very skilledfrank - direct in speechlustrous - brilliant; shiningample - sufficient or more than enoughsleek - vigorous or energetic; stimulatingvibrant - vigorous or energetic; stimulatingdiligent - consistent in effort; hard-workinggenerous - freely giving and sharing; unselfishgleaming - giving off light or brightness; radiant...

Thermal Energy 2023-11-08

6 Items: hot goes up, cold goes downusing heat waves to cook foodtransfer of heat through touchconduction casing water to vaporizetransfer of heat electro-magnetic through wavesall substances in a system reach the same temperature

POSTIES 0219 Big Read 2024-02-07

6 Items: Gary Wong works as a video _____.How many folders are for Hong Kong films?What are hanging on the walls of the Moviemarks shop?Many Japanese cinemas give out film fliers for ______.In what language are most of the fliers at Moviemarks?In addition to selling posters, Moviemarks also organises _____.

Planets 2022-05-31

15 Items: Our planetAn icy planetThe red planetOrbits our planetThe brightest starOur is the Milky WayThe planet with ringsDemoted from a planetOld number of planetsGod of the Sea's planetGoddess of Love's planetThe planet closest to the sunCurrent official number of planetsThe largest planet in our solar system...

vocabulary 2023-10-27

18 Items: to decideto be luckyto be reasonablerelated to seeingdevotion; fondnessrelated to movementmissed; didn't havenot balanced; unevenlook toward; confrontdifficulties; barriersrelationships between peopleinside a person's mind or selfmany things, people, or eventsmore important than anything elsethe imparting or exchanging of information or news....

4과 단어 2022-07-07

3 Items: board steponto become calm events visible weightnecessarily particular culture lasting effect impression swelltraditional trip national impressive huge princess appear destiny geton servant setoff wave pourdown calmdown faraway soon shore

Insurance and Mail facilities 2023-09-03

10 Items: Direct advertisingRemittance of moneyA range of delightful cardsSafeguard against rising medical costProvide measure of financial support to farmersEffective vehicle for indian corporate to advertise brandReliable delivery ensuring your packages reach destination quicklySum of money is secured to the assured in even of death of bulls cows...

100 2024-03-23

103 Items: ohmloadfusecoilnodewirewattpowerdiodemotorjoulehenryfaradhertzrelayohmicseriesswitchamperegroundbranchjoulesdipolecurrentohmslawnetworkvoltagebatterycircuitammeterfaradaymaxwellcoulombkineticheatingthermalelectronparallelresistorterminalkirchoffnonohmicohmmetermagnetismconductorgeneratorrectifierinsulatorisolationelectrodevoltmeterpotential...

#NotCom Word Search 2015-08-24


Night of the Ninjas Chapter 8 2023-06-05

10 Items: What can't they see?What knocked Jack over?What is the mouse's name?What is the sister's name?What water did they go to?What is the brother's name?What do they have to follow?What did Jack try to be like?Who were on both sides of them?What was the mouse using to cross the water?

Unit 3: Spelling Quiz 2 2022-11-08

25 Items: to fill with lifeto exert the musclesto hypnotize; to enthrallto treat as less than humanto describe the qualities ofto catalog as separate itemsto fill with energy; invigorateto decompose by electric currentto place something under pressureto make helpless or unable to moveto put to use for a certain purposeto become completely aware of something...

Macroeconomics Wordsearch 2024-04-24

14 Items: total amount gainedassets of a businessCreator of Capitalismthe amount of a productthe makers of a productthe buyers of a productwant of a certain productfounder of a new businessa greater demand than supplyamount gained after all expensesthe current price a product is sold atwhen a business fights another for customers...

HOMOPHONES 2014-12-14

97 Items: besoarkbuyduedyeewefluforlednewwonseesumtoewaraideislebearbeatburyblewbuoyseedsellcordfarefeethairheelliarmademaleneedpailpeekpourpreywrapringrollroseseemsoresoultalewailwaitwornaloudaltareightbirthbreakbreadbuildsensesightqueuedoughflourgrownwholepeaceplanereignwritesteeltheretongswastewitchborderbrowsechoosecorpsecourseelicitgreaselessonceiling...

Posties 1016 Kongcept 2023-09-26

6 Items: Kowloneon is a _____ light workshopthe art or practice of designing buildingsdescribes something different to everything elsea record of past events of a particular period or placethe habits, traditions, and beliefs of a country, society, or group of peoplean event at which a group of people meet to learn more about something by discussing it

Elements Word Search 2024-01-17

19 Items: one cycle per minuteouter ring of electronssmallest units of an elementthe steps necessary in a processpositively charged elementary particleselementary particles with no electrical chargethe flow of electrons from atom to atom in a conductorthe movement of electrons being directed through materials...

Mysteries and Investigations 2022-10-19

24 Items: lowlyaboutsectionsomewhatrecordedpanickedcompletepresent daylooking afterpeople in chargelet out blood fromarea under controlhung in one positionstayed close togetherin direct contact withperson serving militaryone-celled living thingstowns without people leftspoke without making sensesubstance that kills germswidespread attack of a disease...

Lender Placed 2023-10-25

12 Items: Who is the insured on an LP Policy?LP insurance covers protection for what?The Level numbers help us identify the ______ on the loanIf the coverage for LP shows WO that means it's for what risk?What's the acronym of the agency that regulates LP requirements?The status of the LP when there's no current preferred coverage on file...

301a Magnetic Particle Inspection 2023-12-07

22 Items: Portable electromagnetic __________Ability of a material to RETAIN magnetismNumber of flux lines per cross-sectional areaPass electricity directly through a ferrous partImaginary lines used to visualize magnetic fieldsForce required to reduce flux density to near zeroEvery part subjected to magnetism must be ___________...

unit 10 2024-05-01

17 Items: breaks up meteorsaborbs UV radiationcontains ozone shielddebated by scientistsall weather events occur herephases of warm and cool climatethickest layer of the atmospheresurfaces that reflect insolationlong term pattern of temperatureinclude water vapor, methane,CFCs, etc.short term temperature and precipitation...

Science Word Search - Trisha 9B 2024-06-11

15 Items: NADNcioiAbtathiTsiceengOlvatencTulaiopopnDaptiaotnaRosommeochused to measure voltageused to measure currentare the basic particles of the chemical elementsis the process by which a liquid turns into a gasthe energy that moves from one place to another in a form that can be described as waves or particles...

Ethans Spelling Word Search 2023-04-05

35 Items: lukejohnmusclesprintfitnesswarm-upstadiumworkoutathletehandballmuscularolympicsexerciseequipmenttreadmillgymnasiumstopwatchgymnasticsracquetballperspirationcoordinationcalisthenicscross-countryweighttrainingstationarybikea long race or contesthaving to do with the heart and blood vesselsthe power to stand something without giving out...

Electricity & Magnetism 2023-06-20

8 Items: metallic threadparticle with a negative chargetype of electricity that requires a wirethe transfer of electrons from one atom to anotherwhen two or more things are not in equal proportionsmagnet made from electricity and a metallic materialtype of electricity produced when you rub a balloon on your head...

Week 5 Spelling Words 2024-02-08

15 Items: The EarthPresent time.The number after 12.When you want water.When you take a class.A beginning for a book.When you fix something.The engine that google has.When you are going far than usual.When you get rid of your sickness.To get ready for something important.When you’re doing something important.When you capture songs and you store it....

Fire Extinguishers 2022-11-01

14 Items: Not the fire trianglePrevents accidental dischargeContains the firefighting agentDelivers the firefighting agentClass A fires generally produce thisThis class extinguishes kitchen firesThe number of fire extinguisher classesUsed for combustibles like wood and paperUsed on flammable liquids, greases, and gases...

BJ 2024-04-11

20 Items: A lover of books.Calm and peaceful.Calm and unemotional.Walking in one's sleep.Done without preparation.A playful or fanciful mood.Keeping watch with alertness.Lasting for a very short time.A sentimental longing for the past.Impossible to understand or interpret.(Of a person) determined and persistent.Happening by chance in a beneficial way....

Vocab words 3 2023-02-10

15 Items: pleasing to earan evil or wicked actit is transparent or cleartreating with condescensionusing or consuming sparinglynot allowing refusal or delayto waver or sway indecisivelyto take over or to seize powerone who bears the blame for othersan artist’s or a designer’s workshopa universal truth or an established rule...

Quizsearch! 2023-10-24

15 Items: What is a doe?The capital of England?What colour are smurfs?The capital of Scotland?What type of fish is Nemo?What do caterpillars turn into?How many legs does a spider have?Where is the Great Pyramid of GizaWhat is Harry Potter's owl called?The name of the fairy in Peter Pan?The ocean off the Californian coast?The current premier league champions?...

Kilrossanty People 2024-03-25

10 Items: ____ the Robber, highwayman (6)Saint associated with Kilrossanty (6)____ Weldon, 'Poet of the Comeraghs'(3)Fr. John ____, current parish priest (7)Lackendarra Jim was this type of person (6)River which flows down our famous waterfall (5)Mrs _____, former teacher, principal & local historian (6)...

Good Laboratory Practices 2024-05-14

17 Items: The G in GLPThe L in GLPThe P in GLPThe L in ALCOAThe C in ALCOAThe O in ALCOAYear GLPs writtenYear GLPs approvedThe first A in ALCOAThe second A in ALCOAYear GLPs written into LawDescribes how a task is done on a studyCurrent Summary of training and experienceDirector Single point of contact for a study...

Spanish Feelings 2023-03-01

20 Items: FelizWorse version of saduncertain and anxious.Unable to think clearlyextreme verison of HappyExtreme version of angryworse version of enviousA person who is shouting is....When you scrape your knee it...when you cant wait for anythingExpressing distress and annoyanceWishing for what other people haveWhen you have stuff to do you are......

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

1 Item: stream Warm water current

#NotCom Word Search 2015-08-24


Plot 2023-06-01

9 Items: The sequence of events in fiction or dramaThe time and location in which a story takes placeThe ending of a story, when the conflict is resolvedA resolution to a conflict or way to overcome difficultiesThe point in the story when a conflict begins to be resolvedThe turning point in the story, usually the most exciting part...

Spelling list 2024-05-23

20 Items: nation wideattracts metalan act of movingand area of groundany basic substancenonmechanical deviceright now or presenta process in the bodyto represent somethinga way to measure energyphysical force on somethingspeaking between each othersomething that happens anuallyconnect with someone or somethingused in ordinary or basic conversation...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

BBW Timeframe 2022-09-28

1 Item: What is the current shipping timeframe?

Incessant Word Search 2023-05-12

10 Items: - to examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. Verb.- continuing or following without interruption. Adjective- the owner of a business, or holder of a property. Noun.- to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort. Verb.- showing great attention to detail or correct behavior. Adjective....

Elements of Fiction 2022-09-12

18 Items: lead character of the storythe sequence of events in a storycharacter stays the same with no changeenemy or opposition of the main charactera struggle or central problem in the storycharacter vs. a fight against other peopleperson; told by the protagonist - I, me, mycharacter changes due to evens in the story...

4.5 Electricity and Magnetism 2023-08-25

12 Items: push awaypull towardends of the magnetan unbroken path for electronsany object that is able to attract ironmaterial that allows electricity to flow through ittype of electricity with continuous flow of electronsproduces electricity by using a coil of wire and a magnetmaterial that does not allow electricity to flow through it...

LD Processes 2023-09-29

18 Items: Self repairs require _______ approval.How we determine loan status for BOA & USDA loansHow we determine loan status for non-BOA & non-USDA loansIf the loan is more than 30 days past due, it is considered __________.After the initial draw, funds are disbursed based on the _______ percentage....


10 Items: The first two color bands are ______________ .The measurement of resistance is in __________ .The color that means ±5% is the color __________ .The fourth color band is the ___________________ band.The value of a 1000 Ohms is __________ than 10,000 Ohms.Resistance is the ______________________ to current flow....

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-14

15 Items: Warm water currentChange in moister contentMeasures the air pressureMeasures the speed of windWarm air that rises rapidlyUsually brings precipitationMeasures the direction of blowing windThe weight of the air pushing down on earth.When the boundry between two air masses stallsMeasures the amount of precipitation that has fallen...

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Trolley Problem Word Search 2023-11-16

10 Items: To consider or rate highly.Something one is duty bound to do.A problem involving a difficult choice.The theory or study of moral obligation.Conformity to ideals of right human conduct.The principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.One who is present but not taking part in a situation or event....

riley parson word search 2024-05-15

15 Items: atomic symbol is Hatomic symbol is Obond between metals and nonmetalselement with an tomic symbol of kchange from a gas to a liquid statepoint temp at which a liquid freezeschange from a liquid to a solid stateform of heat transfer starting with rthe wrong way that the current is drawntemp at which a liquid begins to vaporize...

Vocab 7 Bonus 2023-03-11

15 Items: gloomy or sullen; melancholycapable of being felt; tangibleno longer in use, useful, or currentpoisonous or corrupting; deadly or toxicsomeone who is despised or rejected; outcasta wrong or inappropriate name or designationa high peak, the highest point; climax or summitunusually mature or advanced early in development...

#NotCom Word Search 2015-08-24


Unit 10: Atmospheric Science and Pollution 2024-04-25

14 Items: the ocean's pH becomes more acidicatmospheric layer in which auroras occuratmospheric layer that breaks up meteorsthin layer of gasses surrounding the Earthatmospheric layer that contains the ozone shieldheat can be reflected by gasses in our atmosphereatmospheric layer in which all weather events occur...

vocab 7 2023-03-06

15 Items: gloomy or sullen; melancholycapable of being felt; tangibleno longer in use, useful, or currentpoisonous or corrupting; deadly or toxicproductive, fertile; bountiful and fruitfula wrong or inappropriate name or designationsomeone who is despised or rejected; outcasta high peak, the highest point; climax or summit...

Farm Heroes 2023-07-07

1 Item: Amelia, Choochoo, Rancid, cropsies, shovel, airdrop, heromode, extramoves, lives, gold, beans, events, friends

All About Pete 2022-12-04

16 Items: The dog's "last name".Most common noise the dog makes.The dog's most frequent activity.The dog's current brand of dog food.Color of the dog's first & only toy.What Chad often instructs to dog to go do.Other water-based activity the dog despises.Popular crossbreed not recognized by the AKC.Arguably, the smallest part of the dog's body....

Unit 10 2024-04-25

12 Items: Absorbs UV radiation coming from the sunthickest layer of atmosphere, auroras happen herethis air sinks because it is more dense (warm or cold)short term local variations of temp. and precipitationall weather events occur in this layer of the atmospherecontains the ozone shield in this layer of the atmosphere...

Good Laboratory Practice 2024-05-20

20 Items: The G in GLPThe L in GLPThe P in GLPThe L in ALCOAThe C in ALCOAThe O in ALCOAYear GLPs proposedYear GLPs finalizedThe first A in ALCOAThe second A in ALCOAYear GLPs written into lawSingle point of control for a studyDescribes how a task is done on a studyCurrent Summary of training and experienceFormed because safety of animals used was at risk...

Year 8 so far! 2023-05-24

21 Items: Gases in group 0Metals in group 1A circuit with one loopUnit of measurement for timeThe organelle that contains DNAUnit of measurement for distanceUnit of measurement for pressureA circuit with more than one loopA different form of the same geneThe solid or gas part of a solutionDrugs used to treat pain and disease...

Science word search 2024-05-16

15 Items: The starting pointThe total distance moved.The process of changing direction.charging an object without touching object that attracts magnetic material.Invisible magnetic field surrounding a magnet.A material in which charges cannot easily moveCurrent that flows from the positive to the negative....

Soul Surfer Word Search 2023-04-11

20 Items: Someone who guides and that Bethany likes to wear.What Bethany suffered after the attack.Bethany's youth group leader and friend.the name of Bethany's best friend.something that is ongoing and never stops.Treating others with dignity and admiration.Bethany's favorite activity that she excels at....

GPT 2023-12-14

20 Items: Lacking energy; sluggishIn excellent order; satisfactoryWicked, criminal, or evil in natureIn its original condition; unspoiledPleasingly smooth and musical to hearA harsh, discordant mixture of soundsPresent, appearing, or found everywhereLasting for a very short time; transientExtremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque...

Public Services 2023-10-10

8 Items: Houses built by government for its citizen.Basic service such as electricity, gas, water and transport._____________ river provides most of our current water closely with schools to improve healthcare for students.Jobs within a governmental system that serve public needs directly....

Dental Acronyms 2023-12-15

35 Items: - claim- Billing- Application- Beneficiary- claims payment- Claim inquiry form- Accounts Receivable- Claims Billed Amount- California Civil Code- Change Control Number- Claim inquiry response- Computer Based Training- Adjudication Reason Code- Corrective Action Request- Current Dental Technology- Beneficiary Correspondence...

3.03 vocabulary 2022-11-29

12 Items: Polite behavior; good mannersLoyalty to a particular businessFocused on customer needs and wantsAll the activities a business engages in to interact with its customersThe values and ideals that an organization encourages among its employeesThe people (i.e., employees) who work cooperatively together to achieve business goals...

Stress, Anxiety and Bullying 2023-05-15

25 Items: too muchbe afraid ofslightly angryfeeling of annoyancea feeling of physical tensionworry, unease, or nervousnessa feeling of emotional tensionelapsed time between two eventscausing or likely to cause harmextreme anxiety, sorrow, or painthe condition of being anonymous.responsible for flight, flee, freezemake or become less tense or anxious...

Focus on Greek Roots 2024-03-04

19 Items: Study of living organismsEarly sound-reproducing machinePerson trained for space travelA person's signature, often as a mementoA sudden event causing great damage or lossVisual representation of data or informationAn account of someone's life written by someone elseAn account of a person's life written by that person...

87.The classic novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee was published in 1960, but its events are set in the 1950s. 2023-03-07

30 Items: novelracismclassicfictionmaycombalabamahistoryempathyjemfinchmoralityhumanityharperleepublishedinjusticeprejudiceliteraturescoutfinchbestsellercompassioncomingofagecivilrightstomrobinsongregorypeckatticusfinchsocialissuesamericansouthpulitzerprizecourtroomdramafilmadaptationtokillamockingbird

T14 - Word Search #1 2023-07-10

28 Items: servicing officetransfer type for non-covidtype of transfer to PPP/CAFSGH agents are NOT permitted to use...system where we leave notes for callsmost of our teams members are located herecheck here before referring to the Treasurytype of payment enlarged or created by the HAPwhere 3rd Party authorization forms can be found...

Weather and Climate Vocabulary 2023-05-12

15 Items: when cold air sinkswhen warm air risesa warm-water currentmeasures the air pressurechange in moisture contentmeasures the speed of the windmeasures the direction of the blowing windthe weight of the air pushing down on Earthmeasures the amount of precipitation that has fallenfront when the boundary between two air masses stalls...

Clay's Vocab 2023-09-26

23 Items: made a choiceto show clearlycontaining nothingyoung cows or bullsa quantity of somethingto form a mental pictureto total numbers togetherreflection of sound wavesa way to get into somethinga value that does not changea breaking of a law or promisedownward measurement from a surfacea sweet, brown food that is made from cocoa...

Defense Mechanisms In Addiction #2 2023-09-13

10 Items: Satisfying internal needs through helping others.Defending our actions with false logic and irrational reasoning.Becoming outwardly agreeable while maintaining inner rebelliosness.Refusal to deal with or encounter unpleasant objects or situations.Becoming quiet, and withdrawn as a means of manipulation of attention seeking....

NMSI World Environment Day 2024 2024-05-09

10 Items: The process by which fertile land becomes desert.This country is aiming to plant 20 million trees annually.These events are responsible for 60% of worldwide crop loss.The multi-national body who have led world environment day since 1974.Soil fertility has reduced by 60% due to land degradation in this country....

Module1: Introduction to pathology/Skeletal system 2023-12-20

18 Items: The primary site of ossificationThe most common form of arthritisA generalized decrease in cell sizeA generalized increase in cell sizeHaving more than one illness at the same timeAn abnormal change occurring in mature cells.The forward slippage of one vertebra on anotherA specific cancellous bone located in the skull...

PM Word Search 2024-01-08

15 Items: statement of workTarget completionproject manager (Acronym)Earned value management (acronym)Work breakdown structure (acronym)Responsible accountable consulted informed (acronym)is a graphical representation of work remaining versus timethe process that a project goes through from start to finish....

Weather and Climate Vocabulary 2023-05-12

15 Items: a warm-water currentmeasures the air pressurechange in moisture contentmeasures the speed of the winda pressure system when cold air sinksa pressure system when warm air risesmeasures the direction of the blowing windthe weight of the air pushing down on Earthmeasures the amount of precipitation that has fallen...

NMSI World Environment Day 2024 2024-06-04

10 Items: The process by which fertile land becomes desert.This country is aiming to plant 20 million trees annually.These events are responsible for 60% of worldwide crop loss.The multi-national body who have led world environment day since 1974.Soil fertility has reduced by 60% due to land degradation in this country....

Mentalhealth Word Search 2023-05-10

18 Items: a state of uneasinesshow you feel about yourselfAnything that causes stressthe way you view yourself overallfeelings such as love, joy, or fearfrequent changes in emotional stateStrategies for using time efficiently.The body's way of responding to threatsthe ability to recover from problems or lossbelief in your ability to do what you set out to do...

Week 18 Thursday 2024-02-04

25 Items: SpyingYoungera choicehelp or supportFor a short timePermitted by lawAt the present timeMoney for investmentMasses of bread or meatthe act of being presentA way of acting or behavingSomeone who repairs machinesA deep, gaping hole; a gorgeTo have said yes to somethingThe reason why something happensA relative who lived in the past...

Science Word Search 2023-05-12

5 Items: measures the amount of precipitation that has fallenwarm current of water that travels north along the coast of Floridasmall storm accompanied by thunder and lightning formed from large cumulonimbus clouds....

Sea Scout Manual Glossary  2020-12-28

179 Items: aftbowfidfixjibleelogwayyawbarkbeambeatbellbendbittboombunkbuoyclewcoileasefastfoulgearhaulheadheelhelmhookhulljibekeelknotluffpeakportrailreefroderopesailseamsnubstayswabtacktrimveerwakeabaftabeamafteraheadbelaybelowbightbilgeblockcablecaulkchartchineclearcleatdraftflakeflukehatchheavehitchlinespointreevescopeseizesheetsparssternwatchaboardadrift...