atoms and molecules Word Searches

Friends and Love 2024-07-14

15 Items: bondcaretrustloyaltysupportrespectempathykindnesspatienceaffectionfriendshipcommitmentcompanionshipunderstandingcommunication

trs23 ver2 u16 2023-01-18

11 Items: A woman.Move to music.A little animal.Opposite of sit.Hit with your feet.A really big animal.The floor, but outside.An elephant's long nose.Pick up and move something.How you feel when something is scary.Place to see incredible animals, dancers, clowns and acrobats.

Waves and Energy Transfer - Thomas W. 2024-05-24

20 Items: Node # - 1“Speed” of a wavea sudden disturbance of the wavea line perpendicular to a surfaceWhen waves interact with each otherA change in direction between mediumsshortest time where wave repeats itselfdistance between tangent troughs/crests(From east to west; also a geographical term)distance from crest/trough to the equilibrium...

YoungLITES 2015-06-24

37 Items: InForAndDajaLawsEleyZoriaJadenSlackArtisYoungZamiaLaNylaKeionaKabriaJabriaCarrieStrongGravesLadiesBiancaTatianaDiamondDenetraZarihhaZundeyaJohnsonServiceKhaleylaJakaylinPrincessFabionnaZaneshiaWilliamsTrainingVictoriaExcellence

CAP ELA SAMPLE 2021-06-06

37 Items: soalibeeandbutalsowellplotpollyclaimsimilemattieburiedcassiusreadingwritingsettingmetaphormuhammadgreatestevidencefragmentspellingconflicthyperbolenathanielbutterflyreasoningproofreadtransitionwordchoiceyellowfeverpointofviewonomatopoeiaalliterationinconclusioncapitalization

Words of the Week 2023-03-21

35 Items: moralvirusbranchbranchbranchgrievescorchseveretragictrifleCollegevaccinehygienerepublicpathogenimmunitybicameralordinanceamendmentcourteouseliminatespectacleuniversaldepreciatedepressioncompromisefederalismcomplicatediscomfortgermtheoryantibioticmanumissionproportionaland balancesmicroorganism

VET 211 Chemistry 2022-12-20

25 Items: Blood sugarThyroid functionPancreatic enzymeActive liver diseaseParathyroid functionSkeletal muscle necrosisLiver enzyme, cortisol excessIncreased in non fasted sampleIncrease seen with pancreatitisLost with vomiting and diarrheaMain indicator of kidney functionIncreases seen with muscle damageUsed to diagnose bile duct disorders...

Getting away 2023-12-09

20 Items: feeling calm,quietsomething that is very oldbeing the only one of its kindwhen a place has lots of peopleto go on a difficult journey on footsolid substances such as wood,plasticsomething that makes you feel relaxedsomething that makes you feel excitedunusual and often from another countryto become larger and rounder than normal...

4B 0609 2023-06-08

20 Items: In Taiwan, people use LINE to ______ with each other.There was an ______ in the building, call 119 for help !There are two ______ routes you can take to the library.Police believed the ______ got in through the kitchen window.The ________ walk around on the floor looking for food that people dropped....

abc 2023-03-10

38 Items: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzimymeandnowyouknownextsingwithabc'swon't

food 2023-01-15

10 Items: A Korean dish of spicy pickled cabbage.A liquid food, generally served warm or hot.A dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan.A Thai famous dish based on stir-fried rice noodle.The famous bread from France. Its shape is like a boomerang.A circle of baked dough topped with sauce, cheese, and meat....

Propel Word Search 2024-02-04

17 Items: dmsapicatcaiopsnetopssecopsbalajivtforumsb-rbacplatformlicensingsubscriptiondrive-prime-migrationnominate-customers-for-eftsamplify-apis-and-integrationspropel-virtual-appliance-adoptionbe-aware-of-upcoming-eol-milestones

ghosts 2022-07-27

10 Items: The aspect of the soul that concerns one's physical appearance is ____.The aspect of the soul that concerns one's inherent success in life is _______.The ghost known as the ________was only dangerous if its mound (and grave goods) were threatened....

Layers of Soil 2024-04-18

10 Items: Each layer of soil with its own distinct characteristics and features.material: The rock in the R horizon that gradually breaks down to form the soil.The top layer of soil that contains fallen leaves and dead plants, known as humus, which helps in plant growth....

Unit 2 Review 2024-04-08

15 Items: Fibers derived from plants.Fibers derived from animals.Fibers from specific animals.Knitted in a continuous tube, eliminating the need for seams.The capacity of a material to retain heat and provide insulation.The capacity of a material to take in and hold liquid or moisture.Made by interlocking loops horizontally, resulting in a stretchy fabric....

the ok search 2019-03-06

37 Items: merundogcatandtheoutforbookiPadwalktalkmakemostcodeHousetablephonewatchtowelchairkittypuppywritepiecetherefridgelaptoppleaserandomsecretteacherkitchencomputersandwichvacationTelevision

Spelling Units 1-4 Word Search 2024-07-19

37 Items: canmanranhaddadantlaptagcathathasandbagpanmatletgetnetpetpenmenhendenwetfedjetsetmetbedyeslegledfastvestmendmesspants

Movies 2022-08-29

15 Items: WarscocoparkPocusstorypokmontitanicbugs lifelion kingJoe youngscooby-dooSquarePantshalloweentownland before timeand chocolate factory

deffinitions 2023-11-23

10 Items: critical or mocking in an indirect or sarcastic way.needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.a nuclear weapon improvised from radioactive nuclear waste material and conventional explosives.heavy material, such as gravel, sand, iron, or lead, placed low in a vessel to improve its stability....

Amp Word Search 2022-09-28

32 Items: ampesakindsarahomorikittyfunnyPixelsRacerslovingcaringprettystrongoneshothypixelpatientdecemberterrariadeltarunesupportiverespectfulhardworkingintelligenthollowknightsupermetroidshovelknightaffectionateunderstandingstrangerthingsgullibleashellShapes and Beatsantisnakingcoalition

Words of the Week 2023-03-21

35 Items: moralvirusbranchbranchbranchgrievescorchseveretragictrifleCollegevaccinehygienerepublicpathogenimmunitybicameralordinanceamendmentcourteouseliminatespectacleuniversaldepreciatedepressioncompromisefederalismcomplicatediscomfortgermtheoryantibioticmanumissionproportionaland balancesmicroorganism

Ethans Spelling Word Search 2023-04-04

26 Items: lukejohnmusclesprintfitnesswarm-upstadiumworkoutathletehandballmuscularolympicsexerciseequipmenttreadmillgymnasiumstopwatchgymnasticsracquetballperspirationcoordinationcalisthenicscross-countryweighttrainingstationarybikehaving to do with the heart and blood vessels

DYOC Comida y culturas 2014-05-16

39 Items: andconconajowithaguaapiopiñaperaListobatircrearmanartaparsauceArrozpolloAtolearrozlimónCocidoCortartostarcheeseChilespozoleCocinarmezclarRemojarretirarpapusa-regularFrijolesprepararasombrarmachacartortillaGorditasrellenos

the setokin 2023-11-06

5 Items: design name that related to weatherfirst edition lauched by the setokinpurple evergreen plant native to the Mediterraneanyellow and blue flower design on white knitted setokinColour represent the future, the imagination and dreams and spiritual

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week 2023 Word Search 2023-03-10

16 Items: what PR can beone type of lung diseasehow our body gets oxygen,two wheels seat and pedalstest to measure lung volumeshow one works in a session of PRto make a weakened system stronger,type of equipment to strengthen armswhat we use inside to exercise indoorsused to increase resistance on musclesdevice we shake pump and breathe deeply...

Space Systems 2024-02-22

11 Items: The hottest planetEarth spins from west to...When the moon is growing largerWhen the moon is growing smallera collection of stars and their solar systemsAll of the existing matter and energy in spaceA gas giant made up of mainly hydrogen and heliuman imaginary line through the centre of an objectA group of stars that form a recognizable pattern...

Buildium Vocabulary .v1 2022-06-13

9 Items: What is a PM?Owner of rental propertiesProperty Management CompanyEssential, Growth and Premium plansassoication owner with report privilagesSubscription plan that is ticket only supportPerson who occupies a property/unit rented from a landlordMenu that controls staff member, rental owner, and vendor access to menus and reports...

Comparatives and Superlatives 2019-09-19

14 Items: bestlessworseworstleastfattersadderbetterbiggestsimplerbusiestfurtherhappiestfarthest

Food and Drinks 2022-11-10

14 Items: ricelemonmelonchipssushikimbaporangecheesechickensandwichicecreamhamburgerstrawberrywatermelon

Asier and Olaia 2022-12-13

14 Items: I like _____________ hotels.Salamanca is a _____________.Zabalgana is a _____________.You have a _____________ style.Pompeii is an _____________ city.My friend _____________ to Bilbao.The helmet _____________ the head.On Monday, the _____________ is open.Last summer, I went to a _____________.Nowadays, it is difficult to find a _____________....

Asthma and Diabetes 2023-03-16

14 Items: lungsmucussugarasthmaspacerenergyinhalerglucoseinsulindiabetesexercisepancreasbreathingallergens


14 Items: japanchilespainchinaindiatheusapolandturkeymexicogermanybritaincolombiaaustraliaargentina


14 Items: ashgaslastlavacrackburstmagmaeruptshakingviolentvolcanopowerfulearthquakeunderground

Romeo and Juliet 2014-02-25

14 Items: RomeoNurseParisFriarJulietTybaltPrinceEscalusMercutioBanishedBenvolioRosalineLadycapuletLadyMontague

Summer and more 2023-10-11

14 Items: funpoollakeboatplayworkbikephonetubingtabletflowersoutsidecampingtrailer

Stonehenge and England 2023-11-02

14 Items: walesworldlondonstonesunescoenglandirelandscotlandmonarchymonumentstonehengeprinccharlesunitedkingdomsalisburyvalley

Abraham and Sarah 2023-11-13

15 Items: wifeegyptsodomsodomisaacsarahcanaanfamineguestsjourneypharaohpromiseishmaelabrahamblessing

Solute and solvent 2024-02-02

14 Items: mixsaltsandsolidwatersoluteliquidsolventsolubledissolvesolutionseparateinsolublehomogeneous

Mysteries and Enigmas 2024-02-17

14 Items: cluecipherriddlesecretpuzzlecrypticuncoversuspensewhodunitintriguedetectiveconundrumenigmaticinvestigate

Jekyll and Hyde 2024-05-30

14 Items: hydewillevilgoodfearjekylllanyonsinningdissectuttersontransformlaboratoryexperimentpersonality

3B week 16 vocabulary 2022-06-01

14 Items: unsafea rocka truckon all sidesthink of againcovered with snowcautious in one’s actionsa bird that loves stealing thingsto take something without permission of the ownerto tell someone that you’ll certainly do somethinga small mammal with reddish-brown fur and a long bodya piece of equipment on which you jump up and down as a sport...

Fitness and Goals  2013-04-24

14 Items: GoalsHealthChooseBikingFitnessPullupsCurlupsRunningPhysicalActivitiesSitandReachFitnessGoalsSportsPhysicalFitnessandGoals

Arts And Culture 2014-11-26

14 Items: IslamNomadTradeArabiccaliphsDynastyMuslimsPersianCulturesArabesqueByzantineMiniatureCalligraphyManuscripts

Holidays and Winter 2020-12-19

14 Items: ElfSnowGiftsWinterFamilyLightsManoraHanukahRamadanSnowmanFriendsDecorateChristmasCelebration

Apps and Games 2021-02-02

14 Items: 1v1MeetDocsDriveFormsGmailCleverSlidesSheetsChromeYoutubeDreamboxClassroomMinecraft

Clothes and accessories 2021-06-01

14 Items: capdressshirtskirtsocksshoesbootsjacketjumperTshirtshortsglovestrouserssunglasses

Crimes and Criminals 2022-04-25

14 Items: robtheftthiefstealhackervandalhackingburglarburglaryvandalismpickpocketshopliftershopliftingpickpocketing

ADHD and Me 2022-08-21

14 Items: latedaisyswingsanxiousthoughtsrestlesstalkativeforgetfuldistracteddaydreaminghyperactiveinconsitentdisorganizedinternalizing


14 Items: redpinkbrownwhiteblackskirtshoesdressyellowpurpleorangeshortst-shirtswimsuit

Motion and Speed 2023-09-08

15 Items: mphm/sfootmiletimehourearthmeterspeedkm/hrmotionmotionseconddistancekilometer

Water and Witamins 2017-04-24

15 Items: ACwaterheartvitalfruitsenergytoxinsweightVitaminVitaminvitaminsVitaminDvegetablesDehydration

Solute and solvent 2024-02-02

14 Items: mixsaltsandsolidwatersoluteliquidsolventsolubledissolvesolutionseparateinsolublehomogeneous

Discrimination and equality 2024-05-29

14 Items: biasequityracismsexismbigotryprejudicediversityinclusiontoleranceacceptancestereotypepreconceiveddiscriminationmarginalisation

Habitat and Adaptation 2024-06-18

15 Items: lakeoceanriveroceanarcticdesertspongyforesthabitataquaticmangrovemountainantarcticnocturnalcamouflage

CPPI Team Building June 2023 2023-06-15

16 Items: (USDA Innovation Hub)(Diabetes Prevention Program)(Social Determinants of Health)(One of IPHI’s 3 centers of work)(One of IPHI’s 3 centers of work)(One of IPHI’s 3 centers of work)(Illinois Public Health Institute)(Lens used throughout all of IPHI's work)(Communciation tool mostly used externally)(Communciation tool mostly used internally)...

The Gift of Magi pgs. 36-43 2023-10-20

14 Items: What did Jim sell?What were the wise men called?Who did the Magi give gifts to?What was Jim's present for Della?This is the ______ for giving gifts.Where did Della go to prepare dinner?Jim and Della were both ______ people.What did Della's happiness change into?This is the true ________ of Christmas.Why did Jim and Della sell their things?...

Electricity and Magnetism 2023-01-22

10 Items: Material that is strongly magnetic.The flow of electrons through a circuit.Material that lets electrons pass through.Temporary magnet made of metal and electricity.The build-up of charges and example is lightning.Material that does not let electrons pass through.Particle responsible for electricity and magnetism....

Natural Disasters 2023-11-29

11 Items: a large piece of ice floating in the ocean.a strong and very big storm that forms over warm oceans.when the Earth shakes because of the movement of rocks underground.A drought is a long period of time when there is little or no rain.a bad weather condition with strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning....

ellies wordsearch 2023-12-18

16 Items: to create lighta pattern of starsthe study of planetshas the north star in itfor light to bounse of itthe study of constellationsa rock that falls from spacea person that travels in spacea spoon made of made of 7 starslight in the sky from a meteoroidapath in space around a planet/starwhen night and day are the same length...

Revolutions, Nationalism, and Unification Extra Credit 2022-12-08

22 Items: peruitalychilegermayargentinaPride in ones countryCommanded the Red Shirts"Brains" of Italian Unificationcountry named after Simon BolivarLiberated: Argentina, Chile & Perucolonizer country of Latin AmericaRegion colonized by Spain and PortugalItaly and Germany were created throughUsing war or military force to unit Germany...


14 Items: How often you should check your credit reportA person who phones you to sell you products is known as thisThe act of stealing personal information from your credit cardYou should always do this to your documents and credit card applicationsYou can make sure no one is using your money or debit card by checking this...

Animal 2023-10-24

20 Items: The fastest land animal.The world's largest land animal.Bat The world's smallest mammal.Shark The largest species of shark.Penguin The largest species of penguin.An animal that sleeps upside down in caves.A snake known for its hood and deadly bite.An animal often called "man's best friend."Eagle The national bird of the United States....

YLC6 2023-03-12

14 Items: the largest planetsomeone who works in spacesomeone who studies animalssomeone who studies the eartha creature from another planetsomething that people buy and sella man-made object floating in spacea system of stars (e.g. the "Milky way")our sun and the eight planets - ______ systemthe force that pulls objects towards the ground...

Holocaust 2023-03-23

20 Items: Hitler's ideal raceintolerance of others' beliefsa person present but not involvedlawfully removing a group of peoplean act of extreme cruelty and wickednesslacking humanity, pity, kindness, compassionsecret state of police of Nazi occupied Europethe act of getting rid of, especially by killingthe opposition to and discrimination against Jews...

Who Was Louis Braille? 2023-12-12

20 Items: Louis cried out in terrible ____!Louis was a bright and _______ boy.His father carved him a wooden ____.Louis _____d the letters with his fingers.It would be hard to be ________d from their son.Simon-René spent most of the time at his _________.By the time he was four, Louis was __________ blind.Louis was __________ with all the tools on the bench....

Globalisation and Migration 2014-04-30

14 Items: TNCHostTradeUnionImportsPrimaryRefugeeInformalRenewableEmigrationPullfactorRemittancesRuraltourbanManufacturing

Rocks and Minerals 2015-12-22

14 Items: RockTalccolorQuartzLustreMineralIgneousCrystalDiamondcalciteRockcycleSedimentaryMetamorphicMohshardnessscale



Hope and Redemption 2022-11-28

14 Items: redeemspousaleschatonabsolutionomniscientredemptionoriginalmanglorifiedbodyhistoricalmanhopeofeverydaysexualaddictioncommunionofsaintseschatologicalmanresurrectionofthebody

Lucia and Ethan 2022-12-13

14 Items: I heard Maria ______________ you.I ______________ that my dad is right.My sister ______________ that I was right.I ______________ my friend to watch a film.My mum ______________ my absence from school.I ______________a friend to study for an exam.Pepe talked Juan ______________ playing basketball....

Suffering and Healing 2015-01-12


Warning and Encouragement 2024-02-21

14 Items: seemakeliveholylordpeacefallsshortgraceeffortbitterdefiletroubleholiness

Health and welfare 2024-03-24

14 Items: diethealthfamineillnesssymptomsdiagnosemedicinetreatmentnutritioninjectioninfectionsvaccinationimmunisationprescription

Get To Know the Couple 2023-08-08

10 Items: Thando's birthtownThando's middle nameThando's new surnameThando's favorite drinkMonth that Bobo was bornBride and groom's hometownTown where Bobo studied UniversityTown that Thando currently works inMonth that Bobo and Thando reconnectedWhat comes second to Thando in Bobo's life

Fundamental Forces 2022-10-25

5 Items: force that holds together the protons and the neutrons.force that determines the orbits of the planets around the Sun.force responsible for the attraction and repulsion of opposite electric charges.any of the four basic forces that govern how objects or particles interact and how some particles break down....

Green Group 2024-03-05

20 Items: for that reason; consequentlyvery large in size, quantity, or extentacquire (something) by paying for it; buythe action of helping or doing work for someoneobtain (money) in return for labour or servicesequivalent in value to the sum or item specifiedinterfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of...

trs22 5b w13 pt1 2022-07-04

12 Items: n.Riding an animal.n.Skating on wheels.n.Driving a small car around a track.n.Going forwards down a snowy mountain.n.Going sideways down a snowy mountain.n.Walking though forests and mountains.n.Riding a bike across rough, natural paths.n.Moving across the ice using special shoes.n.Standing on a board and getting blown by the wind....

James 1 Word Search 2022-12-18

13 Items: God does not _______ anyone_______ triumphs over judgmentJames is the brother of _______The testing of our faith produces _______Every good and _______ gift is from aboveBelievers in Christ should not show _______Those who persevere will be given a _______ of lifeIf you lack _______, you should ask God to give it to you...

Chemistry Word Search 2024-03-18

20 Items: least dense lipoproteinmost abundant serum proteinequation for calculating LDlthe four fat soluble vitaminsbest indicator of iron storagemineral maintained by vitamin Dorgan producing and secreting TSHhormone elevated in Cushing's syndromeresponsible for binding free hemoglobinenzyme utilized in glucose measurements...

V-Guard Word Search 2024-06-13

10 Items: Provides instant hot water for your comfortEfficient cooking with precise heat controlTransmitting power and data with reliabilityKeeps you cool with a gentle breeze on hot daysEnsures efficient water supply for various needsProtects your electronics from power fluctuationsHarnesses the sun's energy to heat water sustainably...

NA Terms 2022-06-22

29 Items: chipstepsfaithcleanwisdomamendsbottomhabitskeytagcourageservicerelapsehonestyempathyserenityrecoverynewcomerinventoryinventoryawakeningfor todayanonymityacceptancemeditationabstinenceand serenedo recoverfellowshipunmanageable

College- Bishop Burton 2023-01-05

33 Items: artworkfarmtutorhappysportstaffexamslessonilearnequinedesigncampusfriendsmeadowssciencelearningstudentsserviceslanyardspracticaldeadlineschildcarepreparationenvironmentagricultureexpectationsconstructionsocializationbishops-tablebishop-burtonwork-placementhealth-and-welfare

Pre-K Dolch 2020-03-12

38 Items: goinisitmemytoupweandbigcanfornotoneredrunseethetwoyouawaybluecomedownfindhelpherejumplookmakeplaysaidfunnythreewherelittleyellow

Setudio 2023-10-12

7 Items: EventWriterOfficerCreatorRelationand DevelopmentMedia Spesialist

T14 - Word Search #2 2023-07-12

26 Items: best team on EIDLEIDL loans are not...transfer type for the CESCpayments apply here first...most transfers to the CESC will go hererequired for all meetings and trainingsrefer caller's here who suspect ID thefttransfer physical home disaster loans herewe are no longer referring here for paymentsfunds begin accruing interest from this date...

Solution Center Training Week 1 2024-07-02

17 Items: BA stands for ____.What we call a 3HSS or 5HSS adThis is what we call a potential clientTerm used to describe a service as a softwareThis "Center" helps a client grow their businessWhat we call products that can no longer be sold as newThe last day to retire a product before late work startsWhere we can view copies of the print directories online...

types of birds 2023-07-24

30 Items: golfArtsrugbytennishockeyTennisboxingskiingdivingrowingcricketcyclingsurfingsailingarcheryfencingbaseballswimmingcanoeingbadmintonwrestling(Football)basketballvolleyballgymnasticssnowboardingweightliftingskateboarding(Horse Riding)(Track and Field)

Writing - First 9 Weeks 2014-09-09

38 Items: Iamytoatammebenoongoisupinitthecanyouareyesseeandbigruntoorannotforredlookcomelikegoesheresaidintolovelittle

Word Search #1 2018-05-24

38 Items: goinisitmemytoupweandbigcanfornotoneredrunseethetwoyouawaybluecomedownfindhelpherejumplookmakeplaysaidfunnythreewherelittleyellow

Dolch Pre-Primer Sight Words 2024-05-17

38 Items: goinisitmemytoupweandbigcanfornotoneredrunseethetwoyouawaybluecomedownfindhelpherejumplookmakeplaysaidfunnythreewherelittleyellow

A Dog of Flanders pgs. 40-45 2023-08-07

12 Items: Who was Baas Cogez?What did Nello draw?How old is Nello now?How old is Alois now?Who was Alois's father?Who did Nello tell his secret to?What did Baas Cogez want to pay for the drawing?Alois was the richest little girl in the ________.How did Baas Cogez feel when he saw Nello and Alois?Where did Alois and Nello gather daisies and berries?...

Vocab list 2024-04-26

12 Items: A native of FranceCapital of Switzerlandit is a place in GermanyThe end of a road or routeto speak out in anger and displeasedA community toilet in a camp of barrackSomebody that is confused and uncertainAn attack with bombs,shells,and missilesAn oil that helps your body in many waysA tubed shaped gun that shoots out bombs...

Culture Word Search 2023-11-07

23 Items: - Belief in one God- Belief in many gods- growth to a global or worldwide scale- gender roles that are less restrictive- A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom.- the physical things created by members of a society- Central to a society and it helps to compare societies- the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape...

Get To Know the Couple 2023-08-08

10 Items: Thando's birthtownThando's middle nameThando's new surnameThando's favorite drinkMonth that Bobo was bornBride and groom's hometownTown where Bobo studied UniversityTown that Thando currently works inMonth that Bobo and Thando reconnectedWhat comes second to Thando in Bobo's life

Impediment Word Search 2022-10-25

12 Items: extremely fat, obesehaving to do with the bodylcking excitment, ordinary and dulla bad imitation of, a perversion ofsomething that gets in the way, obstaclesignificant to ones own profit or well beingTo being together feastures, ideas, or elementsproviding results quickly, practical and effectiveto strip or remove a titile or position of authority...

UNIT 8 2023-09-21

12 Items: extremely fat, obese.having to do with the body.a bad imitation of, a perversion of.lacking excitement, ordinary and dull.something that gets in the way, obstacle.significant to one’s own profit or well-beingto bring together features, ideas, or elements.providing results quickly, practical and effective...

Berlin Word Search 2023-08-29

15 Items: spyatomjackwomanparisberlinjewishgermandesertphysicistdiscoveryachievementoppenheimerinterrogationWar is a thrilling wartime story of loyalty, truth, and the unforeseeable fallout of a single choice.

Beauty Word Search 2024-02-20

5 Items: rentLineannieforty-oneand the beast

Ethans Spelling Word Search 2023-04-05

35 Items: lukejohnmusclesprintfitnesswarm-upstadiumworkoutathletehandballmuscularolympicsexerciseequipmenttreadmillgymnasiumstopwatchgymnasticsracquetballperspirationcoordinationcalisthenicscross-countryweighttrainingstationarybikea long race or contesthaving to do with the heart and blood vesselsthe power to stand something without giving out...

Vocabulary Units 12 & 13 2023-05-17

30 Items: totalsecretharmlessobscuritygreat firecomplainingmake fun ofsad and gloomyindulge in excesswarm and friendlydisregard; dismisspoverty; misfortunefleeting; vanishingextreme exaggerationmeager; insufficientgreediness for wealthhighly skilled artistnot easily understoodold-fashioned; obsoletetending to evade captureassertion or confirmation...