atoms and molecules Word Searches

Adam and Eve 2022-07-18

15 Items: evegodmanadamgoodevillovefruitangelwomandeathserpentof Lifeof Edenfreewill

History and Sports 2023-03-09

15 Items: alisuezlouiscoldwarrobinsoncommunismwaterpolodeathmatchinternmentcivilrightssovietunionmiracleonicenationofislamrosietherivetercommercialization

Teeth and Food 2023-03-14

15 Items: fatsteethmolarcanineenamelsugarsincisorchewingcuttingproteinvitaminmineralgrindingdigestioncarbohydrate

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...


15 Items: tunafrogtoadeaglesnakesnailwhalesmonkeypigeonsalmonturtlepenguindolphinsjellyfishbutterfly

Habitats and Interactions 2023-06-04

15 Items: preybioticabiotichabitatspeciesconsumerinvasiveorganismpredatorproducerecologistecosystemsymbioticbiodiversitycommensalism

Paul and Silas 2023-07-23

15 Items: lawpaulsilasbereajasonjesuscaesarsabbathmessiahsearchedbelievedsynagoguenightfallscripturesthessalonica

SOUND AND LIGHT 2014-06-13

15 Items: EchoPitchVolumeConvexOpaqueVibrateConcaveAmplitudeSonicBoomSoundWaveWavelengthReflectionRefractionTranslucentTransparent

Waves And Sound 2014-01-08

15 Items: Belwavenoisepitchsonarspeedeffectdopplerfrequencysupersonicinfrasonictransversethermometercompressionslongitudinalwave



"Feelings and Emotions" 2023-10-18

15 Items: sadshycalmhappyangryproudlovedscaredexcitednervousworriedgratefulfriendlyconfusedsurprised

Environment and Agriculture 2024-02-07

15 Items: airfoodfuelsoilfibercropswaterbioticplantsabioticanimalsfarminglivestockirrigationagroforestry

Love and Relationships 2024-02-10

15 Items: When we two partedThe rain set early in to-nightThe clouds had given their allWe stood by a pond that winter dayThree summers since I chose a maidI run just one ov my daddy's shopsThe fountains mingle with the riverMy father worked with a horse-ploughIt is eighteen years ago, almost to the dayI think of thee!—my thoughts do twine and bud...

Searching and Fearless 2024-03-25

15 Items: fearhopeangerpridefalseshamechangegrowthcouragesponsorwillingbreatheprocessutilizehonesty

Light and Sound 2024-04-04

15 Items: Wavepitchprismopaqueabsorbtransmitvibrationamplitudereflectionrefractionwavelengthtranslucenttransparentecholocationlight spectrum

Light and Sound 2024-04-04

15 Items: Wavepitchprismopaqueabsorbtransmitvibrationamplitudereflectionrefractionwavelengthtranslucenttransparentecholocationlight spectrum

blue and gold 2024-04-09

15 Items: Artsstemboldnigellegacyforwardsuccesspurposeof Cadetsworkforceathleticschampionsengagementnighthawksleadership

Privacy and Security 2024-04-25

15 Items: virusadwareprivacyhackersmalwaresecuritypasswordphishingintrusiondatabreachexplotationcyberattackssystembreachinternetofthingsmalicioussoftwares

Good and Evil 2024-05-07

15 Items: godevilgoodsatandevilirenaeusmoralevilaugustineomnipotentomniscienttemptationnaturalevilomnipresenttranscendantomnibenevolent

Alcohol and Drugs 2024-06-20

15 Items: alcoholtobaccocannabisoverdoseaddictionnarcoticssubstancestimulantswithdrawaldependencydepressantsprescriptionintoxicationhallucinogensrehabilitation

How It Works Steps 4, 5, and 6 - from the Basic Text (6th Edition) 2023-05-25

18 Items: We do not _____. (pg 33)Our fellow members do _____ us. (pg 32)If we are not _____, we are humiliated. (pg 34)_____ is what we strive for in Step Six. (pg 34)No one is forcing us to give up our _____. (pg 29)The important thing is that we do our _____. (pg 31)We find ourselves growing into mature _____. (pg 35)...


13 Items: Where the rider’s bottom rest during riding.Extends down from each side of the seat and look like small flaps.Is positioned under the jockey, behind the seat, and below the horn.A post-like appendage sticking up in the front, center of the saddle.A piece of leather that connects the stirrups to the side of a saddle....

max and the midknights book 1 and 2 2021-12-21

66 Items: maxsirbeelutenatebookwandcopycragkingmaryknotpearsimongoosenolanbrucekevynsworddustytorinborisrovakseedsdwarfconradmilliedragonbananapeircewrightfendradaggerbladessheildbananaguardsbodkinseymortomatoportalpotionbudrickmumblinbyjoviaghastlylincolncrossedcrystalnereliavulturegriffingadaboutsedgwickbrickbatknotheadleafnadobagpipesformlingsdogmother...

LONG e and LONG i (ee and igh) 2024-03-08

21 Items: seemeetfreeneedsighteenkeeppeepnightthreelightrightgreensleeptightmightteethstreetflightspeechplight

First Nine Weeks 2014-09-09

36 Items: Iamegoonmyisbetoupatinamitcanseetheandredareyesbigforrunyoutoorannotgoeslikehereintolooklovecomesaid

Aluminium Word Search 2024-02-26


Types of Plastics & Their Uses 2022-06-05

10 Items: Acrylic, which is strong and transparent, is commonly used as a substitute for _____.Polystyrene, otherwise known as _____, is commonly used to make disposable takeaway boxes.Polyethylene, which is commonly extracted from natural _____, is used to make plastic bags....

BASEBALL 2022-06-08

5 Items: ____ and then runball hit to you then you _______ ityou throw it and hit it it is a ______slap it hits your glove You can ______ ityou field it you turn and you __________ it

Aluminium Word Search 2024-02-26


united 2023-03-08

22 Items: swedennorwaypolandicelandfinlandnetherlandsthe sunshine statecity in central floridathe third planet from the sunthe sixth planet from the sunthe second planet from the sunthe fourth planet from the sunthe eighth planet from the sunthe seventh planet from the sunA highway that goes around a city.the 7th largest country in the world...

Hydrocarbons 2024-03-21

13 Items: Crude oil took __________ years to formThe products of combustion are water and_________Short chain hydrocarbons are often used for_______At the top of the fractionating column is__________Hydrocarbons are made up of hydrogen and ____________The bottom of the fractionating column is ___________...

Word Search_ the National Assembly and elections 2023-06-15

17 Items: termvotingballotdebatecaucuscampaignelectionmajoritydemocracycandidateoppositionparliamentlegislationconstitutionconstituencyrepresentativeHere are 16 terms related to the National Assembly and elections for your word search puzzle:

Omit Word Search 2023-12-09

10 Items: Cautious and watchfulTo leave out or excludeFull of energy and enthusiasmCalm, peaceful, and untroubledFully in agreement or of one mindAttractively unusual or old-fashionedTo move back or away from a point or limitHaving or showing zeal; fervent or enthusiasticTending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering firmly...

Key to Literary Analysis Test 2022-12-12

15 Items: yougoodThis theme can be revealed in literature, in the book “Night”, when the horrors of the concentration camps made Elie believe less in god.By revealing their mistakes through their ______________, an author of a memoir risks being judged by the audience for their flaws and mistakes they made....

Ent. Vocab Words Word Search 2022-11-15

40 Items: PossesionsNatural skillThe way you actWhat you stand forA plan for marketingConcepts used to MarketPeople who work for othersThe ability to do something wellsummary A summery of your writtenMarketing to a huge amount of peoplePeople who start their own businessesA model to make problem-solving easierComing up with ideas often with people...

Blood Bank Vocab 2022-10-31

23 Items: TomesNot frozenBlood typeSelf-donateImmediatelyblue flowerOpen system30-37 degreesVolunteer unitSticky factorsBroken scannerFor frozen RBCsOxygen-enrichedUsed in testingInitiate clottingPlasma replacementFor antibody patientsBoth Fresh and FrozenTwo O Negs and Two LPElectronic monitoring3500 for five minutesValidated for 24 hours...

Personal Financial Planning 2023-10-17

23 Items: The assets a person ownsPerson who depends on another personLong-term insurance with a savings elementShort-term insurance with no savings elementPayments made by a corporation to its stockholdersThe increase in the value or usefulness of an assetThe decrease in the value of usefulness of an asset...

Kenzie's Science Wordsearch 2023-12-18

20 Items: Is earths GalaxyA group of stars making a shapeIt must be big and orbit a starA path that a planet is stuck inThey study of everything in spaceWhen light bounces off the objectA piece of rock floating in spaceDischarged gas air and other stuffA rock that enters earths atmosphereBelief of that signs tell our personality...

christian-8th grade 2024-05-15

15 Items: temperature at which a solid meltshappens between metal and notmetaltemperature at which a gas condensestemperature at which a liquid freezes2 elements are sharing valence electronschange from a solid state to a liquid statechange from a gaseous state to liquid statechanging from a liquid state to a solid state...

6th Grade Literary Elements  2017-04-03

39 Items: andandmoodfactmainideaplotrhymecausegenrethemesimilesymboleffectrisingactionclimaxactionauthorspurposecompareopinionfallingdialoguemetaphorcontrastsequenceconflicthyperboleflashbackvisualizeinferencerepetitiongeneralizeresolutionalliterationonomatopoeiaforeshadowingpersonification

Door Word Search 2022-09-15

28 Items: A rounded roofA person who designs buildingsHorizontal member of step (stair)Vertical member of a step (stair)A structure that has a roof and wallsA design plan or other technical drawingwood that is prepared for use in buildingA fence or balustrade made of rails and postsThe lower surface of a room that people walk on...

Volcanos 2023-05-23

16 Items: dikesillventFlowDomeFlowflankCloudcratersummitChambercalderafissurefumarole(includes Ash, Lapilli, and Bomb)Cone (also known as a Parasitic Cone)

Sensation and Perception 2014-03-27

15 Items: hueirispupilretinacorneasensorysensationreceptorsperceptionwavelengthsaturationafterimageopticnervetransductionaccommodation

IT and computers 2015-02-23

15 Items: pciosbasicapplemouselaptopdisplayandroidcomputerkeyboardsoftwarestevejobsbillgatesmicrosoftprocessor

Animals and instruments 2015-07-31

15 Items: antpigbearaygobasssinghippodrumspianomonkeyrabbitguitarviolintrumpetelephant

Efficiency and Conservation 2015-08-03

15 Items: fundbillsreduceturbineheatpumpstrategyefficientrenewablecertifiedpollutionconversionperformancesolarenergysustainableconservation

Festivals and celebrations 2017-02-19

15 Items: EidHoliEasterDiwaliLammasNirvanaRamadanHanukkahVaisakhiPassoverYomKippurChristmasGuruNanakSummerSolsticeChinesenewyear

Bonding and Naming 2019-11-08

15 Items: IMFBondOctetIonicPolarBinaryTernaryMoleculeCompoundCovalentNonpolarOxidationExothermicPolyatomicEndothermic



Colors and Animals 2020-10-07

15 Items: catdoglionbluebirdpinkzebragreenbrownyellowlizardpurpleelephanttortoisegoldfish

seasons and months 2021-03-11

15 Items: mayjunejulymarchaprilwinterspringsummerautumnaugustjanuarydecemberfebruarynovemberseptember

Food and drink 2021-05-26

15 Items: teapiebeefcakejuicehoneyonionsugarbreadpastacoffeecarrotbuttersausagelollipop

Health and wellness 2022-04-02

15 Items: fitfreediettoneddietaryoptionsbloomingresilientadditivesnutrientsnourishingbeneficialpreventiondehydrationimmunisation

Ghosts and Ghouls 2022-10-04

15 Items: orbspookoccultseancespiritwraithghostlyghoulishhauntingpossessedunearthlyapparitionparanormalpoltergeistotherworldly

Spelling and Vocab 2023-01-05

15 Items: balmyangrymadcapexodusreceiptobviousrecklessenigmatichypocritelivelihoodnoticeableaggressivemysteriousabominationdispleasure

Tannis and Bianca 2023-01-29

15 Items: WowmtvSoyuofmYorktexasmediamicolejerseyLatinadetroitcreatormichigansneakerscreative

health and safety 2023-02-27

15 Items: warm cover on a bedvery quickly, without waitingtaking air in and out of your bodysheets,covers.that you put on a bedto cover something with cloth or paperthe possibility of being hurt or killedto leave a place because it is not safepeople who come to help you very quicklydoing something when someone talks to you...

Sleep and Mindfulness 2023-03-16

15 Items: remrestcalmslowsleepfocusbrainstressbedtimerelaxedcaffeinepatiencerechargebreathingattention

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

continents and oceans 2023-09-07

16 Items: asianorthsouthafricaindianeuropeoceansarcticafricapacificamericasouthernatlanticaustraliacontinentsantarctica

Waves And Sound 2014-01-08

16 Items: Belwavewavenoisepitchsonarspeedeffectdopplerfrequencysupersonicinfrasonictransversethermometercompressionslongitudinal



Water and Fats 2017-04-24

15 Items: wellfatswatercleanpollutesalinityvitaminAvitaminDvitaminEvitaminKgroundwaterDehydrationtemperaturesurfacewaterdissolvedoxygen

HYPER AND HYPO ! 2023-10-08


Kings and Kingdoms 2023-10-23

15 Items: danjudahidolsbetheljosiahsolomonsamariaworshipjeroboamrehoboambenjaminhezekiahjerusalemjehoshaphatgoldencalves

Ruth and Naomi 2024-02-19

15 Items: godruthwifeboazfieldnaomifaminebarleyredeemcountrykinsmanhusbanddaughterbethlehemfriendship

Energy and Forces 2024-03-18

15 Items: speedbrakemotionforcespulleygravitytexturepushingpullingfallingsinkingfrictionmovementfloatingstretching

Fossils and Dinos 2024-06-18

15 Items: bodymoldtracebonesshellamberfossilpetrifiedsedimentarytriceratopsstegosauruspaleontologybrontosaurusvelociraptortyrannosaurus

Relationships and Sexuality 2024-06-20

15 Items: trustconsentrespecthealthyintimacyidentityaffectionsexualityunhealthyboundariesattractionorientationpartnershiprelationshipcommunication

Snowflake BUILD Word Search 2023-11-29

6 Items: Used for app development._____ Container Services and ____ ML.At BUILD, connect and build with _____.Complete the LLM _____ and earn a skill badge.A new type of table that can simplify application development.We got a sneak peek of this capability at the Global Company All Hands.

Unity Via Elite II Progressive Lenses 2024-06-04

10 Items: Unity Via Elite II lenses provide a _____ reading area._______ Technology improves adaptation and visual comfort.Unity Via Elite II lenses provide enhanced _______ acuity.Unity Via Elite II lenses provide wider __________ clarity.Unity Via Elite II lenses include ____ built-in technologies....

Knights and Samurai 2014-03-09

15 Items: pagehaikujapansquirekatanadaimyoknightssamuraiwarriorenglandjoustingchivalrychainmailtournamentmiddleages

Rocks and Minerals 2014-04-22

15 Items: rockheatcavemagmamineraligneouscrystalerosionpressurefieldtripmetamorphicsedimentarybirthstonesstalactitesstalagmites

IT and Computers 2015-02-21

15 Items: lanchipappswifimousephoneremotedesktopwebpagekeyboardcomputerspeakersconsolestelevisionmotherboard

Temperature and Heat 2019-10-03

15 Items: heatmassjouleenergydegreescalorieconductorinsulatorradiationconvectionconductiontemperaturethermometerspecificheatthermalenergy





Reward and Punishment 2020-06-05

15 Items: firesavegrowjudgefeastrewardpunishcomingwisdomreturnweddingpreparedfaithfuldiligentincentive

jordyn and mandie 2021-01-11

15 Items: catdogcowliongoatbirdzebrahipposnakehorsedairysheeptigerturtleelephant

Food and Diet 2022-05-29

15 Items: nutssaltseedssugargrainspulsesobesityunhealthyoverweightsugarydrinksunhealthyfatsgoodnutritionundernutritionsustainablehealthydietfreshfruitandvegetables

Witches and Warlocks 2022-10-04

15 Items: haghextoadwandbroompocusmagicspellwitchcacklepotionwarlockcauldronwitchcraftincantation

Cain and Abel 2022-10-23

15 Items: godcainabellambsheepfarmerfruitskilledmarkedjealousbrothersshepherdsacrificevegetablespunishment

Sports and Fitness 2023-02-25

15 Items: yogapesasboxeoesquíbailecorrerbéisbolvoleibolnatacióngimnasiaciclismopatinajeescaladamarcialesentrenamiento

Woods and Shrubs 2023-03-10

15 Items: teakchikujamunguavamangomullaichampaavocadobluelotusjackfruitredgingercannonballcoconutpalmpomegranateyellowbells

Weather and Climate 2023-05-12

15 Items: Warm water currentchange in moister contentmeasures the air pressuremeasures the speed of windwarm air that rises rapidlyusually brings precipitationmeasures the direction of blowing windthe weight of air pushing down on earthmeasures the amount of heat in the atmospherewhen the boundary between two air masses stalls...

History and Sports 2023-05-12

15 Items: shuaihardingkerriganpoliticsreligionchastainbuzkashiworldcupojsimpsonjeremylindreamteamtigerwoodskerristrugtransgenderparalympics

Hare and Hyena 2023-05-29

15 Items: criesboundseizefamineshowedscarcesupplerubbishshoutedutteringcreaturespectacledeceitfulrepulsiveunsuspecting

colours and things 2023-08-04

15 Items: kidbagbeetreeballbikehousegrassappleflowerbananaseagullfrisbeeballoonskateboard

Strength and Gentleness 2023-10-04

15 Items: patientjealousinflatetrafficoffencedelightbelievefailureshelterbraggingblessinghonestlycelebrateconsistentlyachievements



look and fun 2023-10-31

15 Items: peartmathmusicmondayfridaysundaytuesdayscienceSTUDIESchineseenglishthursdaysaturdaywednesday

Fruit and Vegtables 2023-11-29

15 Items: pearkiwigrapeonionappleorangecarrottomatopepperpotatolettucecabbagecucumberstrawberryblueberries

Law and Order 2024-01-02

15 Items: lawcrimealibiproofpolicemurderweaponsuspectmysteryrobberywitnessevidencepropertydetectiveinvestigate

Power and Conflict 2024-02-10

15 Items: Dem tell mePaper that lets the lightHalf a league, half a leagueHer father embarked at sunriseThree days before Armistice SundayI wander thro' each charter'd streetOn another occasion, we get sent outIn his dark room he is finally aloneI met a traveller from an antique landOne summer evening (led by her) I found...

Me and you 2024-02-16

15 Items: pastalegosairbnbsummercrumblalabamatopgolfsnapchatfacetimeblanketsassateagueharrypottertexasroadhousedaveandbustersprettylittleliars

Waves and Sound 2024-03-01

15 Items: wavessoundcresthertzpitchsonarperioddecibelloudnessfrequencyamplitudewavelengthultrasoundinfrasoundmillisecond

earth and space 2024-05-16

15 Items: closet to the sunthe planet we live onwe landed on it in 1969when water terns to a soldthe only planet that has waterthe eighth planet from the sunwhen water sticks to a surfacebiggest planet in the solar systemwhen we breath and it be comes waterhas the most ring in the Solar systemUranus is a very cold and windy world...

Family and friends 2024-06-24

15 Items: sonauntunclebuddymothersistercousinfriendbrotherdaughterneighborteammateclassmateschoolmategrandfather

CAIN AND ABEL 2024-07-06

15 Items: evegodcainabeladamkillsheepcropsfruitfeildmotherfatherfarmerkeeperbrother

Friends and Love 2024-07-14

15 Items: bondcaretrustloyaltysupportrespectempathykindnesspatienceaffectionfriendshipcommitmentcompanionshipunderstandingcommunication