fall season Word Searches

Fall Friends Vocabulary 2023-07-22

1 Item: Thickening, Caching, Scavenging, Preparation, Snuggling, Foliage, Hedgehogs, Foxes, Squirrels, Raccoons, Bears, Burrow, Camouflage, Leaves, Nesting, Feathers, Preparing, Autumn, Gathering, Storing, Nuts, Berries, Seeds, Acorns, Harvesting, Stocking, Hiber

Xmas Delights 2023-12-03

34 Items: a sweet substance used in baking and cooking.A type of nut often used in pies and pralines.A sweet confection made with nuts and sugar syrup.A creamy dessert that can be either sweet or savory.A refreshing herb often used in candies and desserts.a type of hard candy made by boiling sugar or molasses....

November 2022-10-28

1 Item: hayrides scarecrow acorns bonfire election leaves harvest family veterans football turkey cold Indians sweaters pilgrims spices pumpkin November thanksgiving fall

Spelling Test 3 2022-09-23

28 Items: against slaveryhostile; unkindunfit to be eatenthe act of going awayto repeat or say againone who is not a memberbefore recorded historythat which is not nuclearoccurring twice in a yearto stop or prevent an actionapart from one's choice or willto go do, come down, fall, or sinkof the highest degree or importanceextending across the Atlantic Ocean...

Spelling Test 3 2022-09-23

28 Items: against slaveryhostile; unkindunfit to be eatenthe act of going awayto repeat or say againone who is not a memberbefore recorded historythat which is not nuclearoccurring twice in a yearto stop or prevent an actionapart from one's choice or willto go do, come down, fall, or sinkof the highest degree or importanceextending across the Atlantic Ocean...

Science Review 2022-09-21

47 Items: nothinggo aroundsand hillswater fallsland bridgefirst planetthird planetfifth planetsixth planettower of rockwater 4 sidesorbits a starsecond planetfourth planeteighth planetmad made riverU shape valleybig salt waterseventh planetsmall mountainsorbits a planetthree sides landlong fresh waterthree sides waterlarge fresh watermountain with lava...

Paster Participle Word Search 2023-06-20

100 Items: bedogobetbuycutdigeatflygethitletpayputrunsayseesetsitwinbendbiteblowcomecostdealdrawfallfeedfeelfindgivegrowhanghavehearhideholdhurtkeepknowleadlendlosemakemeanmeetquitreadrideringrisesellsendshutsingsinkspinswimtaketeartellwakewearbeginbleedbreakbringbuildcatchdrinkdrivefightleavelightshakeshineshootsleepslidespeakspeedspendstandstealsticksting...

Thanksgiving 2023-11-20

190 Items: eatfunhamjoynapbakebandbowlcookcornduckfallfishgivehosthugslovemealnutsconepotssnowtrimwarmyamszealapplearomabreadbrowncandycarvecidercrispdancefeastfloatbreadgoosegourdbeansmaizesyrupmarchciderpartypeacequailrelaxroastroutesaladsauceservesweettastythymeuniteunityyummysquashacornsautumnbakingbountysquashclovescolonycrowdsdinnerfamilyturkeygather...

Types of speech : Informative (no.1-5) Persuasive (no.6-10) 2024-06-30

10 Items: Informative speeches may be grouped into _____ categories.Persuasive speeches may center on questions of _____, value, or policy.Speeches about _____ usually are organized in chronological, spatial, or topical order._____ is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people’s beliefs or actions....

Earth and Space Science 2023-03-20

16 Items: a medium-sized star in our solar systemTrue or False-The sun orbits the Earth.the way in which the Earth slants on its axisThis planet is made of gas and has a very long orbit.Earth’s closest star and the center of our Solar SystemThe 4 planets that have long orbits and are made of mostly gas...

ENGINEERING + 2024-08-20


CVPRD 2022 Holiday Word Search 2022-12-07

241 Items: aedbencprelfjoyacidcasscoalcodycoldevanfastivankacelynnmattnicenoelrestryansealselfsnowstarteamtonywishadultangelaveryburnscandychildcidercometconorcotwocupidemilyfrosthollyjollylanielogannilesoceanoscarparkspeacepulseriverrulesscarfshockslacktreesvixenwyattactiveairwayassistbleachbradyncarolsdaconodancerdarrendasherdonnereggnogfrostygloveshottub...

Estates Word Search 2023-11-24

18 Items: 1793, January 21: Execution of _____.1793, October 16: Execution of Marie _____.1789, August 4: _____ abolished in France.1789, May 5: _____-General convened in Versailles.1795: Establishment of the _____, a five-member committee.1799-1804: The Consulate period, with _____ as First Consul....

Travel 2023-05-25


Things in our Church Word Search 2023-12-04

17 Items: altarcrucifixThe gold box in the front of ChurchThe raised level of the Church at the frontAmbo (The podium where the readings are read)The red candle at the front that is always litThe pictures that wrap around the sides of the churchThe little room at the back where we go to confess our sins...

thanksgiving3 2024-10-27

224 Items: ateEatFunHamJoyNappieBakeBandBowlbunsCookCorndinedishDuckFallFishGivehomeHostHugsleafLoveMealmeatNutsovenpansPotssailSnowWarmYamsZealAppleAromabastebeansBreadBrownCandycanoeCarveCiderCrispDanceFeastFloatGooseGourdgravyMaizeMarchPartyPeaceQuailRelaxRoastrollsRouteSaladSauceServetasteTastyThymeUniteUnityYummyAcornsAutumnBakingBountyClovesColonyCrowds...

Martin word search about sky science 2023-12-19

19 Items: our galaxya furry that is biga furry which is smalla form of billons of starsa rocky surface or gas surface.Some plnaet that goes around the suna pot looking star which is very famous.a pot but is more smaller then the another one.some that give us light but not from a fire ballis something to do to study planet moons and more....

Fall into Word Searches 5 2022-10-25

1 Item: ciderdonutsp

Aiden 7th grade 2024-05-16

15 Items: the driest of all the biomesthe biological variation that occurs within speciesa ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral.the variety of different habitats, communities and ecological processesthe variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem....

good search 2023-01-12

250 Items: ainnotobeasatbebycatdogouryouadsusecanowntheactaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbagbarbedbigbitboxboybutbuycancarfarfewlioncluesaveyourfreelapscanttextwithformablealsoareaawaybabybackballbankbasebeatbestbillbluebodybookbornbothcallcardcarecasecellcitycoldcomecostfactfailfallfastfearfeelfillfilmfindfinefirezebrahippowordsbuildsolveclickprintabout...

good search 2023-01-12

250 Items: ainnotobeasatbebycatdogouryouadsusecanowntheactaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbagbarbedbigbitboxboybutbuycancarfarfewlioncluesaveyourfreelapscanttextwithformablealsoareaawaybabybackballbankbasebeatbestbillbluebodybookbornbothcallcardcarecasecellcitycoldcomecostfactfailfallfastfearfeelfillfilmfindfinefirezebrahippowordsbuildsolveclickprintabout...

thanksgiving 2024-10-27

235 Items: ateEatFunHamJoyNappieBakeBandBowlbunsCookCorndinedishDuckFallFishGivehomeHostHugsleafLoveMealmeatNutsovenpansPotssailSnowWarmYamsZealAppleAromabastebeansBreadBrownCandycanoeCarveCiderCrispDanceFeastFloatGooseGourdgravyMaizeMarchPartyPeaceQuailRelaxRoastrollsRouteSaladSauceServetasteTastyThymeUniteUnityYummyAcornsAutumnBakingBountyClovesColonyCrowds...

good search 2023-01-12

250 Items: ainnotobeasatbebycatdogouryouadsusecanowntheactaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbagbarbedbigbitboxboybutbuycancarfarfewlioncluesaveyourfreelapscanttextwithformablealsoareaawaybabybackballbankbasebeatbestbillbluebodybookbornbothcallcardcarecasecellcitycoldcomecostfactfailfallfastfearfeelfillfilmfindfinefirezebrahippowordsbuildsolveclickprintabout...

Oculator Word Search 2024-09-26

23 Items: "Grandpa" SmedryAlcatraz's motherfather of Alcatraza Librarian defectormakes the Translator's Lenseshas the Talent of breaking thingsa literary critic for the Nalhallan Dailyare a sapient species in the Free KingdomsLeavenworth's daughter and Attica's sistereditor of Alcatraz Smedry's autobiographiesknight of Crystallia and princess of Nalhalla...

Dorcas Shows Kindness 2024-04-14

16 Items: Dorcas' other nameThe place where Dorcas livedAnother word for coats (Acts 9:39)The things that Dorcas did (Acts 9:36)The name of the man God used to heal DorcasThe name of the city where Peter was stayingWhat Dorcas showed to others by sewing clothingThe women that Dorcas made clothing for (Acts 9:39)...

Fall into Word Searches 6 2022-10-25

1 Item: halloween

IRREGULAR 2022-12-04


Fall into Word Searches 2 2022-10-25

1 Item: pumpkins

Fall into Word Searches 4 2022-10-25

1 Item: sweaters

Elizabeth Word Search 2024-07-11

35 Items: Tom’s middle nameTom’s zodiac signKelly’s middle nameKelly’s zodiac signState they eloped inCity Tom was born inThe clear favorite catCity Kelly was born inKelly’s Hogwarts houseSeason they got engagedWebsite the couple met onFavorite video game systemCity of their first apartmentName of Kelly’s oldest siblingName of Tom’s youngest sibling...

Econ concepts 2023-07-16

16 Items: iloveeconomicsmyfavoriteclassbestteacherevergreatlifelessonsThe study of the economic behavior of individuals and firms.A situation in which extra units of something produce successively smaller benefits.A school of economic thought advocating government spending to pull economies out of recession....

Fall into Word Searches 1 2022-10-25

1 Item: leaves

Fall into Word Searches 3 2022-10-25

1 Item: apples

Business Studies 1.5.3 & 1.5.4 2024-05-12

10 Items: a good whose demand drops when people's incomes risea good whose demand rises when people's incomes riseThe number of people willing to work but out of work and seeking workFit for ________ The goods and services should be fit for the reason they are supplied for,...

Business Studies 1.5.3 & 1.5.4 2024-05-12

10 Items: a good whose demand drops when people's incomes risea good whose demand rises when people's incomes riseThe number of people willing to work but out of work and seeking workFit for ________ The goods and services should be fit for the reason they are supplied for,...

Econ concepts 2023-07-16

12 Items: The study of the economic behavior of individuals and firms.A situation in which extra units of something produce successively smaller benefits.A school of economic thought advocating government spending to pull economies out of recession.The items used to produce a good or service in order to produce income: land, labor, and capital....

Jennie's 2023 Wrapped in 23 Words 2023-12-23

23 Items: Klaus - My favorite holiday movie. Find it on Netflix!Raccoons - A family of five of them lives in our backyard.Barbenheimer - My favorite 2023 holiday. Cinema's back, baby.Apple Tree - We planted one this year, and it grew three apples.Trader Joe's - My favorite grocery store of 2023. Try the kimbap!...

Card Connections Summer 2024 Recap WORD SEARCH! 2024-09-20

40 Items: Julypizzapizzaaugustbakingcostco___ fraud___ amountdispute ___extra creditextra creditexpialadociousCard Specialist ___they moved to MilwaukeeAngela's favorite hobbiesour project team is pretty ___.who's basket are you bidding on?Card programs' newest team member!the card specialists are pretty ___.the dispute specialists are pretty ___....

3B word search week 13~15 2022-06-02

25 Items: to get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethingto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearsomeone who dances either as a job or for pleasuresomething bad that happens that is not expected or intendeda man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle...

Ancient Egypt Terms 2022-08-09

20 Items: The capital city of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.A large stone box that held a mummy's coffin.A queen of Egypt who was famous for her beauty.The season of the year when the Nile river flooded.A charm worn that the Ancient Egyptians thought had magical powers.A powerful queen who became one of Egypt's most successful pharaohs....

Financial Planning Word Search 2022-09-20

28 Items: unexpected changefixed term pensioncontributions made before income taxtransferring super to pension accountprice charged by the insurance companyA very long comprehensive questionnairean estimate of the prices for your coversa combination of stepped and level premiumspremium increases each year in line with age...

Water 2023-05-24

29 Items: Xylem or phloemNegatively charged ionPositively charged ionlow enough for ice to floatAllows water to form its bondsPolar and ionic molecules; asymmetricalReaction where water molecule is releasedBonds where two non metals share an electronNon-polar and non-ionic molecules; symmetricalwater sticks to itself; the same as surface tension...

SPH4U Word Search 2024-01-21

21 Items: The change in velocity over timeA balance between different factorsVelocity at a particular point in timeThe point where an object balances (3 words)The sum of vectors when they are added togetherThe stored energy of position possessed by an objectThe type of friction that occurs when an object is at rest...

Units 47 & 48 part 3 2024-03-15

40 Items: credit(math) minus(το) the dollar(η) the square root(ο) the (shape) cube(το) the social media(το) the figure, shape(η) the (math) algebra(ο) the (weather) wind(η) the saving, thrift,(η) the temperature, heat(η) the rain, rain shower(τα) the mathematics, math(το) the coin, physical currency(η) the value, price, worth, merit...

3B 0725 2022-07-23

39 Items: unsafea rocka truckon all sidesthink of againcovered with snowcautious in one’s actionsto get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethinga bird that loves stealing thingsto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearto take something without permission of the owner...

Chapter 3 Vocabulary 2023-10-19

41 Items: Earth's outer layer _____________Earth's thinnest layer______________Earth's innermost layer______________layer beneath the crust __________________when magma reaches the surface _____________layer above the troposphere _____________________water vapor forms water droplets on dust particlesLayer beneath the lithosphere ____________________...

Duo 47 2024-03-05

47 Items: credit(το) the dollar(η) the credit card(το) the social media(το) the profit, gain(τα) the social media(η) the saving, thrift,(το) the friend request(το) the social network(το) the request, demand(το) the money, capital,(η) the payment, defrayment(ο) the (economics) inflationto be increased, raised, put up(το) the coin, physical currency...

Random 100 P2 2024-03-19

51 Items: 6, sixdiscussedby translating(η) the battery(το) the height(η) the Thursday(το) the mushroom(το) the toy store4000, four thousand(η) the mother-in-lawby (in sport) scoring(ο) the (bird) woodpeckerto be liked by, pleased by(το) the book store, bookshopto key in, type, use a keyboardresponsible, accountable, liable(ο/η) the (m or f) choreographer...

Kitchen Terms 2023-03-07

57 Items: combine-to disinfect-To cook in oil-To mix in a circular motion-Any thick oil-like substance-Submerging food items in oil-To free from dirt and stains-A bit more on top of the level-Cutting food into small pieces-Reaching a desired temperature-When you cook foods in a liquid-Cooking foods over boiling water-Cutting food into small 1/4 cubes...

Kitchen Terms 2023-03-07

57 Items: combine-to disinfect-To cook in oil-To mix in a circular motion-Any thick oil-like substance-Submerging food items in oil-To free from dirt and stains-A bit more on top of the level-Cutting food into small pieces-Reaching a desired temperature-When you cook foods in a liquid-Cooking foods over boiling water-Cutting food into small 1/4 cubes...

foods and nutrition 2023-03-07

58 Items: frykneadstrainto stir rapidlyheat beforehandbeat into a frothtear or cut into shredsshort for microwave ovencut food into small cubes.the finest level of choppinganimal fats and vegetable oilsfree from dirt marks or stainsmake or become liquefied by heatfried quickly in a little hot fatgenerally defined as 1/16 teaspoon...

Networking Chapter 13 Terminology 2023-05-15

31 Items: Using more than one method to authenticate users.Updates for other Microsoft products like Office.Use this command on a linux system to create a user account.This authentication type uses the unique way you do something.Non-Microsoft driver updates that are applicable to users' devices....

☆Echo Word Search!☆ 2024-04-22

30 Items: The scientific study of insects.The scientific study of language.The art of thinking. Translated from Greek into "the love for wisdom".French composer and pianist, known for his Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes.Fictional band, created by Blur frontman Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett....

Demand: Word Search 2024-09-10

50 Items: Goods or services sold to a foreign country.The financial gain when revenue exceeds costs.The financial deficit when costs exceed revenue.The amount of money exchanged for a good or service.Money borrowed that must be repaid, often with interest.Human effort used in the production of goods and services....