chemical reactions Word Searches

Unit 3 Vocab 2023-09-14

20 Items: (adj) roundabout, not direct(v) to make amends, make up for; to avert(v) to make easy, cause to progress faster(v) to have an intense dislike or hatred for(v) to assign or refer to (as a cause or source), attribute(adj) bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting; acerbic.(n) a natural inclination or tendency; penchant or propensity....

deffinitions 2023-11-23

10 Items: critical or mocking in an indirect or sarcastic way.needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.a nuclear weapon improvised from radioactive nuclear waste material and conventional explosives.heavy material, such as gravel, sand, iron, or lead, placed low in a vessel to improve its stability....

Contagious Word Search 2023-05-28

22 Items: Adnormal hair lossThe highest point of the headRod-shaped, spore-producing bacteriaBacteria that are harmful and cause diseaseThe study of hair and its diseases and disordersCovers the top and sides of the head and consists of six bonesThe process of converting living skin cells into hard proteins...

Study Guide Crossword 2024-04-17

31 Items: viewed from all sidessoft or workable materialclay is fired once in kilnclay is NOT fired in kiln yetrepetition of one or more elementhigh water content, most workablea single material an artist may useliquid material is poured into moldhard less water, but still workablecompletely air dried & very brittlea difference in the use of two elements...

Water 2023-05-24

29 Items: Xylem or phloemNegatively charged ionPositively charged ionlow enough for ice to floatAllows water to form its bondsPolar and ionic molecules; asymmetricalReaction where water molecule is releasedBonds where two non metals share an electronNon-polar and non-ionic molecules; symmetricalwater sticks to itself; the same as surface tension...

EPD Word Search 2022-09-10

35 Items: Protocol 128112 _______ PersonDeterminant 105-B-4Determinant 113-B-3Determinant 118-D-3Determinant 123-B-1Determinant 132-D-1130 Theft (________)Gross and wanton indecency110 _____ (break and enter)119 Harassment / _______ / Threat102 Abuse / Abandonment / ________Examples are needles, syringes, bongs, and pipes...

Illicit Drugs - Daily Review 2023-08-22

22 Items: The most common reason why people start to take illicit drugs. (9)Drugs that alter or distort the brain's perception of reality. (13)Drugs that speed up the Central Nervous System (CNS) responses. (10)Drugs that slow down the Central Nervous System (CNS) responses. (11)Drugs with multiple effects on the Central Nervous System (CNS). (5-6-5)...

asdf 2024-09-11

32 Items: D=m/vRock that forms as magma coolsRock that forms from heat and pressurebuilding Process of creating mountainsboundary Where two tectonic plates meet.Most sedimentary rocks form in layers known as ________.The process that turns any rock into magma by adding heat.Occurs when sediments settle on the ground or a body of water...

US MILITARY 2024-12-29

44 Items: Focused on air and space operations.The newest branch, established in 2019, focusing on space operations.The largest and oldest branch, responsible for land-based military operations.A term used to describe military personnel who die during combat operations. (abbr)...

Series 6 Review 2023-07-19

75 Items: accountA radio interview is a public _________Rule 147 is regarding _______ offeringsSelling group members are paid a selling ______A final prospectus is also known as a _______ prospectusThe firm in which must complete the transfer of an accountThe “A” under discretionary orders that describes buy or sell...