atoms and molecules Word Searches

Meet Word Search 2024-01-04

31 Items: mypenredsuebuseggdogleghamandmomfanseeboxyesmeetherekicknamegamecaketreeweektimelikefiveboatcuteclasssandyteacher

TAYLOR #2 2024-07-01

32 Items: hiwesotoareseebutdadmomallandjoyyourfacelooklovewithloveauntstayloraroundunclesfamilyexcitednothingsistersgrandmacousinsfriendsprayerspreciouswelcomed

Word Test 0926 2023-09-25

10 Items: to come to an end; to bring sth to an enda member of the same team or group as yourselfto promise to do sth; to promise sth will happenshy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situationserious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of timethe study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life...

Giving Back In Recovery Word Search 2023-11-20

10 Items: The feeling of hope and confidence regarding the future.Work you can do to spread hope and give back to your community.This is the virtue of giving freely and liberally, often meaning charitable.This habit leads to relapse, by not staying connected to your recovery peers.Something you can be for someone in a 12 Step Program when far into recovery....

Accretion Word Search 2024-02-06

13 Items: This is a measure of mass per unit volume.This is a measure of the quantity of matter.This is a celestial body in orbit around a star.the force that causes objects with mass to attract one anotherThis is the path which one body follows around another body in space.This is the measured value (always positive) from one point to another....

Chapter 2 Review Word Search 2023-11-10

25 Items: to approveto prohibit tradeanother word for lawsHe wrote Common SenseFirst US Vice PresidentFather of the ConstitutionThe ____-fifths compromiseword for political disorder"no taxation without ________"___________ or Great CompromiseHe wrote the Declaration of IndependenceThe NJ Plan wanted these to hold the power...

Snow Word Search 2023-12-04

10 Items: ridenosefortsnightneedlesdecemberNicholasevergreenpoinsettiaand Cookies

Paraprofessional Team Building 2022-11-29

14 Items: code for a medical emergency (BLUE)the female external catheter (VERSETTE)common name for the urinary catheter (FOLEY)acronym used to identify signs of a STROKE (BEFAST)the type of bath that is secondary to regular bath (CHG)machine used to help prevent blood clots in a patient's legs (SCD)...

Ubiquitous Word Search 2023-12-09

10 Items: To produce or provideEnthusiastic and eagerExtremely large or extensiveHumble submission and respectLacking originality and common; boringPresent, appearing, or found everywhereTo decrease gradually in size or intensityTo accept something reluctantly but without protestDislike of or prejudice against people from other countries...

Captivate Word Search 2023-12-10

10 Items: To blend or combineTo captivate or charmTo bring forth or elicitA brief flash or beam of lightExtremely joyful and triumphantEmitting bright or glowing lightTo attract and hold the interest ofThe state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubledAble to recover quickly from difficult conditionsA pleasing arrangement or combination of elements

Jubilant Word Search 2023-12-11

10 Items: Calm and peacefulBest or most favorableQuick and light in movementFeeling or expressing great joyAttractively unusual or old-fashionedPresent, appearing, or found everywhereVery great in amount, scale, or intensityGreen with grass or other rich vegetationTo regard with deep respect and admiration...

Macro Hard 2023-01-30

19 Items: chairish doesn't employAlways pays for shippingthis is your profile pictureMillions of shoppers want to buyRates are based on your seller planrefers to an item that is 100+ years oldanything that was made more than 20 years agothis mode lets you temporarily put your shop on hold.seller plan is offered to approved sellers for $99 a month...

ED Sub-Chief Complaints 2024-03-22

13 Items: "I woke up and my rims are gone""The train flew off the tracks!""My husband threw a plate at the wall""Somebody rear-ended me and then took off""My ex-girlfriend won't give me back my phone""There's two kids throwing rocks off the overpass""I'm calling to report a dead deer on the shoulder""The homeless man downtown refuses to put pants on"...

WS of ch.2 {2.3} [pg. 21] 2022-10-16

7 Items: _________ in great amount______ forms part of our blood_______ glasses of water per day_____ servings of rice and cerealsfibre found in fruits and vegetables______ servings of fruits and vegetables_______ diet is a diet that has the right amont of all

All things Cases 2024-05-15

10 Items: Secondary case reason and where quotes are createdSecondary case reason and where ESS proposals are createdResolution used if you created 3 new print listings in KGENThis primary and secondary case reason should rarely ever be usedThis field should have the issue, CUID Business Name and initials...

Aimar Emotions and Favorite Foods AND ROUTINES 2024-02-01

51 Items: ps4ps5porkiceevitaloxtailcerealeggnograviolicowfootoatmealgo-gurtnesquikdrawingcookingporridgeslushiessupligenpositivenegativecornbreadmilkshakeshoweringmelancholythunderingconvenientfruitpunchginger-teawash-disheswatching-tvbabysittingapprehensivepotato-saladgummy-snakesflabbergastedchicken-wingsmacaroni-saladmac-and-cheesepeppermint-tea...

Acts 20:1-12 2022-07-16

14 Items: set out for where?waited for us where?there were many what?broke bread and what?finally arrived where?and were greatly what?sinking into a deep what?took the young man home how?Paul spoke to the _____ (20:7)on the ____ day of the week (20:7)kept on talking until ______. (20:7)We came together to break ____ (20:7)...

Our Earth and Environment 2023-02-15

14 Items: our planeta dense forestWhat gives us oxygengrows from the groundwhat plants grow fromtaking trash and reusing itthe outer land near a riveranother word for what’s outsidewhere you can find the frogs! 🐸taking food waste and making it soilwhat comes from the sun on warm daysthose on the earth that are not human...

cheerio games 2024-02-01

6 Items: peetagameskatnisseverdeenand arrowmockingjay

evening Time and weekend and get away 2023-04-19

52 Items: ginfrybeermliktimewinekissblueyorkeggsfishtacocokecakemarsdancedrinkwaterhappyuncleharrysweetwarpsapplebaconsantapepsifantasweetsunnyfamilysistersummerpotatodinnerboxingsundaywalkingweekendbrothersausagebelfastairportchickencollegeholidayshoppingeveryonesandwichbeefsteaknewcastlechristmas

UNIT 7 FINE ARTS MAS 2024-03-17

18 Items: A Mexican art movement after the RevolutionArt made by ordinary people using traditional methodsPictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etcMexican art era where more images within Christianity were usedTraditional Mexican musical style during the end of the 19th century...

French Goodbyes And Hellos And Manners 2023-12-16

15 Items: ouinoncavamercisalutderiencavamalbonjourbonsoiraurevoircavabienjemappelebonnienuitcommentcavacommenttutapelles

Weather&Climate 2023-05-15

15 Items: when warm air rises.When warm air rises.Measures the air pressure.Change in moisture content.Determine the rate of precipitation.The way air weight on Earth's surface.Forms when less dense, warmer air mass.When a colder air mass moves toward a warmer air massFront wind stall for several days with warm air mass....

Our Solar System L5 2024-05-05

8 Items: Belt: The region of small, rocky objects located between the inner and outer planets in the Solar System.System: The group of objects that includes the Sun and the eight planets, including Earth, that orbit around it.The planet closest to the Sun in the Solar System. It is the smallest planet and has extreme temperature variations....

Odyssey Review 2023-11-27

17 Items: God of the winds; Gives Odysseus a bag of windFeeds a potion to Odysseus' men to turn them into pigsKing of the gods; He allows Athena to intervene to help OdysseusGod of the sea; Loathes Odysseus for blinding his son (The Cyclops)King of Sparta; Offers aid to Telemachus in his quest to find Odysseus...

Scapula and Clavicle Word Search 2024-07-15

15 Items: When angling for an axial clavicle, the range is __ to __ degrees cephalic.On a properly positioned scapula, the arm should be ____ 90 degrees and the hand ____.Other than the with and without weight markers, what else is required on an AC joint image.Weights are used when imaging to unmask a ____ ______ not seen on the without weights image....

A Special Message 2016-02-08

35 Items: IintomymymeonagoyouandtheyouFourintothatlifeyourKrisloveyearsheartwomanEarthHappyJameswalkedmakingFourthforeverforeverchatroomchanginghappiestAppleGirlAnniversary

Unseen Faithfulness 2023-12-12

32 Items: ausintoitofatgodhasouthisandoneactthatusedwaystimewomencarryplanschurchalwaysunseenhistoryremindsservinghappensordinarysovereignsacrificialfaithfulness

Present Simple Passive 2023-06-13

10 Items: Aliexpress _____________ (located) in Chinamy favorite game _____________ (call) GTA Vthe sony playstation ____________ (make) in Japanmore computers ___________ (need) in our classrooms at schoolmillions of photos ___________ (uploaded) to Instagram everydaythe eiffel tower _____________ (not locate) in Berlin, but in Paris...

Vocab Part 1 2023-02-13

11 Items: a ruler that belives in the enlightenmentto keep other rulers and countries in checkFrench for philosopher applied to all intellectuals during the Enlightenmentrights with which all humans are born, including the rights to life, liberty, and propertysun-centered the system of the universe in which the Earth and planets revolve around the sun...

Christianity and peace 2015-08-20


Vegies and fruit  2020-06-19

19 Items: peascornapplebeansonionmangojuicygrapesorangebananagarliccarrotpumpkineggplantcherriesbroccolitomatoesstrawberrywatermelon

Days and Months 2020-11-19

19 Items: mayJuneJulyMarchAprilFridaySundayMondayAugustTuesdayOctoberJanuarySaturdayThursdayDesemberFebruaryNovemberWednesdaySeptember

ritual and routines 2023-01-06

19 Items: kindtardyleaderpleaserespectpreparedthankyoureferralnohoodiesrestroomsdetentionphonecalldisciplinepermissiondirectionsconsequencesilentlunchnocellphonesfiveminutebreak


19 Items: holyservesatanangelsdemonsspiritscreatedguidingguardianseraphimcherubimpowerfularchangelprovidingdeceptionprotectingdeliveringtemptationministering

Dave and Bambi 2023-04-26

19 Items: tbdavemukobambibaldibimpemaldonimbimaddenexbungomoldyghplaybottristanrubymanexpungedrecursermr.bambimemeskidsitemplanet

Mirrors and Lenses 2023-05-23

19 Items: pupilcornearetinarealimagereflectionfocalpointconvexlensopticnervefarsightedplanemirroropticalaxisfocallengthtransparentconcavelensnearsightedastigmatismvirtualimageconvexmirrorconcavemirror

sports and furnitures 2024-06-28

19 Items: sportforksbowlssoccertennisspoonsknivesnapkinstissuesglassesfootballbaseballbadmintondodgeballping-pongbasketballvolleyballchopstickstable-tennis

English IH Unit 6 2023-09-20

15 Items: pompousunconcernedshort-livedsevere povertyturn int vaporharsh and shrilldestroy completelygracious; heartfeltpractical; possibleunselfishly generouspacify; lessen the anger ofrelieve; make more bearableexamine closely and criticallypicture made of colorful, small, inlaid tilesgoing in different directions from the same point

Deoxyribonucleicacid Word Search 2024-06-25

17 Items: p+DNARNAelement Celement Hmany sugarssingle sugarcatalyzing proteinsugar macromoleculeprotein building blockhydrophobic macromoleculebasic; pH greater than 7.0building chemical reactionnucleic acid building blockchemical dissolved in solventmolecule contains carbon and hydrogenthree fatty acids and glycerol molecule

Days and Months 2016-10-18

19 Items: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilAugustSundayMondayFridayJanuaryOctoberTuesdayFebruaryNovemberDecemberThursdaySaturdaySeptemberWednesday

Energy and Light 2017-08-25

19 Items: SoundSolarLightEnergyMirrorConvexKineticConcaveChemicalSpectrumIncidenceFrequencyElectricalReflectionRefractionWavelengthFocalPointElasticPotentialGravitationalPotential

design and technology 2018-04-25

19 Items: nethookdrillshellshapemetalpaperbridgehammerbendingHacksawchiselsTensioncollapsematerialColosseumstructuresStonehengecompression

Shampoo and Conditioning  2021-01-18

19 Items: cortexshampooproteincuticlemedullathermalbalancingmedicatedhardwatersoftwaterclarifyinghumectantsastringentmoisturizerconditioningnonstrippingsulfate-freeneutralizingcolor-enhancing

Month and day 2021-10-01

19 Items: mayjunejulyMarchaprilaugustSundayMondayFridayJanuaryOctoberTuesdayFebruaryNovemberDecemberThursdaySaturdaySeptemberWednesday

Vision and Light 2023-01-20

19 Items: preymodelsensevisionobserveprocessreflectsurviveevidencefunctionpredatorreceptorvariablesensitivestructureenvironmentexplanationsensitivityinvestigation

Months and Days 2023-02-28

19 Items: mayjunejulymarchaprilaugustmondayfridaysundayjanuaryoctobertuesdayfebruarynovemberdecemberthursdaysaturdayseptemberwednesday

Heat and temperature 2023-06-14

20 Items: heatsolidoilingenergyliquidCHANGEhotnessmeltingcoldnessfreezingCAPACITYradiationconductionconvectionevaporationsublimationtemperaturethermometercondensationsolidification

Sip and Solve 2023-08-19

19 Items: toughsmarthonestlovinggenuinedevotedgenerouscautiousreliableblessingsrespectfulpersuasivesuccessfulintrovertedtrustworthyaffectionateunderstandingargumentativecompassionate

DAYS AND MONTHS 2024-02-02


Force and Motion 2024-04-16

19 Items: massforcespeedexertmetermotionnewtonmatterweightinertiagravityfrictionvelocitypressuremomentumequilibriumaccelerationbalancedforceunbalancedforce

sports and school 2024-04-26

19 Items: tracksportssoccerhockeyhockeytennisschoolfrisbeerunningwalkinglacrossefootballbaseballkickballhomeworkteachersstudentsbasketballvolleyball

sports and school 2024-04-26

19 Items: tracksportssoccerhockeyhockeytennisschoolfrisbeerunningwalkinglacrossefootballbaseballkickballhomeworkteachersstudentsbasketballvolleyball

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes 2024-04-30

19 Items: cellplantanimaltheoryamoebanucleusprotistbacteriaribosomemembraneorganismflagellacytoplasmprokaryoticunicellularmitochondriamulticellularendosymbioticdeoxyribonucleicacid

LILO and stitch 2024-05-22

20 Items: lilolovefrogbeachohanaalientrustalohaducksstitchguitarscrumphawaiifamilyguitarsurfingloyaltykindnessexperimentfriendship

Food and Drinks 2024-07-22

20 Items: beeffishmilkcornriceapplewaterjuicelemonmangoonionsbutteronionsorangeschickenbananaslettucepotatoespineapplevegetables

Adjectives 2022-12-05

13 Items: adept - very skilledfrank - direct in speechlustrous - brilliant; shiningample - sufficient or more than enoughsleek - vigorous or energetic; stimulatingvibrant - vigorous or energetic; stimulatingdiligent - consistent in effort; hard-workinggenerous - freely giving and sharing; unselfishgleaming - giving off light or brightness; radiant...

Biotechnology Research and Development Careers 2023-05-11

5 Items: protein that acts like a catalyst in the cell-equipment specialist : A biotechnologist research and development careerstudy patterns of inheritance and develop methods to influence genetic informationA biotechnologist research and development career cytologist A biotechnologist research and development career...

Renaissance and Reformation  2014-11-24

18 Items: CalvinChurchdaVinciHumanismMonaLisaMerchantPaintingSecularismProtestantcapitalismRenaissanceReformationShakespeareindulgencesLutheranismMachiavelliMichelangeloprintingpress

Dirt and Soil 2015-03-10

18 Items: Dirtsoilloamdungskinfungirunoffannualserosionbacteriamyceliumnitrogenperenialsnutrientsearthwormsdepositionpesticidesmonoculture

Days and Months 2015-01-07

20 Items: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilMarchFridayMondaySundayAugustFridayJanuaryTuesdayDecemberSaturdayThursdayFebruaryNovemberSeptemberWednesday

Larry and Sue 2017-01-05

18 Items: cryflybabygivehighmakehopecandyLarrystudypartyhappystillquietfunnysmilecherrycannot

Ratio and Proportion 2017-05-02

19 Items: rateunitratesaleratiopricecolonequaldividepercentdecimaldiscountfractionsimplifyproportionequivalenttheoreticalprobabilityexperimental

Animals and Animagi 2018-11-28

18 Items: FangErrolFluffyAragogRipperHermesFawkesProngsHedwigNaginiTrevorPadfootNorbertaBuckbeakScabbersMrsNorrisPigwidgeonCrookshanks

Women and Power  2020-01-13

18 Items: rightspowerfulfeminismequalityequalpayviolencepolygamymarriageelectionsfamilycodeleadershipconfidencehighstatusStereotypespatriarchalemancipationgenderequalityunderrepresented

Animals and Insects 2020-11-19

18 Items: catdogantlionbirdzebrahippotigerdragonmonkeyspiderunicorngiraffeladybugelephantmosquitocockroachbutterfly

Mixtures and Solutions 2021-01-29

18 Items: gassolutefiltervolumemixturecrystaldilutedsolventsolutionchemicalreactiondissolvereactantssaturationsolubilityprecipitateevaporationconcentration

Relatives and Nicknames 2022-12-24

18 Items: janebethtonyliamtankbrianscottdanaereganvictorleannasawyerdeclangriffinscooterprincessdestroyerprofessor

Stealth and Security 2023-01-25

18 Items: findplayfourspamscansevendevicetwentythreatprotecttogglesupdatesprivacysecuritypasswordprotectionpermissionsnotification

Fruits AND Veggies 2023-01-30

18 Items: cornonionapplelemoncarrotpepperpotatotomatobananacherryfruitsgrapesorangepumpkincucumbervegetablesstrawberrywatermelon

LOTF and Walle 2023-02-17

18 Items: sowpigevejackevilgoodralphpiggysimonwallerobottrashislandfuturesavagedystopianarchetypecivilization

Harris and I 2023-04-28

18 Items: boblynxbillknufelouieernielarsonharrisbuzzervivianmemoirkineticroosteridentitybelongingvignettesacceptanceautobiography

Weather and seasons 2023-08-19

18 Items: hotcoldwarmcoolfallsnowyrainysunnyfoggywindycloudystormyspringautumnsummerwinterthunderlightening

Forces and Motion! 2023-09-21

20 Items: pushpullforceForceForcetouchpolesForcemagnetenergygravitytensionnewtonsfrictionbuoyancymagneticelectricdirectionphysicallyresistance

compromise and cooperation 2024-03-20

20 Items: harmonyharmonybalanceharmonytradeoffagreementconsensusmutualismmediationadaptationsettlementresolutionconcessionnegotiationflexibilitygiveandtakecooperationunderstandingcollaborationaccommodation

Balkanization Word Search 2023-12-01

37 Items: - a force that divides people and countries- A nationality that is not represented by a state.- state with more than one nation within its borders- A country who's population share a common identity.- nation that stretches across borders and across states- A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country...

Eric's awesome word search 😀 2023-12-18

9 Items: our galaxyknown as Ursa minorknown as Ursa majorwe _____ around the sunthe belief in zodiac signswe have 8 of them in our solar systema space scientist who studies stars and stuffa guy who goes into space and does experimentslarge objects that are made up of dust and ice

Chapter 4 - Life In The Colonies - myWorld Social Studies 2023-01-26

21 Items: a rebelliondisagreementa societal groupshowing much varietya nation that is a military partnera formal agreement between countriesan area defined by its common featuresa person who owns property or a businessa product brought into a country to be soldresources that are used to manufacture productsa worker skilled in a trade, usually done by hand...

Transport and countries 2014-11-25

18 Items: ZugBusRadFußAutoUBahnWalesSchiffIrlandSpanienItalienEnglandFlugzeugFrankreichSchottlandösterreichStraßenbahnDeutschland

Ratio and Proportion 2017-05-02

19 Items: rateunitratesaleratiopricecolonequaldividepercentdecimaldiscountfractionsimplifyproportionequivalenttheoreticalprobabilityexperimental

Hondo and Fabian 2017-03-06

18 Items: funfurmaddivewavewishfullhomesamefloorbeachfriendhungryfavoritesandwichadventuredifferentwindowsill


18 Items: EdgeCrownMoralTribeAngleArrowEnemyAssertBeliefHeavenNationCitizenDilemmaChimneyResidentBasementMonumentInhabitant

Tortoise and Hare 2023-02-06

18 Items: sayhascryhareneedmilkyawnreadshouttiredsmilejuicelunchhungrydinnerthirstytortoisebreakfast

Romeo and Juliet 2023-04-18

18 Items: romeoparisjuliettybaltveronacapuletsampsongregoryabrahambalconybenvoliomercutiomontaguerosalinebalthasarapothecaryprinceescalusfriarlaurence

Gardner Denver Thomas 2023-08-25

12 Items: Asian facilityEurope facilityNorthern North America facilitySouthern North America facilitypump units that are as small as a coin or a paper clipthe first choice for moving demanding fluids gently without any system downtimesolution pump for liquid and gas handling, for medical, process, and industrial applications...

Ameritox Lab Week #3 2017-04-18

32 Items: OpOxiandLIMSQAQCSDMSBatchSciexTecanAscentEnzymeIndigoLCMSMSThermoAgilentGeneralSupportHamiltonLancelotResearchChemistryRapidFireScreeningAliquotingCertifyingExtractionHydrolysisInstrumentToxicologyDevelopmentAccessioningConfirmation

SEC Teams and Nicknames 2023-06-27

29 Items: tidestatestatetexasauburntigersgatorsrebelsfloridageorgiaalabamaa and msoonerskentuckymissouricarolinaarkansasoklahomabulldogswildcatsbulldogstennesseegamecockslonghornsvanderbiltrazorbacksvolunteerscommodoresmississippi

Excited Word Search 2022-08-01

32 Items: sosuntheandanteyewordbookvasethispoolhairheadfivetunalovewaterhouseshoestableclothheartpaperpencilheaterexcitedgumballcounterkickballfantasticmarvelouseverything

This Word Search 2022-08-10

35 Items: oftobeitasaswetohasonebigandhasbutnotthislifebeeni'veonlyjustlikedelotakenmaybewe'rewouldthinkbecomeparodyitselfhonestalwaysnoticeoriginal

Princess Diaries 2023-03-21

32 Items: andmiajoepearpizzalillywangoshutuplistenpeoplemustangdiariesscootercorndogrenaldigenoviamichaelgoodbyetrolleyclarissefatlouieotterbagfirepoleprincessflypaperfallingstarbrainfreezesendinpaulostupidcupidthermopolisjulieandrewssanfrancisco


20 Items: GODI AMHIGHkingWATERJIREHhealerFATHERyahweyOF GODSSHADDAIawesomeamazingexaltedredeemergloriousAND OMEGAdeliverercomforterpeacekeeper

The SOPHIE Word Search! :) 2024-07-08

25 Items: craftscraftsrobloxkuromisenecadrawingdoggiescookiesrainbowskibididancingtocabocacupcakesicecreamsparklessweetcornmiraculouscinderellabrookhavenbasketballgymnasticsdemonslayerelectronicssiberianhuskyA horse with 4 legs and no life

Esoteric Word Search 2023-12-11

10 Items: Pleasingly smooth and musical to hearPresent, appearing, or found everywhereUnclear, hazy, or vague in form or expressionShowing great attention to detail; very carefulCharacterized by a lack of energy and enthusiasmExtremely idealistic; unrealistic and impracticalToo great or extreme to be expressed or described in words...

Nutrition - Daily Review 2023-08-10

16 Items: Another word for Legumes. (5)Fruit & Vegetables are high in this nutrient. (7/1)There are _ _ _ _ grams of sugar in one teaspoon. (4)Food group including pumpkin, cabbage and carrot. (10)A negative consequence of eating too many unhealthy foods. (7)Food group including Pasta, Bread, Cereal, Noodles and Rice. (6)...

hekko 2022-10-30

10 Items: atnotGodthemsaidjesusthingspossibleimpossibleman this is

Cognitive Distortions 2024-06-12

12 Items: phonyismminimizationpersonalizingperfectionismall-or-nothingfortunetellingalways-and-neversemtional-reasoningovergeneralizationfocusing-on-negativejumping-to-conclusionsdisqualifying-positive

Sam's Club Fun 2024-06-09

53 Items: hmsendGuysCageWorkWorkMarkpluscafeclubboxescartscbl'sslothsignsleadsand goliquorfamilysmileslaughsCenterbakeryCoolerhustlepickupjewelrycashierfriendsopticalcreditsmembersscheduleforkliftin SteelObsessedcheckoutscrubberupgradeschickensmanagersregistersbreakroomhandheldsrecievingAttendantsmembershipDepartmentand Batteryelectronicsmaintenance...

APES Unit 8 2024-04-24

9 Items: Plastic is not _______burn garbage to generate electricityWhere would you see construction wastelandfill that exposes trash to wind, air, scavengersnot sorted, burns trash that will create dangerous air pollutiontoxic liquid created by rainfall leaching down through layers of trash...

July 4ths 2024-07-02

25 Items: SamDogFlagJacksanthemfourthparadesummerfamilypicnicnationamericafreedomlibertybannersholidayequalityveteransfireworkssparklerspatrioticjeffersonrevolutionand Stripesindependence

The Great Depression 2022-10-31

10 Items: When you owe moneyThe collapse of world tradeWhere people store their moneyWhen people didn’t have a job, they were ———One of the most depressing moments in historyWhen people didn’t have a home, they were ———Many people lost many —— during the Great DepressionMany workers lost lots of ——— during the Great Depression...