4th of july Word Searches

Pomona Word Search 2023-03-08

21 Items: slept for 57 yearskeeper of the beesgood and wise centaurgoat with the horn of plentywas poisoned by a jealous Circedolphins carried him back to landthe trident was made in her honorthe six stars that brought the rainmother of the twins Artemis and Apollohis lock of hair protected his kingdomhusband and sons killed in a rebellion...

Find the Words! 2023-05-17

20 Items: The top of a mountainTo shoot out with forceAble or likely to explodeHot liquid rock inside EarthCausing great harm or damageTo produce or create somethingA covering or layer of somethingTo come out quickly and suddenlyVery big, impressive, or beautifulBeing in a state of rest or inactivityA large, bowl-shaped hole in the ground...

Vocab Word Search 2022-10-18

20 Items: The product life cycle stage in which sales rise rapidly.The particular group of customers a business seeks to attract.People who personally use a good or service to satisfy their own wants.Goods and services purchased quickly and without much thought or effort.The product life cycle stage when the product first appears in the marketplace....

ww4 u 11 alternative 2024-06-28

20 Items: eyesighta mixturegreat; largeill-manneredto disappeara long, deep cutthe amount producedof or used in seeingdull and uninterestinga state of being boredto make or have a change ina plant that lives for one yeara dull and uninteresting personmade by humans and not by natureto feed; to support or make growa change in form, position or color...

Science Definitions Word Search 2023-05-15

15 Items: the amount of moisture in the airthe weight of the air pushing down on Earthan instrument used to find relative humidityan instrument for measuring atmospheric pressurean instrument used to measure the amount of rainfalluses the Doppler effect to measure a targets velocityan instrument used for measuring the direction of the wind...

trs22 5b w13pt2 w14pt1 2022-07-04

13 Items: adj.Very cold.adj.By yourself.v.Fix or repair.n.A large group of people.adj.Very bad, disgusting or scary.n.The way or path to get somewhere.n.A small house or building made of wood.n.A huge, floating piece of ice in the ocean.v.When somethings flips over, turns onto its top.n.The sound a person make when speaking or singing....

Acids and Alkalis 2023-09-16

13 Items: a soluble basehas a pH below 7has a pH above 7has a pH of exactly 7acid that contains a lot of watercolour litmus paper turns in acidscolour litmus paper turns in alkalisacid that doesn't have a lot of watera reaction between an acid and a basean example of an acid we use in the laban example of an acid you find in the kitchen...

Vocabulary 2022-11-10

14 Items: worryin timeannouncewell-beingor physical painor physical painor gather togetherto perform or producefear of possible harmsomething as probable or likelyfeelings of unwarranted importanceto your comfort or purpose or needstogether on a common enterprise or projectas worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence

Series 6 Review 2023-07-19

75 Items: accountA radio interview is a public _________Rule 147 is regarding _______ offeringsSelling group members are paid a selling ______A final prospectus is also known as a _______ prospectusThe firm in which must complete the transfer of an accountThe “A” under discretionary orders that describes buy or sell...

Ch2 - IT Fundamentals Terminology 2023-09-05

52 Items: A group of eight bits joined together.Kilobits of audio data processed each second.A numbering system that uses two digits, 0 and 1.A numbering system that uses ten digits, 0 through 9.A way of reducing the size of files, making them easier to store.The smallest unit of digital information, represented by a 1 or 0....

metal health 2024-02-21

15 Items: pressurepast trumaby yourselfmentally fitto much worryto be relaxedfeeling of sadnessbeing over controllingidentifying an illnessnot normal shift in moodways of dealing with thingsirrational fear of somethingthings you take to get betterborn without the ability to do somethinggetting really nervous and causing iregular breathing

Invitation 2023-01-05

16 Items: tomynicejokesbringThe MonthinvitationThe Capitalwake up timeSleeping timeSomething sweetday of the weekday of the weekTime of the Daywhere people liveMy favorite thing

3B word search week 13~15 2022-06-02

25 Items: to get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethingto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearsomeone who dances either as a job or for pleasuresomething bad that happens that is not expected or intendeda man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle...

GG.2,Unit 0 2023-10-03

10 Items: helmetyoghurtinventorquantitybrilliantwhitecoattracksuitstaffroomscared(of)underground

Sacraments 2014-08-25

25 Items: ofOiltheBabyDoveBabyHolySignFontWatercrossCandleBishopPriestChurchSpiritBaptismCatholicCatholicWelcomingChristianEucharistSacramentsInitiationConfirmation

Imperialism  2015-05-19

23 Items: ofRawNewtheWealthEatersTsavo.MedicalMilitaryImperialTransferRetardedMaterialsConflictsInvestmentSuperiorityCompetitionDevelopmentAdvancementsOpportunitiesPhilosophicalJustificationInterdpendence

Religion 2015-03-27

24 Items: oflifePaulwinelifebodybreadJesusSaintbloodchurchprayerzealousblessedchaliceeternalphariseeadorationsacramentherecticsexpositionmonstrancetabernacleEucharistic

DOLCH SIGHT WORDS - List 2 2016-06-10

24 Items: toheitofinonandoneyouwashissheforsadbuthadthebatthisthatsaidthatthenthey

Chemical Reactions and Equations 2016-11-04

26 Items: ofoflawmasssingledoubleenergyenzymeproductchemicalreactionchemicalequationreactantcatalystsynthesisinhibitorcombustionexothermicactivationcoefficientreplacementreplacementendothermicconservationdecomposition

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare 2019-02-04


My Little Pony Word Search 2020-06-14

24 Items: ofpiedashLunaSpikeArmorMagicPinkieRaritySunsetSchoolRainbowCadenceShiningShimmerGlimmerCelestiaApplejackStarlightCanterlotTwighlightFluttershyFriendshipFriendship

Pesticides, Pollinators, and People 2024-03-27

13 Items: Name of the bee epifamily____________ collapse disorderNumber of described insect speciesBonus: Critically endangered bee in MNPeople who first used sulfur pesticides 4000 years agoAbout 60% of this leafy green was found to have neonicsTerm referring to rapid decline of insect species across the world...

Executive Branch Review Word Search 2024-05-08

9 Items: What body selects the President?Current President of the United States?Who is the elected head of the republic?Current Vice President of the United States?A rule that is made by an authority that must be obeyed?What body is made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments?...

Introduction to Geography: 5 Themes of Geography 2022-07-14

16 Items: humanplaceideasregionpeopleclimatephysicallocationrelativeabsolutemovementlatitudelongitudehemispheresstudy of earthenvironment interaction

blue and gold 2024-04-09

15 Items: Artsstemboldnigellegacyforwardsuccesspurposeof Cadetsworkforceathleticschampionsengagementnighthawksleadership

the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 2024-01-16

11 Items: ZeusgreatstatuetemplehangingpyramidgardensArtemiscolossusmausoleumlighthouse

Green Group 2024-03-05

20 Items: for that reason; consequentlyvery large in size, quantity, or extentacquire (something) by paying for it; buythe action of helping or doing work for someoneobtain (money) in return for labour or servicesequivalent in value to the sum or item specifiedinterfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of...

As Posições e Os Demonstrativos 2024-01-25

11 Items: underBehindNext toOn, Abovethis herethat thereIn front ofBetween, Amongdemonstrativesthat over thereposition of object

Natalie B's Science Search 2022-12-01

10 Items: The area where its spread apartThe area where its close togetherThe frequency is measured in _____The distance of one complete wave cycleThe measurement of maximum displacementThe top of the wave is called the _____The bottom of the wave is called the _______The number of waves or vibrations produced per second...

-Geology words- 2023-11-15

10 Items: Another word for Lava. _ _ _ _ _ .Equipment to see small rocks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A type of Igneous Rock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A Rock classification ending in ‘ous’. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .One of the Earths layers that is 70km thick. _ _ _ _ _.A Sedimentary rock starting with ‘Sand’. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....

Unit 18 Word Search 2023-02-21

11 Items: Aware.Meaning the same as.Subcategory or subgroup.Official system of naming.Not revealing ones identity.In name only, not completely true.Relating to the process of thought.Disguised as someone other than oneself.Use of trickery and false logic in arguments.A word that means the opposite of another word....

Vocabulary 2023-06-13

11 Items: Type of dogInjury to a ligamentTo explain or describeTo take a walk in publicA part of a larger storyThe result of combining; to mixOutline of something or someoneSomething with ruffles, lacy, decorativeSomething or someone that replaces anotherSomeone demanding, that likes rules to be followed...

Draft of Game for Gala 2024-01-16

33 Items: PowerBike SeatWho We AreLeft BehindCycling TopCycling RaceGroup Of CogsFollow The...100 Mile RideSlow Bike DownWheel To WheelBike’s BackboneMountain ClimberBring Up The RearHow Much You ClimbCorrect PositioningFrench Water BottleSuspenders/OverallsRotations Per MinuteLoop Of Roller LinksAt Home Training ToolSpring Training Event...

ami and akshay search 2023-06-01

50 Items: amijulywifelovepatelringshaldibridegroomgiftsaislepartyfamilyakshayganeshbaraatpherasmandapmehndicheersguestssweetscoupleforeverhusbandkeyportweddingdancingbestmanflowersmaharajsangeetlehengasindoorbouquetceremonymemoriesnewlywedmarriagespeechestogethergroomsmensaptapadireceptionblessingstraditionsphotographbridesmaidsmangalsutracelebration

Teenager 1 2023-06-30

50 Items: mayfurfinflyruncanbadjunejulyfallbirdlionduckheadeyesarmslegsfeetnosebeakswimjumptailcantgoodmarchapriltigermouthclimbaugustsummerwinterspringmonkeystrongjanuaryoctobergiraffedolphinfingersbirthdayfebruarynovemberdecemberkangarooseptembercrocodiledangerouscelebration

Family Reunion 2024-06-06

51 Items: momdadfunsunhuglakesandsnowjulylovekidstahoeauntsgamesboatspartytowelbearsdenimwaterkayakskitspoemslaughbeachbookscabinsfamilyzephyrunclesskiingjetskitennispicnicsmoresreunioncousinshistoryfrisbeesunburnfishingsiblingsbarbecueicecreammemoriesswimmingmountainssunscreenflipflopssunglassesshakespeare

Gond 2023-05-04

11 Items: The place of origination of this art form.The Gonds share indigenous roots with them.The supreme being that the Gonds believe inA name of the state where the Gonds reside.The sect of Gonds who create Gond paintings.The wall paintings with flora and fauna designs.The colour earthy red is derived from this soil....

Regular & irregular verbs 2013-02-07

10 Items: ofofpastpastdrawtenseteachdrawntaughtparticiple

kanshd 2023-02-12

16 Items: cherrybattlesbritishLincolnamericacongressCongressbirthdayamericancelebratecolonistscommanderof RightsRevolutioncontinentalconstitution

OnCore Research-Related Phrases 2023-02-08

33 Items: Visit windowCount of subjects on a studyElectronic medical record systemThe full-length name of the protocolConsole where subject staff are enteredBase template for an OnCore study calendarThe institutional funding body for the studyOrganization or company supporting the trialList of team member contacts for the protocol...

Freedom Crossing pages 51-99 2024-02-20

16 Items: proofsimplyto stroll alonga small argumentleaves of a plantto turn or look awayclumsy; lacking skillconfused and surprisedsuffering from bad luckto go at a slow, easy paceboldly rude or disrespectfulto move around in an impatient wayfreedom from the demands of work or dutya state of great confusion or disturbance...

Week 2 2023-07-28

10 Items: To, at, or in what place.Past simple of the verb "do".Past tense of the verb "catch".Past simple of the verb "hide".Past simple of the verb "draw".In what way, or by what methods.Past simple of the verb "become".At what time; at the time at whichUsed to talk about what is going to happen in the future....

Spelling 4 2024-03-27

10 Items: accurate, not falseto press against with forcepart of the body on the handa raised platform in a theatercreate a picture using a writing utensilanother word for car; short for automaticgive or hand over something in exchange for moneyhaving or showing a high degree of mental abilitya hint or piece of evidence that helps with the answer...

Water 2023-11-23

19 Items: A holeA material.The presence of a resourceFrozen water in large clumpsA process where water is cleansedRocks/sediments saturated in waterA large body connecting to the oceanWhen water vapour groups together when cooled.A large body of water separated from the oceanA large body of water, the largest on the planet...

Toy Story Day 16 2023-04-10

12 Items: copyanyoneattacksearchrescueguiltycommandcapablecannibalget-out-ofinterferingreinforcement

American Revolution Vocabulary 2022-11-16

15 Items: an official agreement between two or more countriesthe act of attempting to overthrow one's governmentthe treaty that grants peace to america from britainan american army volunteer during the american revolutiona person hired to fight for another country other than their owna colonist who protests against the king on the side of the Americans...

SWITZERLAND 2022-10-31


UNIT 18 2024-03-05

11 Items: awaremeaning the same as.subcategory or subgroup.official system of naming.not revealing one’s identity.in name only, not completely truerelating to the process of thought.disguised as someone other than oneself.use of trickery and false logic in arguments.a word that means the opposite of another word....

science key terms 2014-02-03

25 Items: ofandandloadloadformsheerstaticdesigncentrestresstensiontorsiondynamicgravityfatiguefailurefunctionsymmetryexpansionaestheticsergonomicsstructuralcompressionsustainable

Chapter 6  2017-03-23

25 Items: oftwohalfpointlinessidesanglethirdsmediancentroidbisectortriangleverticesparallelincenteraltitudebisectormidsegmentconcurrentmidsegmentconcurrencyequidistantorthocentercircumcenterperpendicular

Word Search Week 15 2023-01-12

24 Items: ofbetwobeetootwobookmeetmeatweekweakmanemaintailtalebeganreadytheirwholewriteyearsthrewthoughtthrough

High Frequency Words 2023-03-23

23 Items: -i--amthe-a--to-is-we-my-heforsheseeyou-ofarelikehave-0mewithlooktheythatlittle

9 Word Search 2023-09-10

24 Items: aofbyoninastheandgoodyourlifesuchsensethingspracticefocusingpersonalgratitudecultivategratitudestrengthssupportiverelationshipsaccomplishments

Wedding Word Hunt 2023-10-15

20 Items: MANcakekisslovevowswifebridedancegroomringsfamilyflowersforeverhusbandweddingceremonymarriageproposalchamoagneOF HONOUR

Day of the dead 2024-05-05

20 Items: deadlifefoodgravealivemasksfeastmexicocandleflowersdancingholidayspiritscultureskeletonfestivaltraditionancestorscelebrationof the dead

Tradition Word Search 2024-05-06

20 Items: fooddeadlovemusicstorycopalmexicofamilyspiritpassionculturefestiveidentityrememberofferingtraditioncelebrateimportantof the deadforgiveness

4th Grade Small Reading Group 2017-02-17

10 Items: NinaAhmedAngelyShirelMsLupeMidwayJulianaReadingEnglishSmallGroup

Nursing Shortage 2024-04-07

15 Items: What primary focus guides the efforts of nurses in healthcare settings?What term describes the insufficient number of available nurses in healthcare settings?What strategy aims to keep nurses in their current positions within healthcare institutions?What paramount concern guides the actions of nurses and healthcare providers in their duties?...

Nutrition - Daily Review 2023-08-10

16 Items: Another word for Legumes. (5)Fruit & Vegetables are high in this nutrient. (7/1)There are _ _ _ _ grams of sugar in one teaspoon. (4)Food group including pumpkin, cabbage and carrot. (10)A negative consequence of eating too many unhealthy foods. (7)Food group including Pasta, Bread, Cereal, Noodles and Rice. (6)...

Spanish Vocab 2 2023-02-22

55 Items: inpendayMayyearJulyJunebookweekAprilMarchmonthAugustfolderSundayseasonwinterFridaypencilMondaypleasespringsummerFridayJanuaryTuesdayOctobernotebookhow manyDecemberFebruaryIt`s hottomorrowNovemberSaturdayIt`s coldWednesdayclassroomSeptemberIt`s sunnyIt`s windyfall/autumnIt`s rainingIt`s snowingstudent deskteacher(male)(male) studentteacher(female)...

Introduction to Physics & Scientific Method 2022-10-29

8 Items: Everything around us is made of _____.An example of a career related to physics.A branch of science that studies the physical world.Patterns or procedures every investigation usually follows.Physics uses ______ to describe observations and predictions.An example of a technology (device) developed with the help of physics....

4th Grade Summer School - Mr. Borski's Class 2024-06-13

24 Items: ianliamnoahandicaasiskylahazelevelyninnesaalexiseliziolawanothomasmarissajeniyahjuliettecharlizesterlingbrooklynbrooklynannamariecharlessaalexandercharlotte


10 Items: The central subject of an essay.The main sentence in a paragraph.One method of starting an introduction.The basic number of components an essay has.Typically the last sentence in the introduction.These sentences give more details in a paragraph.This section is developed from the thesis statement.Words or phrases used within and between paragraphs....

Movie Word Search 2023-05-04

43 Items: PiItHerTedBlondeCarrieScreamAvatarmother!AladdinEternalsMagnoliaSuperbadCat's EyeChristineLife of PiMadagascarMean GirlsSecretariatBarry LyndonThe AvengersPulp FictionThe FabelmansBoogie NightsJurassic ParkCool RunningsThe TerminatorRomeo + JulietT2: Judgement DayKill Bill: Vol. 1Kill Bill: Vol. 2The Hateful EightBrokeback Mountain...

Lesson 14: The Constitution Vocabulary Words 2024-02-21

11 Items: The branch that makes laws.The branch that carries out, or executes, lawsThe document that describes how the U.S. government works.An agreement in which each side gives up some of what it wants.The branch that interprets laws and settles disagreements about them....

Stave 1-3 of A Christmas Carol Word Search 2022-11-29

15 Items: the name of Scrooge's clerkScrooge's ex-business partnerthe name of Scrooge's ex-fiancépredicted to die in the third staveMarley was carrying and wrapped in ___the name of Scrooge's nephew; Fan's sonMarley died ___ years ago on Christmas EveScrooge's old boss that was kind and lovingthe second spirit was described as a ___ giant...

Reagan R 2024-05-16

15 Items: Energy that is storedThe total distance movedThe ability to cause changeHas a definite shape and volumeelectrons in the outermost shell.The process of changing directionHas an indefinite shape and volumeExplains how particles in matter behaveAnything that has mass and takes up spaceHas a indefinite shape and definite volume...

social studies vocabulary 2022-06-14

13 Items: kivabillglobecolonyrepealpassageneutralartifactassemblystrategyminutemansettlementof exploration

Science Word Search 2023-05-12

10 Items: measures the air pressurechange in moisture contentmeasures the speed of windthe weight of air pushing on Earthmeasures the direction of the blowing windmeasures the amount of precipitation that has fallenwarm air; low pressure system rises; high pressure system sinksmeasures the percentage of water vapor in the air known as humidity...

Crest Word Search 2022-11-28

10 Items: measures frequencydistance of the wavelowest point on a wavein a longitudinal wavehighest point on a wavewave becomes spread outmoves the medium parallelnumber of waves per secondmeasurement of displacementmoves the medium perpendicular

Ticket Word Search 2023-02-09

15 Items: ofstepwordroarlessguardqueueworthofficeexpectduringchancecrowdedtortoiseeducation

Cheap Word Search 2023-07-15

11 Items: It is the opposite of friendly.It is the opposite of 'generous'.My neighbor talks a lot. He is ...It is the opposite of 'dependent'.He is not fat and not thin. He is ...My father is not funny. He is very ...A belt, a tie, scarf, etc. are called ...I don't like shy people. I prefer ... ones.A kind of jewelry you wear around your neck....

The Holocaust 2024-03-19

16 Items: jewsdeathcampsoskareuropefrancerussiapolandgermanybritainstarvedof davidschindlerauschwitzkristallnachtconcentration

Vocab Part 2 2023-02-28

15 Items: a popular votemilitary draftthe right to votecan defend with logicking noble and easantssudden overthrow of the governmentmilitary static where they burn or destroy cropsto formally give up control of a country or stateto incorporate into an existing political unit, such as a city or country...

Never Let Me Go: Writer's Methods 2022-12-12

15 Items: a repeated symbolanother word for speecha novel about growing upwhere a story takes placethe main genre of the novelsymbols or reminders of deaththe type of narrator Kathy isa comparison using 'like' or 'as'when the weather reflects the moodanother term for non-chronologicalwhen the writer gives advance warning...

Bridal Shower 2023-06-07

17 Items: manlovevowskissbridegroomringsflowersforeverdancingpromisemarriageof honorceremonyhoneymoongroomsmanbridesmaids

Shamrock Word Search 2024-02-13

11 Items: jigluckgreenmarchirishcloverparadeirelandof goldshamrockleprechaun

kaylene's wave word search 2022-11-28

10 Items: one complete wave cyclethe maximum placement upwardsthe measurement of displacementwave motion that is perpendicularwhat measures the frequency of the wavenumber of vibrations produced per secondwave motion that is parallel to wave directionthe maximum displacement in a longitudinal wavethe maximum displacement in a longitudinal wave...

Kaylie's Wacky Word Search 2022-11-30

10 Items: The maximum displacement upWhat frequency is measured inThe maximum displacement downMeasurement of maximum displacementWave which moves the medium parallelarea of maximum displacement in a wavearea of maximum displacement in a waveThe distance of one complete wave cycleWave which moves the medium perpendicular...

the curie society 2023-05-25

16 Items: damsfrozeglaicermamothsalgebrapredatormurderermechancsbiosphereof energyalgorithmextinctionmedicatedelkcommercailieconstrainingsemiconductor

Czech Word Search 2024-05-05

16 Items: ofopystombssevenmagicvltavaunescolargeststatuescreatedrepublicconnectsmedievalinstalledpreservedneorenaissance

Alma the Younger 2024-06-02

19 Items: Imyamforandthethesaidhavesinshavebeenlordbornbeholdspiritrepentedredeemedforgiveness

54 2022-12-25

15 Items: lavaleafleverlightlatterleewardlatitudelaurasialigamentlanthanumlexicologylepidopterylast-quarterlaw-of-newtonlepidopterology

Ticket Word Search 2023-02-09

15 Items: ofstepwordroarlessguardqueueworthofficeexpectduringchancecrowdedtortoiseeducation

Safety Word Search Puzzle 2023-10-13

15 Items: ppehsrsdssopriskPointhazardhazardswardensof Caretraininginspectionscompetenciesaccountabilityresponsibility

SCI-FI Movies 2024-01-07

15 Items: lajetéejanefondabarbarellakeirdulleaof the Apesleslienielsenmichaelrennieroddymcdowallthetimemachineforbiddenplanetlaplanètesauvage2001aspaceodysseythewaroftheworldstheandromedastrainextraterrestriallife

Diara Dollar fun activity 2024-03-05

15 Items: tonemoodplotidiomironythemeimageryof viewMetaphoroxymoronhyperboleeuphemismonomatopoeiaalliterationpersonification

Prefix Suffix Root Word Search 2023-09-04

28 Items: suffix meaning without3 letter prefix meaning middleprefix that means too much or aboveword part meaning study of; biologyprefix meaning not; used in nonsensesuffix meaning made of; used in woodenprefix meaning not; used in impossibleprefix meaning not; used in inattentiveprefix meaning not; used in uninterested...

Dia de los Muertos 2024-05-02

18 Items: tacotombfeastmusicmexicoguitarburritospanishtequilaskeletondeceasedfestivalsombrerobutterflyrelativesquesadillaOf The Deadinstruments

Legal Ethical Aspects of HealthCare 2019-01-30

23 Items: oflawswillPowerAbusefraudHIPAAethicslivingconsentadvanceAssaultbatterylarcenydilemmainformedattorneyAutonomyFidelitydirectivenegligenceBeneficenceNonmaleficence

My Little Pony Word Search 2020-06-14

24 Items: ofpiedashLunaSpikeArmorMagicPinkieRaritySunsetSchoolRainbowCadenceShiningShimmerGlimmerCelestiaApplejackStarlightCanterlotTwighlightFluttershyFriendshipFriendship

Camoflauge 2023-01-10

25 Items: fahgjiaxqwthuxwbofefwbokyyeftfghvtakjtassholeshdja

Germany Word Search 2023-03-22

15 Items: yumellenbreadapplestarsswedenbaskethidingcheesecerealgermanydenmarknecklaceof Davidanne-marie

Material Properties 2023-03-21

10 Items: The ability to be 'drawn'or stretched.Gradual damage caused by the environmentThe ability of a material to transmit energy.The quality of not being easily broken or torn.The type of stress that is caused by squeezing or crushing.Property where a material easily fractures but doesn't deform....

M2M 2024-03-02

11 Items: you doMirror1 198325 1984LorenskogLorenskogyour dreamyour love meMell Marion Raven 🎤Mell Marion Raven 🎤Haber Marit Lasren 🎸

OUR SKIN 2023-04-06

17 Items: germsstretchto protectprotectionto rely onon the outsideusually, typicallybeing in the insideto make sth strongerto keep sth constantto be of certain weightthe outer layer of the skinto keep sth in order to use it latereach of the tubes that carry blood around the bodya thin flat area, usually lying above or below another...

trs22 5b bt4 wk18 pt1 2022-06-23

10 Items: n. A thing.n. Make something new.n. A picture of a person or people.n. A person who looks after plants.n. Person who discovers new places.n. Find a new place or new information.n. It's hard and surrounds an object to protect it.adj. Soft and fluffy, covered in lots of little hairs.n. The part of your brain that thinks of creative ideas....

JSLYearEndCelebration 2022-12-23

30 Items: 7th CLS girlEury's groupRyla's UncleJacques' lola"Ingrata ka!"Vince's nephewReal's surnameSnow's brotherSoleil's fatherRyla was craving?tumatalbog talbogRyla's second nameYohan & Alvaro's catLucianna baked what?Entice's second nameFemale lead of DFS #2?Ate J's favorite flowera jgirl who's a teacher"Humahakbang na po siya"Daughter of Leon & Freya...

PHILLY MTCC Word Search - Cycling 2024-01-16

32 Items: PowerBike SeatWho We AreCycling TopLeft BehindCycling RaceGroup Of CogsFollow The...100 Mile RideWheel To WheelBike’s BackboneMountain ClimberBring Up The RearHow Much You ClimbCorrect PositioningSuspenders/OverallsFrench Water BottleRotations Per MinuteLoop Of Roller LinksAt Home Training ToolSpring Training EventHow Fast You Are Going...

trs23 ver2 u12 2022-11-25

10 Items: 100use your teethopposite of thina big, scary fishopposite of lighta yummy thing to eatcan lift heavy thingswill make you feel scaredtry to run and catch somethingthe outside of an animal or person