states of matter Word Searches

Attic Word Search 2023-02-24

25 Items: the surface of a room that you walk onthe surface of a room that you walk ona window built into a roof to allow light inthe structure that covers or forms the top of a buildingthe part of a roof where the sloping sides join at the topbaked clay used for building walls, houses and other buildings...

Chapter 11 Word Search 2024-05-02

37 Items: water in the form of a gasthe distance above sea levelthe most outer layer with no endThe third layer of the atmospherea device that measures temperaturewhat wind speed can be measured withwinds that blow over short distancesthe way Earth's rotation makes winds curvethe amount of mass in a given volume of air...

Climate and Natural Resources Word Search 2024-11-08

31 Items: to form a crystal structurePollutants released into the airTrapping of heat near planet's surfaceGradual increase in average temperatureThe average annual conditions of an areaChange Sudden or gradual change in climateRate Number of people born per 1000 individualsRate Number of people who die per 1000 individuals...

Pure Subtance and Mixture 2024-09-07

6 Items: MatterMixtureCompoundSubstanceHomogeneousHeterogeneous

Onix Middle Names 2024-08-10

18 Items: pegasus’ first namethe ruler of MordorDeveloped the PokédexRank 14 in classic WoWthe act of electrocutionthe most photogenic hourName of the gang in KantoName of generation 1 HeroName of Generation 1 RivalName of Dietrich’s brotherthe hardest mineral on earthReleased alongside Gold versionthe plateau of champions in gen 1...

Periodic Trends 2024-12-09

16 Items: The most electronegative of - Cu, Au, AgThe largest atomic radius out of - Cu, Au, AgThe largest atomic radius out of - P, N, B, HThe smallest atomic radius out of - K, Fr, H, LiThe largest atomic radius out of - Cr, Ca, K, TiThe smallest atomic radius out of - Sc, Mn, Zn, FeThe largest electronegativity out of - C, Fe, Fr, Ga...

science 2024-09-20

28 Items: labhotgassemifirefuelmasssizefoamcoldmetalforcescalesafetysodiummattermetricweightshapesscienceclimatemeasurecapacityfreezingchemistryflammablemeasurementtriplebeambalance

Gravity Word Search 2023-11-14

29 Items: gasflowforcelightsoundliquidabsorbopaqueabsorbcircutvolumemattergravitydencitymixturepositionsolutiondirectionconductorinsulatorevaporatemagnetismreflectionrefractionmechanicalelectricaltempuraturetransparenttranslucent

CR-Chemical Reactions 2024-08-02

28 Items: massmatterweightvolumelustertextureproductdensitycompoundpropertyreactantductilityviscosityconductionsolubilityreactivitymeltingpointboilingpointmalleabilityflammabilityfreezingpointstateofmatterphysicalchangechemicalchangephysicalpropertychemicalpropertyexothermicreactionendothermicreaction


35 Items: broken bonelying face uplying face downblood in a jointpooling of bloodabove or head endcause of an injurytoward the mid-lineswelling with a jointback it sorsal aspectconnect muscle to bonefront or ventral aspectstretch or tear of ligmentbelow or away from head enddecrease in size of body partbruising or crushing of tissue...

Week 10 hard 2023-11-07

25 Items: to scareto receivemoved by windopen to attacka long look at somethingstorage area for a planefeeling or showing thanksThe physical need for foodplace for burying the deadcontinuing for a long timeshining brightly; sparklingwild or disturbing activityAdmired people we look up toa group of people watching an eventsetup an organization or set of rules...

Unit 5 Vocabulary 2024-12-10


cold war 2016-01-30

33 Items: warcoldmoneytrainplanechinaunionTrumanberlinFranceKoreanOttawaatomicunitedstatessovietairliftGermanyVietnamsoliderRussianmarshallEuropeandoctrineautobahnmilitaryattackinginterveneuniformedcommunistsuperpowertechnicallyeconomically

SLAVERY 2018-10-19

35 Items: WarrunBoxawayfreeStarCivilNorthSouthNorthslavesugarcropshouseslavemasterstatesTubmanescaperewardbarrelcottonslaveryLincolnHarrietfreedomrailroadpunishedcatchersPresidentplantationconductorsBloodhoundundergroundabolitionist

Baron Alexander von Humboldt 2023-10-24

20 Items: ofvontheageship17691859¨of¨baronlarrysouthamericaexplorerhumboldtspyglass"father¨¨modern¨alexanderdiscovery¨geography."

Atomic Structure & Periodic Properties 2024-11-25

20 Items: The energy required to remove an electron from an atom.The distribution of electrons among the orbitals of an atom.The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron.The outermost electrons of an atom, involved in chemical bonding.Energy levels surrounding the nucleus where electrons are located....

ICP Vocab 4 2025-02-26

16 Items: The ability to cause changeenergy, Energy due to motionIs force applied through a distanceThe rate at which energy is convertedThe ratio of output work to input workadvantage, The ratio of output force to input forceIs anything around which you can imagine a boundarypotential energy, Energy that is due to chemical bonds...

Bethlehem's Significance 2023-10-18

21 Items: innholylandstarjudeaHerodfieldcensuslineageWisemenmessiahJourneyof Davidbiblicalof Breadnativityof JosephEphrathahbirthplacepropheciespilgrimage

Respiratory System 2024-10-18

24 Items: The total volume of air moved into and out of the lungs per minute.Hemoglobin bound to oxygen the primary form of oxygen transport in the blood.The movement of chloride ions into red blood cells as bicarbonate ions move out.The additional volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal exhalation....

Lesson 4: Reformation and Reaction Word Search Puzzle 2023-03-21

45 Items: sectromejewsbiblejesusspainparisfaithghettoLutherchurchThesesCalvinof GodjesuitsaintsXaviergermanypriestsconventmuslimscatholicof Wormsreformerof AvilaPaul IIIof Trentreligionsacramenttheocracyisolationchristiancalvinismof LoyolacarmeliteindulgencecorruptionprotestantgovernmentreformationtemperamentlutheranismcatholicismInquisitionpredestination

Word Search 2023-06-21

37 Items: Low VolumeHigh VolumeMissing sealdark colored fibersmajor glass defectslight colored fiberscosmetic glass defectEmpty Primary ContainerAn inspection lightboothcosmetic stopper defectsSeal is of the wrong typeproduct at the vial crownseal or cap discolorationStopper is of the Wrong Typedark colored particles/metalCloudy or discolored solution...

Math Vocab 2023-10-05

24 Items: basetermsfactorsvariableexponentdiscretemonomialbinomialpropertyequationtrinomialrewritingexpressionsubstitutecontinuouspolynomialtrichotomyexpressionscoefficientcoefficientof equalityof a monomialof operationsof a polynomial

Countries in the World Cup 2022 2022-11-14

29 Items: RicairanqatarspainwalesghanaKoreaStatescanadaArabiamexicopolandbrazilserbiafranceecuadorenglandbelgiummoroccocroatiadenmarktunisiauruguaycameroonportugalargentinaaustralianetherlandsswitzerland

PS3 Word Search 2023-12-19

29 Items: gasmassatomsolidgroupmattervolumeliquiddensitymeltingelementfreezingpressuremoleculecompoundatomicmasstemperatureevaporationcondensationatomicnumberchemicalbondkineticenergychangeofstatethermalenergypuresubstanceperiodictableelementsymbolphysicalpropertiesphemicalproperties

Science and Social Studies Vocab 2024-11-14

29 Items: masswoodspeedInuithumanadobemotionmatterIndianLakotapueblophysicskineticcapitalnaturalanimalsfishingfarminghuntingfrictionnetforceAmericanIroquoisphysicistPotentialcollisionartifactsresourcesArchaeologist

Fantastic Fiction 2025-03-06

20 Items: This title character travels to the islands of Laputa & LilliputPeter Beagle wrote of 'The Last ___' who lived alone "in a lilac wood"Home of House Tyrell, Highgarden is a fertile wine-growing region on this continentThis sword-wielding barbarian from ancient Cimmeria was created by Robert E. Howard...

Evolution Word Search 2024-11-14

20 Items: LyellAnningLamarckFossilRecordSexualSelectionHomologousStructure"Survival of the fittest"type of bird Darwin studiedchange is a species over timea change in the sequence of DNApreserved remains of an organismselective breeding done by humansdifferences in traits of a speciesmost broad classification of organism...

2nd Quarter Literature 2022-11-25

28 Items: The main character of a story _____________A type or category of literature _____________Prose that tells of real people and events _____________A literary tool to make the audience laugh _____________An expression of one thing in terms of another _____________The major turning point for the main character _____________...

Earth's Matter and Energy: Vocabulary 2014-01-15

31 Items: aircolorcrustcycleearthmodeloceanlustermantleoxygenstreakelementerosiongeologyigneouschemicalhardnessmineralsnitrogenbiosphereinnercoreoutercorerockcycleatmosphereweatheringhydrospherelithospheremetamorphicsedimentarylivingmatterasthenosphere

Unit 2 Word Search "Matter" 2024-01-23

32 Items: gasmasspureatomstatesolidalloymattervolumeliquidmeltingelementmixturefreezingcompoundmoleculesolutionpotentialdepositionexothermicsublimationhomogeneousendothermiccondensationvaporizationheterogeneouskineticenergyphysicalchangechemicalchangephysicalpropertychemicalpropertylawofconservation

Saffron and Ashley OO 2024-09-17

25 Items: Groom hobbyMonth we metGroom hometownGroom Star SignBride star signBride eye colourFlower girl nameBride birth monthWhere did we meetGroom Middle nameBride middle nameGrooms high schoolNumber of best menMonth of engagementPlace of engagementMost recent concertMother of Bride nameMother of groom nameGrooms favourite carCouples first holiday...

Chemical Building Blocks 2017-09-17

28 Items: GasSolidMatterLiquidOxygenCarbonSoluteDiluteMixtureElementBoilingMeltingSolventFreezingNitrogenSolutionHydrogenDiffusionParticlesConductionConvectionFiltrationEvaporationSublimationCondensationConcentratedCarbonDioxidePureSubstance

Understanding the Atom 2019-09-05

28 Items: ionatomatomamatterprotonelementisotopenucleusneutronjjthomaselectroncompoundnielsbohrproportionjohndaltonmassnumbercathoderaysradioactiveatomicnumberenergylevelsspectrallineelectroncloudjameschadwickfootballstadiumernestrutherfordaverageatomicmassgoldfoilexperimentatomicforcemicroscope

Unit #1 Introduction to Chemistry Vocabulary 2023-06-13

28 Items: massmodelerrormattertheoryvolumemixtureelementsolutioncompoundaccuracychemistryprecisiontechnologyhypothesisexperimentobservationhomogeneouspercenterrorpurechemistryscientificlawheterogeneousphysicalchangechemicalchangechemicalsymbolchemicalformulaappliedchemistryphycicalproperty

Planets 2023-11-23

28 Items: sunmoonmarscomeyorbitearthvenusgalaxynebulamattercosmossaturnuranusgravitybigbangeclipsejupitermercuryneptuneasteroidmilkywayblackholemeteoroidlightyearastronautsolarsystemdwarfplanetconstellation

matter mixing separating science lab  2015-06-08

35 Items: gastesttubeflasksolidbeakerBunsenburnermethodLiebigmatterliquidconicalspatulaMixturedilutedcylindervariablesolutionmeasuringCondenserparticlesDiffusionscientifichypothesisFiltrationsolubilityConductionexperimentsEvaporationsublimationconcentrateddistillationcondensationChromatography

Chemical Reaction & Matter (7.1) 2 2023-11-30

20 Items: neonatomodorargonoxygenheliumsulfurenergymethanepropanemenciusproductnitrogenhydrogenmoelculereactantbathbombphasechangecarbondioxidechemicalprocess

AI and AML 2024-10-09

7 Items: ActStatesQualitySubjectiveCloud-basedMorgan Chasepublic-private

Roof Word Search 2023-02-24

26 Items: highest limitdivide into parts.Top of the buildingheavy base supportingsupport building structurecontact two vertical levelsextend from side to side ofthe entrance to a building, roomplace giving temporary protectionvertical brick or stone structurebuilding materials used ascoatingsthe top surface of a step or stair....

Holocaust 2023-03-23

20 Items: Hitler's ideal raceintolerance of others' beliefsa person present but not involvedlawfully removing a group of peoplean act of extreme cruelty and wickednesslacking humanity, pity, kindness, compassionsecret state of police of Nazi occupied Europethe act of getting rid of, especially by killingthe opposition to and discrimination against Jews...



Months of the Year 2022-10-16

12 Items: Fill in the blank: April, May, June, ________, AugustWrite the name of the last month of the year. __________Write the name of the third month of the year. __________Write the name of the sixth month of the year. __________Write the name of the first month of the year. ___________Write the name of the second month of the year. __________...

United Word Search 2023-12-10

30 Items: peruiranjapanegyptindiaitalychinaKoreakenyaStatescanadabrazilrussiaAfricamexicofranceturkeyArabiaswedengreecepolandgermanynigeriavietnamZealandthailandcolombiaaustraliaargentinaindonesia

Coloum 2022-09-15

25 Items: A rounded roofThe pillar of a buildingA person who designs buildingsHorizontal member of step (stair)Vertical member of a step (stair)A structure that has a roof and wallsA design plan or other technical drawingA fence or balustrade made of rails and postsThe lower surface of a room that people walk on...

Science Vocab 2025-03-03

12 Items: to sendto take into give offa substance that takes up spaceto be sent back off of a surfaceany object that lets off visible wavesthe ability to make things move or changethe maximum distance moved by a vibrating wavetransferring energy from one place to the nextdistance between one peak of a wave to the next...

christmas history 2022-12-03

15 Items: A Roman feast celebrating children.In the early years of Christianity, ______ was the main holiday.Christmas wasn’t declared a _______ holiday until June 26, 1870.For some Romans, this god's birthday was the most celebrated day of the year.This reindeer was created to advertise for the Montgomery Ward stores in 1939....

ENVIR 302 Final Project - Technology and its Environmental Impacts 2022-12-08

23 Items: The use of resources.The creation of gases or radiation.The act of getting rid of something.The amount of energy used per unit time.Using less energy to perform the same task.A form of energy resource like coal, oil, and natural gas.An energy resource that is not able to grow again or be made again....

Southeast states 2023-02-09

8 Items: georgiafloridaalabamaarkansastennesseemississippisouthcarolinanorthcarolina

Understanding the Atom 2019-09-05

29 Items: ionionatomatomaprotonmatternucleusneutronisotopeelementelectroncompoundjjthomsonnielsbohrproportionjohndaltonmassnumbercathoderaysradioactiveenergylevelsspectrallineatomicnumberelectroncloudjameschadwickfootballstadiumernestrutherfordaverageatomicmassgoldfoilexperimentatomicforcemicroscope

H2O CYCLE 2021-01-12


What is Weather? 2025-02-07

28 Items: gasairmasswindstateexpandmattersevereweightweatherpressurecompressforecasthumidityparticlevariablepermanentexosphereatmospheremesospherepredictionmeteorologytemperaturetropospherestratospherethermospheremeteorologistprecipitation

Rojo Word Search 2023-03-07

20 Items: color of grasscolor of the sunMan's best friendcolor of the oceanking of the junglefruits grown on vinestom from tom and jerrySpongeBob lives in onejerry from tom and jerrymonkeys ¨favorite¨ fruithad a color named after itthe color of cirrus cloudsbiggest animal in the worldthe color of stratus cloudsfruit that rhymes with tango...

Fourth Grade Rules 2024-06-05

5 Items: mathbandrecessscienceand capitals

Discover Italy 2024-09-03

21 Items: Capital of ItalyItaly's currencyMeans "Cathedral"Italian famous cheeseItaly's national sportSea to the east of ItalySea to the south of ItalyLives in the Vatican CityCity famous for its fashionVolcano that destroyed PompeiTasty meal originated in Naples95% of Italians are this religionA country that borders with Italy...

Abgeordnete Word Search 2025-01-31

19 Items: lawto forbidto breachjudgementfemale mayorfemale judgeConstitutionto recommendrepresentativefemale citizenmale chancellormale head of stateFederal Armed Forceslower house of parliamentupper house of parliamentFederal Constitutional courtprotection of the ConstitutionGerman Basic Law, constitutionrule of law, state under the rule of law

Pathophysiology, Word Search 2024-09-09

20 Items: something that is subjectivedefects that are present at birththe form and structure of organismsobjective and observed manifestationthe likely outcome or course of a diseasethe increase in severity signs or symptomsthe decreased in severity signs or symptomsthe study of reasons for certain decease phenomena...

Unit 4: Spelling Quiz 1 2022-11-29

30 Items: comicaltruthfulnessshowing mercymarking a distinctiona physical disabilitydefiance of authoritythe operation of aircraftto set or keep apart; dividenasty or disgusting in naturean overseer or head of a groupto grasp suddenly and forciblyof a particular person; privatethe pouch which encases a letterthe biological science of animals...

Voters and Voter Behavior 2022-10-04

25 Items: having an influence on politicsa person with no party affiliationillegal voting or tampering in an electiona person who has been convicted of a serious crimethe practice of voting for candidates from only one partythe practice of voting for candidates of more than one partya set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society....

Term 1 RE 2024-03-26

16 Items: Ordersspiritbaptismof workcatholicreligionpresenceeucharistmatrimonyimmersionsacramentssimplicityof the Sickconfirmationreconciliationthe way of Mary

Jake and Bailey OO 2024-07-10

27 Items: Bailey’s talentName of the bandMother of the brideMother of the groomFather of the brideFather of the groomCouple’s street nameBailey’s maiden nameCity Bailey was bornMonth the couple metLocation of proposalNumber of bridesmaidsHoneymoon destinationJake’s birthday monthNumber of venues touredBailey’s birthday monthJake’s favorite wrestler...

World War 1 Aftermath 2025-01-30

20 Items: founder of fascismeconomy slows downbook Adolf Hitler wroteGermany, Italy, and Japanleader of German Nazi partyfather of modern physiologyJapan longest serving monarchknown for Theory of Relativitystrong leader has full controlfounder of modern macroeconomicsmajor influence of existentalistspresident during Great Depression...

Cleaning/ Word Search 2022-11-01

20 Items: dispose of an itemhow well a product worksan item that cannot be reusedpotent disinfectant chemicalsa chemical used to whiten or sterilizethe process of removing dirt and debristhe process of killing all bacteria and microbesthe process that kills most bacteria and microbesan item that is able to be disinfected and reused...

Chapter 3 Vocabulary 2023-10-19

41 Items: Earth's outer layer _____________Earth's thinnest layer______________Earth's innermost layer______________layer beneath the crust __________________when magma reaches the surface _____________layer above the troposphere _____________________water vapor forms water droplets on dust particlesLayer beneath the lithosphere ____________________...

Estates Word Search 2023-11-24

18 Items: 1793, January 21: Execution of _____.1793, October 16: Execution of Marie _____.1789, August 4: _____ abolished in France.1789, May 5: _____-General convened in Versailles.1795: Establishment of the _____, a five-member committee.1799-1804: The Consulate period, with _____ as First Consul....

Odin Word Search 2023-06-21

34 Items: EyeGodGododinthorgeriyuleHuntymirwodanbaldrfrekimimirof Warfenrirwolvesravenswisdomhuginnmuninnasgardmidgardsleipnirmagicianof poetswandererwednesdayand Emblayggdrasilberserkerallfatherof Wisdomof Vili & Veof Bestla & Borr

Units 3-4 Vocab 2024-09-24

29 Items: IonAtomMassheatShellChargeEnergyMatterProtonVolumefusionphotonNeutronNucleusOrbitalfissionElectronwavelengthIntelligencekineticenergythermalenergynuclearenergypotentialenergyvisiblespectrumphotovoltaiccellSubatomicparticlehydroelectricpowerelectromagneticspectrumelectromagneticradiation

Challenge 4 Words 2025-01-27

29 Items: readwithtribetheirwritescrewnativegeniusmattervolumedifferreallyheroeswishesapplaudscarvesinstallcultureminoritylanguageholidaysincreasecontinueresearchbiographyhandcraftcountriestemperatureorganization

chemistry 2 2019-03-18

29 Items: phmattersolutephscaleprotonssolventmisciblemoleculeneutronssolutionlogarithmoxidationsiliconessurfactantssuspensionspuresubstancereducingagentoxidizingagentphysicalchangestatesofmatterphysicalmixtureorganicchemistrythioglycolicacidvolatilealcoholsoxidationreductionphysicalpropertieswaterinoilemulsionoilinwateremulisionvolatileorganiccompounds

Business Words 1 2024-04-03

29 Items: taskbringbranddelayadjustwrapupmatterremarksrevenueperhapsconfirmofftrackworkflowgoodtogoearningsdeadlineshipmentexpensesschedulefollowupestimatepurchaseelaboratetouchbasedisregardmakesensecirclebacktrainofthoughtgetbackontrack

8th grade Jillian Griffith 2024-05-15

15 Items: temperature at which a solid meltsCharging an object without touchingtemperature at which liquid freezestype of Matter with fixed compositioncannot be separated by physical meanschange from a liquid to a gaseous statepoint temperature at which gas condenseschange from a solid state to a liquid statechange from a liquid state to a solid state...

Colors! 2025-02-06

11 Items: The color of the skyThe color of most dirtThe color of fresh grassAnother word for purpuraThe color of an elephantThe color of most cloudsThe color of most carrotsThe color of ripe bananasThe color of most flamingosThe color of most firetrucksThe color of the street (mostly)

Balak 2024-07-13

18 Items: Son of Beor.Balak’s fatherThe Prophet of the HaftarahThe last station of the ExodusHe was once a priest of MidianA son of Abraham’s wife Keturahthe art of black magic; witcheryThese were the descendants of LotHis name means “Devastator” or “Waster”Balaam was a role model for spiritual _____.commonly used to describe the trumpet blast....

Historical documents 2023-12-23

10 Items: newspapermagna-cartaconstitutionbill-of-rightsframed-documentsabolition-of-slaverytreaty-of-versaillesemancipation-proclamationarticles-of-confederationdeclaration-of-independence

Nominating Word Search 2025-02-16

23 Items: HawkPartyPartySystemCrisisCabinetWebsterof 1837SequoyaOsceolaDoctrineof TearsDemocracyVan BurenTerritoryC. Calhounv. GeorgiaConventionsv. MarylandRemoval ActHenry Harrisonof Abominationsof Indian Affairs

Unit 4 Review 2025-02-06

18 Items: way of Romanizing the Chinese wordsthe Latin spoken by the common peoplearticulator engaged to nasalize a soundsounds made without the use of the lungssound made with little obstruction of airthe forcing of air through the nasal cavitywhat the letter "h" is on French and Spanishlangauge family to which French and Spanish belong...

Waves and Their Behaviors 2023-10-09

11 Items: A form of radiation wave that travels though the universe.To cause (light, heat, sound, etc.) to pass through a medium.The number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time (Hertz).A point on a wave where the displacement of the medium is at a maximum.The distance between identical points in the adjacent cycles of a waveform....

Southeast Region States 2024-11-04

12 Items: GeorgiaFloridaAlabamaVirginiaKentuckyArkansasTennesseeLouisianaMississippiWestvirginiaNorthCarolinaSouthCarolina

World Heritages 2023-06-24

15 Items: WatFujiMahalpetraPicchuof GizaIslandscolosseumof Athensof LibertystonehengeBarrier ReefWall of ChinaNational ParkCanyon National Park

bones 2024-05-21

15 Items: the jaw or jawbone.any bone of the wrist.protect your internal organsThe area of the body below the abdomen.located in the central part of the chest.the skeleton of a person's or animal's head.lower limb extending from the hip to the kneeouter of two bones of the lower leg or hind limbone of the three bones that make up the hip bone...

the great depression 2024-10-08

14 Items: when you do not have a jobgetting a loan from your brokeragethere it a not much water and no rainthe United States stock market crashedwas a bad drought during the depressioncorps conserve the country's natural resourceschanges were made to make the U.S. banking systemone of the worst natural disasters in American history...

Main Sciences Word Search 2024-12-14

3 Items: The study of matter (9 letters)The study of living organisms (7 letters)The study of the natural world (7 letters)

American Revolution 2024-10-25

24 Items: ActActsArmyPatriotBoycottof 1763MilitiawarfareCongressLoyalistMassacreFranklinMonarchyRedcoatsMinutemenTea PartyJeffersonDemocracyRevolutionParliamentof SaratogaMercenariesConfederationof Independence

Oculator Word Search 2024-09-26

23 Items: "Grandpa" SmedryAlcatraz's motherfather of Alcatraza Librarian defectormakes the Translator's Lenseshas the Talent of breaking thingsa literary critic for the Nalhallan Dailyare a sapient species in the Free KingdomsLeavenworth's daughter and Attica's sistereditor of Alcatraz Smedry's autobiographiesknight of Crystallia and princess of Nalhalla...

Density and Matter (Try to define all the words) 2017-03-09

30 Items: gassinksizemasswaterfloatsolidcolorshapematterliquidvolumedensitymeltingboilingtexturemixturefreezingpropertydissolvesolutionchemicalphysicalparticlemoleculesevaporatemagnetismcondensatesolubilitycharacteristic

Biology Word Search 2024-02-29

30 Items: cellatomforcetheoryenergymatterbiologyphysicselementorganicecologyspeciesnaturalgeneticsmoleculecompoundreactionresearchanalysischemistryevolutioninorganicecosystemexperimenthypothesismicroscopeartificiallaboratoryconclusionbiodiversity

Chemical Processes & Thermal Energy WORD SEARCH 2024-11-12

30 Items: heatflowmuirmodelinputarrowenergysystemoutputmatterokeefechangeabsorbthermalprocessreleasesciencetransferproductsequationreactionradiationparticlesreactantscomponentsconductionconvectionexothermictemperatureendothermic

Week 10 Spelling 2024-11-14

30 Items: actorhumorangermajormayorpolarlunarenterhonormirrorpowderbannerpillarflavorfingerclovermatteranswercollardoctorclamortremortheaterburglartractorquarterscholarchamperthuundercharacter

Photosynthesis 2025-01-07

30 Items: leafgreensugarwaterenergymatteroxygenplantsgrowthglucoseproductconvertstorageradiantreactionreactantsunlightcytoplasmabsorptionchloroplastcalvincyclechlorophyllchloroplastrespirationmitochondriareproductionmicroorganismphytoplanktoncarbondioxidephotosynthesis

Rocks Word Search - Bonus 2025-02-06

30 Items: rocklavaheatmeltcoolcyclemagmamatterenergybasaltcementlayersOKeefemineralcrystaligneousgranitecompacterosionScienceobsidianpressureconserveintrusiveextrusiveweatheringdepositionsedimentarymetamorphicunderground

Year 7 Science 2022 2022-12-07

18 Items: Not depleted when used.An animal lacking a backbone.An organism that makes it own food.An imaginary line about which a body rotates.Any substance that has mass and takes up space.The process of turning from liquid into vapour.A substance made by mixing other substances together.A system of interlocking and interdependent food chains....

Building Components 2023-02-20

30 Items: upper surface of a roomjointed device on a doorLowest member of the baseWhere two roof slopes metframing around the windowOther terms for plasteringhorizontal part of the stepdivider between space or roomnarrow bar to hold on a stairpattern between stile and railhorizontal structural in the roofa complete locking system for a door...

ch 4 vocab 2025-02-26

15 Items: Rate at which energy is converted.Energy that is due to chemical bonds.Machine that does work with only one movement.The ability to cause change, measured in joules.Energy a moving object has because of its motion.States that energy cannot be created or destroyed.Transfer of energy when a force is applied over a distance....

Roaster Word Search 2023-02-20

25 Items: a wall to distribute windflooring composed of woodenthe capacity of being prolongedmake we cand see outside or insidea place to put glass / window on ita structure like lego to build a wallhandle used to open and close a door.the lower square slab at the base of a column.the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk....

Chapter 2 Word Search by Harrison Patten 2023-10-26

30 Items: a binding agreementa professional writerthe belief in one godthe belief in many godsan organized set of lawsa pyramid made of terracesthe name of a powerful Assyrian rulera religion developed in ancient Persiaa group of travelers journeying togethera market selling different kinds of goodsto force someone to live in another country...

Greenhouseeffect Word Search 2023-06-13

30 Items: a place to dispose of waste\When fertile land becomes a desertloss of resources though soil erosiona species that is non native to an arearadioactive waste from nuclear reactorstravel and appreciation of nature areaspower obtained by harnessing of the windThe uncontrolled expansion of urban areasthe decrease in the ph levels in the ocean...

The United States: A Nation of Immigrants 2014-01-14

12 Items: censustreatyreformattitudeCatholicgovernmentProtestantreservationimmigrationBeringStraitLatinAmericadiscrimination

Energy & Matter in an Ecosystem 2025-01-11

34 Items: atompreyalgaefungimatterenergyfoodwebmicrobeglucoseaquaticproductorganismproducerconsumeromnivoremoleculepredatorreactantecosystemfoodchainherbivorecarnivoredecomposerterrestrialconservationorganicwasteenergypyramidtrophiclevelsmicroorganismorganicmatterlimitingfactorphotosynthesisinterdependentchemicalreaction

Plinth Word Search 2023-02-20

25 Items: Base of a columnDivide into partsRoom under the RoofLevel part of buildingAllow Water to flow downLower part of window frameDevice giving protection from the sunColumn or pillar for supporting a RailShorter rafters used in a hip or valey roofThe pitched triangular end of a hipped roofA horizontal beam along the length of a roof...

Outer Space Objects 2024-03-20

20 Items: cometmeteornebulagalaxyquasarasteroidwormholesatellitesupernovaplanetoidred-giantblack-holesolar-flaredark-matterwhite-dwarfstar-clusterdwarf-planetconstellationcelestial-sphereinterstellar-dust

Boyd/Magnus Science Buddies 2024-11-18