states of matter Word Searches

The Physical Set (Particle Set) 2015-01-23

25 Items: GasPhaseSolidMatterLiquidDensityEntropyGravitySpinSetEnthalpyIsotopesElementsEclipticConstantPushFieldPullFieldObliquityUniversalAntimatterAllotropesElectricityNuclearForceAstrophysicsSingularitySetElectropositivity

Pictiionary 2024-09-24

25 Items: foldkingdancequeencolorclimbbuildfriendmatterleaderknightSaturnwhisperemperornothingcurtainbibimbapdaughtermusicianEgyptianastronautbreakfastbookshelfPictionarytelevision

Physical Science Work and Energy Module 4 2023-11-21

32 Items: workpowerforcefieldenergysystemweightnewtonmachinegravityinertiafrictionnet-forcefree-fallefficiencysimple-machinekinetic-energylaws-of-motionair-resistancecompound-machinepotential-energymechanical-energyterminal-velocitycentripetal-forcefirst-law-of-motionthird-law-of-motionmechanical-advantagesecond-law-of-motionconservation-of-energy...

Hindusim Word Search 2023-12-04

21 Items: sacred text of Hinduismthe world third largest religioncreator god of the Hindu trinitypreserver god of the Hindu trinitydestroyer god of the Hindu trinitygoal of life focused on material successOne's righteous duty or moral obligationsgoal of life focused on desires of the sensesthe Wheel of Rebirth; doctrine of reincarnation...

Vocabulary Review 2 2025-02-25

15 Items: The smallest unit of matter.Anything that takes up space and has mass.A living thing, like a plant, that makes its own food.A living thing that eats other living things for energy.The process of liquid water turning into gas (water vapor).A push or pull that can make an object move or change direction....

P5 T2 Spelling List 8 2024-02-02

10 Items: The planet nearest the cause to go round in an orbitThe planet eighth in order from the sunOne of many large rocks that circle the sun.A vehicle or device designed for travel or operation outside the earth's atmosphere.A piece of rock or other matter in space that has not yet entered the earth's atmosphere....

united 2024-01-05

32 Items: seamoonlakeatomoceanrivercloudsenergytissueerosionbiologyecologymoistureecosystemacousticsamplitudeatmosphereevaporationtemperaturecondensationaccelerationDwarf planet with two moonsplanet with the biggest ringslargest planet in the solar systemhottest planet in the solar system...

8th grade Noah 2024-05-15

15 Items: Charging an object without touchingThe number of protons + the number of neutronsa material in which charges cannot easily moveThe number of protons. It is also the number of electrons.An unbalanced amount of positive charge and negative charge.An object with equal amounts of positive and negative charge...

NSO Leadership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024-11-16

14 Items: Dark Lord __________Sith Lord __________Sith Lord __________Sith Lord __________Sith Emperor __________Master of Cult __________Master of Exalt __________Master of Extort __________Apprentice of Cult __________Apprentice of Exalt __________Master of Deception __________Apprentice of Extort __________Master of Inquisition __________...

WW1 vocab 2025-02-05

28 Items: Theory of general Relativitylongest-serving U.S. presidentThird Realm" or "Third Empire"aims to revolutionise human experiencePowers Germany, Japan, and Italystaying out of the affairs of other countries.German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic.the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean...

Pathology 2024-05-07

20 Items: joint painThe ankle regionpain in the chestpuncture to the spinesituated upon the ribspertaining to the chestoriginating in the teetha tumor composed of bone tissuesurgical removal of the maxillaabnormal softening of the skulloperation of cutting the pelvisdestruction and absorption of boneApplying heat to the pelvic organs...

Introduction to Physics & Scientific Method 2022-10-29

8 Items: Everything around us is made of _____.An example of a career related to physics.A branch of science that studies the physical world.Patterns or procedures every investigation usually follows.Physics uses ______ to describe observations and predictions.An example of a technology (device) developed with the help of physics....

Introduction to Matter Chapter 1 2023-09-01

24 Items: gasmassatomsolidvolumematterliquidenergymoleculesubstanceoxidationhomogenouscombustiontarnishingelectolysismassofvolumeheterogenouschemicalbondsphysicalchangechemicalchangechemicalformulaphysicalpropertychemicalpropertylawofconservationofmass

Heat Word Search 2024-10-30

24 Items: heatcoolboilsizebakecookatomtearbreakenergychangechangematterweightmixtureburningeruptiondigestionreversiblecombustiontemperatureevaporationirreversiblecondensation

Week 19 Thursday 2024-02-11

25 Items: adultsthoughtto knowunable to speakto previously fightable to do somethinghaving the same valuemaking a lot of noisepertaining to the brainimpulsive and unpredictableA break in the earth's crustto get or gain through some effortto think that something will happena piece of land surrounded by waterwilling to wait without complaining...

World Tourism Day 2022-09-07

20 Items: feRicaperujoselimaairesquitobrazilstatesbogotaecuadoruruguaycordobadomingocolombiaRepublicsalvadorhondurasmedellinargentina

Marine Science Word Search 2025-01-15

25 Items: South American, Canadian, PacificWhat is the main way that surface currents form?What is the term for measuring the acidity of a liquid?What is the name of a tidal current that leaves the land?What is the process of converting liquid water into vapor water?plain What is the flat ocean floor that covers 50% of the ocean?...

Scientific Terms Word Search 2023-05-16

20 Items: the highest point of a waveWhat unit waves are measured inthe way transverse waves travelThe unit frequency is measured inwhat you divide by to find frequencyThe force that draws objects to earththe substance that a wave travels throughThe horizontal lines on the periodic tableThe type of reaction when heat is released...

Rock Transformations by Kaili Gignac 2025-01-21

10 Items: RockRockRockMagmaMatterUpliftErosionMineralSubductionWeathering

American Revolution 1 2025-02-22

24 Items: "Penman of the Revolution"Called "Savior of the South"Negotiated the Treaty of ParisCaptain of the Bonhomme RichardCommander of the Continental Army"Give me Liberty or Give me Death"British Commander-in-Chief 1778-17821st Person Killed in the Boston MassacreKnown for the Capture of Ft. TiconderogaPresident of the 2nd Continental Congress...

waves 2014-10-05

24 Items: crestmattertroughmotionsurfaceparallelvelocitysoundwavevibrationparticleswaterwavefrequencymicrowaveenergywavemediumwavewavelengthseismicwaveinfraredwavestransversewavemechanicalwavelongitudinalwaveultravioletwavesvisiblelightwaveselectromagneticwaves

Physical and Chemical Properties 2018-09-16

25 Items: gasmasspointpointcolorsolidMatterChangevolumeliquiddensityboilingmeltingPhysicalChemicalPropertytoxicityViscosityductilitysubstancesolubilityreactivitymalleabilityconductivityflammability

Spelling Words 2023-09-15

25 Items: tainoebonyarawakpoetrymatterordinalcaciqueordinalcardinalassemblycriticalspaniardeuropeanmigrationscientistcaribbeanseptemberknowledgeindigenousinhabitantimperativedeclarativeexclamatoryarchaelogistinterrogative

Vocabulary Set 4 Word Search 2024-10-28

13 Items: to angerwearinessto recall the pastto arouse to actionto one side or crookedto wear away or become worn awaymood, feeling, or general atmospherean expert in matters of style or tastea circle of close associates or friendsa small opening as in a wall or rock facethe distance around something or to circle...

states 2024-12-16

6 Items: catlionzebrahippoelephantMan's best friend

Week 20 Thursday 2024-02-11

25 Items: adultsthoughtto knowunable to speakto previously fightable to do somethinghaving the same valuemaking a lot of noisepertaining to the brainimpulsive and unpredictableA break in the earth's crustto get or gain through some effortto think that something will happena piece of land surrounded by waterwilling to wait without complaining...

Knights Word Search 2023-03-16

16 Items: knightsennemieking athurour teachertutor of K-Acomedy troupethe round tablelady of the lakehome of king arthursword of king arthurfather of king arthurennemie of king arthurapprentice to a knightthe act of crowning a kinga case of sheath for a swordthe ideal qualities of knighthood

Weather Word Search 2024-05-06

37 Items: ElevationMeasures wind speed.Water in the form of a gasThe movement of air parallelHas an airtight metal chamber.Middle layer of the atmosphere.Lowest layer of Earth's atmosphereA device that measures temperature.Winds that blow over short distances.The increased cooling that wind can cause.The way Earth's rotation makes Winds curve....

Population Word Search 2025-01-17

13 Items: All of the food chains in an ecosystemOrganism that breaks down dead organic materialAn individual animal, plant, or single-celled life formMake their own food, which creates energy for them to growAn interacting group of various species in a common locationA non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment...

Urinary Search 2022-09-20

26 Items: filters bloodbladder herniasugar in urineblood in urineexam of bladderpus in the urinecrushing of stonesoftening of kidneyabsence of urinationelimination of wastesdestructive to kidneyskidney with many cystsinflammation of bladdernitrogen wastes in bloodtumor on mucosal surfacefunctional unit of kidneyconstriction or narrowing...

Matter Word Search 2025-01-28

7 Items: matterdensityphysicalchangeschemicalchangesphysicalpropertieschemicalpropertieslawofconservationofmass


30 Items: redblueflagjulywhitefamilyfourthnationparadepicnicrightsstatessummerunitedamericafreedomholidaylibertystripesbarbecuecoloniescongressequalitythirteenfireworkspatrioticrevolutioncelebrationdeclarationindependence

Current Events 3-5-25 2025-03-05

30 Items: LapPartHopeDOGERareMarchLargeIslamMonthFightverseRhinoStormsUnitedStatesSpeechVictoyCanadaFloodsRamadanHoliestTariffsMassivePowerfulPoachingCongressMineralsPresidentThreateningCelebrating

Exploring the cosmos 2024-04-13

11 Items: WayholeBangorionblacknebulaquasarzodiacMattersupernovaandromeda

Word study 2024-09-13

16 Items: divedmattersimplecommonwindowinchesbehindmemberssurfacefinallyanythingbuildingequationscientistunderstandgovernment

great depression 2024-10-08

8 Items: biggest economic disasterpeople went without homesperson who runs the united stateswent without food for a period of time \a series of programs that FDR came up withman who got us out of the great depressionman who every one blamed the great depression onchat a thing FDR came up with to communicate things

Immigration 2024-10-24

27 Items: CubaPeruMoneySafetyStatesBrazilMexicoPanamaPovertyAmericaEcuadorBoliviaUruguayHonduraColombiaParaguayMigrationEducationCostaRicaVenezuelaArgentinaEmigrationElSalvadorImmigrationPushFactorsPullFactorsOpportunities

Marine Science 2 Word Search 2024-11-18

42 Items: To dry out.Slow sinking.A forest of mangrove trees.Being out of air and submerged.Water of intermediate salinity.A gas-filled bladder in seaweeds.Animals that burrow in the substrate.A current that is generated by tides.Being out of water and exposed to air.The intensity of the impact of a wave.A fleshy plant that accumulates water....

F8 M2c 2023-11-09

24 Items: onupoffoutpassfrompartbravedeathclaimcrashexactforcewreckmatteroutfitbizarrepredictreceiveinsuranceexperienceassassinatecoincidenceunexplained

Biology Word search 2024-04-30

20 Items: the basic SI unit of energyorganisms that make their own foodthe primary component of macromolecules,relating to or resulting from living thingsan animal which feeds on dead organic materialthe animal component of the planktonic communitymatter that has come from a recently living organismkill, repel, or control forms of animal and plant life...

8th Grade Semester Exam Terms 2019-12-11

25 Items: gasionatommasssolidenergyliquidmatterprotonweightdensityelementneutronvalencecompoundelectronchemistryionicbondexothermicendothermicsublimationatomicnumbercovalentbondchemicalchangephysicalchange

U6 vocabulary 2021-06-16

25 Items: winpushtestfailpassbringallowanglebeginsmartgradepointgroupmatterdefinehonestexpectsimpleexcuseafraidpicturemistakemeetingexcellentstereotype

Dean Vaughn Lesson 8 2025-02-07

19 Items: an ovaryquiet;calmnail bitingray;beam, spokepertaining to edemapertaining to the airany patch or flat areaspam of a finger or toepertaining to the lungsby the action of salivaexcision of a nerve rootpertaining to an alveolusto eat/eating, swallowinginflammation of the ependymathe act or process of calminginflammation of the wall of an organ...

Indigenous People of Canada and the United States 2025-01-13

6 Items: StatesCanadaNationsindigenousassimilationanthropologist

Anatomy & Physiology-Bones (Milady Esthetics) 2024-06-04

30 Items: aka digitsback of the neckbone forming the foreheadbones that form upper jawforms sides of eye socketform the bridge of the noseform the sides and top of craniumconnection between 2 or more bonesoval, bony case that protects the brain12 pairs of bones forming wall of thoraxaka collarbone; joins sternum and scapula...

great depression 2024-10-08

8 Items: biggest economic disasterpeople went without homesperson who runs the united stateswent without food for a period of time \a series of programs that FDR came up withman who got us out of the great depressionman who every one blamed the great depression onchat a thing FDR came up with to communicate things

The 50 U.S. States 2024-10-10

50 Items: IowaOhioUtahIdahoMaineTexasAlaskaHawaiiKansasNevadaOregonAlabamaArizonaFloridaGeorgiaIndianaMontanaNewYorkVermontWyomingArkansasColoradoDelawareIllinoisKentuckyMarylandMichiganMissouriNebraskaOklahomaVirginiaLouisianaMinnesotaNewJerseyNewMexicoTennesseeWisconsinCaliforniaWashingtonConnecticutMississippiNorthDakotaRhodeIslandSouthDakotaNewHampshire...

Stoichiometry 2022-08-08

20 Items: massmolemolaryieldatomicpercentreagentproductavogadrolimitingreactantbalancingequationscompositionstoichiometryThe atomic mass of chlorineThe mass of 3.2 moles of bismuthThe number of moles in 623,480 g of calcium phosphateThe number of nitrogen atoms in the largest known organic compound nicknamed Titan, C169723H270464N45688O5224S912...

United States Capitals 2 2021-05-24

25 Items: SalemHelenaAlbanyPierreAustinLincolnConcordTrentonSantaFeRaleighOlympiaMadisonBismarckColumbusColumbiaRichmondCheyenneNashvilleCarsonCityHarrisburgProvidenceMontpelierCharlestonOklahomaCitySaltLakeCity


26 Items: iandoczoeynoahmainetexassalemtiareedwinalaskakansasnevadahawaiioregondenveratlantageorgiafloridawyomingbraydenamakiaavirginiacoloradolouisianaminnesotacalifornia

US States and Capitals 2023-03-11

50 Items: Rockdoverboisesalemjuneaudenvertopekabostonhelenaalbanypierreaustinphoenixatlantaaugustalansingjacksonlincolnconcordtrentonsantaferaleigholympiamadisonhartfordhonolulubismarckcolumbuscolumbiarichmondcheyennedesmoinesfrankfortannapolissaintpaulnashvillemontgomerysacramentobatonrougecarsoncityharrisburgprovidencemontpeliercharlestontallahassee...

Civil War States & Locations 2023-06-02

37 Items: ohioiowaunionmainetexaskansasoregonvermontnewyorkgeorgiafloridaalabamamichiganillinoisarkansaskentuckydelawaremissourimarylandvirginiawisconsinminnesotatennesseelouisianafortsumtercaliforniaconfederaterhodeislandmississippiborderstatesnewhampshirepennsylvaniawestvirginianorthcarolinasouthcarolinanorthernstatessouthernstates

space mystery 2025-01-06

10 Items: holebangmatterAliensGalaxyenergyWormholeSupernovaRelativityMultiverse

Independence Day - Word Search 2023-07-03

30 Items: redblueflagjulywhitefamilyfourthnationparadepicnicrightsstatessummerunitedamericafreedomholidaylibertystripesbarbecuecoloniescongressequalitythirteenfireworkspatrioticrevolutioncelebrationdeclarationindependence

Bill of Rights 2024-05-01

30 Items: fairjuryarmsbilloathtrialmediafirsttenthpresscivilgatherfourthstatesspeechrightssilentwarranttortureprivacysoldiersearchedassemblereligionamendmentgrandjurydueprocesscompensationprobablecausedoublejeopardy

Unit 4: Chemical Equations 2018-12-20

27 Items: MassStateRedoxMatterProductSolubleAqueousReactionReactantBalancedChemicalEquationReactionSynthesisSubscriptInsolubleOxidationReductionCombustionCoefficientPrecipitateSuperscriptConservationDecompositionActivitySeriesSingleReplacementDoubleReplacement

Force and Motion 2023-11-27

20 Items: Unit of ForceA push or pullDistance over timeThe amount of matter in an objectDistance over time with a directionAn object's resistance to change in motionthe measurement of paths taken by an objectthe action or process of moving or being movedSpeeding up, slowing down, or changing direction...

The Siege of Petersburg 2025-02-20

11 Items: Union GeneralUnion GeneralThe Northern StatesThe Southern StatesConfederate GeneralThe state where The Siege of Petersburg took placeCity in Virginia where Siege and Battles took placePlace where Lee surrendered, resulting in the Union VictoryUnion General who led the Union Forces during the Petersburg Siege...

Evaporation Word Search 2025-01-23

25 Items: How many maine plate tectonic locations are there?Which part of the water cyle does gas turn to liquid?What is the term for measuring the acidity of a liquid?What is the name of a tidal current that leaves the land?What is the process of converting liquid water into vapor water?plain What is the flat ocean floor that covers 50% of the ocean?...

5 Star Sunday or Some Shizzzz 2024-09-08

20 Items: ituptaxbadouchlinewinsdicejailheistspendalbumavenueavenuerespectcollectesquivetubularfreestylindisqualified

Shemot 2025-01-12

24 Items: “Tov”“Puah”בַּיִתמֹשֶׁה“Shemot”Mitzrayim“Shifirah”Moses wife“to go out”ark, HebrewAdonai's son.Moses firstbornThe priestly tribe.Jochabed’s husband.Moses elder brother.The mother of Yeshuaan intentional untruth.The minister of Midian.The prophet of the Haftarah.The Redeemer of Abraham….HaftarahYeshua was born in this town in Israel....

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures 2015-12-17

7 Items: atommatterelementmixturecompoundmoleculesolution

Solid Word Search 2022-09-27

7 Items: gassolidliquidchangematterphysicalchemical

Chemistry Word Search 2013-10-23

25 Items: AtomMoleAcidBaseProtonDaltonMetricMetalsMatterNeutronElementThomsonIsotopeElectronMoleculeMillikanChadwickAvogadroMendeleevGoldsteinNonmetalsDemocritusRutherfordMetalloidsPeriodicTable

Age of Reason 2023-02-13

30 Items: wartaxeslogicethoslogosdivestsolacestatescolonyreasonethicspathosevincefreedomelectionemotionsprudenceequalitypresidentextenuateacquiescetransientfallacioussufferableusurpationunalienableindependencesupplicationpreliminariesremonstrances

WAY OUT THERE in SPACE 2024-03-01

34 Items: We live on itThe Blue PlanetNow a dwarf planetToo large to handleAir surrounding earthShe's too hot to handleConsidered the red planetGives warmth to the earthStreaks of light in the skyThe name always sounds funnyThe solid outer part of earthThe only planet that can floatThe region surrounding the SunBrightly colored bands of light...

states crossword 2023-10-16

10 Items: ohioidahomainetexashawaiioregonnevadanevadageorgiaflorida

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2024-08-20

11 Items: massenergyenergymattervolumeconductdensityinsulatepropertymagnetismsubstance

galaxy 2024-11-13

10 Items: StarHoleNebulaSpiralMatterQuasarCosmicClusterSupernovaLight-year

Motivational Interviewing Word Search 2024-12-24

18 Items: Done with a purposeA form of drawing out information.Showing that you are doing something together.The second letter of PACE in the spirit of MI.Seeing a situation through another's point of view.The last letter of DARN that shows a ______ to change.The first letter of DARN that shows a ______ to change....

The Physical Set (Outline) 2015-01-23

25 Items: MassBiotaForceSpaceAbiotaDuplexEnergySystemMatterMotionPlanetGeometryInternalExternalMoleculeSetTheorySubAtomicGeodynamoRadiationRelativityEquilibriumSolarEnergyPlateTectonicsDisequilibriumSustainability

Phase Change Word Search 2022-03-24

26 Items: gasflowphasesolidrefuteenergymatterliquidmeltingvibratevibratemoleculefreezingparticledepositionsimulationtemperatureevaporationsublimationphasechangecondensationmeltingpointkineticenergystatesofmatterfreedomofmovementmolecularattraction

Word search 2024-10-09

20 Items: WayHoleStarYearCometOrbitGalaxyNebulaCosmosPlanetSystemAuroraMatterGravityAsteroidSupernovaSatelliteExoplanetTelescopeSpacecraft

Chemistry Word Search 2025-01-07

25 Items: atomcellnicheenergymattertheoryEdisonNewtonDarwinbiologyelementhabitatHawkingPasteurGalileomoleculeresearchomnivorebacteriaanimaliageneticsEinsteinchemistryecosystemexperiment

Elements, Compounds & Mixtures 2025-01-09

25 Items: ionacidbasesaltgondmassatomogrouptablechangesymbolliquidmattermetalsperiodelementneutralvalencechemicalcompoundelectronmetalloidsubstancehomogeneousheterogeneous

Ch 4 Terms 2022-09-28

27 Items: study of tissuesstages of pregnancyhollow ball of cellsopening of the cervixthinning of the cervixanother term for the egg cellcell with half the chromosomesbeginning of new organ formationrelease of the egg from the ovaryinner mucous membrane lining of the uteruswhen the embryo lodges in the uterine lining...

take a break 2024-02-21

6 Items: the king pf englandbest newspaper everwrote romeo and julietteleads the continetal armyjefferson current presidentthe 2nd president of the united states

Shemot 2025-01-12

24 Items: “Tov”“Puah”בַּיִתמֹשֶׁה“Shemot”Mitzrayim“Shifirah”Moses wife“to go out”ark, HebrewAdonai's son.Moses firstbornThe priestly tribe.Jochabed’s husband.Moses elder brother.The mother of Yeshuaan intentional untruth.The minister of Midian.The prophet of the Haftarah.The Redeemer of Abraham….HaftarahYeshua was born in this town in Israel....

The 12 Olympians 2023-12-10

12 Items: The god of warThe wife of zeusThe god of musicThe goddess of beautyThe goddess of wisdomThe leader of the GodsThe ruler of the oceanThe goddess of the huntThe messenger of the GodsThe goddess of the hearthThe goddess of the harvestThe god of fire and craftsmanship

Independence Days 2023-06-21

30 Items: redblueadamsglorywhitestarsbostoncannonunitedstateslibertyamericafreedombritainstripescookouthamiltontaxationcongressthirteencoloniesredcoatsmassacrejeffersonfireworkssparklerscelebratewashingtonrevolutiondeclaration

4th of July Word Search 2024-07-03

30 Items: redblueflagjulywhitestarspicnicparadefourthunitedstatesfreedomlibertystripeshotdogshistorybarbecuefoundingthirteencolonialfireworksdemocracysparklerspatriotismhamburgerswatermeloncelebrationdeclarationindependenceconstitution

OP 2023-03-27

40 Items: BlindMugiwaraSogekingFirefistSkeletonSand ManIs a clownThe TyrantShadow manCat burglarDevil ChildIce BicycleDonut MakerThe PhoenixDonut EaterGiraffe Dude3 Sword StyleStealth BlackLeader of CP0God of SkypeaHeavenly DemonLuffy's #1 FanDouble CigaretteThe light admiralKing of the BeastsBlue Nosed ReindeerKing of the PiratesStrongest man alive...

Year 8 so far! 2023-05-24

21 Items: Gases in group 0Metals in group 1A circuit with one loopUnit of measurement for timeThe organelle that contains DNAUnit of measurement for distanceUnit of measurement for pressureA circuit with more than one loopA different form of the same geneThe solid or gas part of a solutionDrugs used to treat pain and disease...

Cells 2023-06-16

21 Items: contains DNAsites of photosynthesisan undifferentiated cellsites of protein synthesissites of aerobic respirationwhen cells become specialisedmovement low to high using energythe first stage of the cell cyclethe final stage of the cell cyclewhere chemical reactions take placecontains cell sap to keep cell turgidcellular process that releases energy...

U.S. States 2020-02-27

9 Items: IowaTexasFloridaIndianaArizonaIllinoisArkansasCaliforniaMississippi

Absolute Word Search 2023-05-13

20 Items: PoleSuitSagannadirargonflarecopperMatterradiumpayloadinertialutetiumMcNaughtganymedeneutrinogermaniumAstronomymicrowavesinterstellarextraterrestrial

Science 2024-10-29

24 Items: sunatomtubeacidgenemoonlipidtidesprotonmatterbeakerelementneutronecologycurrentvoltagevitaminmineralproteinplanetselectronadaptationchromosomecarbohydrate



Science Search 2014-01-10

26 Items: gasmasssolidwaterrigidmatterliquidplasmasolutevolumemixturesolventdensitysolutiondissolvecompoundseperatedilutionchemicalsparticlesflamibitypropertiessaturationsolubilityconcentrationprecipitation

Pure Substances and Mixtures 2016-01-20

29 Items: gaspurewatercyclesolidrunoffsolutefilterliquidmattertheorysolventmixturemixturemixturesolutiondissolvesolutionparticlesubstancemechanicalevaporationunsaturatedhomogeneouscondensationtranspirationprecipitationconcentrationheterogeneous

English Terms 2025-02-04

9 Items: Being over the top.A short personal story.Giving an object a human feature.A comparison using 'like' or 'as'.Words that have an audible effect.Same letters used at the start of words.Words used to create an image in the reader's mind.A comparison that states one thing is something else.Repetition of a word or phrase at the start of a line.

Black Word Search 2024-07-07

10 Items: HoleRaysnebulaMatterquasarpulsarEnergyredshiftsupernovaexoplanet

Washington Word Search 2022-06-11

10 Items: ActTrailStatestimberfarmingfishingTerrioryAmericansActivitiesExclusion Act

Review 2024-04-16

13 Items: Another word for the right to vote?This document freed the southern slaves.Hamilton was in favor of a national __?__.The colonists called the Coercive Acts the __?__ Acts.This was granted to all slaves with the 14th amendment.Someone that is actively against slavery is known as an __?__What is the process for territories to become states known as?...

Chapter 11 Vocabulary 2023-04-17

37 Items: containing thermal energywater in the form of a gasthe distance above sea levela device that measures temperaturea device that determines wind speedwinds that blow over short distancesthe way earth’s rotation makes winds curveThe amount of mass in a given volume of airThe increased cooling that a wind can cause...

Unit 2 Lesson 1 Physical Features of United States & Canada 2023-01-07

21 Items: LakesRiverFallsregionStatescanadaShieldPlainsDividemidwestclimateHazardsMountainsnorthwestsouthwestsoutheastnortheastresourcestributaryappalachianLawrence River

Countries 30 2024-01-18

30 Items: peruiranchileitalyspainchinajapanKoreaindiaegyptkenyaStatescanadamexicobrazilfrancerussiaturkeyAfricaKingdomgermanybelgiumZealandnigeriacolombiaportugalargentinaaustralianetherlandsswitzerland

Current Events 2-4-25 2025-02-04

31 Items: TopDayTaxRicaPhilTradeCostaChinaGoodsDrugsTakingActionSharksCanadaMexicoTariffUnitedStatesTariffsProtectCheaperPartnersDomesticGroundhogPredictionImmigrantsResponsiblePunxsutawneyUndocumentedManufacturingAdministration

Chapter 6: Canada Vocabulary 2024-11-01

20 Items: differmake upby means ofself governmentto settle in a placeto move to an area to settlehaving two official languagesrefers to the first inhabitants of Canadalands administered by the Canadian governmentA child of a French person and a Native personcrossing a continent from one side to the otherpeople who want to break away from the main group...