country Word Searches

Renew Word Search 2024-02-23

20 Items: Land of the Long White Clouda position giving a good viewpersist in an activity or processsuppose to be the case, without proofresume (an activity) after an interruptiona particular sphere of activity or experiencethe state of being united or joined as a wholemake smaller or less in amount, degree, or size...

Holocaust 2023-03-23

20 Items: Hitler's ideal raceintolerance of others' beliefsa person present but not involvedlawfully removing a group of peoplean act of extreme cruelty and wickednesslacking humanity, pity, kindness, compassionsecret state of police of Nazi occupied Europethe act of getting rid of, especially by killingthe opposition to and discrimination against Jews...

A Long Walk to Water 2024-12-05

25 Items: - very large or immense- extreme scarcity of food- empty, lacking vegetationrepeated or reflected sound- a shortage or lack of something- in the middle of; surrounded by- to speak softly or in a low voice- walked slowly and with heavy stepsa time of intense difficulty or danger- unyielding; persistent in a harsh way...

The City Mouse & the Country Mouse 2024-02-01

1 Item: daily treatment secretive funny scary grumpy muddy slimy inclusive chewy kindly partly shipment payment carry action expensive

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

20 Items: Africa's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from AlexandriaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacethe world's longest and second deepest freshwater lakeone of the most powerfuland wealthy rulers of the Songhai Empire...

1970s Musicians 2024-01-16

10 Items: This Swedish pop group achieved global success with catchy tunes and harmonious vocals.With their falsetto vocals and disco hits, they played a significant role in the disco era.One of the most influential rock bands, they blended various genres, including rock, blues, and folk....

Workplace Incivility 2024-11-30

10 Items: an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure.relating to relationships or communication between people.the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or countrythe action of working with someone to produce or create something.a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress....

Cristmas Revision 2022-11-28

15 Items: Buying and selling of church positionsSupporter of reform in the Catholic churchEnglish or Scottish soldiers who had fought for the crownPeople who were planted in foreign territory by the crown.The appointing of relatives to Church jobs regardless of meritLaws, Laws that suppressed the status of Catholics in Ireland....

Spelling Words 2022-09-08

1 Item: rock list desk job sad chop sack tag rib mess dust beautiful someone country bread flung wealth leather headline blank dreadful blink pocket engine lettuce breakfast

Persuasive Devices Word Search 2023-07-27

18 Items: “All teenagers are lazy and rude!”“We met in 1999 when I was at University”Gets an emotional reaction from the reader“The Prime Minister is a total raving idiot”“All famous people live rich and exciting lives”“A teenager swore at me on the train. How lovely!”Suggests the reader must always support their country...

Meanings from glossary 2024-11-11

14 Items: Natural elevationsan area of countrysideIs a huge body of salt water.Is the difference of height from place to place.Is an area of the earth's crust that is below sea levelsis the activity or business of growing crops and raising the science or practice of planting, managing, and caring for forests....

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

21 Items: Africa's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from AlexandriaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacevast tract of land characterized bywet and dry seasonsthe world's longest and second deepest freshwater lake...

Memorial Day, A&G NEWS. 2022-05-30

232 Items: awejoykinmayWarbanddutyflagfoodherohomehopejoinkeenlifelovepompwaveZealzestbatonbirthblastciviccorpsdreamfeastfree,glorygoalsgravemarchmusicpeacepridequickquietstarsunifyunionunitevalorYearnanthemardentcombatcommonendureenergyequinefamilyheraldhoorayIdealsjoyfuljoyousmutualnationnativeparadepicnicprayerpublicquaintrightssaluteshrineslogansolemn...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

21 Items: Africa's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from AlexandriaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacevast tract of land characterized bywet and dry seasonsthe world's longest and second deepest freshwater lake...

no 2024-11-04

245 Items: aasatbebydoactaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbagbarbedbigbitboxboybutbuycancarcupcutdaydiedogablealsoareaawaybabybackballbankbasebeatbestbillbluebodybookbornbothcallcardcarecasecellcitycoldcomecostdarkdatadeaddealdeepdoordowndrawdropdrugeachaboutaboveadmitadultafteragainagentagreeaheadallowalonealongamongapplyargueavoidbeginblackbloodboardbreak...

Unit 5: Spelling Lesson 1 2023-01-12

25 Items: composed of onefoolish or sillyan eating establishmentcomposed of more than onea shortened form of a wordslanted cursive or type characterscomprising everything; comprehensiveconsisting of diverse things or membershappening as a minor result or by chancethat which had being before something elseuninfluenced by emotion; based on the factual...

Impact 1 - Semester Test Vocabulary 2024-11-06

29 Items: – Energetic and busy.– A very tall building.– To make something new.– To brighten or illuminate.– Having little or no light.– A large, fast road for cars.– Filled with thick mist or fog.– A person who lives in a place.– A special event or celebration.– The form or outline of something.– The style or design of buildings....

Cluster 1 Lesson 1-5 Vocabulary 2024-01-17

16 Items: The importance of something to the matter at handHow people interact with their regions physical geographyA region's temperature and weather conditions over a long periodFinding a place using other places or features around it as a guideSurface features (such as mountains and valleys) in an area of land....

American Revolution Vocabulary 2022-11-16

15 Items: an official agreement between two or more countriesthe act of attempting to overthrow one's governmentthe treaty that grants peace to america from britainan american army volunteer during the american revolutiona person hired to fight for another country other than their owna colonist who protests against the king on the side of the Americans...


12 Items: Show cases the horses health with a ride between 25 and 500 miles.Rider guides horsed through a precise pattern of circles, spins, and stops.A combination of three disciplines: dressage, cross country, and show jumping.Horse and rider attempt to complete a pattern around barrels placed in a triangle....

Westward Expansion Vocabulary Review 2024-11-13

6 Items: A journey or trip taken by a group of people with a specific goal in mind.Someone who helped people from different language groups communicate with each other.The period when the United States grew larger by taking over new land to the west, especially in the 1800s....

1000 Words 2024-11-18

250 Items: asatbebydoactaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbagbarbedbigbitboxboybutbuycancarcupcutdaydiedogablealsoareaawaybabybackballbankbasebeatbestbillbluebodybookbornbothcallcardcarecasecellcitycoldcomecostdarkdatadeaddealdeepdoordowndrawdropdrugeachrestyouraboutaboveadmitadultafteragainagentagreeaheadallowalonealongamongapplyargueavoidbeginblackbloodboard...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

24 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from AlexandriaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthagegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...



Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

24 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from AlexandriaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthagegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

Globes, Projections, GPS 2024-03-22

19 Items: a person who makes mapsthe intended use of a projectionsize, shape, distance, distortionMap map of earth taken from spacemost accurate representation of the earthMap shows three-dimensional aspects of the planetMap shows the elevations, related to a relief mapMap shows land and water features shaped by nature...

Aiden 7th grade 2024-05-16

15 Items: the driest of all the biomesthe biological variation that occurs within speciesa ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral.the variety of different habitats, communities and ecological processesthe variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem....

AP Gov Review 2024-04-24

15 Items: the judicial concept when the court upholds precedentSCOTUS case that declared racial gerrymandering as unconstitutionala list of potential policy ideas, bills, or plans to improve society__________ action; institutional efforts to diversify race, gender, etcthe judicial concept when the courts strike down laws or reverse public policy...

Macro Chapter 21 Vocab 2024-10-29

17 Items: exports minus imports (X-M)a period during which real GDP decreasesgoods and services purchased from other countrieswhen governments buy goods and services from firmsThe purchase of new capital goods (tools, instrumentsTaxes paid minus cash benefits received from governmentsThe expenditure by households on consumption goods and services...

Specialized Crimes 2024-11-13

25 Items: to provoke or mockbelief in a system of faithphysical or mental impairmentgroup sharing the same culturepersonal concept of one’s own gendergender to which a person is attractedperiod of supervision over an offenderformal letter expressing disapproval or criticismtouching someone against their will or without consent...

TV Networks 2024-11-25


Federalist Party in 1800: The Word Search 2024-12-16

14 Items: A member of a labor union.An adherent or advocate of libertarianism.Of,relating to, or favoring a philosophy of conservatism.The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.Of adherence to or government according to constitutional principles.The concentration of control of an activity or organization under a single authority....

International Business Etiquette 2 2024-09-05

22 Items: Avoid ___________________ and high pressure talk.Do not ___________________ touch your Chinese colleagues.As of 2008, Germany was global leader in ___________________.Most business meetings are conducted over ___________________.___________________ is the most widely spoken language in Europe....

WH Mod, Unit 16 Vocabulary 2023-02-02

25 Items: German submarinefinal set of demandslarge gas-filled balloonglorification of the militaryone who favors extreme changesprepare military forces for waragreement to end fighting in a warpolicy of supporting neither side in a wargroup of merchant ships protected by warshipsnonbinding agreement to follow common policies...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

27 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from Alexandriathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

3B 0726 2022-07-23

25 Items: unwisegreatly surpriseda very large expanse of seafeeling or showing surprisehighly pleasant to the tasteknown and recognized by many peoplea piece of land surrounded by waterfeeling fear or anxiety; frightenedcome or go back to a place or personcoming before all others in time or orderpursue in order to catch or catch up with...

Road to American Revolution and Revolutionary War Review 2022-11-28

25 Items: Shot heard round the world.The author of Common Sense.A 1767 law that taxed glass, paper, and tea.The author of the Declaration of Independence.The commander in chief of the Continental Army.Colonial activists dumped tea into Boston Harbor.This battle was the last major battle of the Rev. War.The only colony not at the First Continental Congress....

Ascetic Word Search 2023-04-06

50 Items: LyingTo stealAny statueBeing awareSelf-centredEveryday eventUnfair criticismGenerating ideasTough to controlSomething unusualLack of standardsFriendly characterDemanding somethingSomething pointlessExpressing criticismTeaching moral lessonFeeling out of energySomething very commonUnderstanding somethingNot caring about others...

Westward Expansion 2024-10-22

30 Items: A political partyWhat trains run onThe opposite of eastA state south of IdahoAn animal found on a farmA state on the Oregon TrailCaused by an increase in suppliesA material houses were built out ofAn animal hunted by Native AmericansThe year time zones were put in placeRoaming from place to place frequentlyThe most east state on the Oregon Trail...

Sharecropping Word Search 2024-11-04

16 Items: The ability to read and write.A part of a legal document or contract that has its own meaning.A change or addition to a law or document, like the Constitution.A person who believes that one group of people is better than all others.A person who has served in the military, often someone who has fought in wars....

Units 42-43 Sheet 4 2024-01-01

38 Items: (feminine) the itch, itching(masculine) the (male) nurse(neuter) the (anatomy) bloodto be of interest, interests(neuter) the (animal) octopus(masculine) the (animal) frog(neuter) the court, court roomto vote  (rel, to elect) εκλέγω(feminine) the freedom, liberty(masculine) the (anatomy) brain(masculine) the (anatomy) shoulder...

Chapter 2 Word Search by Harrison Patten 2023-10-26

30 Items: a binding agreementa professional writerthe belief in one godthe belief in many godsan organized set of lawsa pyramid made of terracesthe name of a powerful Assyrian rulera religion developed in ancient Persiaa group of travelers journeying togethera market selling different kinds of goodsto force someone to live in another country...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

29 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from Alexandriaspans much of southernAfricathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

29 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from Alexandriaspans much of southernAfricathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

29 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthagegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

vocabulary 2023-10-05

27 Items: an ancestorlead by, guided(of a place) without inhabitantsan airplane with one set of wingscontaining or using only one colornext to or adjoining something elselikely to be the case or to happen.relating to or resulting from motionoperated by or equipped with machinesliving the life of a nomad; wanderingmeter used to determine the altitude attained...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

29 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriatheologian from Alexandriaspans much of southernAfricathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

constitution terminology 2023-01-22

20 Items: Having two branches or chambers.The first term amendments in the U.S. ConstitutionComposed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.A person who shapes or creates a concept, plan, or system.To control or supervise by means of rules and regulations.The funds or revenue of a government, corporation, or institution....

Advertising Devices Word Search 2023-05-22

26 Items: endorsementsnike's sloganapple's slogancoca cola's sloganone of our college's valuesthe first word of the 'AIDA' acronymthe third word of the 'AIDA' acronymthe second word of the 'AIDA' acronymthe fourth word of the 'AIDA' acronymRepeating a message or idea so you remember ita word indicating something you esteem, want, or think has worth....

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

28 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthagegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

Unit 44 Government 2023-12-30

71 Items: votedpublicnationalthe voteby votingto be sentto be votedthe revolutionthe dictatorshipthe (male) slavethe (law) treatythe (female) slavethe (worker) strikethe court, courtroomthe freedom, libertythe democracy, republicthe process of electionthe government, cabinetthe Army, military forcethe (gov) politics, policyto be of interest, interests...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

30 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriaspans much of southern Africathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

Night Weeks 1-5 Vocabulary 2024-11-19


Mr. Frederick Unit 2 Word Search 3 2024-01-11

40 Items: Joe BidenexpressedKamala Harrismade by Congressmeans set aside for.means assigned or given.lowest level of governmentHighest level of GovernmentEach state receives 2 votesgave englishmen a free elcectionAct of giving a business licensebranch with a congress to make laws.branch with courts to interpret laws.chamber of congress at the state level...

Askiathegreat Word Search 2024-10-04

30 Items: Africa's largest lakeAfrica's tallest mountainthe world's longest rivertheologian from Alexandriaspans much of southern Africathe area of modern-day SomaliaAfrica's longest mountain rangegreatest ruler of the MaliEmpirethe largest rift in theearth's surfacegreat early church fathers and martyrs from Carthage...

3B word search week 13~15 2022-06-02

25 Items: to get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethingto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearsomeone who dances either as a job or for pleasuresomething bad that happens that is not expected or intendeda man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle...

9 weeks 2 test review 2023-12-07

31 Items: japan.- Factories and farms produce more goods than people can buy.Young women of the 1920s that behaved and dressed in a radical fashionNew Deal program which gave electricity and jobs to rural Appalachia, including ALGovernment programs passed by Congress to help the U.S. get out of Great Depression...

Space Stuff 2023-01-03

43 Items: The red planetThe first dog in spaceThe north's stars true nameThe color of a sunset on MarsThe brightest star in the skyThe galaxy of our solar systemA belt between Jupiter and MarsThe color of Venus' sulfur cloudsThe planet called the Water PlanetThe most common gas in the universeAn object that orbits another object...

US I SOL 1.6 American Revolution Review 2024-02-23

32 Items: Colonies were opposed to theseSome colonists resented their powerThis is another name for Great BritainThe colonies wanted to be this from EnglandThe 13 colonies had no of this in Parliamentthis battle was the turning point of the warFrance and Spain were this to the 13 coloniesto pass your test you need to do a lot of this...

10 History Word Search Revision 2024-08-18

42 Items: NAZI symbolAn Axis powerTreaty at end of WW1Prime Minister for most ofAllied power starting with FJapanese Prime Minister in WW2Group Hitler wanted eliminatedRussian leader in WW2.(2 words)German leader in WW2 (two words)Ban on a country trading with othersItalian leader in WW2 was Benito XXXXJapan's resource shortage of R???????...

Voters and Voter Behavior 2022-10-04

25 Items: having an influence on politicsa person with no party affiliationillegal voting or tampering in an electiona person who has been convicted of a serious crimethe practice of voting for candidates from only one partythe practice of voting for candidates of more than one partya set of basic beliefs about life, culture, government, and society....

: The Consequences of the Industrialization 2022-12-01

26 Items: The action or process of appeasing.Centralized control by an autocratic authorityTreaty that ended the first Opium War in China.A law that restricting Chinese immigration in the U.S.A law that restricted non-European immigration in Australia.A German philosopher that came up with the theory of Communism....

Torreeiffel Word Search 2024-05-07

8 Items: Pista: Este actor protagonizó la película "La La Land", donde interpretó a un pianista de jazz que sueña con el éxito en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, mostrando su talento para el canto y el baile....

Budget Word Search 2023-01-17

27 Items: Using envelopes to budgetLabor marker for free-lancersThe opposite of fixed expensesCost the same amount each monthDivide your income into three categoriesA spending plan based on income and expensesThe amount of money needed to cover basic expensesThe cost required for something; the money spent on something...


24 Items: A place that provides higher education.A place where people put or take out money.A place where you can buy books and magazines.A place that sells fresh meat such as steak and sausages.A place where you can buy medicine and other health items.A place where you can buy fresh bread, sandwiches and cakes....

Store Word Search 2023-12-12

50 Items: storecredit cardto like betterwearing apparelto look for an itemIt's not big enoughstore that sells foodformal attire for menclothing worn to swimIt's not small enoughpaper version of moneycosting a lot of moneya covering for the headsomething cost too muchsomething is too formalplace to try on clothesa specific type of sandal...

Summer Olympics 2024-07-17

26 Items: swimming, diving, water polothe activity of lifting barbells or other heavy objectsA sport where teams or individuals propel a boat using oarsA sport that involves shooting arrows at a target using a bowtrack and field events, including running, jumping, and throwingSports involving horseback riding, including dressage, show jumping, and eventing...

Eggnog, Word Search 2024-11-26

35 Items: Where does Santa Claus supposedly live?What is the innermost part of the Earth called?What is the outermost layer of the Earth called?Mountains, Where in Ireland can you find granite?What is molten rock on the Earth’s surface called?Where in Northern Ireland can you find basalt columns?What is molten rock beneath the Earth’s surface called?...

3B 0725 2022-07-23

39 Items: unsafea rocka truckon all sidesthink of againcovered with snowcautious in one’s actionsto get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethinga bird that loves stealing thingsto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearto take something without permission of the owner...

Units 44 and 45 Part 2 2024-01-18

62 Items: votedpublicnationalby votingto be sent(color) silver(color) copper(neuter) the wood(neuter) the metal(feminine) the voteof or made of glassof or made of plastic(feminine) the revolutionwooden, of or made of wood(feminine) the (law) treatyof or made of stone or rock(neuter) the (rock) diamond(masculine) the (male) slaveof or made of metal, metallic...

Vámonos de Viaje 2024-02-20

54 Items: the travel mode by aira pass to a location and backtraveler who visits new placesthe place the trip is going tothe place airplanes are landedthe item needed to board a flightthe list of activities for a tripthe vehicle needed to travel by airto accidentally not get on a flightto get to one's desired destinationthe time when tourism is busy or not...

Services Word Search 2024-11-14

49 Items: – Government agency that promotes tourism.- What is the act of traveling to and from work called?- What is the activity of traveling for pleasure called?– The promotional name for tourism in the west of Ireland.- What is an urban railway system, often underground, called?- What primary activity involves catching fish and other seafood?...