atoms and molecules Word Searches

science 2023-05-12

6 Items: change in moisture contentthe weight of the molecules in a large mass of airinstrument that measures wind speed and wind pressureforms when a colder air mass moves towards a warmer air masslarge bodies of air that have uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure...

ATS Tech Kids@Work Word Search 2024-07-22

20 Items: bigtechdeeptrustamazonraiserresultsobsessionownershipfrugalityfor actionright a lotand simplifytransportationand be curiousand develop the beston the highest standardsto be earths best employerbackbone disagree and commitand scale bring broad responsibility

Extra Extra Credit 2023-05-19

30 Items: preyrocksatomschangescienceelementnaturalecologyspeciesclimateerosionchemicalreactionmoleculebalancedpredatorabrasionresourcesrenewablesymbiosismutualismearthquakeparasitismendangeredweatheringengineeringrespirationconservationcommensalismphotosynthesis

Extra Extra Credit 2023-05-23

30 Items: preyrocksatomschangescienceelementnaturalecologyspeciesclimateerosionchemicalreactionmoleculebalancedpredatorabrasionresourcesrenewablesymbioticmutualismearthquakeparasitismendangeredweatheringengineeringrespirationconservationcommensalismphotosynthesis

What is a mineral? 2024-04-28

9 Items: A paste-like material made from minerals, used for coating walls and The specific combination of elements and compounds that constitute a mineral.A powdery substance made from minerals, used in construction to bind materials together.A mineral used in ceramics, known for its distinct chemical composition and crystal structure....

Chapter 11 Word Search 2024-05-03

37 Items: the outermost layer of our atmospherethe lowest layer of Earth's atmospherean instrument that measures temperaturemeasures the distance north or south of the equatorwinds that occur in belts that go all around the planetan instrument that measures wind speed and wind pressure.heat-driven cycles that occur in the air, ocean, and mantle...


30 Items: ionsatomsionicanioncationsolidsmoltenforcesvalencebrittleorganicsolventcovalentmoleculenonmetalmetallicfreezingcrystalsmoisturestructuredissolvedinsolublecompoundsradiationexplosionattractivecrystallineelectrolytehybridizationelectroneutrality

After Test Wordfind 2017-09-19

34 Items: heatatomswavessoundnervelightsonarenergyvacuumanglessciencesilencedonohuechemicalcompoundcochlearossiclesdeafnessparticlesradiationvibrationinsulatorchocolatecombustionconductionconvectionreflectionrefractionexplosionsultrasoundcompressionrarefactiontransmissionelectromagnetic

easy science word search. 2024-03-20

35 Items: hardgoldhuskroughatomsmetalsteamalloymetalopaquemixinginventfiberselasticbrittlescienceprotonsplasticbendingflexiblemagneticsoulubleconcreteabsorbentmalleablecombiningprocessedchemicalsinventionmagnesiumwaterproofreflectivetransparenttranslucentcarborhydrates

Science Vocabulary Wordsearch 2016-10-17

23 Items: atomgroupprotonmetalsperiodneutronnucleuselectronelementshalogenscompoundsmoleculesbohr-modelnet-chargenon-metalsmetalloidsatomic-massenergy-levelatomic-numberelectron-cloudperiodic-tablevalence-electronphysical-properties

Search the Universe 2024-06-21

34 Items: gassunmoondustcereslightcomettitanheliumplanetgalaxynebulajupiterbigbangclusterneptunemeteorsasteroidredgianthydrogenmagnetarmilkywayganymedesatellitesupernovatelescopeblackholemoleculesalienlifedarkmatterwhitedwarfneutronstarconstellationslivingorganism

stem word search 2023-01-03

30 Items: aibotsungastopgmathstarlavabangholechessatomslightspacemagmasystemgalaxysciencebuggatibiologyanatomyjupitergeologyvolcanohydrogencomputercalandareruptiontechnologyengineering

ES 2.1 Gravity and the Universe 2022-10-10

15 Items: our galaxytype of meteoritegroups of galaxiesone of 3 types of known galaxiesone of 3 types of known galaxiesone of 3 types of known galaxiesa rotating cloud of gas, ice and dustapproximate shape of ALL known galaxiespiece of a meteoroid that lands on Earthatoms move more quickly when they are __________...

Executive Departments Word Search 2023-01-26

15 Items: farms and food safetythe U.S. armed forcesthe nation's public landsworkers and workplace safetycollecting taxes printing moneyrelationships with other countriestrade and helping promote businessesfuel and electricity; nuclear weaponshighway safety and air, rail, and sea travelpublic security and safety in the U.S. homeland...

Electricty Wordfind 2017-08-26

35 Items: AmpOhmVoltFuseWattWireCellAtomsDiodePowerMatterEnergyCurrentNeutralProtonsNucleusCircuitCurrentAmmeterBatteryNeutronsTerminalResistorRheostatElectronsVoltmeterPowerPackConductorsInsulatorsComponentsResistanceSeriesCircuitCircuitDiagramPotentialEnergyParallelCircuit

The Universe Wordfind 2017-09-19

36 Items: sunironmooncorelifecometquarkatomsstarslightcrustfusionnebulavacuumnickelmantleoxygennuclearjupitermethanesciencedensityhydrogenprotostarsupernovaastronomypanspermiaatmosphereabiogenesisprotoplanetsingularitytemperatureterrestrialrespirationcyanobacteriaphotosynthesis

What is a mineral?5 2024-04-28

9 Items: composition: The unique combination of elements that make up a mineral.state: The state of matter in which a substance has a definite shape and volume.A mineral used in ceramics, known for its unique chemical composition and crystalline structure....

Extra Extra Credit 2023-05-17

33 Items: preyrocksatomsscienceelementnaturalecologyspeciesclimateerosionigneouschemicalreactionmoleculebalancedequationpredatorabrasionresourcesrenewablesymbiosismutualismearthquakeparasitismendangeredweatheringengineeringrespirationmetamorphicsedimentaryconservationcommensalismphotosynthesis

Words in Chemistry, Physics, and Energy 2023-05-22

20 Items: Energy of lightGas to a liquidLiquid to solidEnergy of positionUnit to measure forceBonds between nonmetalsUnit for work and energyMakes reactions happen slowerGroup 17 on the periodic tableDefined as exerting a force over a distance_________ forces do not cause a change in motionChemical reactions that release energy to the environment...

Concepts of Chemistry, Physics, and Energy 2023-05-24

27 Items: a dissolved substance.SOLUTEthe basic unit of a chemical element.ATOMenergy in the form of heat.THERMAL ENERGYable to dissolve other substances.SOLVENTenergy associated with motion.KINETIC ENERGYthe degree of compactness of a substance.DENSITYthe speed of something in a given direction.VELOCITY...

"Chemistry Word Hunt" 2023-12-01

34 Items: atomsxenonorbitsgypsumcamphorcationsbrominenucleonvinegarrustingsucrosecadmiumradicalsisotopesemulsionargentumelectronsflametestnonmetalsmagnesiumdepositionmassnumbermetalloidstarnishingevaporationprecipitateplumpuddingendothermicatomicnumbereffervescencedecompositionreactivityserieschemicalequationhomogeneousmixture

Fairy tales 2023-06-20

16 Items: aladdinrapunzelcinderellapuss*in*bootssleeping*beautyhansel*and*gretelthe*little*mermaidbeauty*and*the*beastthe*three*little*pigslittle*red*riding*hoodjack*and*the*beanstalkthe*adventures*of*peter*panthe*adventures*of*pinocchiogoldilocks*and*the*three*bearsalice’s*adventures*in*wonderlandsnow*white*and*the*seven*dwarves


12 Items: What do ATOMS make up?The charge on a PROTON is ________________ .A NEUTRON has no electrical ______________ .The charge on an ELECTRON is _______________ .In the NUCLEUS are PROTONS and ______________ .Everything around you is made of _______________ .In the center core of an ATOM is the ______________ ....

Health Game 2024-04-12

17 Items: food high in fiberdrink high in calciumA food high in proteinVitamin good for energyA really unhealthy sugarA unit of measure of energyUnhealthy way to cook food-apples are a good source ofSugar molecules can be calledWhat do you need to stay hydrated and wellfood without any added preservatives is called...

Physical Science 2019-11-22

36 Items: DNAMapAcidBaseWaveBondCrestAtomsChangeClosedEnergySystemAlleleConceptDensityAsexualConceptSpeciesCurrentChemicalCompoundDissolveDistanceReactionAmplitudeConductorAttributesConductionConvectionAdaptationConclusionElectricalChromosomesReproductionConservationCompressional

brand 2024-07-19

15 Items: Famous beverage company known for its cola drink.Japanese automaker known for reliable cars and trucks.Beverage company known for its cola and other soft drinks.German automaker known for luxury vehicles and motorcycles.Technology company known for iPhones, Mac computers, and iPads.Sportswear and footwear brand known for its three-striped logo....

animal 2024-07-19

15 Items: Large carnivorous feline known for its mane and roar.Fastest land animal, known for its speed and spotted coat.Large striped cat known for its strength and hunting prowess.Largest land mammal with a trunk for grasping and a pair of tusks.Tall African mammal with a long neck and distinctive spotted coat....

Year 7 so far! 2023-05-26

28 Items: Organelle that contains DNA (n)The smallest unit of matter (a)The force caused by gravity (w)Multiple atoms bonded together (m)Different atoms bonded together (c)Used to separate soluble solids (c)Change of state from solid to gas (s)Type of energy linked to movement (k)The unit of measurement for force (n)Change of state from gas to liquid (c)...

Weather and Water Cycle 2024-06-13

37 Items: calmdenselayerozonepolarcurvewindyabsorbcurvedunevenbreezeseveralaverageequatorreceivereflectpressureprotectssurfacesslightlyseashoreoppositecontrastparticlesoutermostlakeshoreshorelinemoleculesatmosphereprevailingconstantlyeasterlieswesterliestroposphereultravioletcontinuallystratosphere

CH6 - Human Impact 2022-12-20

16 Items: Pollutants that are released into the air.________________________Contamination of Earth's land, water, or air.________________________A specific source of pollution that can be identified.________________________The removal of forests to use the land for other reasons.________________________...

Space Vocabulary 2023-02-14

20 Items: arcsdecaycloudscometsforcesGneissemittedtamperedbacteriasedimentexpansionmeteoritestructuremoleculessupernovastromatolitephotosynthesisof the universecelled bacteriaconstellation called Karina

Water Cycle 2024-06-19

38 Items: dewhailformcyclevaporsleetfrostpuffymoistexistsliquidcirrusaffectbreezeoccursprocesscumulusstratusequatorsimilarfactorsdevelophumiditydropletsmoderatepressureindicatecrystalsmoleculesdisappearlandformsatmospherecoastlinesevaporationgroundwatertemperaturecondensationprecipitation

A- Word Search 2023-01-25

26 Items: Kinetic Engineer: A kinetic engineer is an engineer that emphasizes on heat and mass transfer and deals with the process of design.Utility Engineer: A utility engineer is a civil engineer who works for a utility company, such as a water, gas, or electric company....

Biology Word Search - Kiki 9b 2024-06-11

15 Items: the coloring in a leafa reagent that tests a leaf for starchA part of a plant that attracts pollinatorsA part of a cell that supports and protectsA part of the vascular bundle that carries waterAn organ that is responsible for transport in plantsthe product of using iodine on a leaf after photosynthesis...

Words of Biology 2022-10-12

35 Items: acidacidcellcellsacidsatomslipidscarbonoxygenbiologyenzymesstimuliglucosenucleusgenotypeproteinshydrogenmonomerspolymersribosomemembranephenotypefragmentsorganismsglutaminemicroscopeorganelleschromosomesobservationenvironmentbiochemistrybiomoleculesmitochondriacarbohydratestriacylglycerol

Canada Word Search 2024-04-24

10 Items: cubacanadamexicogrenadabahamasbarbadoshondurasand nevisand tobagoand thegrenadines

Changes in Matter 2024-01-04

15 Items: Chemical _______ is another term for chemical change.A chemical _______ is used to describe chemical changes._____________ properties can be observed using your senses.A ______ change causes a substance to change its state of matter.Washing your hands with ______ is an example of a chemical change....

animales 2023-03-01

19 Items: is lazymale petfemale petsharp teetheats bamboo8 legs sheeeshthey are extinctoppisite of a dogis very big and greysmaller than a horsevery small sea animalhas stripes and is orangecan swing on vines like tarzanis also very lazy and very slowflies and lives in a rain forestis small and is in tom and jerryannoying creature that sucks blood...

a to z 2023-01-18

27 Items: EngineerEngineer radio noiseControl Engineer Their typical duties include assessing the production process,Tunnel Engineer y making careful measurements of the forces on a model of the aircraft.Engineer Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design,...

science 2023-01-04

37 Items: labsmassvialsatomsflaskstheorymatterweightatomicsciencebiologyecologygeologyphysicsanatomylabcoatbeakersfindingschemistsevidenceresearchelementsvelocitychemistryvariablesscientistphysicistgeologistphysiologyexperimenthypothesiskinesiologydevelopmentbunsenburnersafetygogglesperiodictablemicrobiologist

Outsiders Word Search 2023-01-29

15 Items: policetremblecontinuouslystrong and hardcasually and coolyemotionally distantcool and sharp lookingflash or glow of lightdeceptive and dishonestto run with bounding strideswith gentle care and cautionincapable of being fully understoodto doubt and question something is truelack of hope due to have an unfavorable outcome...

Chapter 6 Chemistry Review 2023-01-10

10 Items: 6.022·10^23The mass in grams of 1 mol of the substance.A small unit of mass equal to 1.66·10^-24 grams.Which has more mass, 1 mol of silver or 1 mol of lead?The number equal to the number of carbon atoms in 12.01g of carbon.The weighted average of the masses of all the isotopes of an element....

Total Con 38 Word Search by Polygon3D 2024-01-16

21 Items: A skilled practitioner of magical arts.A magic user with innate magical abilities.A spellcasting magic user skilled in arcane arts.Magical elixir with various effects when consumed.Noble warrior devoted to justice and righteousness.An adventurous journey undertaken to achieve a goal.Magical incantation with specific effects when cast....

B.ING 2020-08-28

40 Items: fatacidlivertipsyabsorbstoredglandsgulletgrainsstomachchokinggastricsurfaceextractchoppedbustingwrinklessloughedpancreaspleasantnostrilsreceptoramylasesnutrientsdigestiveintestinemoleculessubstancescatabolismreinsertedappetizingbloodstreamtransmittedgallbladderhydrochloricindigestiblecontractionscarbohydratesinsignificantmicroorganisms

Chapter 8: Those Incredible Water Molecules 2020-02-25

10 Items: meniscussublimationspecificheatadhesiveforceheatofmeltingheatoffreezingsurfacetensioncapillaryactionheatofcondensationheatofvaporization

Chemistry Terms 2023-05-18

20 Items: 0 kelvinUnit for massUnit for weightNo size or shapeSorts the elementsUsed in tv remotesUnit for frequencyMakes up everythingUnit for temperatureAll color you can seeThe ability to do workA fluid of a substanceAmount of matter in objectsUsually a shiny, silver rockAll the "stuff" in the universeWhen a substance changes to a gas...

European Countries 2024-07-18

10 Items: - "Known for flamenco and paella."- "Home to pasta and the Colosseum."- "Famous for its beer and Oktoberfest."- "Scandinavian country known for IKEA."- "Home to thousands of lakes and saunas."- "Known for its fjords and northern lights."- "Known for the Eiffel Tower and croissants."- "Famous for ancient ruins and the Acropolis."...

Contagious Word Search 2023-05-28

22 Items: Adnormal hair lossThe highest point of the headRod-shaped, spore-producing bacteriaBacteria that are harmful and cause diseaseThe study of hair and its diseases and disordersCovers the top and sides of the head and consists of six bonesThe process of converting living skin cells into hard proteins...

animals 2024-03-14

20 Items: A wild animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa.A wild carnivorous mammal similar to a dog, known for its howling.A flying insect known for producing honey and pollinating flowers.A large predatory cat with distinctive orange fur and black stripes.A large, carnivorous cat known for its golden coat and majestic mane....

animals 2024-03-14

20 Items: A wild animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa.A wild carnivorous mammal similar to a dog, known for its howling.A flying insect known for producing honey and pollinating flowers.A large predatory cat with distinctive orange fur and black stripes.A large, carnivorous cat known for its golden coat and majestic mane....

what is he she wearing 2023-11-03

17 Items: and/sneakersa/pink/jackethe/is/wearing/he/is/wearing/and/grey/pantsand/blue/skirthe/is/wearing/and/black/pantsa/green/sweatershe/is/wearing/i'm/wearing/...a/school/uniformwhat/is/he/wearing?what/is/she/wearing?a/red/t-shirt/jeans/what/are/you/wearing?she/is/wearing/a/pinkt-shirt

Science 2024-05-15

15 Items: transfer of heatfrom liquid to gasfrom gas to liquidfrom liquid to solidhigh temperature gaschange from solid to liquidexplains how matter behavestemperature at which solid meltsenergy from electromagnetic wavestemperture when liquid turn to gastemperature when gas turns to liquidtemperature when liquid turns to solid...

Electromagnetic Waves 2024-05-09

12 Items: blocked by bones and teethused in heat lamps for reptilesconverted into sound and pictureemitted by radioactive materialsa disturbance that transmits energybees can see this type of radiationthe transfer of energy by electromagnetic wavesthe distance from one crest of a wave to the nextwaves that transmit energy through matter or empty space...

Principles of Design 2023-11-15

20 Items: .618Becoming oneCenter of attentionOne area to the wholeBalance Pleasing to the eyePhysical and visual stabilityEmphasize something in one areaEqual amounts of color and formStrong colors at the focal areaConsidered the divine proportionDissimlar amounts and placementsThe amount or number of materialMatching and blending materials together...

Cat Word Search 2024-05-23

19 Items: acatandhasandratlionthatzebrahippozebraorangeelephantrhinocerospterodactylMan's best frienda shoe that has one leg and it's toe in the foot that isenough from five letter word that says hey and one row nowone Casa nail will shoot you fast and two little boys will make it last in five little lions will make it last in six times a day

Healthy Mind 2024-06-28

14 Items: To gain knowledge or skills. _ _ _ _ _To take a break and rejuvenate. _ _ _ _To take it easy and calm down. _ _ _ _ _Looking after yourself and others. _ _ _ _Targets or objectives to achieve. _ _ _ _ _Concentrate on one thing at a time. _ _ _ _ _The part of you that thinks and feels. _ _ _ _Essential rest for the body and mind. _ _ _ _ _...

APHUG Unit 5 test review 2024-01-31

21 Items: farmingUses many inputsHaving enough to sellCanada and the Western USthe minimum amount to sustain lifeplantation farming found in this type of climatediseases like malaria and small pox traveled from ____ to _____water contamination and depletion is a _ of the Green Revolutionuse of little labor and capital to increase agricultural productivity...

countries 2022-07-11

13 Items: cubahaiticanadaEstatemexicoguyanaenglandRepubliccolombiavenezuelaaustraliaand Tobagoand Caicos

Famous Stoics 2023-02-22

17 Items: This Puzzle was brought to you by www.resolutionaryman.comA Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school of philosophy.A Stoic philosopher who wrote on ethical and political philosophy.A Greek philosopher who succeeded Zeno as the head of the Stoic school.A Stoic philosopher who wrote extensively on ethics and personal development....

Explorers and Conquistadores 2023-12-12

26 Items: Italian explorer who lived 1451 to 1506.Spanish conquistador who lived 1471 to 1541.Predominant empire in West Africa that existed.Portuguese explorer who lived from 1450 to 1500.Spanish conquistador who lived from 1485 to 1547Portuguese explorer who lived from 1460 to 1524.Territory or settlement that is ruled by a foreign power....

Cells Word Search 2024-05-21

15 Items: the smallest unit that can live on its own.provide support and movement to the soft tissues.a type of fibrous connective tissue that links your muscles and bonesA type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood.a type of eukaryotic cell that lacks a cell wall and has a membrane-bound nucleus...

Saturn Word Search 2023-01-11

22 Items: moleculeWhat is "Sim"Moon of SaturnThe ringed planetGreek word for PhaseLiquid in Titan's lakeSpanish word for PhaseMethane is made of theseObserve with the naked eyeHelped Robert Boyle to measure air!How the appearance of a substance changesWhen either one goes up the other goes downHas no visible shape and fills its container....

countries 2024-07-19

12 Items: - Largest country in the world, spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.- North African country famous for its ancient pyramids and the Nile River.- Southeast Asian country known for its temples, beaches, and spicy cuisine.- Island continent known for its unique wildlife, such as kangaroos and koalas....

Famous places around the world 2024-07-19

12 Items: - Home to the pyramids of Giza and Sphinx.- Known for its Opera House and harbor bridge.- Famous for its canals, gondolas, and St. Mark's Janeiro - Famous for its carnival and Copacabana Beach.- Known for its ancient history, Colosseum, and Vatican City.- Known as the City of Lights and famous for the Eiffel Tower....

Tatum Lucero 2024-05-16

15 Items: The starting pointThe total distance movedThe process of changing directionAtoms of two or more elements combinedSubstance made up of atoms with the same identityThe difference between the starting and final positionan objects distance and direction from a reference pointMixture in which two or more substances uniformly spread out...

Animals - demo 2024-01-11

12 Items: dangerousb&w stripeshuge and greycute and furryMan's best friendlittle and fluffyalso huge and greyour closest relativesnot the girl from HIMYMorange and dangerous but cute imoyou can eat it during thanksgivingjust like the Hungarian prime minister

VOCAB 2023-05-15

11 Items: the moisture in the air.a weather instrument that measures air pressure.the weight of the molecules in a large mass of air.forms when colder air mass moves a warmer air mass.rapitly,whriling,funnel shaped could that reaches down from storm.steady winds that flow from west to east between latitudes 30N and 60N...

positive thinking 2023-01-07

20 Items: (perfect happiness)(the action of laughing)(the quality of being thankful)(a strong feeling of affection)(a strong feeling of affection)(a feeling of contentment or joy)(the action of forgiving someone)(a hopeful or optimistic attitude)(a state of tranquility or quietness)(a state of happiness and satisfaction)...

traditions 2022-12-01

20 Items: "Dear Santa,"You will need scissors and tape!It's always a good time to help others.Dress warmly and be careful on the ladder!Go to the tree farm with a saw and do this!It's always fun to open the mailbox and find these.Take the time to show your appreciation by doing this.Flip the switch and see the majesty of your Christmas tree!...

FUELS 2023-05-03

12 Items: Substances made up of only hydrogen and carbon atoms.Heat energy extracted from the Earth through hot water or steam.Energy from captured solar radiation to use for hot water and electricity.Atmospheric motion generated by the uneven heating of Earth's surface by the Sun....

Home Word Search 2023-06-26

21 Items: agaheatlogsovensgoznywarmthdarachAND COstovesWILLIAMkitchenmatchescookerycookersLIGHTERSeverlastfirewoodGREEN EGGCOOKING BBQDOOR LIVINGAND LIFESTYLE

The Landlady 2024-05-28

22 Items: teabillycheaphearthpleasantharmlesshandsomedachshundblack-eyeguestbookcompellingmulhollandmr.perkinsnewspapersbusinessmandeadly-coldthird-floorchrysanthemumsbitter-almondsbell-and-dragonjack-in-the-boxbed-and-breakfast

where are you? 2023-12-02

17 Items: where/are/you?where/are/you?where/are/you?i'm/in/the/kitchen.we/are/in/the/attic.i'm/in/the/bathroom.i'm/in/the/classroom.where/are/ben/and/mai?i'm/in/the/living/room.they/are/in/the/garden.where/are/susan/and/joe?where/are/you/and/julie?where/are/you/and/betty?where/are/pam/and/peter?they/are/in/the/basement.we/are/in/the/dining/room....

movie genre 2024-07-19

15 Items: Movies focused on solving a crime or unraveling a puzzle.Movies centered on love stories and romantic relationships.Movies focusing on realistic characters and emotional themes.Movies where characters sing and dance as part of the narrative.Films presenting factual information or documenting real-life events....

Little Red Riding Hood pgs. 8-13 2023-11-17

15 Items: I'm _____ in bed, dear.And suddenly she was _____.I am _____ you are ill tdoay.He went to the door and _______.I am ill _____ and I can't get up.Put them on the ____ and come here.Where are you, ____? called the wolf.The wolf put on one of grandma's ______.Riding Hood got lots of beautiful _____.That's ____, why is Grandma's door open?...

dessert 2024-07-19

15 Items: A French pastry made from choux dough filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing.A rich, chocolatey square or rectangular baked dessert, often dense and fudgy in texture.A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically decorated with frosting or other toppings....

beverage 2024-07-19

15 Items: Tea Chilled tea served over ice, often sweetened and flavored with lemon or other fruit infusions.A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables, often consumed for its vitamins and refreshing taste.Water Water infused with fresh lemon juice, enjoyed for its refreshing taste and potential health benefits....

University 2024-07-18

15 Items: - Academic field of study pursued by students.- Academic credential awarded upon completion.- Focus area within the broader field of study.- Courses and requirements specific to the major.- Practical work experience related to the major.- Investigation and exploration within the discipline.- Professors and instructors specializing in the field....

dessert 2024-07-19

15 Items: A French pastry made from choux dough filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing.A rich, chocolatey square or rectangular baked dessert, often dense and fudgy in texture.A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically decorated with frosting or other toppings....

dessert 2024-07-19

15 Items: A French pastry made from choux dough filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing.A rich, chocolatey square or rectangular baked dessert, often dense and fudgy in texture.A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically decorated with frosting or other toppings....

dessert 2024-07-19

15 Items: A French pastry made from choux dough filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing.A rich, chocolatey square or rectangular baked dessert, often dense and fudgy in texture.A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically decorated with frosting or other toppings....

1950s musicians 2024-01-16

10 Items: A rhythm and blues and rock and roll pioneer, he had a string of hits, including "Blueberry Hill."A legendary crooner and entertainer, his smooth voice made him a prominent figure in popular music.A musical innovator who blended genres like R&B, gospel, and jazz, creating a unique and influential sound....

trs23 ie2 u3p1 2022-11-04

10 Items: really greatrope we jump overdifferent and goodit flies in the skyit goes on the waterit's round and we throw itwe sit on it and it has two wheelswe stand on it and it has two wheelswe stand on it and it has four wheelsit's small and round, and has a long string

Disinfection Word Search 2023-01-14

20 Items: the action of making something clean.a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.intended or suitable for more than once use.(staph) a bacterium with antibiotic resistance.smooth and sealed so liquid and air cannot move.get rid of something as no longer useful or desirable.designed to be used once and then disposed of or destroyed....

Christmas 2022-12-13

12 Items: He has four legs, can fly, and has a red nose.It is cold, white, and can be used to make a snowman.He is cold, has a carrot for a nose, and is made of snow.This plant is green, has spiky leaves, and has red berries.It is a vegetable, a good snack for reindeer, and it is orange.It is green and is decorated with ornaments and tinsel (2 words)....

Addictionary Word Search 3 2023-08-30

10 Items: A substance that induces hallucinationsDegree of concentration of the psychoactive ingredient of a substance.A substance that interferes with or inhibits the physiological action of another.The tendency of one addiction to predispose an individual to another type or form of addiction....

Unit 2: Atomic Structure 2023-08-29

11 Items: Smallest particle of an elementA subatomic particle that has a negative chargeThe average mass of all the isotopes of an elementA positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atomthe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that elementAn atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge....

Thermal Energy 2023-11-08

6 Items: the energy for heatanother word for heatthe rising and falling of thermal energytransfer of heat through electromagnetic wavesthe direct transfer of heat through atoms movingthe unit of degrees that measure the degrees in something

CHEMISTERY 2023-05-28

10 Items: Collect and analyze evidence from a crime scene.Are responsible for researching marine ecosystems.Study and analyze both natural and manmade items to learn more.Responsible for examining and monitoring the presence of chemicals in water.Study the appearance, movement, and effect of chemical compounds on the earth....

hi 2024-05-17

14 Items: the circular motion of an object around its centerthe amount of space occupied by a sample of matterThe SI derived unit used to measure energy or work.a positively charged region at the center of the atoma chemical element with symbol Ag and atomic number 47.a force which tries to pull two objects toward each other...

Pivot Point Chapter 13 2016-05-31

46 Items: redcoolpuredarkwarmbluetonegraylightlevelgreenpatchorangeyellowvioletnormalliftedraisedmelanincuticleproteinpolymershampootextureaverageextrememissingcompactpigmentdepositretouchtertiaryporosityhumiditychemicalalkalineintensityeumelaninresistantmoleculestemporaryartificialmelanosomespheomelanindemarcationcomplimentary

Chapter 1: Properties of Matter: Lessons 1-4 2014-10-03

43 Items: gasfogiceairmasscoreheationsspacesolidatomscrustwatervaporshapeenergymattervolumeweightstatesliquidplasmamantlecloudsoxygenphysicsnucleargravitymeltingchemistfreezingdefinitechemistryparticleselectronsphysicistpropertiesexperimenttemperatureevaporationsublimationcondensationspecialization

12 Tables Of Rome 2024-03-08

16 Items: taxesequaljudgestwelveappealstariffsfairnessfair-triallegal-codeinheritancecourt-proceduredebt-collectiondefense-attorneytrade-and-commerceuntil proven guiltypunishments-and-justice


12 Items: mathenglishsciencequechualanguagereligionsciencestutoringeducationeducationand culturedevelopment and Civics

FTFC Word Search 2024-02-08

20 Items: The __________ is responsible to approve the BSN FTFC Policy.BSN Treat Customer Fairly Charter (TCF) can be found in the Bank's __________.The Bank must handle financial consumer complaints __________, fairly and effectively.The Bank must ensure that financial consumers are provided with fair terms in ___________ with the financial consumers....

trs23 ie2 u4p1 2022-11-04

10 Items: a colourit swims in the seait's big, green and scaryit has black and white stripesit's scary and has lots of furit's long and doesn't have legsit's tall and has a very long neckit flies and has colourful feathersit's a bird but it can't fly (it swims)it likes to climb trees and eat bananas


12 Items: Show cases the horses health with a ride between 25 and 500 miles.Rider guides horsed through a precise pattern of circles, spins, and stops.A combination of three disciplines: dressage, cross country, and show jumping.Horse and rider attempt to complete a pattern around barrels placed in a triangle....

Taxonomy Word Search 2024-01-22

24 Items: organisms.relationships.characteristics.characteristics.The study of the form and structure of organisms.The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.Structures in different species that share a common ancestry.The science of classification, organizing and naming living organisms....

World Literacy Day 2022 2022-09-01

12 Items: PE is an exampleMath is an exampleMusic is an exampleThe sciences are examplesEconomics & Business are examplesPsychology and Islamic are examplesEnglish and world languages are examplesJournalism and Film Studies are examplesCreative Writing and English are examplesthe ability to communicate in varying contexts...

Unit 8: Toxicity and Wastes 2024-04-25

18 Items: diseases that are caused by pathogensmostly chemical and construction wastediseases that aren't caused by pathogenschemicals are magnified through food weban increase in death rate over a large areachemicals in the body that build up overtimepathogen causes rapid increase in local death ratetype of infectious disease that is newly discovered...