4th of july Word Searches

Czech Word Search 2024-05-05

16 Items: ofopystombssevenmagicvltavaunescolargeststatuescreatedrepublicconnectsmedievalinstalledpreservedrenaissance

Condo/Condo LP 2024-02-12

10 Items: Name of the insured on an HOA policy.Name of the insured on an HO6 policy.When a Condo is missing either an HOA or HO6 policy.When a Condo has is missing both an HOA and HO6 policy.Name of the policy we need for the interior of the Condo.Name of the form that is typically used for HOA policies....

What is a mineral?5 2024-05-04

10 Items: When something turns around in one spot.An imaginary line that an object spins around.When one thing goes around another thing in a circle.Phases: The different shapes of the moon as seen from Earth.Pace: Moving at a consistent speed without significant changes.Side of the Moon: The side of the moon that is not visible from Earth....

WWII word search 2022-12-14

14 Items: fdrPartystalinallieshitlerfascismhirohitoinflationcommunismof Midwaymussoliniaxixpowersappeasementof Iwo Jima

C social vocab 2024-01-11

18 Items: daopeitydaoismcensorfarmerworlordancestorlegalismcurrencyideographof heavenaristocratpictographbureacracyhereditaryacupunctureconfucianismcivilservice

Bramstoker Word Search 2022-08-24

15 Items: The writer of "Dracula".The removal of one's head.This weakens a vampire's power.Ruler of Romania from 1456-1462.The main life force that vampires crave.Many legends say that vampires can turn into these.Location in Romania where many vampire legends were born.Disease that causes the skin to be sensitive to sunlight....

Communism Word Search 2023-12-13

15 Items: 9/11 was an act of _________.Making a law better than it was prior.The Soviet Union had a _________ economy.Occurs when the economy begins to decline.A country that is considered superior to others.This is a type of warfare used in the Vietnam war.A popular political idea associated with Democrats....

HILG - 1 2018-01-31


Assyrian 2023-12-06

17 Items: bowrisefallpeakironIraqtradeashurempirewealthturkeynimrudslaveryninevehmilitaryof akkadashurbanipalshurbanipal

Sacraments of initiation 2024-03-25

18 Items: lifeorderfaithgraceorderswisdombaptismpenancemarriagecatholiceucharistsalvationconfessionsacramentsinitiationof the sickconfirmationreconciliation

The Big Short Word Search 2024-05-22

10 Items: Failure to make a payment on a loanThe bank that Greg Lippmann worked forThe name for a loan that is used to buy a homeThe name of hedge fund that Michael Burry startedThe 'floors' of a CDO; Triple A is the most stableOne of the two rating agencies; the agency with a one word name.The city where the American Securitization Forum was held in 2007...

Coping Skills 2021-10-26

24 Items: ofselftalkyogahumorpauseprayerchangereadingcrochetventingexercisepositivegratitudebreathingexpressionmeditationjournalingacceptanceboundariesdistractionperspectiveaffirmationsdisengagement

Site Words All 2023-04-12

24 Items: hemewetogoisassoorofbenodoshetheyouhishaswasareforlovedogslook

The Pledge of Allegiance 2023-08-13

25 Items: toofofittheandforonegodallflagwithwhichunderpledgeunitedstatesstandsnationamericalibertyjusticerepublicallegianceindivisible

Celebrity Word Search 2023-04-02

18 Items: spanclfoodshowsbingopoolsmexicoCAYMENcasinodrinksCABINSsuitesvoyageOF CALLjamaicabahamasbalconycelebrity

Federal Financial Aid Word Search 2024-06-07

12 Items: COA-SAI= _______ ________Website where a student completes the FAFSATotal amount of awards cannot exceed this amountStudent must sign this agreeing to repay student loansfederal law that protects students educational recordsThe limit on how much loans a student can take out in a yearlifetime amount of pell grant a student is allowed to receive...

president 2023-03-27

20 Items: potuspowerpolicynationpubliccapitolcongressauthorityexecutivecommanderstatesmandiplomacycommanderdemocracyleadershipwhitehousegovernancehead-of-stateadministrationcommander-in-chief

Of Mice and Men vocab 2024-02-23

25 Items: deep respectanxiety or fearmocking laughterappease or softenlook at thoughtfullyflattering to pleasedisappointed and sadrepetitious and dulldeserving condemnationsullen and ill-temperedquick to argue or fightdisrespectful, demeaninggreat sorrow or distressunexpected words or actionsindication of a future eventunfriendly, cool, or distant...

Word Search 2 2024-03-04

7 Items: Who killed Macbeth?Who carved Pinocchio from wood?What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog?What animal appears on the crest of Slytherin?Tick Tock (from the Disney movie) was what type of creature?What is the name of the character of the pig in Charlotte’s web?What stuffing was used inside the little boy's beloved Velveteen Rabbit?

unit 15 2024-04-10

12 Items: to get rid ofa small amountto feel sadnessbeing everywherean unusual displayof a serious naturea lack of well beingto burn on the surfacea serious sad story :(considerate toward othersto make hard to understandhaving to do with right or wrong

Día de los Muertos 2024-05-02

20 Items: deadlifeonesdeathaztecsspiritskullsyearlymexicantoltecscultureculturedeceasedskeletoncelebratereligioustraditionofferingscelebrationof the dead

Christmas Décor 2 2022-10-26

14 Items: ivywreathjamjarschimneybouquetsminitreefigurinesribbonbowsputzhousesinflatablespoinsettiasstringlightschristmaslinensThe Birth of Christ

Anuria- Word Search 2024-05-22

8 Items: Absence of urine production.Difficult or painful urination.involuntary discharge of urine.abnormal increase in production of urine.in which blood or blood cells are excreted in the urine.Condition in which carbohydrates or sugars are excreted in the urine.Condition in which a scanty (very small) amount of urine is produced....

Good Laboratory Practice 2024-05-20

20 Items: The G in GLPThe L in GLPThe P in GLPThe L in ALCOAThe C in ALCOAThe O in ALCOAYear GLPs proposedYear GLPs finalizedThe first A in ALCOAThe second A in ALCOAYear GLPs written into lawSingle point of control for a studyDescribes how a task is done on a studyCurrent Summary of training and experienceFormed because safety of animals used was at risk...

McKenna's Word search 2023-12-18

8 Items: the study of the movementsA constellation in the skySomeone that travels to spacethe time or date twice a yearssmaller virgin of the big dippera group of stars forming a patternA ball that is made up of ice and gasscience that deals with celestial objects

Garage Word Search 2022-07-06

12 Items: salemoneyestatebudgetthriftbargainpricingservicegoodwillshoppersof a kindadvertise

Christmas Scramble Word Search #9 2022-10-10

12 Items: openciderbellschurchrooftoprejoiceof PeacegoodwillpeacefulspiritedChristmasmiraculous

Spencer's word search 2023-12-18

6 Items: study of zodiac singsis a person who travels in a spacecrafta group of stars also known as ursa majora ball of ice and dust that orbits the sunbranch of science that deals with space objectsa group of stars forming a recognizable pattern

Famous Brands 2024-03-15

25 Items: "Just do it."Makers of the CorvetteThe main competitor of Coca-ColaScandinavian building block brandThe world's most-used search engineCreators of MS-DOS operating systemCoffee chain with a green siren logoCompany with a doughboy for a mascotstore chain owned by the Walton familyKnown for their animated musical films...

Algorithm Word Search 2023-04-06

10 Items: What is the study of meaning in language called?What is a spoken word, phrase, or sentence called?What is a group of similar data points or objects called?What is a set of step-by-step instructions for solving a problem or performing a task called?What is a system of communication used by humans, including spoken, written, and sign, called?...

Bhil Word Search 2023-05-31

20 Items: Bhil art follows this art style.A Bhil God, who has only one leg.Bhil tribe believes in this tiger ancestor.Dialect in which Bhils talk is called _______.The main staple food of Bhils is_______________.Dance-Drama of the Bhils is called_____________.Wall paintings of Bhils in Udaipur are known by this name....

Social Skills Vocabulary 2014-03-24

20 Items: bullyrulesvaluessafetywisdomcouragehonestyrespectteachergratitudeimpulsiveintegrityleadershipcitizenshiptrustworthyempowermentself-controlcommunicationproblem-solvecode-of-conduct

Prepositional Opener Word Search 2021-11-16

24 Items: byinofontoupforofffromintonearoverpastwithAboveafterunderacrossaroundduringinsideoutsidethroughwithout

Literary Terms Word Search 2023-05-18

20 Items: youpasttimemoralhumanverbalsensessymbolsimiledramaticcontrastallusionemotionalcomparisonomniscientantagonistforeshadowingcoming-of-agecause-and-effectcharacterization

Gaming 2024-05-28

20 Items: tvgtadiscxboxactionhorrorrobloxKombattekkenheadsetOf DutyLegendsnintendocomputerfortniteadventureminecraftcontrollerbrawlhallaplaystation

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

Food Terms Pt. 1 2024-02-28

17 Items: Cook in hot liquid just below the boiling pointTumble ingredients lightly with a lifting motionRemove fat or foam from surface of liquid with a spoonCook rapidly in small amount of fat, stirring occasionallyCombine in any way that distributes all ingredients evenlyThoroughly combine all ingredients until very smooth and uniform...

Unit 8 2023-11-01

14 Items: thingsnarrow-mindedextremely fat, obesehaving to do with the bodya bad imitation of, a perversion oflacking excitement, ordinary and dullsomething that gets in the way, obstaclea teacher, especially one who is dull andsignificant to one’s own profit or well-beingto bring together features, ideas, or elements...

Culture of the 1930s 2013-12-12

27 Items: ofOzofNBCCBSTheFoxWartheArtFSATheAgeMusicRadioWizardTwentyWorldsGoldenMoviesCenturyFederalSupermanParamountliteraturedepressionEntertainment

Properties of Circles 2017-03-26

26 Items: aofarcarclinechordminormajorpointcirclecentersecantradiuscircleanglestangenttheoremsegmentdiameterequationinscribedcongruentsemicirclePythagoreanequidistantequiangular

And Word Search 2024-01-29

25 Items: onupofandsatthecotgottinpotpanputtheoddruntugpopseematgrinsnipstopmustdropspot

1)Crest Word Search 2022-11-28

8 Items: highest part of a transverse waveThe wavelength measuerd in metersis the distance of one complete wave cycleIs the measurement of maximum displacementor the number of waves or vibrations produced per secondwave that moves the medium perpendicular to the wave motion6)in a longitudinal wave, areas of maximum displacement are known as?...

Spanish Man 2023-02-10

32 Items: ofmytheflagdeskdoorhereyourmouseclocktablechairtherein/onposterscreenwindowbehindwhere?it's acomputerbackpackkeyboardtrash canon top ofunderneathin front ofsome, a fewWhat is this?next to,besidepencil sharpenerThere is, There are

Anniversary Word Search 2023-08-09

11 Items: havequietlaughshowerdraughtsreceptionhopscotchnewlywedsretirementtug-of-waranniversary

Book of Mormon Prophets 2024-04-26

17 Items: lehienosomninephijacobjaromomnerhimnimosiahamulekamalekiabinadiabinadomBenjaminthe Elderof Mosiahthe Younger

Deaf Awareness month word search 2023-08-23

15 Items: earaslaiddeafableimplanthearingsigningsurgeryabilitylanguageexpresionof hearingfrequenciescommunication

Industrial Revolution Word Search 2023-07-27

16 Items: jethro tull's stellar inventionjoseph foljambe helps farmers outa noun denoting a period of big changea problem with industrial revolution citiesa problem with industrial revolution citiesperson who introduced the dutch four-field systemsomething workers didn't really have at this timethis machine could work eight bolts of thread at once...

Exploring the Consequences of Nursing Burnout on Nurse Well-Being and Patient Care 2023-12-02

8 Items: What can raise awareness about the signs of burnout, encouraging early intervention and support?Which kind of empowerment for nurses increases the ability of nurses to confidently mitigate the consequences of burnout?_________ effort is required to encourage a more positive workplace environment and decrease the impacts of nursing burnout....

Viaflex 2024-04-15

24 Items: Row mulchThe work of CLIOil field in TexasAssigned to internsRuns the machine linesWearing protective gearA method of making filmOne of the Viaflex Valuesone of the Viaflex visionsProtecting cables undergroundIt tests products for qualityResponsible for bringing in revenueTemporary employees during the summerKey ingredient in the Viaflex products...

Year 3 Term 2 Wk 2 Homework 2024-05-05

24 Items: DramaAn accidenta situation4 letter wordjoyful emotionsomething organisedPrecious to someone1st Month of the yearto won of give somethingorganising something nowOut in the bush on holidaysa crunchy red or green fruitEarth, Mars, Jupiter are theseTo get from one place to anotherA place where you go to get moneyNot perfect or excellent just.......

settling america 2024-02-08

15 Items: bowhopebullarrowsiouxcheifhorsecreekstribesfamilychoctawbuffalocherokeeof tearsheadpiece

Meiosis 2024-05-31

7 Items: period between two periods of mitosishaving chromosomes in homologous pairsa condition in which non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange geneshaving a single, complete set of chromosomes, or one half of each pair of homologous chromosomes...

Lion 2 2023-06-12

25 Items: ofmayoldputonceopenoversomestoptakethemthentookwalkwerewhenbeenbestroundthankthinkalwaysaroundbeforebecause

Seek Out the Heart of Jesus 2023-08-13

25 Items: ofkyleellagabelilyheartjesuswyattcreedrowanpaddybrodysarahameliecorbinmayceebryantpatrickdraydennataliealliyahisabellanicholassophiawilsophiawur

Unit 1 Physics Review 2022-10-26

14 Items: change in velocityunits to measure massunits to measure lengthspeed in a given directionunits to measure liquid volumedistance traveled per unit of time____Time it takes to respond to a situationError that cannot be corrected by calculationError that can be corrected using calculationsReaction ____ increases as reaction time increases...

PR 1 spelling 1 2018-05-27

52 Items: IboycatdogeggjaronepensixtwozoobookdoorfivegirlJulykingkneeleftninerainwalkappleeighthouseheartmousequeenquietrightseventablevowelx-rayzebraAugustcastleFridaygroundIndianMondaypurpleviolinwindowyellowoctopusladybirdNovemberumbrellaxylophoneyesterdayuniversity

6th Grade Lesson 1-4 Word Search 2023-05-10

46 Items: maydrawbakestarbusyjunejulyfirstthirdfifthsixthgradefloorpilotmodelskatespeakmarchaprilsecondfourthtravelplayersingerfutureaugustteacherfishingcampingjanuaryoctoberdesignerchildrenclimbingshoppingswimmingfebruarynovemberdecemberclassroomscientistdeliciousafternoonseptemberelementaryphotographer

NATO 2022-09-19

32 Items: italyspaincanadagreecelatvianorwaypolandturkeyalbaniacroatiaczechiadenmarkestoniagermanyhungaryicelandromaniabulgariaportugalslovakiaslovenialithuaniamacedonialuxembourgmontenegronetherlandsgreat-britainunited-states(Former Member In Africa)(Key Member That Rejoined)(Former Member South Of Turkey)(Former Member That Is An Island South Of Italy)

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

3B 0726 2022-07-23

25 Items: unwisegreatly surpriseda very large expanse of seafeeling or showing surprisehighly pleasant to the tasteknown and recognized by many peoplea piece of land surrounded by waterfeeling fear or anxiety; frightenedcome or go back to a place or personcoming before all others in time or orderpursue in order to catch or catch up with...

Unit 3 Vocab 2023-09-14

20 Items: (adj) roundabout, not direct(v) to make amends, make up for; to avert(v) to make easy, cause to progress faster(v) to have an intense dislike or hatred for(v) to assign or refer to (as a cause or source), attribute(adj) bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting; acerbic.(n) a natural inclination or tendency; penchant or propensity....

FRANKENSTEIN Vocab. 2023-10-19

18 Items: facekindfearfulurgingspredicttirelessmiserableincreasedunchangingspacious, roomyexpand / largenextreme povertyfully Satisfiedevil or Devilishharmful, damagingdestruction of lifeabusive words or phrasesmeans of food or nutrition

Word Search 2023-06-21

37 Items: Low VolumeHigh VolumeMissing sealdark colored fibersmajor glass defectslight colored fiberscosmetic glass defectEmpty Primary ContainerAn inspection lightboothcosmetic stopper defectsSeal is of the wrong typeproduct at the vial crownseal or cap discolorationStopper is of the Wrong Typedark colored particles/metalCloudy or discolored solution...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

SKY KLINGEN 2024-01-11

18 Items: daopietydaoismcensorfarmerwarlordserviceancestorlegalismcurrencyideographof heavenaristocratpictographhereditarybureaucracyacupunctureconfucianism

3B 0725 2022-07-23

39 Items: unsafea rocka truckon all sidesthink of againcovered with snowcautious in one’s actionsto get pleasure from somethingthe process of doing somethinga bird that loves stealing thingsto produce leaves to begin to grownot containing any things or peopleone of the four periods of the yearto take something without permission of the owner...

WWII word search 2022-12-14

14 Items: fdrPartystalinallieshitlerfascismhirohitoinflationcommunismof Midwaymussoliniaxixpowersappeasementof Iwo Jima

Summer Reading Project - Invisible 2023-09-06

11 Items: IllustratorThe antagonist.The author of Invisible.The place Dayara Gomez is from.The month the book starts during.The character accused of stealing juice.The first main character introduced to us.One of the main characters who has 3 sisters.The spanish teacher, also the first person to speak.The young girl whom lives in the van with her mother....

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 11-12 2023-12-05

12 Items: to make fun ofto win or to have successto eat quickly and hungrilyA tiny, quick flash of lightbig excitement and happinessnoisy excitement and confusionenjoying and tasting very happilyto travel with or go with someonea large group of people or a crowdfeeling scared of being in small spacesto beg for something, or to ask very seriously...

Cold War 2024-03-22

12 Items: the Soviet leaderthe president of the USADescribes the US economythe Soviet system of governmentGermany was split into four .....Stalin blockaded this city in 1948describes the American political systemDuring the Cold War the world was bi-......An iron ..... ran down the middle of Europe...... aid was given to W.Europe to rebuild...

search for words in Harry Potter 2024-04-26

12 Items: a packagea type of metalBritish cookie pastryto poke someone or somethinga burst or a lot of laughterto do something with arrogancea type of big hat seen on babiesa circle on the edge of a top hata ghost that creates disturbancesan orange or yellowish brown colorto do something in a physical or strong way...

gold 2023-08-21

10 Items: the startto be meanto make smallera form of energythe condition of being protectedthe state of something that existsto stay true to something or someonenotice or attention given to someone or something by the media.a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees...

Liberty Word Search 2024-05-13

10 Items: Bell CenterDei, old swedes churchHouse, placed on Market StreetRow, comprised of 15 boathousesWater Works, historic water pumping stationPhiladelphia was the epicenter of the American ____Ross House, where the first American Flag was createdHall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed...

Vodič kroz galaksiju za autostopere 2019-12-06

9 Items: 42ciljsvemirvogoncrestoranautostoperpostojanjeheart-of-goldsuperračunalo

Late 19th Century vocabulary 2023-03-16

12 Items: complete avoidance of alcoholbusiness that rewards loyaltylimiting the earth's resourcesdishonest or deceitful behaviorowner of a manufacturing businesssomeone that invests in a new businessto deprive someone of the right to votecitizens proposing a new law by petitiongive variety and difference to something...

Word Search #1 2023-04-10


Prophets Told About Jesus Birth 2023-12-09

15 Items: Godlovelifejohnbabybirthchildmicahjesusisaiahof PeaceimmanuelprophetsbethlehemTestament

Dear Mr. Winston-Lesson 9 (4th Grade) 2023-10-12

20 Items: tearreargearsparkcheerscarfscareweirdsharpsparehairyalarmharshrepairscarcesquareprepareearringcompareupstairs

Lesson 26- Girl Who Loves Spiders (4th) 2024-03-07

20 Items: entersugarmotorlaborfavorfeveractorpolarbannershowercollarfingermirrorbeggarbotherdoctortempersweatertraitorwhenever

CCF word search 2023-12-08

10 Items: Acronym for fist aidwhat is the A in CDRABCDStops live round shootingFirst stage of 3 point checkThird Stage of 3 point checkSecond stage of 3 point checkwhere do you put your mess tins?what goes in you're left webbing pocket?what do you look down to aim the weapon?where do you put all of your kit on exercise

Biodiversity Vocabulary 2023-10-06

20 Items: eats plantseats animalsword for Earthbreaks down dead mattereats plants and animalsgroup of the same organismweather patterns over timecollection of organ systemshunts and eats other animalscannot produce its own energyassociated with living thingsorganism that feeds off a hostgroup of different populationsis hunted and eaten by predators...

Quintus' word search 2023-12-19

20 Items: our galaxyglow on it ownpeople draw linesknow as big dippera icy and gassy balllight bounces off itknow as small dipperthe research of spacelook like a big spoonbelief in constellationlook like a small spoonpeople that go into spacefirst day of spring or fallsomething that orbit the sunfirst day of winter or summerwhen a space rock reach earth...

Correggio was physically active AKA "The Painter from Lombardy" 2013-12-17

28 Items: ofArtCoolColorsDesignContentNervosaAerobicAerobicAerobicFitnessAgilityElementsEmphasisAnabolicSteroidsAnorexiaCapacityDominanceCurvatureAnaerobicAnaerobicExercisesAffectiveExpressiveFigurativeDistortionCurvilinear

Holocaust 2014-06-06

25 Items: ofGasStarJudeCarsDavidNazisCampsHitlerDachauJewishGermanCattleAdultsHatredStripedPajamasWalkingChambersSwastikaChildrenHolocaustAuschwitzSkeletonsConcentration

THE COLD WAR 2021-08-27


Allusion Word Search 2024-04-18

20 Items: goalheroplotmoralactionimagesendingcolourdialectepisodefantasyof viewrealismallusionepiphanycharacternarrativeantagonistdenouementcharacterisation

Math Models 2024-05-16

20 Items: areasolveslopetermsseriesbudgetfactoranalyzefunctionsequencebinomialexponenttriangleconstantperimeterrectangleof changepolynomialcoefficientparallelogram

Eucharist 2023-11-13

9 Items: Going to the altar to receive...invoking the power of the Holy SpiritTranslation of Eucharist in Greek and thanks to GodAct of turning bread and wine to Body and Blood of Christ"to make holy" and shedding of Jesus' blood for our salvationthe highpoint of the mass and central sacrament with special title...

riley parson word search 2024-05-15

15 Items: atomic symbol is Hatomic symbol is Obond between metals and nonmetalselement with an tomic symbol of kchange from a gas to a liquid statepoint temp at which a liquid freezeschange from a liquid to a solid stateform of heat transfer starting with rthe wrong way that the current is drawntemp at which a liquid begins to vaporize...

Michigan History 2023-04-17

29 Items: TBaypawWarpinecanoeRobesLakesFeverstoneBridgeFranceCountrylansingprairieRecordshopewellTerritorypeninsulavoyageurslighthouselumberjackpotawatomiof Frenchtownof the CloudsArrow DivisionWater WonderlandEdmund FitzgeraldConservation Corps

Classification of Sources of Information 2024-07-12

13 Items: diaryblogsprimarytextbooktertiaryalmanacsinterviewsecondaryhandbooksrecordingsstatisticsguidebooksdocumentaries

Regan's Waves Word Search 2022-11-28

8 Items: highest point on a wavelocations of maximum displacementmeasurement of maximum displacementdistance of one complete wave cyclewhich moves the medium parallel to wave motionwave which moves perpendicular to the wave motionthe more compressed and spread out the wave becomesin a longitudinal wave, areas of maximum displacement are known as

Classic Movies 2023-04-20

20 Items: psychoben-hurcasablancarear-windowcitizen-kanethe-graduatethe-godfatherroman-holidaythe-wizard-of-ozsome-like-it-hoton-the-waterfrontgone-with-the-windthe-maltese-falconnorth-by-northwestthe-sound-of-musicsingin'-in-the-rainthe-seven-year-itchit's-a-wonderful-lifeto-kill-a-mockingbirdbreakfast-at-tiffany's

Switcheroo Word Search 2024-04-13

24 Items: Bertle _____Aussie cowboy hatOne main characterWhite trunked treesJool's mum's recipeAn inhospitable regionThe station competitionHayley's New York hobbyThe other main characterOne of the station ownersThe nickname given to HayleyChantelle got fired from hereSlugger's favourite lunch foodHis girlfriend nicknamed him this...

WW4 U13 2024-07-18

23 Items: reliablegreat fearto make knownsad and gloomythe act of invadingcut off from othersto live in; to take upto rely on for supportto cut off from otherscausing shock and horrordiscouraged; in low spiritsa person's job or professionto think of as probably guiltythe condition of being isolatedto cause horror, shock or dismay...

Pekudei 2023-05-04

8 Items: What would cover the Mishkan by day?What would cover the Mishkan by night?In what year was the Mishkan established?What is the correct word for "priesthood"?In what day did Moshe establish the Mishkan?From how many years did a person have to do the census?Under the direction of who, was the work of the Mishkan?...

GPT 2023-12-14

20 Items: Lacking energy; sluggishIn excellent order; satisfactoryWicked, criminal, or evil in natureIn its original condition; unspoiledPleasingly smooth and musical to hearA harsh, discordant mixture of soundsPresent, appearing, or found everywhereLasting for a very short time; transientExtremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque...

Geography & US Regions 2023-02-08

9 Items: The way a certain place makes moneyThe average weather in a given area over a longer period of timeA region famous for citrus fruit, alligators, jazz music, and seafoodAnything that is found in nature that can be used by humans or animalsThe act of people traveling to places outside of their usual environment...