Form that details all "non-employee" compensation. This includes income for completing specific jobs, like freelancers or contractors who are effectively self-employed
filled out when you are first hired used to verify that an employee is eligible to work in the US
A statement of an individual's annual wages and taxes provided by an employer that must be included with the employee's federal, state, and city income tax returns
A federal tax form filled out by an employee to indicate the amount that should be withheld from his/her paycheck for taxes
A tax form filled out by an individual and filed with the IRS that determines the amount of income tax owed in a single year
Someone who relies on someone else for income and care. -Younger than 19 (unless full-time college student) -Live at home and parents pay at least 50% of expenses
Federal Insurance Contributions Act- taxes that fund Social Security and Medicare
Pay Amount of income left after taxes and deductions have been taken out.
Pay Pay before any taxes or deductions are taken out
The first day you can file a tax return for the year
Tax Day! The deadline to file tax returns (1040) or to request an extension
spending on certain programs (Social Security and Medicare) that is mandated, or required, by existing law
Federal spending on programs that are controlled through the regular budget process. Government makes choices on where $ goes and how much each category gets. Ex: education, military, and science
The standard deduction for filing a tax return for 2024. This means if you made this much for earned income you are REQUIRED to file a tax return.
If an extension to filing your taxes is granted, when is the new due date