stem Word Searches

Ethan Morgan's Week 5 Stem Words 2022-09-08

5 Items: verdictdismissproducediameterdynamite

SPRING Word Search 2024-03-18

80 Items: beebugdigeggfogmaybabybirdbulbcoltgrowiriskitelambleafnestseedsoilstemthawwarmweedwindwormbunnychickcloudgrassgreenhatchlilacmarchplantrainyrootsstormtulipwaterawakencocooneasterflowergardeninsectpicnicpigletpuddleseasonshovelshowerspringsproutvioletblossomgoslingrainbowthunderweatherarbordaybarefootbaseballblissfulbloomingdaffodilducklingearthday...

Garden 2024-05-03

85 Items: dighoesowbeesclayforkhoselawnpotsrakesoilstembladedaisyfencegrafthedgeherbsmulchpestsseedsshadespadevinesweedswormsaphidsgardenglovesleavesplantspollenshearsshoveltrowelannualscabbagecompostfoilageharvestinsectspepperspruningtrellisweedingcucumberdrainagegardenerlettucesmoistureplanterssunlighttomatoeswateringcultivarsflowerbedfrostdatenutrients...

Heritage Huskies 2023-01-06

119 Items: wulawliuwanxievexptaartlintanbowncarrcopadotyhillhydepacetianstemfiizkentdeepabairbbairblandcrookcrossgrosshenryhyattjonesmooremyerssmithspirewalshmarshblacklewisspireaikensarcherbarlowbarnescarperchurchcowleycurtishughesporterromerocsweattannertaylortollerzavalareevesashmeadelswoodfaucettfreitaggladdenhhansenrhanseniniguezpearsonkeyoungkryoung...

Spelling List #1: ALL, AL, AW 2022-10-13

12 Items: a type of nuta word that means totalthe inside of your handsomething that is not biganother word for flower stemthe amount of rain that fallsa product that heals your skina word that means to speak or chata word that means the opposite of angrya thing used to draw on a board or pavementa room where a horse or other farm animal lives...

Ag lesson 13.1 2024-02-08

15 Items: parts that provide supportlargest part of most plantspart that does reproductiondirection xylem brings stuffdirection phloem brings stuffpart that does photosynthesistype of root that is strait downpart of plant that provides supporttype of tissue that xylem and phloemtype of flower with all of the partsflower with only 3 of the main parts...

Catnap Word Search 2023-02-24

2 Items: ask snug skip mask skit snip task skin riskbatman pigpen catnip last nest spit rest spot lost fast stop stem spin

trs225b bt4wk15pt1 2022-07-07

10 Items: n.A gentle wind.adv.How a crab walks.n. e.g. Taiwan, UK, USA, France, Japan.n.A part of a plant that is underground.n.The tall, thin, central part of a plant.n.A colourful part of a plant that attracts bees.n.Something inside fruit that can grow into a new plant.n.The ground. Plants take water and nutrients from this....

Ultimate Word Search Challenge 2023-06-01

143 Items: fatgymhotlokmvpoofronwaxyouzbtabbybikecorachemdivefartflexfateflipguachikehurtjumplovelisalakeprompicspinkpostpoloquizshayswimsnapstemsnowucsbwaltexamyoloalphaaleksarborbrockbeachbubbabenchcoswbclimbcurryclashdrunkdaygedancefirstgreenhoneyheartinstamasonmegannolannwordoceanpollypastapestopsychrockyspikestalksleepsugarsquatsushiteslateachtrackvitos...


20 Items: Naučnik koji je otkrio ćelijuSve hemijske reakcije u ćelijiKratki nastavci nervnih ćelijaStručni naziv za nervnu ćelijuMatične ćelije na stupnju blastocisteNaizmenično grčenje i opružanje mišićaProteini koji ubrzavaju hemijske reakcijeStručni naziv za sve specijalizovane ćelijeZajednički naziv za enzime koji razlažu masti...

Help the Earth-Recycle! 2022-10-02

11 Items: A process of converting wastes into reusable materials.The thin, hard outer layer of an egg which is very fragile.A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.A material made up of very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes....

Cells 2023-06-16

21 Items: contains DNAsites of photosynthesisan undifferentiated cellsites of protein synthesissites of aerobic respirationwhen cells become specialisedmovement low to high using energythe first stage of the cell cyclethe final stage of the cell cyclewhere chemical reactions take placecontains cell sap to keep cell turgidcellular process that releases energy...

Structure and Function of Plants 2023-12-05

9 Items: _______ help plants get what they need.The part of the plant that makes most of its food.Which plant part plays the biggest role in supporting the plant?Flowers contain structures that are responsible for _____________.An adaptation used by cactus to survive in a hot, dry environment is ________ ________....

Space and Technology Word Puzzle 2023-01-03

25 Items: The endless voidA new thing to createA thought or a feelingAnother word for modelSomething used to divedThe continue or to makeThe subject with numbersSomething used to times itA bright source or a movementTo get more of an understandingThe element on the periodic tableUse it to make something organizedA branch of physics and technology...

Cord Blood Awareness Month - July 2023 2023-06-16

1 Item: Blood, Banking, Umbilical, Stem, Cells, Awareness, July, Safeguard, Hope, Future, Protect, Baby, Diseases, StemCord

minecraft blocks 2021-12-08

129 Items: logbedtnticegatesanddoorwoolslabloomstonewallsgrassglassbrickchestanvilsignsplanksleavesfencesgravelstairsladderbamboohopperpistoncactusbeaconbarrelsmokerbasaltcarpetbannerpodzolfurnacelanternseaweedgranitespawnerpumpkindioritebedrockhaybaledropperend-rodobsidiangold-oreiron-oreamethystconcreteobservercaludroniron-barcoal-orejuke-boxbee-hive...

Help, Find me 2022-11-24

5 Items: Many soldiers lost their lives in the conflict, or war, between the North and the South.Tracy held the flower as gently as she could, fearing that the delicate stem would breakThe bottle’s capacity, the amount of liquid it can hold, can be measured in ounces or milliliters....

Biology Word Search - Kiki 9b 2024-06-11

15 Items: the coloring in a leafa reagent that tests a leaf for starchA part of a plant that attracts pollinatorsA part of a cell that supports and protectsA part of the vascular bundle that carries waterAn organ that is responsible for transport in plantsthe product of using iodine on a leaf after photosynthesis...

Activ8 STEM Academy - The First Year 2024-05-24

1 Item: De.Aristizabal, Nurse.Fowlkes, Przybyl.Brown, Schill-Booth, V.A.Studies, Custodians, Fitzgerald, Altruismo, Cafeteria, Counselor, Mr.Stokes, Danville, Isibindi, Ms.Terry, Specials, Academy, Amistad, Faculty, Gauldin, Staff, History, Holland, Reading, Scie

Conifer Vocab II -- Forestry 2024-06-03

25 Items: The slender, pointed leaf of a coniferous tree.Small pores on plant surfaces, regulating gas exchange.The green pigment in plants responsible for photosynthesis.The inner, older wood of a tree, providing structural support.Trees that shed their leaves annually, in contrast to conifers.The protective outer covering of a tree, composed of dead cells....