states of matter Word Searches

THE BOOK OF ACTS 2024-10-19

40 Items: windgiftLordJesusPeterpowerJudasdrunkvaporsmokeHadesDavidsoulsfavorrepentthroneenemiesMessiahcorruptupperoomAkeldamaApostlespatriachchildrenAscensionwitnessesPentecostcruxifiedwitnessesfootstoolremissioncorruptiongenerationProphetJoelmoontobloodsoldpossionstonguesoffirecallontheLORDthreethousandNativeLanguage



End of Term Review 2024-10-22

31 Items: datacitehe’dwe’llshe’dwe’vewe’redon’tisn’taccessdidn’tyou’vethat’syou’rewhat’swasn’tretraceadvancedoesn’tthere’sthey’redecipheranalysiswouldn’tcouldn’tdrawbacksreasoningindicatedshouldn’tcaptivatedcounterpoint

Mechanical properties of fluids 2024-10-25

30 Items: FluidPascalDensityPressureBuoyancyAdhesionCohesionViscosityMechanicsBarometerCapillarityBoyle's-LawIdeal-FluidStokes'-LawLaminar-FlowPascal's-LawViscous-ForceHydrodynamicsTurbulent-FlowStreamline-FlowSurface-TensionReynolds-NumberCompressibilityStatic-PressureDynamic-PressureTerminal-VelocityKinematic-ViscosityHydrostatic-Pressure...

Magnetic effect of current 2024-10-26

30 Items: Left-handRight-handEarth-wireField-linesAC-generatorDC-generatorCurrent-loopMagnetic-fluxMagnetic-fieldMagnetic-linesElectric-motorMagnetic-forceMagnetic-polesDirect-currentElectric-fieldSeries-circuitElectric-powerInduced-currentMagnetic-needleCurrent-carryingElectric-currentParallel-circuitMagnetic-materialMagnetic-resonanceMagnetic-substance...

MS Orientation 2024-03-18

13 Items: Proctor's CEOBrown and Brown's CEOThe name of our companyMortgage Servicing's DirectorThe name of our parent companyNo _____ on camera or in office.No excessive use of ___ ____ at work.Only ____ head scarfs are allowed at work.You must be _____ and presentable on cameraYou are expected to score _____% on quizzes...

Random Stuff 2022-12-20

6 Items: BaldThis PuzzleTeacher of 8CMy best friendThe title of this PuzzleWhat is the chemical Formula for Water

Trauma Word Search 2024-07-17

17 Items: is the # 1 cause of trauma cases in the ED?What results when the CR-IR relationship is not maintained?When imaging a trauma patient, remember to ____ ____ and make eye contact.what position is used to pbtain a lateral hip when both hips are fractured?The first Principle of trauma radiography is to obtain 2 projections ___ apart....

vocabulary SAT wordsearch 1 2023-12-12

40 Items: to make betterthe opposite ofto follow the rulesusing very few wordsvery chatty or friendlyto make something worsea temporary stay a vacationclear logical and convincinglacking taste or class trashya noisy disturbance or quarrelto have a lot of nerve the gallto be out of date old fashionedperceive, notice recognize mentally...

unit 16 2024-04-24

12 Items: roughnot bendingto get alongextinct animalto stuff tightlycapable of growingto take upon oneselfsomething that protectsan action that is wrongto supply with furniturea person of the same ageto expose to injury or harm

Science 2023-11-16

12 Items: are invertebratesclosest planet to the sunBreak down of minerals or rockswhat was our first science topicmetamorphic, sedimentary and ……..a rock that doesn’t weather easilywhat energy is the energy of movementmeasures the temperature of the waterGaseous form changing to a Liquid formnever ... in a lab (a rule Miss Mam told us)...

world war 2 2024-03-25

10 Items: frankharborthe waraircrafthirohitoholocaustof britaintechnologycrimes trialsus home front

League of Animals 2014-08-06

13 Items: catdogcowliongoatbullzebrahippotigerhorsesnakehamsterelephant

Rate of Reaction 2017-12-18

13 Items: gasareaenergyenzymesurfaceproductsyringePressurecatalystreactantactivationTemperatureConcentration

Figures of Speech 2017-11-10

13 Items: IronySimileAnaphoraMetaphorOxymoronAssonanceEuphemismHyperboleSynecdocheAlliterationOnomatopoeiaUnderstatementPersonification

Symptoms of Depression 2018-06-01

13 Items: poortiredguiltmemorysocialsadnesssuicidalirritableweightlosswithdrawalhelplessnesshopelessnessworthlessness

saints of God 2018-04-05

13 Items: ianlillymillacolbyjennajuliaconnorkinleyadelineoliviackendalloliviavbarrett

types of energy 2020-08-28

13 Items: atomheatEnergyNuclearRadiantThermalChemicalconductormoleculesMechanicalElectricalcarbonemissionselectromagneticwave

Attitude of Gratitude 2023-06-09

13 Items: creditregardobligedthankfulgratefulgenerousindebtedblessingrecogniseappreciateacknowledgebenedictionoverwhelmed

Establishment of Steilacoom 2023-06-06

13 Items: tribesnativestradingenglishsettlersbusinesssamyounghomelandlafayetteterritorysteilacoomsixhundredreservation

Types of work 2024-02-06

13 Items: wagesalaryincomecasualcareerlabourfulltimeparttimeemployeremployeebenefitsvolunteeremployment

lemons of love 2024-03-26

13 Items: hopelovebravepeacelaughcaringfamilystronginspiringgratitudeoptimisticcourageousencouraging

Glass sword 2022-11-16

14 Items: calarenamavenElaragaurdBarrowvillagerevengemoonpoolof nortalakelandsnewbloodsred as dawnLighting girl

Debt Process 2023-08-18

8 Items: Accounts that we can action...One of our outsource partners...Which tab do we find the dunning process?What happens on day 15 of the debt journey?What do we send on day 0 of the debt journey?How many pounds is the second debt collection fee?What do we do if we want to temporarily stop dunning?...

The Wizard of Oz pgs. 36-43 2023-11-08

17 Items: Who jumped over the ditch?Who cuts down the big tree?What do they use the tree as?What thing fell into the ditch?Who jumps over on the lion first?What kind of road are they taking?What animal does the Tin Man kill?How many mice does the King bring?What are the Kalidahs's teeth like?Who lives on this side of the ditch?...

current affairs and issues 2019-11-25

37 Items: ofoftaxactbutGDPtaxtestVicepollvoteWallHouseequalhouseincomevotingrightsmarketsenateBerlintariffscollegeeconomyspeakergeneralpopularseparateliteracyDemocratselectoralelectionsPresidentcommunismRepublicanssegregationRepresentatives

Vocabulary 6B3 2020-08-02

23 Items: lañeerectdelaypyloninstallpenaltyviaductconductmonitorperformengineerpositionidentifyconstructlandscaperelate-totransforminteractingto-blend-intoahead-of-scheduledeployed-determineto-float-a-landmarkfall-behind-schedule

Cybersecurity 2022-06-21

26 Items: riskwormLosstrailvirusbotnethackingmalwarescammerspywareDrivingattackerfirewallphishingspoofingbiometricantiviruskeyloggermanagementof Serviceencryptionengineeringanti-malwarecryptographyauthenticationconfidentiality

Tammi's 2024-05-10

21 Items: onus5-0aregayyou1888teamwomphartgreenwhiteirishmoney4evercelticcelticwinnersgettingpookierof the league

Lesson 7 Terms-to-Know 2024-09-05

6 Items: The freedom to make your own decisions and control your own life.A knowledge and understanding of your own personality or individuality.A group of people or resources that help you achieve your goals and handle challenges.The action of representing one’s own views and interests or making others aware of your needs....

Setting Word Search 2023-05-04

9 Items: settingof ViewPronounmetaphorCharacterCharactervs Naturevs Societyalliteration

Effects of Imperialism  2014-11-03

14 Items: Rulecropsexportregionsimproveddisrupteddestroyedinfluencechallengeschallengesdominationimperialistnationalistindustrialized

Types of STDs 2019-11-20

14 Items: HPVlicewartsPubicherpesGenitalGenitalScabiesSyphilisChlamydiaChancroidHepatitisGonorrhoeaTrichomoniasis

Types of dog's 2023-04-12

13 Items: pughuskyboxerpoodleyorkiebulldogpekineseschnauzerpapillionpomerainiangoldendoodlegermanshephardgoldenretriever

Internet of Things 2023-07-11

13 Items: iotamperesignalthingsarduinosensorsinternetlowpowerembeddedsmartcitysmarthousenarrowbandlongdistance

Discovery of America 2024-04-17

13 Items: horsevoyageparrotamericaexplorercolumbusexchangediscoverdiscoverynavigationindigenousexplorationcolonisation

Book of Judith 2024-09-17

13 Items: GodArmyCityPlanHelpHeroBraveFeastJudithDangerLeaderPrayerVictory

Emergence of European Culture 2023-10-12

20 Items: IIIIIIIlawpopejurymanorpapalCapetCartacloviscourtscharterbaillisparliamentcharlemagneWarm Periodindictmentsof the palacethe Conqueror

Chapter 2 2024-05-16

22 Items: spanfundworthassetbudgetincomewealthincomeexpenseexpenseexpenseexpensecharityanalysisliabilityliquidityspreadsheetyourself firstresponsibilityflow statementworth statementof financial planning

Medieval Times 2014-05-10

35 Items: ofleoIIIthelordkingguidpagenunspopepopegaulmailguildmanormonkssignsnoblemagnacartachainvassalknightempiresquirechurchpeasantrichardeleanorjoustingaquitinebyzantineonheartedcharlemangemissionaries

The American Revolution 2017-11-08

34 Items: ofVonnavyForgeAdamsParisJamesPaineValleyFranceTreatyThomaspatriothessianBritishTrentonSteubenAbigailSlaveryloyalistCheswellSaratogaYorktownmercenaryWentworthLafayetteArmisteadLexingtonWashingtonenlistmentPrivateersCornwallisMotivationcontinental

U.11,12 2020-02-21

30 Items: shamlilyyeastfancybunchpatentrefundvioletdevotephysistproductcheckeddizzyingcrockeryinventionblueberryconfusionallowanceparticularhuman-racebestsellerbenefactorappreciatefootlightsgeneticallyacclimatisepassionatelysteam-engineembarrassing-of-the-valley

Camera Word Search 2024-02-29

30 Items: isorawlenszoomedithourjpegspeedfocusflashmacroframedepthbokehcamerafiltertripodcandidshuttercaptureexposureaperturelightingportraitsnapshotlandscapeof thirdsmegapixelcompositionblack-and-white

Wild Wild West 2024-06-13

21 Items: UpRushranchlassoposseDrivetrailcowboyoutlawsaloonbanditsheriffExpressstampedefrontierhomesteadbunkhousestagecoachchuckwagonsix-shooterHere is the list of just the words:

kwanzaa 2022-12-11

10 Items: The Kwanzaa celebration is this long.The name of the Kwanzaa candleholder.This principle is based in the idea of creativity.Kwanzaa means "first fruits" in this African language.Examples of this symbol are fruits, nuts, and vegetables.Kwanzaa is based on these (unity, self-determination, etc)...

Word Hunt 2024-10-16

10 Items: Supposed to reduce the symptoms and mental illness.Gives an "out of this world" feeling, hallucinations.Drugs that speed up the messages between brain and the body.Causes euphoria, nausea, and even death. Also known as "opioids".A chronic brain disease that affects millions of people worldwide....

QUANTIFIERS 2023-12-13

6 Items: fewmuchmanylittlelot oflots of

The Landlady 2023-02-05

7 Items: quicklyextremelylack of carepatchy, uneventhe front of buildingsa city in south-western Englanda person who carries people's luggage at a railway station

Chemistry Vocab Experience 4-5 2024-09-20

7 Items: a compound composed of only two elementsan ion that consists of a single atom with a positive or negative chargeintermoleuculer attractions between oppositely charged regions of polar moleculesthe two weakest intermoleculer attractions-dispersion interactions and dipole forces...

The Great Gatsby 2023-03-08

6 Items: distressedHazy, vague, indistinct or confusedStubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of actionTo place under a debt of gratitude for some benefit, favor or serviceLacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with othersA mark, trace or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence

POSTIES 0401 Cover 2024-03-12

6 Items: a period of 100 yearsopposite of "beautiful"unable to remember something that happeneda large black bird that makes a loud noisea type of dance that is usually performed in a theatre and tells a story with musica piece of flat glass that reflects images so you can see yourself when you look into it

This is Delaney's, I guess 2022-11-28

10 Items: maximum displacement up.maximum displacement down.and wavelength is measured in meters.wave, moves medium parallel to wave motion.wave, moves medium perpendicular to wave the distance between one complete wave cycle.number of waves or vibrations produced per second.areas of maximum displacement in a longitudinal wave....

Gov Project 2023-05-09

9 Items: Head of Agriculture.A trained law professional.Money given to Congress with regulations.There are 9 of these on the Supreme Court.The ___________ Branch that makes the laws.Implementing state laws and overseeing the operation.Title given to the heads of most cabinet departments.The branch that determines if laws are constitutional....

Books of the Bible 2015-09-20

20 Items: KaiAnnMarkLukeJohnActsLukeJackSilasExodusJoshuaRomansHunterGenesisNumbersMatthewMadisonMrsHardyLeviticusDeuteronomy

98 Rivers of Europe 2016-04-07

20 Items: ElbeEbroRhineSeineRhoneVolgaRhineLoireAdigeTagusTiberMeuseDouroKalixDanubeThamesSevernDnieperPechoraGuadiana

Overview of the body 2018-12-18

19 Items: CellTissueCaudalPorousNucleusOsseousSuperiorInferiorProximalThoracicStructureCartilageIrregularImmovableDiagnosticMicroscopicTherapeuticDevelopmentBiotechnology

Week of 3/25 2019-03-29

19 Items: intheanddayhugecarsfansstormhomesmajorgamesteamsfloodsleaguemidwestdamagedopeningbaseballballparks

The Elements of Music 2020-09-16

19 Items: lowloudsofthighfastslowthinlongTempoPitchthicksoundshortTimbreRhythmTexturequalityDynamicssilence.

The Elements of Music 2020-10-07

19 Items: lowloudsofthighfastslowthinlongTempoPitchthicksoundshortTimbreRhythmTexturequalityDynamicssilence.

Eye of the World 2023-01-12

19 Items: aielajaharamheranjagadandoraldiebarafelblightagelmarangrealbaerloncaemlynchannelcairhienbaalzamonavendesoracuendillarborderlands

Famous Landmarks of Europe 2023-10-09

19 Items: bigbenatomiumalhambracolosseumparthenonthelouvrematterhorneiffeltowertrevifountaingiantscausewaysagradafamiliabrandenburggateedinburghcastlegolubacfortressstmarksbasilicakeukenhofgardenschateaudechambordwurzburgresidenceleaningtowerofpisa

Instruments of the Orchestra 2023-11-15

19 Items: bassовоеtubagongharpfluteviolasnarecellopianoorganviolinfrenchtrumpettimpanibassooncymbalstromboneclarinet

Words of the garden 2024-02-23

20 Items: canbedsoiltreelawnweedhoseplantgrassshrubhedgemulchgardenflowerprunerpergolafountainbirdhousebutterflyfertilizer

Words of the rainbow 2024-02-24

20 Items: hueskyarcpotcolorprismlightbeautynaturevisionrainbowweatherspectrumradiancespectrumchromaticrefractionatmospheredispersionbrightness

parts of a car 2024-05-01

20 Items: tiresdoorsleverenginebumperclutchbrakeswindowsseatingmirrorsbatterychassismufflerradiatorradiatorheadlightswindshieldsuspensionalternatortransmission

Causes of Civil War 2024-09-26

19 Items: warfreeStoweunionsouthnorthwhigsslavecottonLincolnslaveryfreesoilsecessiondemocratsrepublicanagricultureconfederacyharriettubmanmissouricompromise

Medieval Word Search 2022-12-12

10 Items: The biblical birthplace of Jesus.The length of the Medieval Christmas celebration.Find the hidden bean in the bread, and be queen or king for a day!This vibrant bird was roasted in its feathers for the Christmas feast.This word, when broken down to its roots, literally means "Middle Ages"....

Lord od the Flies Words 2024-09-24

24 Items: crazy weirdfoolish or sillybehaving wronglystrange or unusualdownward inclinationfalsely appearing to be fairsounding harsh and unpleasantto force (someone) to do somethinga very strong desire to do somethingvery exciting, fun, or full of energyshowing complete interest in somethinganger caused by something unfair of wrong...

Fall 2022-10-05

15 Items: Hand socksMagic womanBlood suckerSpooky HolidayAmericas soccerBlack flying ratGreat for carvingShirt made of yarnSeason after summerthe things on treesKids do on HalloweenScary genre of moviewhen the weather changesFloating white creepy thingimportant football game with pretty dresses

Christmas 2024-09-28

15 Items: treecardsdeedsspiritgivingwarmthsharedPledgeseffortsTogethercampaigngesturesgatheringof spiritorganization

The industrial Revolution 2023-03-19

20 Items: linelaborengineminingunionsimpactindustryof laborprogressfactoriesproductioncapitalismproductionrevolutionconditionselectricityurbanizationadvancementsmechanizationstandardization

Constitutional Justification 2022-10-31

10 Items: stophunchfriskarrestconvictionprobable-causereasonable-suspicionclear-and-convincingbeyond-a-reasonable-doubtpreponderance-of-the-evidence

Safety Word Search 2024-10-17


Magnolias on Monday, Tulips on Tuesday 2024-04-24

11 Items: full of bumpsnot normal, unusualto let something falla person who steals somethingWhat flower was missing on Tuesday?In the middle of Travnik was a _____ shop.Milan didn't stop because he was too _____.Milan's ears hurt because the _____ were very loud.Everyday this week, Milan has _____ a box of flowers....

Circulatorysystem Word Search 2024-10-18

24 Items: The male reproductive cell.The female reproductive cell.A substance that transfers heat effectively.The opening in the body through which air enters.The passage that connects the throat to the lungs.A substance that allows electricity to flow through it.The process of changing a liquid into a gas by heating....


10 Items: their landladySherlock's citySherlock's addressnarrator and friendSherlock's arch-enemySherlock's older brotherauthor of Sherlock Holmestype of hat Sherlock wearsactor who played Sherlock on the BBChow many Sherlock short stories are there?

Days of the week and Months of the year 2023-01-19

23 Items: maydayjunejulyweekyearmarchaprilmonthmondayfridaysundayaugusttuesdayjanuaryoctoberthursdaysaturdayfebruarynovemberdecemberwednesdayseptember

The Armor of GOD Words of Light and Life 2024-10-14

26 Items: GODfeetshodElahSaulrockwordswordpeacetruthdartsslinghelmetgirdlequenchwickedvalleygospelspiritGoliathwarriorsalvationTerebinthsbreastplatepreparationrighteousness

SFF 2022 2022-12-28

5 Items: PigskinBattle of 1836Founded in 1883Home of the SpursI prefer this with my soup

Baptism 2023-11-13

8 Items: a new convertimpossible to eraseWashing away all the dirty stuff - sins.getting dunked under water to remove original sinrite has to take place in order for the sacrament to counta consecrated ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam....

Languages of the World 2015-05-22

20 Items: UrduThaiZuluTamilMalayHindiArabicKoreanKoreanPunjabiRussianBengaliBurmeseSwahiliPersianMandarinJapaneseGujaratiCantoneseVietnamese

Words Of The Day 2016-02-03

19 Items: kindeptgritspoofadeptvitalfarceembarktussleadroitmettlelegacyrespectventureemulatescufflesalientaffinityintegrity

Monsters of the Deep 2019-04-26

19 Items: poddeepkindherosquidoceangiantnervessinewymermaidempathytentaclemonsterscaptivityrespectfulyouaresmartoceanographerhallucinationsmarinebiologist

Books of the Bible 2020-08-07

19 Items: JoelAmosHoseaJonahMicahNahumIsaiahDanielHaggaiEzekielObadiahMalachiJeremiahHabakkukZephaniahZechariahEcclesiastesLamentationsSongofSolomon

Parts of the body 2020-11-16

19 Items: eyearmlegearheadnosefoothandkneefacehairneckmouthtoothbellycheekfingereyebrowshoulder

Clone of Rutinas #3 2023-02-14

19 Items: jugarcomercocinariralbañoducharseacostarsedesayunarlevantarsemaquillarselavarlaropadespertarseirdecomprashacerlatareaescucharmusicausareltelefonohacerejercicioandarenbicicletausarlacomputadoracepillarselosdientes

Fruit of The Spirit 2023-04-08

19 Items: joylovepeacecaringrejoiceblessedkindnesspatiencethankfulgratefulobedientgoodnesstoleranceendurancegratitudegentlenessforgivenessfaithfulnesscompassionate

Book of Mormon People 2024-01-12

20 Items: almalehinephiammonetherjaredlamanmoronisariahamulekmosiahgideonhelamanabinadihelamanteancumcoriantonzarahemlacoriantumrcaptainmoroni

Words of the garden 2024-02-23

20 Items: canbedsoiltreelawnweedhoseplantgrassshrubhedgemulchgardenflowerprunerpergolafountainbirdhousebutterflyfertilizer

Day of the dead 2024-05-02

19 Items: deadliferootsaltermexicoskullsspiritaztecsmexicanchaptertoltecscookiesmilleniadeceasedskeletontraditionancestorscelebrationdayofthedead

Birth of Jesus Christ 2024-08-14

20 Items: InnStarMaryHopeBornKingsJesusAngelGiftsDreamMangerJosephSaviorGabrielSheperdMessiahBetlehemNazarethChristmasChristmas

The Rubicon's Word Puzzle 2024-01-23

6 Items: the builderTroy's mascotcolor of the skythe Hispanic builderTroy's literary journalLast name of civil rights activist & revered

People and Places of Creatures of Light and Darkness 2013-06-02


Spanish 1 Vocab 2 2024-02-22

31 Items: pendaybookyearweekmonthtodaymarchfolderpencilmondayfridaysundaytuesdayjanuaryfebuarynotebooktomorrowthursdaysaturdayclassroomwednesdaystudent deskstudent(male)Teacher(male)sheet of paperstudent(female)Teacher(female)what is the date?what day is today?it´s the first of...

Science Vocabulary 2023-03-28

20 Items: DNA has a double _______ shape.A cell without a nucleus. _____________________The powerhouse of the cell. _____________________The control center of the cell. _____________________Charles __________ is known as the Father of Evolution.In _____________________, DNA is converted to an RNA code....

Dantealighieri Word Search 2022-08-28

15 Items: Belief in no god.Belief in one god.Milton's epic poem.The Devil's primary job.Another name for Satan, starts with a "B".The Devil's feet are often drawn this way.Writer of "Inferno" and "The Divine Comedy".The Devil is also referred to as the Prince of ________.Location where Eve tempted Adam with the forbidden fruit....

Unit 5 - G&L Roots 2024-09-24

11 Items: To widenTo divide upDependent uponDesire to avoidPlace of actionTo scatter aboutAbove all the othersDemanding perfectionTo cause to move forwardBody of ideas, achievements, and moralsSeeking to find a problem before it occurs

Business Studies 1.5.3 & 1.5.4 2024-05-12

10 Items: a good whose demand drops when people's incomes risea good whose demand rises when people's incomes riseThe number of people willing to work but out of work and seeking workFit for ________ The goods and services should be fit for the reason they are supplied for,...

Business Studies 1.5.3 & 1.5.4 2024-05-12

10 Items: a good whose demand drops when people's incomes risea good whose demand rises when people's incomes riseThe number of people willing to work but out of work and seeking workFit for ________ The goods and services should be fit for the reason they are supplied for,...

Tale Word Search 2023-10-20

10 Items: A group of animalsTo move like a waveAnother word for storyTo push something forwardPast tense of the verb "to hear"To discuss and exchange opinionsA picture made from a group of starsThe time and place where a story happensDone exactly the same way, all the time, ever time.What dogs and cats have (attached to their back or behind)