science Word Searches

POSTIES 0729 COVER 2024-06-26

6 Items: another word for "smartphone"The Yellow Crane Tower is located in _____.a formal talk that someone gives to a group of peopleIBEL helps disadvantaged ethnic minority students learn ______ after school.a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science...

Vocab blast - translate French and find the English 2024-01-08

38 Items: je fais...........écouter.............j'é est................souvent...............parce que..............elle lecture..............c'est....................normalement..............j'ai fait du vélo...........

Qu & Kn Words 2024-01-15

14 Items: Earth_____ .Counterpart to the King.Don't ____ ! Never give up!Turn the door____ to the left.Another name for a "small" test.The elephant got stuck in the _____sand.A shape whose 4 sides are of equal length.His mother ____ him a sweater out of wool.She sliced the bread with a sharp _____ .You go to school to learn and get this. What is it?...

Art Word Search 2023-01-28

1 Item: maths science english russian music history geography

Alan Turing's life and legacy 2024-06-14

16 Items: self-murdercaptured by the policenote used to communicatea synonym for homosexualthe city where he studiedTuring's job during the warTuring fathered this sciencethe Allies' enemies during the warthe poison Turing used to kill himselfa synonym for deciphering a secret messagethe machine used by the Nazis to send secret messages...

Section 3 Unit 15 (46) Word Search 2 2024-02-16

30 Items: (η) the physics(η) the science(το) the cause, reasonto discover, uncover, invent(η) the chemistry (fig or lit)(η) the (genre) science fiction(η) the method, system, fashion(το) the sample, specimen, tokento research, investigate, search(η) the energy, action, potential(ο) the (male) astronaut, cosmonautanalog, proportional, proportionate...

Spanish Wordsearch #2A 2024-02-06

56 Items: IheweforyousheeasyWho?lunchclassfirstthirdfifthsixthtentha lotsecondfourtheighthninethI needboringI haveEnglishseventhto teachto studyYou needfavoriteLetś seeYou haveart classdifficultpracticalcalculatordictionaryMathematicsamusing,funinterestingmore...thanyou(formal)the class ofThe schedulethe homeworkSpanish classscience classIn the...hour...

Science Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Word Search by David Nam #13 2014-03-19

6 Items: altitudehumiditybarometeratmosphereairpressuretroposphere

Spring into Security 2024 Word Search 2024-02-14

20 Items: Basic unit of digital information.Programming instructions for software.Pattern recognition through algorithms.Advanced neural network-based learning.Process of acquiring knowledge or skills.Extraction of insights from large datasets.A specific job or assignment to be completed.Field involving automated machines and systems....

Female Inventors Who Changed the World 2023-08-02

15 Items: First name Marie, discovered radioactivity.First name Margaret, creator of the paper bag.First name Mary, creator of the windshield wiper.First name Melitta, creator of the coffee filter.First name Ayla, creator of the Kindling Cracker.First name Maria, creator of the pop up life raft.First name Katharine, created non-reflective glass....

March 2024 Ambassador Word Search 2024-03-11

20 Items: Basic unit of digital informationProgramming instructions for softwarePattern recognition through algorithmsAdvanced neural network-based learningProcess of acquiring knowledge or skillsExtraction of insights from large datasetsA specific job or assignment to be completedField involving automated machines and systems...

Web Word Search 2022-10-14

10 Items: Type of search engine?Digital dictionary websiteWhat can you search on for information?What type of program helps us locate items?Mapping site that helps teach geographic concepts.Pages or items listed as results of an internet or database search.Archive that has over 5,000 free videos for math, science, social students and humanities....

Subjects 2024-06-02

1 Item: English Science DigitalLiteracy Vocational Spelling Verbal SocialStudies Arts Music French Yoruba Quantitative HandWriting

All About Madison. 2024-05-23

40 Items: ageCat's NameFavorite BandCollege MajorFavorite SongFavorite ColorFavorite MovieFavorite FruitFavorite DesertFavorite SeasonFavorite TV showFavorite BeverageDog’s name – MaleFavorite RestaurantDog’s name – FemaleBand Seen Most LiveName of High SchoolFavorite land animalChildhood Dog's NameCity she was born inFavorite Movie Genre...

Communication 2023-12-09

16 Items: worldwide computer networka dishonest plan to steal moneysystems to send and receive informationdevice that can connect to the internetwhen more than one thing is joined or linkedwhat you can do to go to another page onlinetricking someone over the internet or by mailwhen a computer system is broken into illegally...

Popular Subjects 2023-08-18

1 Item: Psychology, Sociology, Radiology, Literature, Art, Chemistry, Biology, History, Science, Architecture, Law, Politics, Philosophy

Kornelia's Wordsearch 2023-11-02

21 Items: a happy boyPolish and is good at mathsa quiet girl who can kick youcan be anoying but is alrighta football and a sporty playerlike Richard but is from Lybiabrunette and is good at scienceBlonde and is good at gymnasticsa cricket fan and is good at P.Ea cool and totally vibing funny and is friends with Eesais funny and does not like school...

Vocabulary Review 2024-01-25

24 Items: A jobA choicePhysical workGood at sportsDifferent from othersTo need for somethingKnowing something wellHow good or bad something isProtected from danger or harmThe way a person usually livesTo make sure something is goodA set of rules to help do somethingTo like and have fun doing somethingTo like something better than another...

Unit 2: Spelling Test 2 2022-09-27

25 Items: scenicembarrassedin a loud mannerin a curious mannerparticular; definitea two-wheeled vehicleto get rid of; removea large, ornate houseone who replaces anotherto consist of; be composed ofexcessive; unrestrained; imprudentto clarify the meaning of; to translatein a manner indicating great weightinessconsistently; with little or no variance...

Science Word Search 2023-12-12

1 Item: scant

O desafio é encontrar o nome de 5 softwares ou plataformas que auxiliam no trabalho com dados de investigação. 2024-02-15

5 Items: Repositório Multidisciplinar de Dados em Acesso Aberto criado em 2013 pelo OpenAIRE e pelo CERN.Plataforma que integra o OpenAIRE Nexus que permite a anonimização de dados confidenciais amnesiaFerramenta de visualização de dados e business intelligence usada para gerar relatórios e analisar grandes volumes de dados;...

Space science unit 2023-01-17

1 Item: Disperse, Luminosity, Outer planet, Comet, Earth, Solar System, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Gibbous, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Crescent, Uranus, axial tilt, Waning, Waxing, Asteroid Belt, Black Hole, Big Bang Theory, Astronaut, Binary, Elliptical orbit,

united 2022-12-08

66 Items: rosesagebiomecamelbridgeantigenacologybiologybiofuelbiotechbiomassparsleyaerologyairplaneaccepterantibodybackbonebiometerbroadwaybrooklynconsumercompounddolphinscardamomlavenderaerospaceanabolismastronomyacidulantbiospherebiologistchinatownchemistryatmosphereabsolutismabsorptionantibioticabsorbancecapitalismcryospherecardiologyaerodynamic...

Unit 45-46 2024-02-07

50 Items: technological(color) copper(color) silver(η) the science(το) the plasticof or made of glassof or made of plastic(η) the temperature, heat(το) the cement, concrete(η) the (female) scientistof or made of stone or rock(ο/η) the (m or f) scientist(ο/η) the (m or f) biologist(η) the chemistry (fig or lit)(η) the (genre) science fiction...

Biology Word search 2024-04-30

20 Items: the basic SI unit of energyorganisms that make their own foodthe primary component of macromolecules,relating to or resulting from living thingsan animal which feeds on dead organic materialthe animal component of the planktonic communitymatter that has come from a recently living organismkill, repel, or control forms of animal and plant life...

Parlementer Word Search 2023-09-04

12 Items: didirikan oleh Amir Syarifuddin pada bulan Februari1948berdiri tanggal 29 Januari 1945 yang di pimpin oleh Sidik Joyosukartoberdiri tanggal 7 November 1945 yang di pimpin oleh Dr. Sukirman Wiryo Sanjoyosebuah republik di Kepulauan Maluku yang diproklamasikan tanggal 25 April 1950....

Sejarah Indonesia Kelas XII 2023-09-03

12 Items: didirikan oleh Amir Syarifuddin pada bulan Februari1948berdiri tanggal 29 Januari 1945 yang di pimpin oleh Sidik Joyosukartoberdiri tanggal 7 November 1945 yang di pimpin oleh Dr. Sukirman Wiryo Sanjoyosebuah republik di Kepulauan Maluku yang diproklamasikan tanggal 25 April 1950....

Cristmas Revision 2022-11-28

15 Items: Buying and selling of church positionsSupporter of reform in the Catholic churchEnglish or Scottish soldiers who had fought for the crownPeople who were planted in foreign territory by the crown.The appointing of relatives to Church jobs regardless of meritLaws, Laws that suppressed the status of Catholics in Ireland....

Back to School Word Search 2024-06-05

23 Items: The head administrator of a school.A container used to carry food to school.A break during school for play and relaxation.People you like and spend time with at school.Areas of study like math, science, and history.Students sit at these to do their work in class.Writing tools that often have erasers on one end....

PhT 100 Word Search 1 (Spring 2024) 2024-05-09

17 Items: To grind to a smooth substance with moisture.The basic unit of weight in the apothecary system.The dating of any medication that has a short shelf life.The liquid in which another substance is being dissolved.The determination of the covererage an insured is entitled.Complete destruction of organisms after they leave the body....

Vocab Part 1 2023-02-13

11 Items: a ruler that belives in the enlightenmentto keep other rulers and countries in checkFrench for philosopher applied to all intellectuals during the Enlightenmentrights with which all humans are born, including the rights to life, liberty, and propertysun-centered the system of the universe in which the Earth and planets revolve around the sun...

All About 3rd Grade! 2022-06-08

1 Item: Chapter books, Animal Research, Poems, Opinion Writing, Jump Rope, Multiplication, Division, Clocks, Fractions, Area, Perimeter, Geometry, Invertebrates, Vertebrates, Photosynthesis, Mystery Science, Life Cycles, Weather, Pilgrims, American Revolution, Ma

Grade 3 Speaking Test 2023-05-25

1 Item: Albert, physical, chemical, changes, rollercoaster, quickly, slowly, solid, liquid, gas, exciting, enjoyable, summer, winter, float, electricity, annoying, sound, Science, students, teachers, English, Sinolink, Canada, South, Africa, China, experiment, sp

Grade 3 Speaking Test 2023-05-25

1 Item: Albert, physical, chemical, changes, rollercoaster, quickly, slowly, solid, liquid, gas, exciting, enjoyable, summer, winter, float, electricity, annoying, sound, Science, students, teachers, English, Sinolink, Canada, South, Africa, China, experiment, sp

Mystery, Word Search 2022-10-28

1 Item: Animal, Earth, Water, Plant, Weather, Mountains, Valley, Forest, Science, Tracks, Scat, Structure, Function, Hike, Observation, Nature, Outside, Friendship, Owl, Squirrel, Deer, Coyote, Hawk, Raccoon, Nocturnal, Respect, Willow, Community, Stars, Frog, Co

Naturalworld Word Search 2023-06-02

34 Items: SI for timeSI for distanceSI unit of forceEnergy of motion.SI unit for energy.Speed plus directionThe change of velocityThe ability to do work.Characteristic or qualityEnergy that will run out.Change of position in timeMercury, Venus, Earth, MarsEnergy of position or stored.Example of a renewable energyJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune...

Final Exam Review 2023-06-02

34 Items: SI for timeSI for distanceSI unit of forceEnergy of motion.SI unit for energy.Speed plus directionThe change of velocityThe ability to do work.Characteristic or qualityEnergy that will run out.Change of position in timeMercury, Venus, Earth, MarsEnergy of position or stored.Example of a renewable energyJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune...

Unit IV Review: Abs-sci-ment 2024-05-17

22 Items: ______ the Terrible_______ WollstonecraftThe Index of _____________The belief that one should doubt everythingEmpress of Russia known for her Enlightened ideasThe spread and mixing of various cultures and ideasThe idea that the sun is at the center of the solar systemA child who ascends to the throne following a parent's death...

EV3 Robotics Vocabulary 2023-05-09

16 Items: to take apart.provide linear mobility for a robot.detects rotational motion on a single axis.any command or group of commands in a build by putting parts together; to build; to create.specific areas for connecting sensors and motors to the EV3.the primary source of physical motion in the Mindstorms EV3system....

Taxonomy Word Search 2024-01-22

24 Items: organisms.relationships.characteristics.characteristics.The study of the form and structure of organisms.The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.Structures in different species that share a common ancestry.The science of classification, organizing and naming living organisms....

End of year 2024-07-08

250 Items: adaevajadmaxriargsbgtfryartleolbqaylaemreevanirislaealylamajamiloruthsethtaratotosatsyodaopalspagjolfaleenchloedaviddenizdylaneddieellieelsieemilyfrankharryhenryisaacjackbjackhjameskathykieralauralewislilyalydiamarlamilesmylesreeceriwalrockyrubensahibserenteddytobygtobyjyusufzaraszarawbuddymrmendormsbreadheartbloodlungslunchsnackbreakcafebafrica...

General Knowledge 2023-09-08

33 Items: A group of islands.The genetic code of life.The study of celestial objects.A ruler, often a king or queen.The study of heredity and genes.The study of ancient life forms.A cloud of gas and dust in space.The variety of life forms on Earth.A cultural revival and rebirth of art.A dramatic change in form or appearance....

Word Search 2023-07-18

1 Item: korea, australia, kenya, spoons, spell, mario, england, crowns, shoes, whose, cap, beavers, gloves, socks, plant, parrot, suho, early, exercise, work, zookeeper, announcer, home, sleep, english, math, korean, art, science, school, boat, club, join, visit,

G6 - Diversity of Living Things Vocab. 2022-11-14

28 Items: made of many cellsmade of only one cellanimals that have a backbonethis phyla includes starfishanimals that have a spinal chordconsidered to be "true" bacteriaanimals that do not have a backbonehumans are included in this kingdomarthropods with 2 body parts and 8 legsa kingdom that includes mushrooms and mold...

UNIT 4 VOCAB 2023-10-06

26 Items: A period of time.A long span of time.A specific area in time.A place for storage of fluids.Earliest era in earths history.Remains of a prehistoric animal.A break in the continuous rock record.Numeric age of a layer of rocks or fossilsRecord of rock layers over a period of time.Living organism that shapes its environment....



4B 0503 2023-05-02

16 Items: Photosynthesis is the __________ by which green plants make their own food.The pirates sailed their big ship to the little island to bury the __________.It’s difficult to see on __________ days, so it isn’t a good idea to drive so fast.When the family arrived home, they found a __________ inside trying to steal their TV....

Quarter 4 Vocab Words 2023-05-16

29 Items: Water that is in the groundVapor/gas turning into liquidLiquid turning into vapor/gasMovement of heat around an areaA whole bunch of underground waterWater starting to soak into the groundHumans removing trees from a forested areaLow level air pollution that reduces visionWhen the plant evaporates water through its leaves...

Challenger - Comet Vocabulary ALL - Word Search 2023-05-16

30 Items: The compactness of an object.To move in a circle or orbit around.The seven colors that make up white light.The title of elected US government officials.A group of stars that form a picture or a shape.The action of rotating around an axis or center.A comet that orbits the Sun in less than 200 years....

A- Word Search 2023-01-25

26 Items: Kinetic Engineer: A kinetic engineer is an engineer that emphasizes on heat and mass transfer and deals with the process of design.Utility Engineer: A utility engineer is a civil engineer who works for a utility company, such as a water, gas, or electric company....

Engineers A to Z 2023-01-24

26 Items: Investigate force and motion by working in teams to complete design challenges and build ramps and pathways!Introduction. Genetic engineers alter, splice, eliminate, and rearrange genes in order to modify an organism or groups of organisms....

Scrum Glossary 2023-07-21

34 Items: 10, See "Product Backlog __________"5-4, A self-managing team consisting of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers.8, The selection of items from the Product Backlog Developers deems feasible for implementation in a Sprint....

Ch2 - IT Fundamentals Terminology 2023-09-05

52 Items: A group of eight bits joined together.Kilobits of audio data processed each second.A numbering system that uses two digits, 0 and 1.A numbering system that uses ten digits, 0 through 9.A way of reducing the size of files, making them easier to store.The smallest unit of digital information, represented by a 1 or 0....