news Word Searches

A&G News March 2-9 2022-05-01

7 Items: KansasRobloxStocksSportsTornadoUkraineTransport

TEB 2.9C les professions 2023-05-02

25 Items: nursepilothealthsurgeonaviationresearcherconsultantagronomistfirefighterhair stylistweb designerveterinarianentertainmentrobot designerfinancial sectora male politicianpurchasing managerblue collar workernews correspondantautomotive designeradvertisement writerscience and technologyinformation technologysustainable development...

Spanish 3 2024-04-12

28 Items: rainfirefloodstormsmokeasleepladderto rainto snowarticleto hideto occurreporterto starthurricaneto try toto escapeexplosionfurnitureearthquaketo put outto go downto destroyfirefighterthe announcerthe news castto investigatethe apartment building

TV, Cinema, Opinions 2024-09-19

20 Items: I watchthe newscartoonsgreat (f)excellentgame showsthe weatherI think thathorror filmscrime seriesI never missI am a fan ofin my opinionfantasy filmsI don't watchI never watchromantic filmsI really dislikeI am not a fan ofI have a passion for

True Stories in the News: Dish Soap for Dinner 2021-01-05

13 Items: dishsoapfreejuicelabelsaladlemonsamplebottlemailboxcarefulcompanystomachache

Monthly Challenge M-O 2023-05-19

75 Items: makemanymeanmeetmilkmindminemissmoonmoremostmovemuchmustnamenearneednewsnextniceninenosenoteokayonceonlyontoopenovermagicmarchmarrymatchmaybemetermightmodelmoneymonthmousemouthmoviemusicnevernightnoiseoceanoftenorderothermattermembermiddleminutemistermomentmonkeymothermuseummyselfnoticenumberobjectoclockofficeorangemachinemonstermorningnothing...

oclam June 17 - 23 2024-05-31

78 Items: isonasusistogoddidcanforoffourtheyoursiderelywhencardpauljewshelpdustfeetthatgoodholydavidbiblestudyshooktheircan'tnews!afraidwisdomcourseafraidpublicappealpreachtopicslessonotherspreachspiritjoyfuljehovahloyaltycomfortprogramcontactrejoiceantiochpisidiasabbathreadingrelatedcontrolpreciousstrengthbarnabasinterestvaluableresponserememberendurance...

A&G News March 2-9 2022-05-01

7 Items: KansasRobloxStocksSportsTornadoUkraineTransport

TV 2024-07-31

80 Items: bbcitvbartnewssoaphdmilivehomerbuffymusicseriesmoviescomedywatsonviviansitcomspookyhagridmalfoytitanicnetflixtvarielrepeatsyoutubescriptscharmedrealityblooperrainbowchannelscartoonsromanticnetworksfreeviewstartrekmrtumblethexfilesfamilyguyspidermanfoxmulderstreamingauditionsbluraydvdbugsbunnygoggleboxeastendersdisneyplusdanascullysisterjude...

Español 3 Unidad 2 Lección 1 Vocabulario 2024-10-03

28 Items: newscheckmottopresspovertyto lendhospitalprioritymagazinecontainermetal canvolunteerto supportbeforehandto recyclecreativitythe elderlyplastic bagwork glovescooperationto delegateto organizethe homelessnursing hometo fundraiseto collaborateannouncement/adto fulfill/to carry out

TV 2024-07-30

80 Items: bbcitvbartnewssoaphdmilivehomerbuffymusicseriesmoviescomedywatsonviviansitcomspookyhagridmalfoytitanicnetflixtvarielrepeatsyoutubescriptscharmedrealityblooperrainbowchannelscartoonsromanticnetworksfreeviewstartrekmrtumblethexfilesfamilyguyspidermanfoxmulderstreamingauditionsbluraydvdbugsbunnygoggleboxeastendersdisneyplusdanascullysisterjude...

The Unbreakable Code 2022-11-21

11 Items: downgreat urgencyand weatheredby folds or wrinklesclear or strong; weaka strict or hard mannerenlisted soldiers or sailorsacts or ways of working or directingbroadcasting of radio or television wavesmilitary unit that contains two or more squadsout music, news, or other kinds of programs by radio or television

Breaking News: Magic Pass' Big Move! 2024-09-09

6 Items: GemmirejointNouvelleMars2025MagicPassIncroyable

Random Word search 2024-05-29

81 Items: ainonetenusacatfatsatratmenhenbustoploltheipadxboxiraqasiatacoohionewsovalwalltallcallmattlovehatelatecussleftdowncakefakerealshaqtakeslayrockhardsevennepaldubaipizzatexasearlyrightstorysmallcrazyplaceiphonerobloxcanadaquebecbrazilhotdogdisneycirclesistergooglesamsunggermanyantonionetflixyoutubealabamaronaldobrotherbecausevietnamvitaminpakistan...

Unit 5 ~ 6 for the 3rd graders 2022-11-08

86 Items: taxsonairbornfastleadsaltnewsporkcoatsoldbeefrupeefighttoughangryreachmarchchinaclothwastereadyglobetradedailylegacygandhipersonlawyerfreelyacceptunfairarrestcolonyalmostleadergrowthprettybeyondborderunusedsupplydonatedependimportdependrespectgreatlyprotestbillioninsteadimaginereceiveserviceviolencesidewalkmovementfollowerpeacefulpopulouspowerful...

A&G News Wordsearch Nov 28-30 2022-11-27

6 Items: The country which made a nuclear bombThis week is going to be a _____ week________ declared 430 “warning centersA football game that around 50% of people watchOnly ______ countries have ever won a World Cupthis year's world cup is in the ______ for it's first time

June 10-16 Midweek Meeting 2024-02-24

93 Items: inofarejoyandsunhelpdrawideatactwithholysauljohnmarkgoodnewsrainheatcoldcloseteachabouttrainwatchhonorjesuslandspavedroadsthosefamilyfollowvideosjw.orgwarneddangersourcewealthrichespreachfilledspiritplacesefforttravelslowertiringdangerriversparentshistoryexampleworshipdiscussjehovahimitatekingdommessagecautionantiochfarawaywalkingthievesrobbers...

Dreams and Circumstance 2 (Thursday) 2023-08-18

10 Items: uncertainlythreateninglycommon; nothing specialsome new information; newsoverbearingly proud; haughtyfreed from any question of guiltwithout care; in a slapdash mannerruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel mannerdeviating from the established norm, model, or rule"religion" of those who don't believe in God and/or are uncivilized

'80s WWE Wrestler Word Search 2024-02-15

30 Items: Rick RudeDemolitionDino BravoDon MuracoHulk HoganJim DugganJimmy SnukaRick MartelRoddy PiperTed DibiaseThe WarlordBob BacklundJake RobertsJunkyard DogOne Man GangRandy SavageTito SantanaPaul OrndorffThe BarbarianBad News BrownBig John StuddGreg ValentineHonky Tonk ManThe Iron SheikAndre The GiantHart FoundationKing Kong BundyNikolai Volkoff...

My first 50 words 2023-02-14

50 Items: unoaguataximesarojovidacasaniñacafégatoniñoazulcamamujerfaldaaviónplumahotelamigoperrorelojsillacochenegrobolsoángelinglésblancoshortsdinerohombrecomidabailarciudadlibroszapatosnaranjavestidobotellamanzanaamarilloparaguasnoticiaschamarraenfermeraluz/ligerohamburgesacocinero/chefcompañeros de clasepantalón de mezclilla

My first 50 words 2023-02-14

50 Items: unoaguataximesarojovidacasaniñacafégatoniñoazulcamamujerfaldaaviónplumahotelamigoperrorelojsillacochenegrobolsoángelinglésblancoshortsdinerohombrecomidabailarciudadlibroszapatosnaranjavestidobotellamanzanaamarilloparaguasnoticiaschamarraenfermeraluz/ligerohamburgesacocinero/chefcompañeros de clasepantalón de mezclilla

vocabulary 2023-10-27

18 Items: to decideto be luckyto be reasonablerelated to seeingdevotion; fondnessrelated to movementmissed; didn't havenot balanced; unevenlook toward; confrontdifficulties; barriersrelationships between peopleinside a person's mind or selfmany things, people, or eventsmore important than anything elsethe imparting or exchanging of information or news....

Jobs 2022-06-10

112 Items: maidchefnursepilotmodelguardcoachdiveractorvaletclerkbakerminerjudgeclowndoctorlawyersingeranchordriverplayerbankerbarberfarmerlawyerdancerartistwaiterdancerrapperskatertellerbowlergolferdriverwritersailercowboyrobberpotterestateteacherfiremansurgeonpianistbouncerswimmeractresscashierchemistbutcherplumberrefereedentistpaintermailmanbuilderathlete...

Religion Ch.1-5 Word Search 2024-12-17

17 Items: Is what's known today as Israel.The freedom and ability to choose.An agreement between God and his in the Bible, and it means beginning.God making Himself known to us through creationA thought, word, deed, or omission against God’s lawthe members of the Hebrew nation. God’s chosen people....

Great Depression and Roaring 20's 2023-03-09

20 Items: Harlem writerA share of a companyThe first radio stationto travel to and from workThe first movies with soundThis amendment banned alcoholPlain but vivid writing styleAfrican American blues singerA product made for personal useHome of the first radio stationTime of great interest in the artsThis amendment stopped Prohibition...

No Fixed Address Wordsearch 2024-12-13

17 Items: Felix's new friendA piece of writingUsed to add flavor to foodTo solidify, mostly by coolingThe main character in this storyA french delicacy, made of snailsShowing or feeling common emotionsResembling a palace, being spaciousThe act of giving back what was owedMake things seem better than they areA large problem, a time of intense difficulty...

Vocab 11 2024-02-16

12 Items: After running 3 miles water is ____.It would be ____ to question her actions.I would love to stay but i don't want____.The new brand _____ all of its Order to ______ form a more perfect Union.To ____ i got this answer right i looked it up.Sally's boyfriend didn't dare cross over Sally's ____....

Blatant Word Search 2024-10-20

10 Items: ( the way someone see something)(creating news using photographs)(done openly and don't care about it)( a claim to make a different point than a earlier claim)(a story written or told on someones account about an event)( assert that something is what is true without using evidence)( using someones name or something they mode with out authorized...

Lesson D Reading Word Search 2023-11-15

16 Items: the action or practice of meditating.the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.the state of being free from injury or illness.the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.focus a persons attention on a particular have optimistic, affirmative, and good feelings....

Lapiz Word Search 2024-02-02

32 Items: boygirlmale friendmale studentmale teacherfemale friendfemale studentfemale teacheruse it to measuresomething you readwooden writing toolbin to store papersbag worn on the backstudents sit at thesea desk students sit atthin sheet you write ondevice used to tell timeuse it to sharpen a pencila book used for note takingclear pane you look through...

Ezra LA gr 3 301-305 2024-12-03

189 Items: actboyjoylieowltrywhobabybornbullbusycalfcopydatedeerdovedrewdustdoneearsfeelfearfellgermgonehearheldhoodhookhornisntJulyJunelambleadmeanMissnewspaidpastpawsroserulesizesoaptiretookwrenAprilbegunbooksbreadbracebrookbrokebuiltbuildcarrychairchainchartcheercrawlcriesdrivedrowneaglefinchfifthfixesfoggyfrontfrowngiftsgloveglobegracegraveguesshatchheard...

Guymontag Word Search 2022-08-19

20 Items: The first fireman.The author of the book.What they call earbuds.Mildred Montag's nicknameThe main character of the book.Montag has these hidden in his vent.Mildred's "family" can be found here.Clarisse says that she is 17 and _____.The captain of Montag's fire department.This smells like a perfume to Guy Montag....

Vocabulary Review 2024-01-25

24 Items: A jobA choicePhysical workGood at sportsDifferent from othersTo need for somethingKnowing something wellHow good or bad something isProtected from danger or harmThe way a person usually livesTo make sure something is goodA set of rules to help do somethingTo like and have fun doing somethingTo like something better than another...

Jeopardy Film 2024-12-12

26 Items: DOF means _____Means: Audio/VisualAn eye level for ____.Three-legged instrument.V/A you want in your project.Appears small, weak, isolated.Establishing shots use ______.Appears powerful, intimidating.The primary thing we use to film.Form that storyboards take after.Plans intricate camera moves. Job.Directs the people on camera. Job....

Blessedtrinity Word Search 2024-12-17

17 Items: The freedom and ability to choosean agreement with God and his people(hint: What does the word Gospel mean?)- Good News(hint: What does the word Genesis mean?)- beginningA thought, word, deed, or omission against God's lawan area in the Middle East that Include's present-day IsraelRevelation - God making himself known to us through creation...

language arts 306 310 LR TB BT Top-left to bottom-right Bottom-left to top-right 2024-12-03

242 Items: inFr.frygalhrsminnorsecslyablearmyauntbasebeenbodycluedatedawnDec.elseevileverfizzflipfootgoeshalfhawkhe’sheldholdhoofI’veinchit’sI’veknewladylamblessLukemallmeanMissnearnewsOct.oncepairpastpearpintrealroseruleshowsizesurethawtoystripwarmwavewordzeroaloneblindbushycan’tchoseclimbcrumbdailydozenearlyextrafiftyfightfleshfloodgraceheardhearthellohow’s...

Westward Expansion Vocabulary Review 2024-11-13

6 Items: A journey or trip taken by a group of people with a specific goal in mind.Someone who helped people from different language groups communicate with each other.The period when the United States grew larger by taking over new land to the west, especially in the 1800s....

Daniels and Welch OO 2024-10-06

45 Items: We are the sameGroom’s siblingBride’s siblingCouple’s cat nameCouple’s dog nameOysters or Caviar?Bride’s middle nameJessica’s dream carBest man’s nicknameSAW’s favorite foodStephen’s first jobJessica’s first jobJessica’s eye colorIt was love at firstStephen is a _____ ___Groom’s childhood cityType of party we met atStephen’s favorite beer...

Blessed Word Search 2024-12-17

17 Items: an agreement with God and his peopleWill- The freedom and ability to choose(hint: What does the word Gospel mean?)- Good News(hint: What does the word Genesis mean?)- beginningA thought, word, deed, or omission against God's lawRevelation- God making himself known to us through creationan area in the Middle East that Include's present-day Israel...

Religion Midterm Study Chapters 1-5 2024-12-17

27 Items: Son of Abrahamhe built an Arkhe is the son of God.he killed his brother Able.he was the first man on Earth.God making Himself known to us.He is the creator of the earth.she was the first woman on Earth.The freedom and ability to choose.The word Gospel means “Good News.”his brother sold him into slavery.the word Genesis means “beginning.”...

Help the Earth-Recycle! 2022-10-02

11 Items: A process of converting wastes into reusable materials.The thin, hard outer layer of an egg which is very fragile.A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.A material made up of very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes....

SLO Review: The Dark Ages - The Middle Ages 2024-05-09

17 Items: What is the original language of the epic Beowulf?Who is the original author of the epic poem Beowulf?In what language is The Canterbury Tales first written?a two or three word phrase that replaces a one-word nounThe English language seems to begin when who leaves Britain?...

EMU Resources 2024-08-01

10 Items: This program’s mission is to provide the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) community with both food and non-food item assistance along with additional resources to positively impact well-being and college success....