motivation Word Searches

Health and PE 2023-12-01

1 Item: Fitness, Active, Lifestyle, Diet, Energy, Stamina, Motivation, Discipline, Sports, Recreation, Leisure, Aerobics, Anaerobic, Wellness, Hygiene, Stress, Relaxation, Mindfulness, Meditation, Psychology, Performance, Goal-setting, Achievement, Health

Stages of Change 2024-04-09

1 Item: relapse, preparation, maintenance, action, pre-contemplation, self-talk, determination, motivation, mindset, planning, behavior, consequences, realistic, choice, problematic, recovery, goal, capable, addiction, obstacle, better-life, emotions, reflection

Fundamental Word Search 2023-11-18

20 Items: A type of suppressed demandTourism arrivals number refers to ____________ demand.___________demand is when geographical location of demand is changed.Tourism __________ are expenditures by international inbound visitors.Visitor arrivals into Singapore are also known as ___________ tourists....

Illicit Drugs - Daily Review 2023-08-22

22 Items: The most common reason why people start to take illicit drugs. (9)Drugs that alter or distort the brain's perception of reality. (13)Drugs that speed up the Central Nervous System (CNS) responses. (10)Drugs that slow down the Central Nervous System (CNS) responses. (11)Drugs with multiple effects on the Central Nervous System (CNS). (5-6-5)...