maker a day Word Searches

Way Maker 2024-09-24

6 Items: MovingWorkingHealingTurningMendingTouching

Word Search puzzle grade 3 2024-12-08

20 Items: A red fruitA round toyA white drinkA yellow fruitSomething you readFalls from the skyEaten for breakfastSomething you sit onSeen in the night skyShines during the dayAn animal that quacksA pet that says "meow"A pet that says "woof"An animal that can flyUsed for placing thingsLights up the night skyPretty and has a nice smell...

Fun Word Search Puzzle for Grade 1 with Clues 2024-12-05

20 Items: Swims in waterA place to liveFloats on waterFlies in the skyUsed for writingMan's best friendWorn on your feetA soft purring petA bird that quacksTwinkles in the skyA red or green fruitSomething you sit onLights the night skyFull of pages to readA sweet dessert treatGrows tall with leavesA white drink from cowsUsed for eating or work...

Spanish PE 2 2023-10-10

30 Items: pendaybookdeskyearweekmonthtodayfolderpencilMondayFridaySundayTuesdayJanuarynotebooktomorrowThursdaySaturdayFebruaryWednesdayEstudiante maleestudiante femaleprofesor teachermaleprofesora teacherfemalede papel A sheet of papersala de clases Classroomes la fecha What is the datedía es hoy What day is today...

Sicily’s Halloween Word Search 2022-10-05

15 Items: Sweet foodWolf monsterMagical womanCar of a witchApposite of dayOrange vegetableDemonic creatureBones of a personMonth of HalloweenBlack bug with 8 legsSoul of a dead personBlood drinking monsterOutfits worn on HalloweenMakes werewolves come aliveResting place of a dead person

JUNE 2024-05-10

19 Items: flagrainbeachsunnyd-dayspringgeminipicnicfathersbicyclefriendsvacationgraduateswimmingflag-dayhydrationsprinklerbutterflyalzheimers

A2 / Flyers Adjectives wordsearch - Spanish clues 2024-03-24

79 Items: mediopobresolo/aroto/acaro/alejanofrenteduro/aalto/aamablerico/avacío/alleno/alargo/alisto/amismo/abarato/aoscuro/arápido/apeludo/apesado/ahorribleligero/acasado/aen líneablando/aespecialseguro/acálido/aincreíbleQuerido/aexcelenteextinto/ael vidrioizquierdabajo/bajaperdido/apróximo/aruidoso/aextraño/aaburrido/aprofundo/atemprano/aoro/dorado...


30 Items: padadpoppawperepapapopssirepopedadababapadrepatrodaddypaterpoppapappymakerfatheroldmandaddyofounderbegetterpaternalbegetterpatriarchprogenitorprocreatororiginatorpaterfamilias

It's a New Day 2023-11-04

16 Items: joyyogalovedaliveworthyrestfuljournalimhumanselfloveintentiondeservingmeditationmirrorworkforgivenessaffirmationspossibilities

Word Search 2022-10-13

19 Items: A feelingYellow fruitEnglish alphabetThe place we liveCapital of AmericaState with four i'sA very cold countrySmall armored animalA day where one is bornBest gym in the countryAlcohol, typically from ScotlandA series about six friends in NYTechnical item we cant live withoutOur really amazing teacher in English...

la salle de classe 2024-01-16

18 Items: a pena flaga doora deska booka rulera clocka chaira tablea windowa pencilscissorsan erasera computera notebooka trashcana white boarda student desk

Triangle Word Search 2024-03-23

14 Items: Circle-----spherePlant-----to grow a treeLeaves-----a part of a plantMorning-----a period after dawnSpring------from February to MayAutumn----from August to NovemberFavorite-----like more than othersEvening-----the period after the sunsetAfternoon-----a period in a day after noonSquare-----a shape with four identical sides...

Learn A Word A Day (June 2024) 2024-06-18

20 Items: dambaredunelushcanaldensetraitvaporvividearthyfloralfrigidhikingmeadowglaciernurturerollingphenomenonwildernessprecipitation

Artístico/A Word Search 2024-12-06

20 Items: goodlazydaringpatientseriousartisticstudioussociabletalentedimpatientmalefriendfunny,sillyintelligenthardworkingreserved,shyfemalefriendnice,friendlyneat,organizedmessy,unorganizedsports-minded,athletic

Vocab Man 4 2023-12-06

20 Items: goodneatlazynicemessyfunnydaringpatientseriousartisticstudiousreservedsociabletalentedimpatientintelligenthardworkingsports-mindedWhat are you like?What is he/she like?

Vocab1B 2023-12-14

19 Items: bueno/aserio/apacientesociableatrevido/agracioso/aImpacienteordenado/aperezoso/aartístico/aestudioso/aInteligentereservado/asimpático/atalentoso/a¿Cómo eres?desordenado/atrabajador(a)minded Deportista

les Fruits et les Légumes 2024-04-23

37 Items: a peara kiwia leeka melona peacha mangoa lemona cherrya bananaan applea tomatoa carrota peppera radisha potatoa squashan onionthe beetan endivea broccolia cucumbera pineapple(some) peasthe pumpkina strawberrya watermelona grapefruitan egglplantan asparagusan artichoke(some) grapes(some) spinacha head of lettuce(some) blueberries(some) green beans...

Astronmy Word Search 2023-12-18

11 Items: the study of zodiacthe study of the universesomthing that creats lighta person how works in spacesomthing that reflects lighta consellation know a ursa majora consellation kown as ursa minora bunch of stars creating a picturea ball of ice and dust that orbits the suna day twice a when the suns exaty abobe the eqator...

El Vocabulario 2024-10-15

20 Items: heshegoodlazydaringstudiospatientseriousartisticsociabletalentedimpatientfunny,sillyintelligenthardworkingreserved,shynice,friendlyneat,organizedmessy,unorganizedsports-minded,athletic

spanish 2024-10-14

19 Items: goodlazyI amdaringpatientseriousartisticstudioùssociabletalentedimpatientfunny,sillyintelligenthardworkingreserved/shynice/friendlyneat,organizedmessy,unorganizedsports-minded,athletic

B’reisheet 2024-10-20

18 Items: “nefesh”B’reisheet“Be strong ““upright one”Moses successor“breath of life”Abel’s occupation.Adam and Eve’s 3rd son.“Rejoicing in the Torah”Adam and Eve’s firstborn.What did G-d do on the 7th day?In the beginning was the _____.Who lived longer, Enosh or Jared?this place was a luxury, a delight!The shrewdest of all the animals G-d made....

1B 2023-12-15

20 Items: goodlazyI amdaringpatientseriousartisticstudioussociabletalentedimpacientorganizedhe/she isintelligenthardworkingsilly, funnyreserved,shynice, friendlymessy/unorganisedsports-minded, athletic

Vocab 2023-03-16

22 Items: Iheshebutgoodneatlazyverymessyfunnydaringpatientseriousartisticstudiousreservedsociabletalentedimpatientintelligenthardworkingsports-minded

Learn A Word A Day (June 2024) 2024-06-23

20 Items: dambaredunelushcanaldensetraitvaporvividearthyfloralfrigidhikingmeadowglaciernurturerollingphenomenonwildernessprecipitation

kassidys word search 2023-12-18

18 Items: big bareSmall bareshoting starare universespace reserchersgive off or glowa sistem of starscontalashon beliefwe are on ---- earthIcy body that releases gasespeace of rock still in spacesomeone that "lives" in spacelight bounceing off something12 hours of day 12 hours of nightthe moon is stuk in the earths ...longest or shortest day of the year...

spanish 2024-10-14

19 Items: goodlazyI amdaringpatientseriousartisticstudioùssociabletalentedimpatientfunny,sillyintelligenthardworkingreserved/shynice/friendlyneat,organizedmessy,unorganizedsports-minded,athletic

ww5 u10 2024-06-07

15 Items: Do you ______ animal testing?Abraham Lincoln _________ the slaves.They ________ smoking in the building.Is that _________ to buy in a size small?Do you want to ______ a career in fashion?It is important to ________ a healthy routine.Slaves lived in ________ in America until 1865.It's a special ________ today, it is my birthday....

World Wildlife Day 2023-03-04

10 Items: Largest mammal on landLargest big cat in the worldMost endangered species of rhinoOfficial symbol of World Wildlife DayMonth that World Wildlife Day is celebratedCountry that has the largest population of tigersA gorilla relative that shares 99% of DNA with humansA way that you can help the wildlife : “Reducing ____ pollution”...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

New Year Word Search 2024-12-05

10 Items: DayHeartWinterMadnessYears DayFireworksBasketballResolutionLeprechaunPatricks Day

Word Search test 2022-12-06

11 Items: game makerwebbed feetno sided shapeman's bestfriendelectrifying gunmechanical stairsamerican currencyedge of a mountainplural form of leaftransparent object on your housedangerous to both computers and humans

An Apple a Day 2024-07-18

15 Items: galafujiregentbeaconzestarduchesswealthymcintoshharalsonbraeburnfiresidejonathenlakelandsnowsweetsweetango

A DAY IN LONDON 2023-02-15

15 Items: swungguitarparcelswhizzedsmashedexcitelyornamentkeyboardmelodicaaustraliasouvenirsrecordersharmonicaconductorboomerangs

A day at work 2024-05-01

15 Items: safetyhazardmanagermeetingpoliciesprotocolaccidenttrainingincidentequipmentemergencyinspectionproceduresprotectivecompliance

Sawywer Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a constellationa shooting starAnrock in spacea job in the spacethe study of the universestars that make up a imagea rock from space to earththere is one for all seasonsits the first day of a new seasona smaller version of the big dipperthis is when light bounces off somethingthis is something when it gives off light...

1B 2024-10-14

19 Items: goodlazystudiospatientseriousartisticsociabletalentedimpatientdaring,boldfunny,sillyintelligenthardworkingresearved,shynice,friendlyneat,organizedmessy,unorganizedsports-minded,athleticeres? What are you like?

Spanish Vocab 4 2024-10-11

27 Items: ÉlMuyEllaPeroBueno/aSerio/aA vecesPacienteSociableEl chicoEl chicaLa amigaEl amigoAtrevido/aDeportistaGracioso/aImpacienteOrdenado/aPerezoso/aArtístico/aEstudioso/aInteligenteReservado/aSimpático/aTalentoso/aTrabajador/aDesordenado/a

The Great Depression Word Search 2024-10-10

15 Items: Having no job32nd presidentA hard time for peopleA deficiency in amountNo rain for a long timeA series of public programsSpread 23,000+ square milesInvesting with borrowed moneyA place to buy and sell sharesLarge group of makeshift housesStock market crashed on this dayThe worst drought in U.S. historya series of evening radio addresses...

1B List 2024-12-03

21 Items: goodlazyI amdaringpatientseriousartisticstudioussociabletalentedI am notimpatienthe/she isintelligenthardworkingfunny, sillyreserved, shynice, friendlyneat, organizedmessy, unorganizedsports minded, athletic

First 40 Fry words 2018-12-03

40 Items: aIanasatbebydogoheifinisallandarebutcandaydidforgethadhasherhimhishowbeencomedowneachfindfromhaveintoaboutcouldfirstcalled

Spanish Chapter 1B 2023-10-24

19 Items: GoodLazyDaringPatientSeriousArtisticStudiousSociableTalentedImpatientFunny,SillyHardworkingReserved/shySports-mindedNice,FriendlyNeat/organizedMessy/Unorganizederes? What are you like?es? What is he/she like?

First 40 Fry words 2018-12-03

40 Items: aIanasatbebydogoheifinisallandarebutcandaydidforgethadhasherhimhishowbeencomedowneachfindfromhaveintoaboutcouldfirstcalled

Indoor Word Search 2024-11-12

17 Items: Water test station72" Air hockey tablePromo foosball tableStock shuffleboard tableApp for a few sauna modelsOur special order stool programMaker of our new 4 person SaunaName of our ping pong table lineMaking billiard tables since 1845Centennial cloth's version of WineSunny Design bar with two finishesName of a putting green we can order...

Mental Health Crossword 2024-02-21

15 Items: A cause of stress.Causes extreme mood swings.The act of harming ones self.Way to take a break from feelings.The act of causing ones own death.A feeling of fear, uneasiness, or dread.Expression or release of strong emotions.The reactions on what to do when stressed.Emotional, physiological, and social well-being....

April Word Search 2023-12-26

14 Items: DAYDAYcakeaprilholidayjanuaryoctoberdecemberfavoritefebruarypresentschristmashalloweenYEARS DAY

Have a better day today 2024-05-04

31 Items: wlwplurgamerandyetartistcardiogymratlaserslemonscashewslesbianorchidssapphictakeonmedumbbellslostlandsmushheartpartyfowlravedaddywordsmithloveislovebodybuilderheadbangersmusclemommythelastofusabbyandersonenergydrinksfrenchbraidsshootingstarsweighttrainingfirstpersonshooters

cf 2023-12-06

25 Items: Iheboyshegoodlazygirldaringpatientseriousartisticstudioussociabletalentedimpatientintelligenthardworkingmale friendfunny, sillynot organizedreserved, shyfemale friendnice, friendlymessy, unorganizedsports-minded athlete

Test 2024-08-10

18 Items: EidDayDayGrasHoliYear'sEasterDiwaliRamadanHanukkahCarnivalNew YearPassoverChristmasHalloweenOktoberfestThanksgivingPatricks Day

A DAY AT THE ZOO 2024-12-02

20 Items: LionBearZebraTigerPandaKoalaHippoLemurSlothMonkeyGiraffeGorillaPenguinCheetahPeacockElephantKangarooFlamingoCrocodileRhinoceros

Teacher for a Day 2024-12-03

14 Items: FeeStressRisingCollegeTuitionAnxietyTestingWorkloadEducationMentalityStatisticsAcceptancePerfectionCompetition

hands off the money maker 2017-04-25

15 Items: topsuresincepieceshorthourswholeearlyacrossduringhowevermeasureproductshappenedremember


35 Items: - A member of the SenateThe leader of a state governmentThe part of government that makes lawsThe leader of a city or town governmentThe process of choosing leaders by votingA change or addition to a constitution or lawDuties or things that people are expected to do- The process of running for a political office...

Rylans planet word search 2023-12-18

9 Items: has a curved tailpart of a connstelationis a ball of ice and gassomeone who studies spaceis the study of the movementswhen the sun crosses the equatoris a person trained to go to spacea group of stars forming a patternthe shortest or longest day of the year

LES VETEMENTS 2023-05-08

20 Items: a hata capa panta jacketa jacketin impera pulloversome bootsun costumea black tiea blue shirta white poloa red blousea blue skirtdes sandalesune ceinturea wristwatchdes chaussuresa swimming suitsome green dresses

A Day at the Beach 2023-06-16

30 Items: echopalmdoverfollyomahasandysouthcooperedistomexicomyrtleorangepebblerocketsummersunsettahitidaytonaemeraldrainbowretreatbarefootbrightoncarnivalcrescentparadisesurfsidetwilightmoonlighthuntington

A Very Regan Valentines Day 2024-02-14

40 Items: maxevaariellalovehugsericjackshayleonemmaryanseaneimiabhayyisolcandynailamassishawnnolanaadeshhanhanlaurenhomiesjaydenyanfeijacobmcutieskenziejacoboedwardharperangelakarstenfriendsgeorgiachandlerkingstoncanyonview

A Day at the Zoo 2024-02-26

87 Items: cowowlemulionhawkorcalynxwolfsealpumaswanibiskiwitigertapirbisoncamelslothmooselemursharkottersheepmacawgoosecranellamahippojaguarbeavercoyoteturtlerabbitpigeongibbonfalconcondorbonoboiguanabobcatmagpieleoparddolphinpenguinbuffalomallardcaribouchickengrizzlykestrelaxolotlcaracalmeerkatredpandareindeerguinapigflamingokangarooseahorsestingraycapybara...

Adventure Word Search 2023-11-20

36 Items: artjoydaypetslearnbooksmusicgoalsdancetravelnaturemoviescomedyexplorehobbiesfriendscookingwritingfashionlaughterexercisewellnessadventureself-carevolunteerfestivalscreativitypositivityfriendshipmeditationachievementmindfulnessexperiencesphotographya new skillaffirmations

WWII 2015-01-31

19 Items: M1japanD-dayrifleRussiapistolGermanynuclearAmericav-e-dayNagasakiHiroshimaJAGDPANTHERmachine-gunsoviet-unionWORLD_WAR_TWOpearl_harbourhumber-scout-carCoventry-Armoured-Car

Memorial Day, A&G NEWS. 2022-05-30

232 Items: awejoykinmayWarbanddutyflagfoodherohomehopejoinkeenlifelovepompwaveZealzestbatonbirthblastciviccorpsdreamfeastfree,glorygoalsgravemarchmusicpeacepridequickquietstarsunifyunionunitevalorYearnanthemardentcombatcommonendureenergyequinefamilyheraldhoorayIdealsjoyfuljoyousmutualnationnativeparadepicnicprayerpublicquaintrightssaluteshrineslogansolemn...

A Day at the Beach 2023-06-12

39 Items: echopalmdoverfollyjamesomahasandysouthcopperedistogloriamexicomyrtleorangepebblerocketsummersunsettahitiblondesdaytonaemeraldmadisonrainbowretreatbarefootbrightoncarnivalcrescentmckenzieparadisesurfsidetwilightyorktowndebordieumoonlightwindenseahuntingtonspringmaid

All Summer in a Day 2014-11-19

25 Items: borefraildimlyvitalmidstseizedsurgedsolemntattingtremblemuffledslackedimmensedystopiadrenchedsavagelyprotestedresilientsuspendedapparatusintermixedcompoundedslackeningtumultuouslyrepercussions



Astronomy Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: meteoroidsa job in spacea constellationa shooting starthe study of the universestars that make up an imagethere is one for all seasonsa smaller version of big dipperits the first day of a new seasona rock that falls from space to earththis is when something gives off lightthis is when light bounces off something...

Henry's Sky Science Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: a small rock in spaceto discharge somethingthe study of the universedebris from an object in spacewhen light bounces off another objecttrain their whole lives to go into spacea big rock made up of dust and particleshappens when the sun crosses the equatora smaller constellation of the big dippera famous constellation that resembles a big bear...

Tuck Everlasting Chapters 1-5 2024-01-19

18 Items: Not eagerLook searchinglyCapable of being reachedShowing fear and lack of courageMade less hopeful or enthusiasticFeeling or expressing pain or sorrowPrevent from being seen or discoveredA quick reply to a question or remarkDeficient in amount or quality or extentA formal and solemn declaration of objection...

Unit 2 Lesson 4 Vocabulary Review 2024-01-24

12 Items: weektodayMarchEasterSundayTuesdayDecembertomorrowFebruaryMother’s DayIndependence DaySt. Valentine’s Day

Astronomy Word Search 2023-12-18

14 Items: meteoroidsa job in spacea constellationa shooting starthe study of the universestars that make up an imagethere is one for all seasonsa smaller version of big dipperits the first day of a new seasona rock that falls from space to earththis is when something gives off lightthis is when light bounces off something...

Door Word Search 2022-09-15

28 Items: A rounded roofA person who designs buildingsHorizontal member of step (stair)Vertical member of a step (stair)A structure that has a roof and wallsA design plan or other technical drawingwood that is prepared for use in buildingA fence or balustrade made of rails and postsThe lower surface of a room that people walk on...

Spanish Descriptions 2023-01-22

56 Items: oldshyredfatnicelazytalllonguglymeanbaldfunnyyoungblackcortosmall(hair)strongtattoopoliteseriouspatientartisticathleticfriendlysociablehandsomeannoyingimpatientbeautifulbig/largetalkativered-hairedcastaño(a)brown hairhardworkingazules blueskinny/thinverdes greenpelo es rojo.enjoyable/funweird/strange(used w/ hair)el pelo _______.los ojos ______....

Descriptions In Spanish 2023-01-22

55 Items: oldshyredfatnicelazytalllonguglymeanbaldfunnyyoungblacksmallstrongtattoopoliteseriouspatientartisticathleticfriendlysociablehandsomeannoyingimpatientbeautifulbig/largetalkativered-haired(hair)grayhardworkingazules blueskinny/thinhair is red.verdes greenpelo es rojo.enjoyable/funweird/strangeel pelo _______.los ojos ______.have ________ eyes...

trs23 ver2 u8 2022-10-19

11 Items: a fruitplay a ______ a cakeyummy dessertfood made from milka meal you eat outsideuses fire to make lightspecial day when you get presentshot food made with tomato and cheeseget together with friends and have funfood made by putting something between slices of bread

Summer 2023-05-23

19 Items: h2onot a canoecool eyeweara sandy placetime to relaxsleep outsideMN state birdsummer footweargo here to fisha delicious treata refreshing drinkthe infernal day starkeep those pests awayget your chlorine fixprotection from the sunwear SPF to prevent thiscollect these at the beachdo this if you don't want to drown...

Quand je suis connectée... 2024-11-07

20 Items: oftenusuallyhoweversometimesevery dayexcellentonce a weekonce a monthI send emailsI do researchevery eveningat the momentI posted photosa waste of timefrom time to timeI play games onlineI do lots of thingsI update my homepageI downloaded some songsI go on my favourite sites

M1 Revision 2023-07-15

15 Items: Games that people try to win.I _______ (100%) brush my teeth.A patio is in your ____________.Free time during the school day.This tells someone where you liveMy favorite ____________ is a guitar.Last year I was a ____ at a dog charity.My friend and I sing in the school ______.Your ____ tells someone where you were born....

have a great day 2016-10-27

13 Items: nucleusvacuolerougherlysosomesmoothernucleoluscytoplasmribosomesgolgibodycentrosomecellmembranemitochondrionnuclearmembrane

Refranes populares 2024-09-11

15 Items: _____ wasn’t built in a day.To foolish words, _____ ears.A dog that _____ doesn’t bite.Every cloud has a silver _____.A _____ saved is a penny earned.The early bird catches the _____.Water you won’t _____, let it flow.When there is no _____, cakes will do.Not everything that glitters is _____.Don’t put all your _____ in one basket....

El verano que viene, vamos a flipar 2023-12-01

22 Items: el verano que viene .......................voy a ir a California......................voy a ir en avion..........................un primera clase...........................voy a planear..............................mis vacaciones.............................voy a alojarme................................

Conflicts Resolution 2016-12-20

36 Items: CalmSafeHelpKindOpenMakerAngerBullyRelaxFightTeaseSolverListenStrongRumorsResolveBalconyCourageDignityActionsThreatsConflictBasementDistressIMessagePositivePeacefulPatiencePromisesConfidentHarassingApologiesCompromiseRespectfulForgivenessResponsibility

The Prince and the Pauper 2024-04-18

11 Items: to not remember"King Henry is _____."a large group of peopleA ____ stole the money.The robber is in _____.unhappy because you are aloneThe title is The Prince and the _____.The prince and Tom changed their _____.a large house where a king and queen livesEdward and Tom were _____ on the same day.a person who works in a house and cooks and cleans

Ue and Le Word Search Maker 2023-11-08

19 Items: hueduesuecuegluebluecluetrueablevaluecabletabletitleapplefablemapleanklestablelittle

Spanish 1B 2023-12-05

38 Items: iheshyiamboyshebutgoodlazynicegirlverymessyfunnydaringareyouiamnotpatientseriousartisticstudioussociabletalentedhe/sheisimpatientorganizedsometimesmalefriendhardworkinghe/shelikesaccordingtofemalefriendsports-mindedwhatareyoulikewhatishe/shelikewhatishis/hernamehe/shedoesnotlikeaccordingtomyfamily

Word Search grade 6 2024-12-06

20 Items: When the sun goes downA large stream of waterA place with many booksA stick of wax for lightA tool that attracts metalA game to solve or assembleA loud sound during a stormSomeone who helps you learnA fabric that covers windowsA large area with many treesA bag you carry on your backA structure over water or landA surface that reflects images...

Coloum 2022-09-15

25 Items: A rounded roofThe pillar of a buildingA person who designs buildingsHorizontal member of step (stair)Vertical member of a step (stair)A structure that has a roof and wallsA design plan or other technical drawingA fence or balustrade made of rails and postsThe lower surface of a room that people walk on...

The Top Ten and More 2021-07-08

45 Items: atoannotootwodayitsforourtoetowredlosepastfourherehearhourknowwaitwearweekweakthanthenreadlooseeverytheirtherewherewriterighthorseaffecteffectpassedadviceadviseweighthoarsewhetherweathereveryday

Short words 2024-05-05

45 Items: iaanewifortheandforarebutnotyouallanycanhadherwasoneouroutdaygethashimhishowmannewnowoldseetwowaywhoboydiditsletputsayshetoouse

Furniture - Los muebles 2024-03-22

14 Items: a TVa ruga beda deska lampa doora tablea chaira windowa computera wardrobea bookshelfan alarm clocka chest of drawers

Just a Box (Day 1) 2024-11-11

18 Items: BoxCampDumpFlapKidsTentNextHaveTheyWhatMamaPapaBackTheirLiftedRocketBlanketStrapped

Love and Relationships 2024-02-10

15 Items: When we two partedThe rain set early in to-nightThe clouds had given their allWe stood by a pond that winter dayThree summers since I chose a maidI run just one ov my daddy's shopsThe fountains mingle with the riverMy father worked with a horse-ploughIt is eighteen years ago, almost to the dayI think of thee!—my thoughts do twine and bud...

Service Standards and check holds 2023-07-13

20 Items: we should be asking ____ to membersmembers should feel respected by us makingwe do not accept these type of insurance checks____ a member who has been with us for >30 daysconnect 4 more is about going beyond the ____ needassociates should always ___ a member with their ID____ are only accepted when used for a loan payment...

American Holidays Vocabulary 2024-02-21

12 Items: freedom____________to work____________a gathering of people to have fun_________a day celebrating a famous person or event ________a person who has spent time in the military________respect that is given to someone who is admired ___________to do something special for an important event________________...

Capítulo 1B Word Search Vocabulary List: 2024-10-02

20 Items: (8, 10) - Up(5, 8) - Down(7, 7) - Down(6, 2) - Down(9, 2) - Down(2, 1) - Right(8, 3) - Right(1, 12) - Down(3, 10) - Left(4, 9) - Right(12, 6) - Left(2, 7) - Right(4, 11) - Left(10, 8) - Down(1, 4) - Right(5, 12) - Down(7, 5) - Diagonal Up Left(10, 5) - Diagonal Up Right(11, 4) - Diagonal Down Lefteres?: (3, 2) - Diagonal Down Right

Word Search - Events/festivals/celebration 2023-02-13

9 Items: world-cupsports-dayformula-onenational-daydarb-al-saaiteachers-daykite-festivalhot-air-balloonwinter-wonderland

Clay's Vocab 2023-09-26

23 Items: made a choiceto show clearlycontaining nothingyoung cows or bullsa quantity of somethingto form a mental pictureto total numbers togetherreflection of sound wavesa way to get into somethinga value that does not changea breaking of a law or promisedownward measurement from a surfacea sweet, brown food that is made from cocoa...

Gingerbread Word Search 2022-10-27

12 Items: Frozen rainSantas helperSantas animalsA tree of celebrationA count down of giftsThe best season of allHangs over the fireplaceCharacter build out of snowSomething to spice up your houseSomething you give on Christmas dayA Christmas cookie formed like a manThe fat man that breaks into your house

Mishnah Megillah 2024-03-07

18 Items: Purim is on the _ of AdarWe add this month in a leap year__ l'evyonim (gifts to the poor)The Hebrew for "by heart" - al __A leap year in Hebrew: A shana ___mishloach ___ (gifts to our friend)Hebrew word for "put his mind to it"They spoke this language in BabyloniaYou cannot read the Megillah out of __Babylonia is in modern-day country of _...

Cat Word Search 2024-05-23

19 Items: acatandhasandratlionthatzebrahippozebraorangeelephantrhinocerospterodactylMan's best frienda shoe that has one leg and it's toe in the foot that isenough from five letter word that says hey and one row nowone Casa nail will shoot you fast and two little boys will make it last in five little lions will make it last in six times a day

vocab 1b 2024-10-11

39 Items: eselyosoymuyellaperosegun¿eres?no soybueno/aserio/aa vecespacientesociablele gustael amigola amigael chicola chica¿como es?atrevido/adeportistagracioso/aimpacienteordenado/aperezoso/aartistico/aestudioso/ainteligentereservado/asimpatico/atalentoso/a¿como eres?no le gustadesordenado/atrabajador(a)¿como se llama?segun mi familia