fruit Word Searches

Spanish Vocab #3A 2024-03-10

35 Items: hameggsmilkwithbreadtoastbaconlunchsaladapplepizzawaternevercerealbananayogurtcookieorangecheesecoffeeto eatalwayssausagewithoutlemonadeto drinkto sharebreakfasthamburgersoft drinkfood, mealfruit saladstrawberriesto understanddrink,beverage

Golden Summer 2023-08-10

10 Items: ROYGBIVDihydrogen MonoxideTequila Based CocktailEnclosed Body of WaterWarmest Season of the YearFruit Flavored Frozen TreatBody of Water Surrounded by SandStar at the Center of the Solar SystemFood Consumed During Annual CompetitionAccessory Worn to Protect Eyes from the Sun

Christmas Family Wordsearch 2023-10-10

20 Items: Day DCountyDJ GordonHome TownThe MammyMammy's bossSenior DaddyMiddle madzerDaydee schoolChristmas SongsHome in WestmeathBrandon's ice creamNice but dim and furrylavish it with whiskeyDaisy's addiction screenAmy's favourite card gameWe don't play for this GAATriona's favourite fruit babyMost wonderful time of the year...

woordzoeker van matthijs 2025-03-05

81 Items: ZonOogManZeeDagVisKatKoeBoekHuisAutoBoomBladDeurRaamHandTandKaasMelkKindWerkWindMaanSterBergStadDorpMaatPijnDoodTijdJaarTuinGrasMuisHondSpelFilmAppelFietsMolenTafelStoelVogelLichtBroodVrouwRegenKamerSlaapGelukLevenNachtMaandZomerLenteBloemFruitVleesPaardSportLeraarRivierVriendSchoolDonkerSneeuwEilandStraatLiefdeDromenDenkenLachenHuilenZingenHerfst...

trs23 ver2 u8 2022-10-19

11 Items: a fruitplay a ______ a cakeyummy dessertfood made from milka meal you eat outsideuses fire to make lightspecial day when you get presentshot food made with tomato and cheeseget together with friends and have funfood made by putting something between slices of bread

Spanish foods 2023-03-02

33 Items: hamteawitheggsmilksaladappleneverbreadtoastpizzato eatcookieI loveI likeorangebananacheesewithoutto sharelemonadeyou loveiced teabreakfastfor lunchhamburgerfood, mealfruit saladWhich? What?strawberriesmore or lessto understandfor breakfast

Cool and New Word Search 2025-01-03

17 Items: #1's #8Type of gunThe true #1#1 in FrenchAllergy to #1#1 in Italian#1 in Turkish#1 in SpanishCommon in sushiRed fruit flavoring49-51% of my fursonaDemoted in Ovenbreak#8 if it was a sport#1, battered and friedAquatic buggish thingsTreasure in Clam WatersAssociated with this symbol

hello man`s 2024-10-25

3 Items: it grow on use this for directions.what you are suppose to build to sleep.

Summer 2024-07-31

86 Items: fanhotsuntanbikeboatfinsfireheatjulyjunekitelakepailparkplaypoolrestswimtenttripwarmbeachcabincanoedaisydrivefruitgamesgrasshumidmuggyoceanrelaxsunnytowelvisitwavesaugustdivinggardenhikingpicnicshortssmoressummertraveltshirtvoyageberriescampingfireflyfishingflowersfrisbeeholidaysailingsandalssnorkelswelterthunderbarbecuebarefootbaseballicecream...

Girlfriend Word Search 2025-02-03

20 Items: Our songMy birthdayMy eye colorWhat are we?Dream careerOur first dateFavorite movieOur go to placeSomething i loveMy dream reptileSomething i hateMy favorite fruitMy favorite colorsMy favorite flowerOur anniversary monthFavorite memory of usMy favorite thing to doGolden rubber in these…Favorite thing about youHow long will we stay together

Food 2024-07-01

86 Items: teacornricemilksaltpearsbaconbananagrapesapplesomeletveightcoffeepepperbutterspinachcarrotspeachesorangesoatmealbiscuitsausagemrsdashcheeriosricechexlemonadetunasaladhamburgerspaghettiwheatrollsidesaladfruit cuppineappletomatosouphousesaladgreenbeanseggnoodlespeachcrispapplesaucefruitjuiceprunejuicegrapejuiceapplejuicehamsandwichhummusplate...

FRUIT and VEGATABLES 2024-11-15

2 Items: ogórekpomidor

Chep & Raquel 2025-01-24

21 Items: FakeFakeFakeFakeGroom's first nameBride's middle nameHoneymoon destinationLocation of engagementBride's birthday monthBride's favorite drinkGroom's favorite fruitGroom's birthday monthCouple's favorite pastimeBreed of Groom's first dogBreed of Bride's first dogCouple's anniversary monthCouple met during this eventCouple's favorite pizza store...

School Word Search 2023-03-28

5 Items: The building you are now inThai girl in Korean pop groupThe city where this school isHow many apples make five apples?This colour is the name of a fruit

FOOD 2022-08-30

8 Items: A small, round cake or piece of breadAn oval, purple vegetable that is white insideA small round fruit on particular plants and trees.Food which is unhealthy but which is quick and easy to eatA small sea animal which you can eat, and which has a shell and ten legsA small, round, soft red or black fruit with a single hard seed in the middle...

Wedding Word Search 2024-09-02

20 Items: Ballroom NameThe First ManMaid of HonorThe First BookBride's FamilyThe new twentyThe First WomanMeow Meow's PetGroom's First NameBride's First NameName of Flower GirlA girl's best friendIt's a prominent fruitThe bride's meal choiceGarden where it all beganLast name; Sounds ScottishFlavor of the Wedding CakeFather Tom's first occupation...

Beber Word Search 2024-03-13

35 Items: hamwitheggsmilksaladappleneverbreadtoastcoffeecerealto eatcookieI loveI likeorangecheeseto drinkto sharelemonadebreakfastfor lunchhamburgerfood, mealfruit saladapple juicepizza pizzaWhich? What?strawberriesorange juicemore or lessfrench friesto understandfor breakfastdrink/beverage

S3 Robo en la noche 2024-02-08

25 Items: comehiddena callcapturedthe ropethe courtthe cabinto get madthe bad mennobody movethey kisseddon't hit meto cut fruitshe sat downwhat's wronghad a hold ofthey had stolenbright feathersshe couldn't moveyou were using mea terrible situationthere wasn't a signalthree different voicesshe is going to testifya small, roadside restaurant in C.R.

Boeger Word Search 2024-10-07

95 Items: JaxBeefCakeEggsGoatMilkReneeJanelZeldaBaconBellyBreadCakesChipsCreamFruitGoudaGritsJuiceMangoRanchSaladSpicySweetBoegerDebbieJustinJoshuaSherryRobloxCapersCeleryCheeseCoffeeGreensMuffinOnionsOrangePepperPitHamSalmonSconesSmokedBartoszJoeNeriKimJackKennedyKristinAlainnaColleenAmongUsBiscuitBraisedBriocheChickenGriddleGrilledLettuceSausagePancake...

Spanish Vocab 7 2024-11-21

41 Items: HamTeaEggsMilkWithBreadToastBaconLunchSaladApplePizzaWaterNeverCerealBananaYogurtCookieOrangeCheeseCoffeeTo EatAlwaysRight?SausageHot DogWithoutLemonadeTo DrinkBreakfastHamburgerHow awfulSoft DrinkFood, MealFruit SaladStrawberriesFrench FriesWhich? What?More or LessTo understandDrink/Beverage

Confectionary word search 2024-03-08

16 Items: – mashed fruit made into a paste (tyrė)– a protein common in wheat flour (glitimas)– thick mixture used to bake pastries (tešla)– product used to add carbon dioxide in dough (mielės)– mixing device for large quantities of food (plakiklis)– primary appliance used to bake food (vyrykle, krosnis)– tool used to slice food into smaller pieces (trintuvė)...

Animal Crossing Word Search 2023-07-03

88 Items: cjbugaxenetboblunapavejackfishleifreddwisptentlaketreecafestarlolatimmytommykappndreammabelsableflickcyrusreesekicksbeachcliffriveroceanshellfruitborischerimaplemerryislandaiportwilburharveyzipperjinglemuseumfossilforestsaharaturnippascalspringautumnwintersummerrecipeshovelladderflowerseasonmarinaauroraorvilletomnookwardellscallopcelesteisabelle...

Mega Harvest Word Search 2024-10-01

95 Items: HayJamSoilCornRiceBarnMilkEggsTreesFruitPearsPlumsSeedsVinesCropsGrainMaizeWheatSheepHorseGoatsHerdsHoneySugarDairyBreadAutumnOrchidApplesGrapesOnionsMowingSowingBarleyFieldsStableCattleCheeseFarmerLabourYieldsPeachesOrangesRhubarbCarrotsBerriesFlowersGrowingCuttingPickingTractorTrailerFarmingCerealsBeehiveChickenYoghurtProduceRainfallTomatoes...

N'Senga Word Search 2023-07-31

10 Items: Rank it!Thai BasilSenga's Choice Of Fruit At C4The Ugliest Shoes In The WorldWhat Senga Works With At The LabThe Vehicle Senga Drives On ShiftThe Bean Senga Was Accidentally CalledSchmidt & Nick Are The Best CharactersSenga's Second Favorite Ice Cream FlavorWhat Senga Gets Made Fun Of For Yelling On Snapchat

Puzzle 2023-11-09

7 Items: Abundant noble gasItalian coffee dessertOrigin of gouda cheeseDirector who likes feetFlorida license plate fruitThey have blue blood, three hearts and a doughnut-shaped braingolf tournament that Tiger Woods won by 12 strokes cementing his first-ever major championship win

Applebutter Word Search 2025-02-11

15 Items: An edible seaweed often used in sushi and soups.A dark red legume commonly used in chili and salads.A crispy treat that contains a hidden message inside.A firm-textured fish that is popular in seafood dishes.A green melon with sweet, juicy flesh often eaten fresh.A crunchy root vegetable that is mild and slightly sweet....

bye :( 2024-10-28

12 Items: fuegitocatch fisheswhat you eatwhat you drinka place that got fishesyou get this from a treeyou ubicate on this OBJECTyou use this for directionsyou get this from a tree alsoyou watch movies in this placeyou go to this place when you are sickthe place where you sleep in the outdoor

bye :( 2024-10-28

12 Items: fuegitocatch fisheswhat you eatwhat you drinka place that got fishesyou get this from a treeyou ubicate on this OBJECTyou use this for directionsyou get this from a tree alsoyou watch movies in this placeyou go to this place when you are sickthe place where you sleep in the outdoor

7th 2024-05-12

99 Items: teaeggredcapmilkcakericefishcallcombflatroompinkgraybluesuitcoatbelttallcooksaladkebabdatesbreadfruitcreamhoneyjellyjuiceonionappleradioclocktabletowervillabrowngreenwhiteblackshirtshoesscarfdresssocksshortnursebakerpilotcheesequincetomatobananapotatocarrotstreetofficemirrorgaragestairsorangeyellowjacketchadorglovesdriverworkerdoctorwaiterfarmer...

S4: Unit 6 2022-11-23

20 Items: painrejectgeneralunlikelyimminentenergeticsearch fornot seriousamazing, shockinga way out of a problempeas, beans, lentils, etc.chicken, duck, turkey meathave difficulty doing you digest faster and betteryoughurt, cream, cheese, milk, that remained from a previous dayfruit and vegetables are rich in those...

Food 2024-10-11

96 Items: hampiefigcodbeefmeatducklambpatéporkrollveallimepearplumsoletunaleekpeasbaconliverapplegrapefruitlemonmangomelonpeachtroutbeansbeansonionbeansswedeonionsalamiturkeybananacherryorangekipperplaicesalmonsalmoncarrotcelerychilligarlicgingerpepperpotatoradishrockettomatoturnipsquashchickenkidneysapricotcoconutrhubarbanchovyhaddockherringsardineavocado...

Vwo 1: Unit 2 2025-02-21


Vocabulary 2023-05-15

2 Items: ultimate fruitadult adapt advocate Bias. Channel classic sole survive somewhat submit thesis

2020 Book Cover Word Search 2019-12-28

100 Items: CatCupDayDogEyeGunHatIceKeyLegRedSeaSkySunTieWebBeltBikeBirdBlueBoneBootCityCoatDarkFangFireFlagFoodGirlGoldGreyHornKissLeafMoonNoseRainSandScarSnowStarTailTreeWingWoodBeardBlackBladeBloodChainCloudCrownDevilDressFairyFruitGlassGloveGraveGreenHorseHouseLightMouthNightSmokeSnakeSpaceStoneSwordTeethThornTowerWatchWaterWhiteBlondeBridgeCastleCowboy...

Monthly Challenge E-G 2023-05-18

96 Items: eachearseasyeggselseevenevereyesfacefactfallfarmfindfinefirefishfiveflapfoodfootformfourfreefrogfromfullgamegaspgirlgivegoatgoldgoodgrowearlyeartheightenjoyeventeveryfightfirstfloorfrontfruitfunnygiantglassgreatgreengroupguesseatingendingenergyenoughexcitefamilyfamousfarmerfatherfewestfigurefingerfinishflowerflyingfollowforestforgetfriendfuture...

Fun Word Search Puzzle for Grade 1 with Clues 2024-12-05

20 Items: Swims in waterA place to liveFloats on waterFlies in the skyUsed for writingMan's best friendWorn on your feetA soft purring petA bird that quacksTwinkles in the skyA red or green fruitSomething you sit onLights the night skyFull of pages to readA sweet dessert treatGrows tall with leavesA white drink from cowsUsed for eating or work...

Memorialday Word Search 2023-04-07

100 Items: sunskyhathoesoilrainkitelawnirislilyhoserakecartmulchseedsgrasssteakshadepatioedgertreesfruitpansydaisypeonyroseslilacspadeplantspaversedgingcloudstableschairsbreezedryrubhotdoggazebogardenorchidazaleafescueshovelglovestrowelshearstraegerpelletsnurseryflowersvioletspetuniatrimmermulcherannualsbarbequemarinadeswimmingbackyardlavendercamelliadaffodil...

Mega Word Search (2) 2024-11-12

100 Items: busyagreebuildcloudearlyearthfieldfruitgroupguardguessheardoftenpeaceafraidanimalanswerappeararriveAugustautumnbrightcaughtcentrechancechangecircledecideenoughfamousflowerfriendfuturegardenhealthislandminutemodernnoticepeopleweightaddressamazingbelievebetweenbreathecenturyclimatecountrycourageexplorefinallyholidayimaginejourneylibrarymeasuremention...

Fruit 2023-02-23

1 Item: adyson

Fruit 2023-03-22

1 Item: banana, orange, peach, pear, strawberry, grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, mango, watermelon, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, cherry, grape, lemon, lime, papaya, pomegranate, apricot, plum, fig, cranberry, coconut, avocado, passionfruit, melon, tangerine, ne

Kehan & Milleni 2024-09-04

25 Items: The bride's favourite fruitThe bride's dog's full nameThe groom's favourite sportThe month the groom proposedA fruit that the groom hatesThe groom's favourite cocktailThe hospital the groom was born atThe suburb the couple just moved toThe host of the bride's favourite showA chore that only the groom will ever do...

Fruit 2024-03-26

1 Item: banana carrot dragonfruit eggplant fig grapes hazelnut iceburglettuce java kiwi lemon melon nectarine orange pumpkin quince raspberry strawberry tomato ugni vanillabean watermelon ximeria yam zucchini

Español Word Search 2023-09-19

10 Items: where?A number (one)A red fruit (apple)If something is necessary (need)A clear, drinkable liquid (water)A white liquid that comes from cows (milk)A bag that business people carry (suitcase)A beverage that comes from a coffee plant (coffee)A document that helps you travel internationally (passport)...

BTGHS Section 2: CH 4-7 Vocab 2024-04-30

15 Items: covered in tarloyal, reliableabout to happenextremely unpleasantrepetition and routinefemale spirit who criesunpleasantly cold or wetpale orange tropical fruitlose or lack vitality, weakof a distant foreign countryspun thread used for knittingleave, unable to move through lack of winddistance of a place north or south of equator...

High Holy Days 5785! 2024-09-20

15 Items: 'All Vows'Days of ___Day of AtonementGreat with applesHoly, Holy, Holy!Ten Days of ______.Literally 'Good day'Last month of the year'Return' or 'Repentance'Yiddish Holiday GreetingFirst month of the New YearHorn used during High Holy DaysFruit, said to have as many seeds as there are mitzvot.Blessing recited when doing something for the first time...

beverage 2024-07-19

15 Items: Tea Chilled tea served over ice, often sweetened and flavored with lemon or other fruit infusions.A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables, often consumed for its vitamins and refreshing taste.Water Water infused with fresh lemon juice, enjoyed for its refreshing taste and potential health benefits....

k-12 songs (melanie martinez) 2024-09-09

13 Items: puppetPEDOPHILIAfruit juicefake friendspuff puff and pass itpink slip of permissionbraids were used as a weapontypical theater kid experiencei will rip ur f'ing face apartprincipal sneaky greedy money seekingif u talk to much in class u could get ____going outside to play during school is called ____...

fruit 2025-02-27

1 Item: dragonfruit lemon orange cherry lime kiwi mango apple banana pineapple jackfruit pomegranate lychee pear passionfruit figs grapefruit plum apricots blueberries avocados raspberries

Spelling Words 2022-06-23

108 Items: busybuildearlyeartheightfruitgroupguardguideheardheartlearnoftenreignwomanwomenactualanswerappeararrivebreathcaughtcentrecircledecideeighthenoughfamousheightislandlengthminutenoticerecentthoughweightaddressbelievebicyclebreathecenturycertainextremegrammarhistoryimaginelibrarymentionnaturalnaughtyperhapspopularpossesspromisepurposequarterregular...

Summer 2023-09-11

100 Items: hotsunhaticesandswimfirewoodjunejulytripfoodcokesodasingreadbakedopegoatyolobeachtowelhumidsunnyriverpartywaterfruitmangograpeguavapaintmoviestudyjapankoreachinasummercastlesportshotdogsmoresforestaugustshortsparadegelatopapayaorangepuzzletravelmexicokaraokecampingweathertouristbandanasandalsindoorssciencewritinghistorycountryecuadorenglandumbrella...

Breaker Rock Beach @EBC 2024-04-26

110 Items: evesinvbsbrbsanddocktidecrabfishkingloveorcaadamjohnpaulobeyboatoceankitesbouysgullssealstruthsolidjesuscamelbiblecrossadmitwhalecoastsharksnackmusicjapanfruitrockykayakscanoesgospeldanielneedleheavensaviorshovelcraftsrangerpuffinsturtlesfriendsephesusbelieveconfessmishaelazariahcampfirestarfishpelicanstidepoolriptideswalrusessealionsgodrules...

Vocabulary Chapter 1 2023-08-22

10 Items: Odd; strangeHappening or done aloneMost important; main; leadingTo change in form or appearanceRelying on others for aid or supportExtra; more than what is used or neededA choice; first choice; something preferredRight for a certain purpose; proper; fittingA test of one's abilities; anything that calls for a special effort...

animal word search 2023-05-10

104 Items: nobinfeegiveriskallybeancoalselfleaklikewagenotetooltripmarsdraggoldmaskranchguestcolorforgeleaselimitclickwritebrainwomanorderarenabravefruitfaintotherriflesnarljudgetribeejectmiddlecorpseapathystridehammermanualcenterfingerchangelabourkidnapnumberlettergroundtissueenergyopposebudgetsupplystrikedefendfriendformatbuckettenderqualitytributetrivial...

trs23 ver2 u9 2023-05-05

12 Items: Very yummy.Not hot or cold.Like doing something.These flowers ___ nice.These cookies ___ sweet.Put rice or soup in this.Peaches, bananas, grapes etc.Do something with other people. Not alone.A thing that is hot inside and can cook food.Use this to put soup or ice cream in your mouth.A sweet, baked food that is usually round and flat....

Le grand malentendu 2023-02-13

45 Items: axebedpondhomewolfdaysnoseearsdoorarmsshrubvoicemouthfunnybeardforesttickleescapebasketdevourbettershavingto seemto joketo healto stopto helpstare ateyebrowshair/furbelievedmean/badspouse(f)bedsheetsexhaustedlumberjackrecognizedto welcomegrandmotherstrawberriesgravelly/huskydespite myselfmisunderstandinga type of big cookieto pick (like, fruit)

Nutrition - Daily Review 2023-08-10

16 Items: Another word for Legumes. (5)Fruit & Vegetables are high in this nutrient. (7/1)There are _ _ _ _ grams of sugar in one teaspoon. (4)Food group including pumpkin, cabbage and carrot. (10)A negative consequence of eating too many unhealthy foods. (7)Food group including Pasta, Bread, Cereal, Noodles and Rice. (6)...

Bar 2023-05-15

13 Items: Irish WhiskeyKey Lime 'Tini's Rim?100proof "small batch"Blended Scotch Whiskey.brand name for ammrettoRim for Sunset Margarita?Mark Kentucky straight bourbon?Vodka in Spiked Strawberry Lemonade?Aged 12 years and made in a Sherry Oak Cask.A member of the cognac family founded in 1765Make By Four Peaks Brewery and an article of clothing....

Food Favorites 2025-03-04

10 Items: Little crunchy chicken bitesLong noodles you eat with sauceA yummy cheesy food with toppingsA tasty dairy snack for sandwichesA sandwich with a meat patty and bunA breakfast food that can be scrambledA sweet treat that goes great with milkCrispy potato sticks, yummy with ketchupA warm bowl of goodness when you're sick...

Cocktails 2024-12-30

15 Items: An Italian cocktail made with gin, Campari, and sweet vermouthA stirring technique used to mix ingredients and chill a drinkA tool used to mix and chill cocktails by shaking them with iceA refreshing rum cocktail with mint, lime, sugar, and soda waterA concentrated flavoring used in small amounts to enhance cocktails...

Wines and Traditional Beverages of the World 2024-10-03

15 Items: Sparkling wine from France.Fortified wine from Portugal.Traditional Japanese rice wine.Mexican spirit made from agave.Aromatic wine used in cocktails.Peruvian or Chilean grape brandy.Clear distilled liquor from Russia.Strong Chinese spirit made from grain.Spanish punch made with wine and fruit.Traditional Andean fermented corn drink....

V Words 2023-04-21

10 Items: unclearseeking revengebrave, courageouson the alert; watchfulprolonged feud marked by bitter hostilityword for word; exactly as written or spokenthe area near or surrounding a particular placeable to do many things well; capable of many uses(v.) to defeat in a battle or contest, overthrow; to overcome a feeling or condition...

Vocabulary 2023-02-02

12 Items: A green vegetable.It makes food sweet.You use them to see.It is a type of meat.A long and yellow fruit.People can hear with them.The opposite of beautiful.A type of food which is white.You need it when you make mistakes.A type of food that is made with milk.A person who has got lots of friends is......

color 2024-07-19

10 Items: A purplish-red color.A deep, rich red color.A vivid purplish-red colorA deep orange-yellow color.A deep and rich blue-purple color.A deep yellow or orange-brown color.A deep blue color like that of a clear sky.A yellow-green color like that of unripe fruit.A greenish-blue color like that of the gemstone....

Branding 2023-12-29

14 Items: a car horse?computer makera green mermaid2 all beef pattieswhere astronauts train?no trains, but sandwichesused to be called Facebooka fruit that makes a phone?bulls eye with no merchandiseit’s a company, not a verb to make copiesa ruined social media app now called ‘X’ (lol)a soft drink that may or may not have contained cocaine...

Fruits and Veggies 2024-03-18

108 Items: yampearlimebeetkiwibeankaleladymangopeachacorncandylemonnavelonionapplemelongourdguavamaizefruitcarrottomatopapayasquashgrapespepperradishpotatoturnipcelerybananasproutpotatokumquatapricotpumpkinspinachcabbagelettuceavocadoarugulaconcordedamamepummelorhubarbraisinsalfalfacurrantcoconuttangelocucumberbroccoliambrosiaeggplantcherriesmandarinzucchini...

Word Search 2023-03-06

20 Items: Not a dogNot a catcolor of rosesspanish teacherColor and fruitWhere birds livecolor of patrickThe color of grassThe color of the sunWhere kids go to learnWhat you cut paper withAnimal born with a shellDevice we all use everydayBig cat king of the jungleAnother girl color not pinkdevice given to us by schoolBird with long legs that is pink...

Aashka <3 Vaibhav 2022-10-25

25 Items: Mayanagriour home no.1our home no.2panda zoo cityMy squishmallowMy song for youMy favorite dishBest pirate everYour song for meMy human golgappaYour squishmallowYour favorite dishJuciest fruit everCuteness _________I'm your______ mamaYou're a cutie _____first kiss in _______I'm the best _____ wooMachine learning ________place where I fell for you...

4th Grade La comida 2023-05-22

46 Items: eat-teadrink-milk-soda-Food-eggs-soup-rice-salt-cake-fish-water-toast-beans-candy-bacon-steak-lunch-snack-pasta-pizza-coffee-cheese-pepperdessert-cookies-chicken-sausage-sandwich-potatoes-the billdrink/take-ice creamcarne-meat-hamburger-breakfast-I am hungry-I'm thirsty-orange juice-french friesdrinks-bebidas-dinner/supper-she/he is hungry...

Complex Vowel /ô/ 2023-12-07

10 Items: Ghost can _____ a house!My favorite sport is _____!I like to drink from a _____.I only want a _____ piece of cake.I use _____ and pepper when I cook!When you're tired, you _____ a lot!My grandma _____ a fruit basket from the store.Our third grade teachers _____ us a lot this year!May I please use the _____ to draw on the sidewalk?...

food 2024-07-26

5 Items: A dairy product made from curdled milk.A common poultry meat often used in a variety of dishes.A popular fruit often associated with a doctor and a day.A staple food made from flour and water, typically baked.A type of Italian food made from wheat and shaped into various forms.

About Jonathan 2025-01-06

15 Items: Favorite colorFavorite fruit.Favorite seasonThis is how old I amMy favorite Hoilday.My favorite sports team.This is what grade I'm inMy favorite movie about baseball.My favorite character from angry birds.My favorite sport. The field is a diamond.My favorite animal, I have one named Austin.My favorite show on nickelodeon about a sea creature....

POSTIES 0408 COVER 2024-03-20

6 Items: sacred Buddhist textsWhat did Cinderella lose at the ball?Xuanzang helped to spread _______ across China.The real Cinderella is a Greek woman who lived in ________.a member of a group of religious men living apart from other peoplea soft round fruit with smooth red or purple skin, that is sweet inside with a large flat seed

trs225b bt4wk15pt1 2022-07-07

10 Items: n.A gentle wind.adv.How a crab walks.n. e.g. Taiwan, UK, USA, France, Japan.n.A part of a plant that is underground.n.The tall, thin, central part of a plant.n.A colourful part of a plant that attracts bees.n.Something inside fruit that can grow into a new plant.n.The ground. Plants take water and nutrients from this....

Word Search puzzle 2024-12-09

20 Items: Frozen waterTells you the timeA round, juicy fruitA fluffy farm animalA long stream of waterA place where people liveA green animal that jumpsGives light when it burnsWhat you wear on your feetFlies in the sky with windA dark shape made by lightA sweet treat for birthdaysA tool used for eating soupA musical instrument you hit...

120 random words 2025-01-21

120 Items: napearrunactfaxaskdayjetclayshedurgeablelootusermistgainplugwormhatemassinchwakepartnavydormlakedulltheftpanicgiantplantswordatticstaffswarmthankapplerouteVenusguiltproudwomanfruittitleeagleforcemarshbeardbreedyearndevotenarrowenginefinishthroneprayerbrokenmiserycopperdenialgravelcancerdoublebridgedefinecontentcaptaindisplaycrusadepostureterrify...

YLC6 2023-03-12

14 Items: the largest planetsomeone who works in spacesomeone who studies animalssomeone who studies the eartha creature from another planetsomething that people buy and sella man-made object floating in spacea system of stars (e.g. the "Milky way")our sun and the eight planets - ______ systemthe force that pulls objects towards the ground...

Word Search 2022-10-13

19 Items: A feelingYellow fruitEnglish alphabetThe place we liveCapital of AmericaState with four i'sA very cold countrySmall armored animalA day where one is bornBest gym in the countryAlcohol, typically from ScotlandA series about six friends in NYTechnical item we cant live withoutOur really amazing teacher in English...

M3 Unit 1-3 vocabulary 2023-09-01

11 Items: the ovule becomes this partmany food chains linked togetherthe ovary of a flower becomes thismethod of identifying an unknown organismtype of process where humans control traitspollen moving from the anther to the stigmathe passing of features from parents to offspringtype of process where the environment controls traits...

FOOD 2024-04-22

16 Items: tastes goodsugar is ______lemons are ______you cook food in thisyou cut food with thisstrong coffee is ______the first meal of the dayyou wash dishes in the _____how you feel when you want to eatyou put food in this to keep it coldthe person who cooks food in a restaurantto stay healthy, always eat fruit and _____...

Borrowed English Words - J.A. Finley 2023-12-11

15 Items: Word for coffee, 4 lettersA social mistake, 7 lettersA large pink bird, 7 lettersSour yellow fruit, 5 lettersVery strong; masculine, 5 lettersUncoordinated individual, 5 lettersA well-known French pastry, 9 lettersAnother name for a cyclone, 7 lettersHighest ranking naval officer, 7 lettersLarge wave caused by tectonics, 7 letters...

E1C6 2024-11-12

42 Items: verythiscardbluePuppyfruitappleshoesmadamownerleg(s)bananaorangeticketshoppingto writehow muchsneakersa littleto be sadExcuse mestrawberryto be busywatermelonrestaurantto be sickHow is it?dress shoesKimchi stewto be hungryto be prettystomach, pearto be expensiveto be big, largefish (for eating)counter for papersoybean paste stewcounter for people...

Vocabulario 1.1 2023-09-27

39 Items: orbutmorealsowaterfruitjuicefriespizzato eatto buyto runcookiebeforeto restto drawto workto swimto drinkto writeto studyactivityice creamsoft drinkto do homeworkto play soccerto read a bookto ride a biketo ride a horseto learn Spanishto go for a walkafterward, afterto listen to musicto practice sportsto play the guitarto watch television...

E3C2 2024-11-12

36 Items: newgamelateagainvarioushometownfestivalancestorfull moontraditionlong timegame of yutholiday foodNew Year's bowrice cake soupHappy New Yearto make a wishname (honorific)meal (honorific)the solar calendarthe lunar calendarto die (honorific)traditional holidayto talk (honorific)to spend (day, time)to sleep (honorific)New Year's gift money...

things starting with a (with clues) 2024-07-05

23 Items: creaturemy dad's nameopposite of PMcertain seasonsilly spell wordllama like animalother word for madcertain crocodiliancertain species of snakeperson that goes to spacecreator of this wordsearchanimal with an exoskeletonlong word for ad or advertpurple crop grown in autumna certain group of continentsdust which comes from burning...

Word Search puzzle 2024-12-09

20 Items: You sit on thisFull of pages to readMakes a ringing soundA white drink from cowsShows hours and minutesA round object for gamesWiggly and sweet dessertA tall plant with branchesWhite and fluffy in the skyA round fruit, red or greenA bird that quacks and swimsUsed to carry books or itemsShines bright in the night skyA creature that lives in water...

ww4 u16 2024-09-23

15 Items: a flowershabby and worn outto cut off branchesheavily built; thicksetto strongly dislike or hateto put out as a fire or lighta place where fruit trees growa large branch or limb of a treeoften seen or experienced; knownwell-suiting, fitted, appropriatehappy with what one has, satisfiedto gain or get by making an effort...

everything 2024-12-10

250 Items: figskysuncaroiloldfogwetpenhatbeeantcowpigfoxcatdogdameggairgymowlonetwosixtenricepeascornlakebluebeeshivesandsaltfishwirecoldrainmosspinebodyfrogwormbearwolfboarlioncrablimeporkbeefmoldflaggolfbirdbassfourfiveninetapegluefruitapplemangopeachonionthymewheatpecantablechairgrasswaterriveroceanhoneybeachrockssharktreesseedsphotopaperfrostcellshuman...

food 2023-02-10

12 Items: a food that grandpa makesa green fruit I really likea green food that I really likea desert you have at your birthdaya round food you have for breakfasta orange vegetable with green leavesa yellow food that people like with buttera yellow food you can put on pizza or salada food with lettuce tomato's and other things...

Palabras al Azar 2023-03-07

20 Items: a sneaky animalan extoic fruitMan's best friendthe color of an applemoisture for the skina device you play withword describing an injurya color on the Honduras flagwhat people drive on an dailytrips people take to get awayword describing having to waittype of support to help you seeword describing a tiring feelinga subject dealing with chemistry...

Growth 2023-06-28

12 Items: An animal that eats acornsThis big ape is endangeredThe name of an oak tree's seedThis animal lives in AustraliaThe type of snake that Mr Stones hasThe found that Mr Stones' snake eatsA fruit that is grown in the rainforestWhat you have made from toilet rolls this weekThe continent that Mr Davies' parakeet comes from...

9321 The Sower 2024-03-06

10 Items: A person who plants seeds.Ground or soil that has a lot of rocks.Sharp, pointed parts of certain plants.Rised every morning and warms the earth.Rich, healthy soil that helps plants grow.The result of a plant growing and producing.A way or track laid down for walking continual repeatedly.A simple story used to explain a moral or spiritual lesson....

Holly Jolly Week 2023 Word Search! 2023-12-13

16 Items: North pole employees2023 BRR Word of the Year"Furnishing Life's Best ____"The Grinch's canine companionRed and White striped holiday candyFestive red plant, a holiday favoritewarm and cozy garment for chilly daysfestive decoration often hung on a treeFall fruit often found in sauce or juiceFestive drink with eggs, milk, and spices...

Unit 3 Review 2023-01-29

16 Items: of low quality, or not acceptableenjoyable, pleasant, or interesting:the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetablesthe flesh of an animal when it is used for fooda drink made with the juice of lemons, water, and sugara sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat, and sugar...

Holes Word Search 2023-05-05

18 Items: Who is shot and killedHe loves sunflower seedsThis man has stinky feetMr Sir loves to eat theseWhere is the camp locatedThis boys underarms stinkWhat vegetable does Sam sellWhat subject is Zero good atThis is Stanlley's counselorWho wears red venom nail polishwho helped Stanley dig his holeWhat did the Warden do to Mr. Sir...

Takesix Word Search 2024-02-24

11 Items: Ra: The Egyptian ___ god.The crystal of true love.Hades' sacred counterpart.The state where I regrettably live.This last name is sitar-playing royalty!The ancient African kingdom south of the Nile.This cane-carrying rogue kept Joni's camera to sell.This black male acapella group's name plays on a Dave Brubek hit...

Vocab List 3A 2023-04-28

55 Items: HamTeaEggsMilkWithBreadToastBaconLunchSaladApplePizzaWaterNeverRightCerealBananaYogurtCookieOrangeCheeseCoffeeTo EatAlwaysI LoveI LikeSausageHot DogWithoutLemonadeIced TeaTo DrinkTo Shareyou LoveYou LikeBreakfastFor LunchHamburgerFood,MealEvery DayOf CourseHow AwfulSoft DrinkFruit SaladApple JuiceStrawberriesFrench FriesOrange JuiceMore or Less...

Pikmin Word Search 2024-07-08

20 Items: Final boss in Pikmin 3A game mode in Pikmin 3Resistant to fire PikminSmall plant-like creaturesCan breathe underwater PikminCollectible items in Pikmin 2Collectible items in Pikmin 3Olimar's co-worker in Pikmin 2Common enemy in the Pikmin seriesSpaceship-like storage for PikminFood source for Pikmin to multiplyAn in-game encyclopedia in Pikmin 2...

El Hombre de Vocabulario/Quizlet 3A 2024-11-26

55 Items: hamteaeggsmilkwithbreadtoastbaconlunchsaladapplepizzawaternevercerealbananayogurtcookieorangecheesecoffeeto eatalwaysI loveI likeRight?sausagehot dogwithoutlemonadeiced teato drinkto shareyou loveyou likebreakfastfor lunchhamburgerevery dayof coursesoft drinkfood, mealHow awful!fruit saladapple juicestrawberriesfrench friesorange juiceWhich? What?...

Posties 0101 Cover 2023-12-08

6 Items: a type of pumpkin soup that Haitians eatbeing successful and having a lot of moneyused to describe something that is very bad and harmfulPeople in America watch a _____ drop to celebrate the new year.a sequence of numbers said in reverse order, marking the time remaining until a specific event...