books Word Searches

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2023-01-15

74 Items: inbedvfdoutsirbitefirecrowklaussunnymrpoeviperbooksarsondeweyfrankhotelfionahookyvioletorphaniguanavillanernestmarrigefortunereptilelibrarygunthercharlesishmaelstephanoperishedbeatricespyglassqueequegcountolafalfuncootlousylaneinventionsugarbowlputtanescaunclemontybaudelairekitsnicketmadameluludenouementharpoongundarkavenueezmesqualorcakesniffer...

3rd Grade 2024-05-21

73 Items: busabbyellafallipadlukemathowenreidaidenblakebookscainecolbyjacobjamesjesselunchnaomipeterphebetessatylerameliaanayahaustinbaileeconnoreastonfriendireadyisaiahkasiyakeaganlilliemarkerpencilrecessschoolspringsummerwilsonwinterazariahbearcubbentleybristolbrynliedamarridominichallwaylibrarymarlenanoelicepaisleyreadingreyniyasciencebackpackcarrider...

Mrs. Macdonald's Dorothy's List Books 2016-05-27

5 Items: EchoLikeARiverANightDividedGoodbyeStrangerTheLightningQueen

School 2020-11-30

72 Items: catdognotteatenrunfunbigsunfoxcowjimlionpenstimewithsaidmilknoonmoonwolfgolfkiwidocsnotszebrahippomathsbookspaperbikesbreakfruithorsetrackafterclassdriveanimalinsideplayedchromeminutepeoplehitingsitingpersonaroundgooglewritingreadingmoaningteacherarguingplayingoutsidepencilsmorningfriendscartonsrunningchickenstudentelephantlearningfightinglistening...

Inventions 2025-01-05

20 Items: - A small bag for coins.A small tray to hold soap.- A tool to help open jars.- A tray to keep eggs safe.- A tray to make ice cubes.- A tool to keep wires tidy.- A case to keep cards safe.A hook for hanging your keys.- A clip to keep bags closed.- A wedge to hold a door open.- A small tool to cut tape easily.- A label to identify your luggage....

Bob Books Set 1 Book 5 2022-12-26

6 Items: dotmitsithotdidnap

Unit 7 2022-10-24

12 Items: found ofgood naturedcalm and wisewarlike in natureone who is hostileone who loves booksoccurring before warnot bitter or hostileto act hostile towardswarlike mood or attitudecharitable donation to public casesthe central character in a work of literature

Books but you have to guess based on a characters nam 2025-02-01

18 Items: LiraEffyRhenHawkeTellaCardanZafiraAlice SunAnastasiaRoman KittAlessandraReid DiggoryRhys KoteskiyCruel CorrickElsie HannawayA risky gamblehouseofsaltandsorrowsThe Second Daughter (Red)

trs23 ver2 u10 2022-11-04

10 Items: not cleanall the thingsput toys in thisput things in thiswhere something iswe put books on thiswe wear these on our feetwe put our clothes in thiswe put dirty dishes in thisa table for studying and working

Skunk Scout (SM) 2023-05-10

70 Items: hubmapsunbunsclamcrabgifthikelostrainspamtenttimetripbeansbobbybooksfreshmovieoceanplumbradarteddythieftreesbranchbushescanvasfrozengingernatureneat-ostreambunionsburgerscampingcoconutdry-iceExpresshotdogslibrarypresentraccoontheaterbirthdaycampfirefishshopmosquitoauntaliceadventurebatterieschinatownlionsalvepoisonoakstateparkcaliforniacomicbooks...

Everyone 2025-02-06


Skunk Scout (JH) 2023-05-10

75 Items: mapmudantsbearclamcrabdarkfishhikelostrainspamtentanklebobbybooksfactsnightoceanriverroutescaryscoutshoesshowssignsskunkstoreteddytrailfrozengingerguybownatureneat-oplumbsshowersnakesbunionscoconutdry-icehotdogslibrarylimpingraccoonstoriesbirthdaybrothersbugspraycampfirefirewoodgwoonfunknapsackrestroomchinatownlightningmosquitospoisonoakstatepark...

Paredroja Word Search 2024-09-20

15 Items: Next toBig bedRed wallOn top ofPurple rugBig bedroomAlarm clockSmall closetGreen curtainsGrey wallSSSSSSIt is a small tablePut your clothes in here.What might hang on a wallIf you want to look at yourself, use this.One place that you can put books and picture frames.

school 2023-08-28

8 Items: what we sit onreading materialstationary to writewhere flowers are foundthe people we learn fromwe fill it up with liquidsthe heavy weight on our backspeople we go to school to see everyday

Year 4 Words, WordsSearch 2024-11-21

20 Items: MinuteBelieveregularPromiseQuarterStrangeCalendarProbablyPossibleQuestionStraight- Clean clothes- Known by many people- the month after January- When you know a lot of things- what you call your fanourite thing- when you don't give up on something- A peice of land , that lives on water- The thing that makes sick people get better...

2022 OLQP 5/6 2022-12-08

80 Items: avaamyjayfunavahizzyalexamarlolaewanellaliamlilylaraarialentcampbandamaanlorelhalenkesarleilajosipdylanrainedancemusicdiscochoirnovelbookspartyclassrulesandrewelliotlouisabaileemarleydantaeaustinarchiebaileyparkerschoolanglesbelaircarolshippiewilliamhackettturbillleandratristancharlieabigailsavannapodcastcricketmcauleynetballgarlandfitnessfranmcis...

School 2024-06-07

6 Items: What do you write?How you learn thingsWhat you can type onTo keep our things organizedUse it to write our wonderful storiesOne weather forecast takes about 10 billion ____ equations.

Week 5 Spelling: Brooke and Laura's Pods - Pigeon Books 2023-02-19

10 Items: awakefilthylistenforeverminutesproblemfirstlyfinallyremembersecondly

Mildred Word Search 2022-12-14

14 Items: This happened to the city.Granger and his friends ______ books.Montag jumps here to escape the hound.Faber goes here to see a printer he knows.The mechanical hound injects Montag in___ ___.This person reports Montag for having illegal books.Montag kills this person because he threatened Faber....

Wedding 2024-06-10

80 Items: idojoyjunelovevowskissjacoblizzybridegroomringshonoradoreunionunitytoastbeachtracktacostreesbookscatandeboerfamilyboquetcaringjetskihikingsummertravelbakingbikingweddingfriendsprimiseforeverpassioncherishbelovedrunningmuffinsreadingboatingtunnelsworshipmarriagelaughterblessingceremonyselflesseternitytreasuredolewhipteachingkayakingsleddingbodybody...

Activities Word Search 2024-08-19

80 Items: ArtBellDeskExamGlueMathQuizBooksDramaLearnLunchMusicPaperApplesAugustBinderFolderGradesHealthLeavesLockerMiddlePencilRecessRulersSchoolSportsCompassCrayonsEnglishErasersFriendsHallwayHistoryLibraryMarkersNumbersReadingScienceTeacherWelcomeWritingAlphabetAssemblyBackpackCalendarHomeworkNotebookScissorsSpellingStudentsSubjectsCafeteriaClassroom...

Washer Word Search 2025-01-17

87 Items: PanPotBedMugBoxFanOvenForkSoapLampPensCoatSinkCupsBowlVentPoolDoorHatsListDryerStoveSpoonKnifeTableChairCouchPaperPlateClockPurseSprayBrushBootsShoesSocksPantsBooksPhoneWasherToiletShowerClosetPantryCoffeeMirrorOutletOfficeStairsPlantsBottleShortsShirtsJacketGarageLightsSwitchFaucetCarpetTabletOttomanSpatulaBedroomClothesOttomanPrinterPencils...

school 2022-12-07

13 Items: the schoolto write withto carry thingsto distract yousomthing you taketo train your brainsomething to gut withsomthing you cant getsomthing you use to readsomwere to get books fromsomthing to delete your mistakessome thing to exersice your brainsomthing you use to draw or write with

Singular to Plural Words 2025-01-10

15 Items: - plural word for "dog"- plural word for "cat"- plural word for "pen"- plural word for "car"- plural word for "book"- plural word for "hero"- plural word for "table"- plural word for "chair"- plural word for "apple"- plural word for "match"- plural word for "watch"- plural word for "mouse"- plural word for "party"- plural word for "church"...

Popculture Word Search 2022-08-26

12 Items: This was the guidebook for witch hunters.The modern book used by 20th century witches.The amazing holiday celebrated on October 31st.Teen age witch from television and comic books.An official religion practiced by modern-day witches.This Biblical king sought a witch to help him in battle.The Wicked Witch of the West is from this classic story....

Sailanki's Introduction 2025-02-20

17 Items: Current Rolehobbies-booksPast roles- 1stPast roles- 2ndCurrent companyPast companies-2ndPast companies- 1sthobbies-sweet goodshobbies-binge watchhobbies-playing with petplace of birth-City of Joyplaces lived-silicon valleyplaces lived-City of Pearlsmajor subject- life sciencesplaces lived-City of Monumentsplaces lived-Detroit of South Asia...

trs23 ver3 u16 2023-06-17

10 Items: Begin.Put on clothes.Learn from books.A book for writing in.Put a jacket on a hook.A picture made with paint.We use it to write on paper.A place where we sit and learn.We use it to draw straight lines.A school subject where we learn to add numbers.

Home 1-2 2024-06-17

73 Items: tvbedfanrugmapbinsofalampdeskwalldoorroomroofchairstoolstovelighttablebooksplantradiofloorphotoclockpillowfridgeteapotwindowremotetabletstereoclosetcornercarpetmirrorposterheatercushionblanketlap-topshelvesdresserceilingdoormatbedroomchimneypicturelockersreclinercurtainscomputerbookcasehandraildeckchairarm-chairtelescopefireplacecoat-hookcoat-rack...

Everyone 2025-02-06

78 Items: OutLeoDewTeaCatsCruzFoodHussKyloYorkNoahCityRicoRustAnimeBooksCyaraGirlsMovieHuskyLibraMoneyPeachPerrySpaceSwiftGamesYoshiAugustBleachBowserCheeseCoffeeCopperCraftsCryptoSlayerHealthLasersIslandMurderPurpleStitchSummerTravelWhalesBitcoinDragonsDrawingOctoberPuzzlesReadingRebeccaRoxanneRunningTibblesAndersonBlanketsBrooklynColombiaColoringDecember...

Word search Unit 7 2022-10-28


trs23 ver3 u3 2023-02-24

12 Items: Sound.Scared.Not loud.By yourself.Wow! I am ____!From sunset to sunrise.You turn it on so you can see.Sleep in this when you go camping.When you eat in the middle of the day.Noise you make when you are very scared.Dogs, elephants, mice, lizards, chickens.Place where you can borrow and read books.

Unit 7 G&L Roots- Word Search 2024-10-08

12 Items: warlike in natureone who loves booksoccurring before a wargood-natured, cheerfulwarlike mood or attitudecalm and wise, reasonablefond of, feeling love towardsnot bitter or hostile, friendlyto act hostile towards, provokecharitable donation to public causesone who is hostile towards, one who opposesthe central character in a work of literature

Unit 7 Word Search 2024-10-09

12 Items: Warlike in nature.One who loves books.Good-nature; cheerful.Occurring before a war.Warlike mood or attitude.Calm and wise; reasonable.Fond of; feeling love towards.Not bitter or hostile; friendly.To act hostile towards; provoke.Charitable donation to public causes.One who is hostile towards, one who opposes....

Unit 2: Spelling Test 2 2022-09-27

25 Items: scenicembarrassedin a loud mannerin a curious mannerparticular; definitea two-wheeled vehicleto get rid of; removea large, ornate houseone who replaces anotherto consist of; be composed ofexcessive; unrestrained; imprudentto clarify the meaning of; to translatein a manner indicating great weightinessconsistently; with little or no variance...

Unit 7 2023-11-05

12 Items: warlike in who loves books.occurring before a war.good-natured, cheerful.warlike mood or attitude.calm and wise, reasonable.fond of, feeling love towards.not bitter or hostile, act hostile towards, provoke.charitable donation to public who is hostile towards, one who opposes....

Unit 7 Word Search 2024-09-26

12 Items: warlike in who loves books.occurring before a war.good-natured, cheerful.warlike mood or attitude.calm and wise, reasonable.fond of, feeling love towards.not bitter or hostile, act hostile towards, provoke.charitable donation to public who is hostile towards, one who opposes....

Fun Word Search 2024-09-25

27 Items: arm eatkick dogsexe wordwave doorrobot headjump drinkschool girlferrari boyturtle babysleep cameraspider pointbook glassessneeze mouthmeme animatedbaseball birdcircle pillowcat dinosauresscissors cheekelephant blinkmonkey hopscotchbasketballe malikchicken alligatorfootball telephonegeometry-dash sleepscream cone car airplane...

How Maurice Sendak's "Wild Things" moved children's books Toward Realism 2024-07-09

10 Items: civiccloutcoarseclinicalcoincidecompetentcommissioncomparablecomplacentcomplement

Bellicose Word Search 2022-10-25

12 Items: Warlike in natureOne who loves booksOccuring before a warGood natured, cheerfulWarlike mood or attitudeCalm and wise, reasonableFond of, feeling love towardsNot bitter or histile, friendlyTo act hostile towards, provokeCharitable donation to public causesOne who is hostile towards, one who opposesThe central character in a work of literature

Cozy Mystery Titles & Characters from Books by Jody Holford and Sarah Fox 2024-08-11

15 Items: EuclidTiggerFlossieDeadlyNewsMollyOwensDeadlyRideDeadRingerBeccaRansomChrisBeattyAnnieAbbottSamAlderichSadieColemanMurderMostOwlSawyerMaguireSixSweetsUnder

Vocabulary Words: Unit 7 2022-11-16

12 Items: warlike in natureone who loves booksoccurring before a wargood-natured; cheerfulcalm and wise; reasonablea warlike mood or attitudefond of; feeling love towardnot bitter or hostile; friendlyto act hostile toward; to provokecharitable donation to public causesone who is hostile toward; one who opposesthe central character in a work of literature

Summer 2024-05-07

85 Items: dryseaparkbeesballbikeboatcampdeckdeckfreepoolresttripraftbeachbooksskiesclearcabindaisydenimflopsfreshfeverfloatoceanrelaxsunnywavesaugustablazeabloomactivebreezycoolerdivingdrinksfamilyshellssummerberriesbonfirecyclingcookoutcampingdroughtfrisbeefishingflowersreadingraftingcoasterrainbowsandalsbarefeetbaseballbarbecueblossomscanoeingcrickets...

bodrun 2025-02-13

10 Items: roleauthorthe most sold booka part of the storyhe wrote the longest book in the worldthe person who draws pictures in booksHe invented the printing press, in 1440the main enemy or rival of the protagonistthe most expensive book in the world writtennarrative fiction usually written in prose and

Graphics Word Search 2024-08-29

10 Items: The graphics region used for product HMC2The status an ad should be in to pull a proofWe use this graphics region for fVivial booksSOLD$PDF is selected in this field to generate a proofThis tab is where we can see when the copy sheet was uploaded in PMThis system allows us to view past books and the upcoming book as well...

First Five Books of the Bible (Torah) 2023-08-31

5 Items: exodusgenesisnumbersleviticusdeuteronomy


24 Items: A place that provides higher education.A place where people put or take out money.A place where you can buy books and magazines.A place that sells fresh meat such as steak and sausages.A place where you can buy medicine and other health items.A place where you can buy fresh bread, sandwiches and cakes....

Pencilcase Word Search 2023-05-24

8 Items: Used to write.Used to play football.Used to erase any errors.Used to charge any type of device.Used to store any type of school material.Used to store books, notebooks or other things.Used to communicate and interact or at'e to work.They are suitable for anyone with any type of visual problem.

January Wordsearch 2024-12-12

99 Items: HatIceIcyAlpsCoatColdCozySledSnugSoupWarmBooksBootsBootsCabinChiliCiderComfyExamsIglooLayerParkaQuiltScarfShawlSleetSocksAlpineArcticBeanieDragonEggnogEskimoFleeceFlurryFreezeFrigidFrostyGlovesHearthHockeyHoodieSchoolShiverShovelSkiingWinterBlanketFlannelGlacialGlacierJanuaryMigrateMittensMufflerPajamasPenguinShelterSnowmanSnowSkiSweaterThermos...

Word Search 2024-09-15

11 Items: Jesus’ return to heavenMary’s sinless conceptionDeclaring someone a saintPlace of Jesus' crucifixionKing who sought to kill JesusA Tax collector who met JesusThe Holy Spirit as an advocateApocalyptic visions given to JohnThe first four books of the New TestamentThe one who led Israel into the Promised Land...

Language and Literature 2020-03-08

104 Items: mapverbnounbookpoemtextplotBooksessayvowelcommaclaimwordstensegenrenovelatlaschartgraphrhymefablethemestoryfactsdramaclaimironyperiodauthoreditoradverbseriessymbolwriterprefixsuffixsimileidiomsthesisreadingwritinggrammarsynonymantonymmysteryclassicfictionwesternromancefantasypicturearticlelibrarysourcescaptiondiagramwritinganalogyspellingquestion...

The Babysitters Club 2024-04-26

12 Items: nice eye contacta eating disordera fact of time beingan intense enjoymentforce to put in placepolite behavior in societyto make a low humming sounda behavior in keeping good tastea amount of glucose in your bodyset of books that give informationto proceeding from a great deal experiencea person who has a secret to not share to others


19 Items: Toà nhàVăn phòngQuầy lễ tânNhà vệ sinhOpposite to nearOpposite to leftOpposite to openOpposite to fullOpposite to earlyOpposite to largeYou buy medicine hereWhere you play sportsYou park your car hereYour money is safe hereYou can buy anything hereATM is another term for thisYou send letters, parcels here.You can read or borrow books here...

Personal Finance3 - "College" Vocabulary Assignment 2024-09-23

10 Items: True cost of educationExpenses while going to schoolCosts that you pay and don't changeAward for being ranked first in classUsually tuition, fees, books, suppliesWebsite used to find job opportunitiesCosts that change based on your choicesThe main courses I select for my degreeI have to pay this back after I graduate...

Monthly Challenge A-B 2023-03-08

109 Items: addagoairallandantanyarmartaskbadbagbatbedbigbooboybusbutbuybyeablealsoareaauntawaybabybackballbarkbearbeatbeesbeepbellbikebirdblowblueboatbodyboneboombothbowlbusyaboutaboveafteragainagreeallowalonealongaloudangryapplebeachbelowblackboardbooksboxesbreadbreakbringbrownbrushbuildacrossactingactionafraidalmostalwaysanimalansweranyonearoundarriveartist...

100 days of school 2025-02-19

100 Items: ArtDeskMathPlayQuizSongTestAwardBoardBooksBreakCraftDanceMusicPaperRulesStoryCaringFrenchGermanPencilPlantsSafetyShapesSocialTabletAnimalsCanteenColoursConcertCrayonsFriendsInquiryNumbersProjectReadingRespectSeasonsSharingStudentTeacherThinkerWritingAlphabetBackpackBalancedCeremonyComputerEqualityFairnessHomeworkInquirerInternetKindnessLunchbox...

My first 50 words 2023-02-14

50 Items: unoaguataximesarojovidacasaniñacafégatoniñoazulcamamujerfaldaaviónplumahotelamigoperrorelojsillacochenegrobolsoángelinglésblancoshortsdinerohombrecomidabailarciudadlibroszapatosnaranjavestidobotellamanzanaamarilloparaguasnoticiaschamarraenfermeraluz/ligerohamburgesacocinero/chefcompañeros de clasepantalón de mezclilla

early childhood 2024-04-12

111 Items: artgluedesktoyssnacknannytablechairpaperbooksnursepaintmusicstaffwipespencilfidgetrecessschoolshapesblocksdiaperinfantcraftsplantsweeklycareertabletteachercrayonsnumberslettersmarkerspuzzlestoddlerdaycarenewbornsupportanimalsweathersciencedancingnurseryprogramculturecubbiestissuesmagnetssandboxchildrenbackpacklunchboxsandwichemotionslearning...

Mrs. Macdonald's Dorothy's List Books 2016-05-26

3 Items: echolikeariverthelightningqueen

Mrs. Macdonald's Dorothy's List Books 2016-05-26

3 Items: LikeARiverTheLightningQueenTheThingAboutJellyfish

Skunk Scout (SG) 2023-05-10

100 Items: dadmapmomwetantsbunsclamcoldcrabgifthawkhikeitchlogslostmeatrainsignspamtentachesanklebeachbeansbobbybookscandyfreshnightoceanscaryshoesskunksocksteddytrailcomicscoolergingerguybowhungryneat-oplumbssmoresstreamthehubbunionscampingcanteencoconutdry-icehotdogsinsectslibrarypresentraccoonstoriessweaterbirthdaybrotherscampfiredarknessfirewoodgwoonfun...

My first 50 words 2023-02-14

50 Items: unoaguataximesarojovidacasaniñacafégatoniñoazulcamamujerfaldaaviónplumahotelamigoperrorelojsillacochenegrobolsoángelinglésblancoshortsdinerohombrecomidabailarciudadlibroszapatosnaranjavestidobotellamanzanaamarilloparaguasnoticiaschamarraenfermeraluz/ligerohamburgesacocinero/chefcompañeros de clasepantalón de mezclilla

100 Days of School 2025-02-19

100 Items: ArtDeskMathPlayQuizSongTestAwardBoardBooksBreakCraftDanceMusicPaperRulesStoryCaringFrenchGermanPencilPlantsSafetyShapesSocialTabletAnimalsCanteenColoursConcertCrayonsFriendsInquiryNumbersProjectReadingRespectSeasonsSharingStudentTeacherThinkerWritingAlphabetBackpackBalancedCeremonyComputerEqualityFairnessHomeworkInquirerInternetKindnessLunchbox...

Who Was Louis Braille? 2023-12-12

20 Items: Louis cried out in terrible ____!Louis was a bright and _______ boy.His father carved him a wooden ____.Louis _____d the letters with his fingers.It would be hard to be ________d from their son.Simon-René spent most of the time at his _________.By the time he was four, Louis was __________ blind.Louis was __________ with all the tools on the bench....

New Testament Books in Order (minus the ones with numbers and Revelation). 2020-06-26

10 Items: MarkLukeJohnActsJudeTitusJamesRomansMatthewPhilemon

trs23 ie3 u6 p1 2023-01-31

12 Items: A small city.A place to swim.A place to watch movies.A place to walk and run.A place to buy fresh food.A place to leave your car.A place to learn and study.A place to sit down and eat.A place to send a letter or box.A place to read and borrow books.A place to travel to another city.A place to buy lots of different things.

early childhood 2024-04-19

116 Items: desknursebookschairtablepapermusicnannyschoolweeklytoddlerecessfidgetblocksshapespencilinfantdaycareteacherlearingprogramnurserysupportculturemagnetspuzzlesnumbersmarkerscubbiestissuessciencedancinganimalscookinglibrarystorageprintercrayonsnewbornsandboxhomecaretrainingfeelingsbabblingemotionsfamilieslanguagesanitizesandwichlunchboxbackpackcomputer...

Back to School Word Search 2024-06-05

23 Items: The head administrator of a school.A container used to carry food to school.A break during school for play and relaxation.People you like and spend time with at school.Areas of study like math, science, and history.Students sit at these to do their work in class.Writing tools that often have erasers on one end....

Cat Word Search 2023-08-11

14 Items: Furry friendMan's best friendSome stand to talkStick something in itWhat Fridays should beSome have lots of pagesWhere you can either sit or playYou can see this Friday eveningsYou spend most of your time in itThis word can be spelled three waysYou did this yesterday with your mouthPast tense of a word that starts with L...

The word guesser 110 2024-11-20

110 Items: catsadmadmapcapzaphatfargumartbeebinlionfirezerohoopboathardeasytallstargoodevilgluebearhairfairzebrahippochessangryjapansushiwaterhappystylekarmasigmachinahelthvideogamesitalypizzachilitrainsantaflutemangomusicmoneytigerclocklunchchalkboardspicytablegrassbooksgooglefamilyschooljelousdoctorpencilcrayonhotdogpeppereasterpoodleviolinbrainsmovies...

trs23 3b w13 2023-05-11

15 Items: MRT.Happy.Not interesting.Really don't like.Place to watch a movie.A place for someone to sit.I write a ___ to my friend.A place to get on a bus or train.Books are ___. You can learn a lot.A lot of musicians playing together.The box is ___! Who ate all my cookies?Spring, summer, autumn/fall and winter....

trs23 3b w13 2023-05-11

15 Items: Happy.Not interesting.Really don't like.Place to watch a movie.MRT / underground train.A place for someone to sit.I write a ___ to my friend.A place to get on a bus or train.Books are ___. You can learn a lot.A lot of musicians playing together.Spring, summer, autumn/fall and winter.The box is ___! Who ate all my cookies?...

Spelling Words 2024-01-10

15 Items: When you’re fun.Combing your hair.When you are unwise.When you were a child.When you are very happy.Something that opens up.A book that has food recipes.The store where you get books.A fantasy / fiction storybook.When something is out of shape.A night animal that loves trash.Food that you might eat for lunch....

Into the Wild Ch 4-6 Review 2024-11-05

15 Items: Made this with Ron ________Ron offers to... _________ ________Abandoned his car here __________ _______Where Chris worked in Arizona ____________Where Chris met Ron ___________ ___________Chris hated this item of clothing _________Chris described him as a lunatic __________Where Chris went on his canoe trip __________...

Migration Word Search 2022-11-30

7 Items: The belief in only one godWhen an individual soul or spirit is born againThe most powerful traders along the Mediterranean seaMovements of people that go from one region to anotherThe Buddhist word for release from selfishness and painThe first five books in the Hebrew Bible/sacred writings...

E2C5 2025-01-07

39 Items: bagpenredgluebluecentmilkblackwhitemoneypaperwalleteraseryellowdollarto givehow much?chocolateflash saleplease buyover therepencil caseto be cheappotato chipschips, snackscolored pencilto have a salebutter cookiesto be expensiveHow much is it?vegetable snackscounter for itemscounter for booksWhat color is it?honorific form of 명won (Korean currency)...

Global Diversity 2024-09-25

10 Items: Volunteer and ____.Global Diversity ____ Month.Marken ____, like EAP and Virgin Pulse.Promoting ____ is a key aspect of Global Diversity.This month is a time for ____, learning, and growth.Supporting ____ businesses is a great way to get involved.Participating in Global Diversity Month involves both learning and ____....

E2C5 2024-12-23

39 Items: bagpenredgluebluecentmilkblackwhitemoneypaperwalleteraseryellowdollarto givehow much?chocolateflash saleplease buyover therepencil caseto be cheappotato chipschips, snackscolored pencilto have a salebutter cookiesto be expensiveHow much is it?vegetable snackscounter for itemscounter for booksWhat color is it?honorific form of 명won (Korean currency)...

Los Pasatiempos 2024-01-06

27 Items: to runto walkto singto cookto restto drawto danceto sleepto studyto travelto exerciseto watch TVto read booksto ride a biketo do homeworkto go shoppingto take photosto stay at hometo play a sportto watch moviesto listen to musicto play videogamesto watch videos onto play the guitarto go to the moviesto use social mediato talk with friends

School 2024-01-10

20 Items: wheelyou move quicklythe head of a schoolwhere books are keptsomeone who has childto say hello to someonea bag you take to schoola place you park your bikechair with wheel for peoplea large ball you kick a roundto move things with your feeta container you keep water ina bus that takes you to schoolsomething you wear on your head...

Word Search puzzle 2024-12-09

20 Items: You sit on thisFull of pages to readMakes a ringing soundA white drink from cowsShows hours and minutesA round object for gamesWiggly and sweet dessertA tall plant with branchesWhite and fluffy in the skyA round fruit, red or greenA bird that quacks and swimsUsed to carry books or itemsShines bright in the night skyA creature that lives in water...

Chapter 6 Word Search 2024-03-14

10 Items: Designing and producing e-books or printed books using book development software.A group of slides created in a digital presentation software (ex.PowerPoint, Google Slides).using software to produce documents with elaborate control of the form and appearance of individual pages....

BJ 2024-04-11

20 Items: A lover of books.Calm and peaceful.Calm and unemotional.Walking in one's sleep.Done without preparation.A playful or fanciful mood.Keeping watch with alertness.Lasting for a very short time.A sentimental longing for the past.Impossible to understand or interpret.(Of a person) determined and persistent.Happening by chance in a beneficial way....

Word Search puzzle grade 6 2024-12-06

20 Items: The light from the sunA place with many treesSomeone who creates artFeeling good and strongA large stream of waterA place with many booksA place for cooking foodAn opening to see outsideA large body of saltwaterSomeone who helps you learnA meal eaten in the eveningA tool for writing or drawingThe study of the natural world...

Word Search grade 6 2024-12-06

20 Items: When the sun goes downA large stream of waterA place with many booksA stick of wax for lightA tool that attracts metalA game to solve or assembleA loud sound during a stormSomeone who helps you learnA fabric that covers windowsA large area with many treesA bag you carry on your backA structure over water or landA surface that reflects images...

Word Search puzzle grade 6 2024-12-06

20 Items: A new idea or creationPowers your home and devicesA story about someone’s lifeA home for animals or plantsA giant reptile from the pastThe study of stars and planetsA mountain that erupts with lavaTurning waste into something newThe force that keeps us on EarthAn exciting journey or experienceA group of people living together...

Christina and Ralph OO 2024-08-01

31 Items: Groom's sisterbest man's namegroom's professionbride's professionmonth Ralph proposedmonth they first metmaid of honour's namehoneymoon destinationGroom's birthday monthbride's birthday monthdating app they met ongroom's favourite mealcolour of bride's eyescolour of groom's eyesbride's favourite mealBride's sibling amountGroom's sibling amount...

Classroom supplies 2023-09-19

12 Items: What students write onThe tool used to sweep the floorSticky roll of a plasticky materialWhat students use to write lessons intoTool used to measure lines, usually in centimetresWhere the teacher writes information for the pupilsWhere the books, notebooks, and workbooks are storedAlso called rubber, it erases lines traced by pencils...

gothic elements and gothic words word search 2023-04-22

14 Items: a non living spirita blood sucking monstera place where the dead restbeing left on a cliff hangeran unatural thing or creatureunkowing of what will happen nexta place that people can go to praywhere the weather affects the moodan era of time known as the dark agesa building someone rich might live ina young lady often in distress in gothic books...

Frederick Douglass Word Search 2023-02-25

1 Item: books, streetcar, Anacostia, portraits, speech, museum, abolitionist, bridge, marshal

cute words♡ 2023-10-25

160 Items: momnapskysunteacakecutedearfallhopehugslakelifelilylovepetsrainrosesandsofttoysbeachbloomblushbookscleandaisydancefreshfunnygiftsgrasshappyhearthoneyhubbyjellojollylightlunchmerrymusicoceanoreospeacequietrelaxrivershinesillysleepsmilesongsstarssweetswingtastytouchtreestruthwaterwavesyummyangelsapplesautumnbreezebrightbubblycolorscuddledreamsfamily...

Professorfaber Word Search 2022-08-19

15 Items: sieveFaber calls himself this."That Favorite Subject, ______"The two-way radio invented by Faber.Mildred and her friends watch this on the walls.This was waiting outside Guy and Mildred's home.Faber believes people do not have enough of this.The poem that Guy reads to Mildred and her friends.Book that Montag starts ripping up in front of Faber....

f 451 2 2022-12-14

15 Items: sandFaber calls himself this."That Favorite Subject, ______"The two-way radio invented by Faber.and her friends watch this on the walls.This was waiting outside Guy and Mildred's home.Faber believes people do not have enough of this.The poem that guy reads to Mildred and her friends.Book that Montag starts ripping up in front of Faber....

The Secret Garden pgs. 55-61 2023-09-13

15 Items: She has my _____ to stay here.What did Mary tell Colin about?How was the weather for a week?When did Mary and Colin talk until?Who can't see Colin when he is awake?What constant sound came from Colin's room?Who was already hard at work in the garden?How did Colin look now that Mary was around?What did Mary and Colin speak the most about?...

campus word search 2025-02-17

21 Items: pride of collegeThe outline or plan for a course.The primary subject area of study.Optional courses chosen by students.A formal test of students' knowledge.The secondary field of academic focus.The college eatery for meals and snacks.A practical work experience for students.The units that measure academic progress....

Beauty and the Beast pgs. 14-19 2023-10-11

18 Items: Who came to Beauty's dream?Where did the horse go to eat?What can she see in the mirror?Where did they find food inside?What were the cupboards full of?Who did the Beast walk right up to?When does her father need to leave?What animal did the Beast look like?What was everywhere in Beauty's room?Who found the way to the Beast's palace?...


5 Items: are songs that they use for serenading his/her loved ones.are sacred songs highlighted by quotations from the Qur’an.are semi-generic term for a lyrical rendition of different improvised textare chants that they use in reading his/her Qur’an and other books they use in his/her Islam religion....

Hannah's Favourite Things 2024-10-23

35 Items: Sandy funWatery funNight birdSpikey plantArtistic worksFastest bicycleBird or Biscuit?Stories on paperCrazy loud friendYummy baked goodsPlace of learningLine of mini flagsSomething you playDelicious hot drinkReally good cuddlerHannah's best friendOne horned real beastHow you go into spaceItch it whilst codingPretty bits on plants...

Places in Matosinhos 2024-10-17

9 Items: The main building where the local government works.A place where you can borrow books to read or study.A building where people go to pray or attend religious services.A sandy or rocky area by the sea where people can swim or relax.A statue or building made to remember an important person or event....

Week 14 2023-05-31

14 Items: I don't like writing ___________s for plays.OMG! That cut is ______________. You might die.Peppa Pig is my favorite ____________ in that tv show.I prefer ____________ books because I like unreal worlds.It feels good when the audience gives their _____________.We can buy our tickets at the __________________ over there....


23 Items: _________, don't run in the hall.Astronauts landed on the _________.Twinkle, twinkle little ___________.Sometimes, school is hard __________.I ________ God with singing at church.Lizards like to __________ warm places.Don't _________ over that toy. Share it.What are we having to eat for _________?The captain ________ his ship on the sea....