behavior Word Searches

Psychology 2014-05-01

45 Items: REMbiasdrugsdeltafuguePavlovphobiaanxietypassionbipolarcocaineculturehormonesnicotinedisordervaliditybehaviorattitudealtruismmorphinedelusionnightmareprejudiceultradianconsciouscognitionbystandermarijuanastimulantdependentdepressionwithdrawalantagonistaggressionantisocialdepressantpersonalityimaginationadolescencehypothalamuscohabitation...

Rookie Review 2022-05-01

48 Items: ROAVRALSISSIROIPCCIIPECUNCICBondVNOTASUSNONAHomeJPODCCIPTEAMSForumReportSentryWobblerAcademyQualityWeekendServiceWarrantDeferredJudgmentSanctionBehaviorDomesticViolenceIncentiveProbationAssuranceDetentionCommunityReliatraxNarrativesUrinalysisRevocationTerminationPresentenceConfinementPresentenceModificationMentalHealthOffenderlink

Emotional and Mental Health  2020-10-22

29 Items: AngerStressLunacyAnxietySuicideSadnessTherapySpectrumSymptomsParanoiaDementiaSelf-HarmWell-BeingDepressionEmotionlessMental-StateSchizophreniaself-AwarenessSelf-ConsciousLow-Self-EsteemEating-DisorderPhysical-FitnessConduct-DisorderBipolar-DisorderIdentity-DisorderDistorted-ThoughtsDisruptive-BehaviorObsessive-CompulsiveAttention-Deficit-Disorder


46 Items: upusebadhidedropmovedownloanyardgoodlowertrustscorefrauddeedssafershamehoursmessysystemfacialhabitspublicunpaidreportgossipratingmonitorcamerasapprovecitizenincreaseevaluatebehaviorrewardedpunishedbenefitsneighborblacklistdiscountsreputationcorruptionreductionsjaywalkingrecognitionsurveillance

Fall Science Review 2024-01-07

46 Items: oilsunaxiscoalmoonrockcycledeltaorbittraitcanyonfossilplanetrotateseasonshadowdisrupteclipseerosionextinctglaciergravityrevolveweatherbehaviorconsumerfunctionorganismpressureproducerresourcebiosphereecosystemgeosphereinheritednonlivingoffspringatmospherecompactiondecomposerearthquakecementationevaporationhydrospherecondensationconstellation

The Babysitters Club 2024-04-26

12 Items: nice eye contacta eating disordera fact of time beingan intense enjoymentforce to put in placepolite behavior in societyto make a low humming sounda behavior in keeping good tastea amount of glucose in your bodyset of books that give informationto proceeding from a great deal experiencea person who has a secret to not share to others


50 Items: costsaleswantsneedsgoodsneedsstocktrendsdemandsupplyethicstargetpolicyfeatureproductpricingservicerevenueproductfinancecontrolengagedproducestrategyprospectplanningconsumerbrandingdecisionpropertybehaviormarketinganalyticspackagingpromotionretailersinventoryimplementeffectiveincipientleadershipproductionmillenniumoperationaltransactionwholesalers...

Substance Abuse 2022-10-26

49 Items: pcplsdbodylossdrugscrackusingstagexanaxpillsvomitheartdizzydeathscreenhealthmentalcanceralcoholecstasyopiatescocainediseaserelapsecontrolproblempromiseemotionsponsorlibriumchronicrecoverychemicalbehaviordrinkingfunctiondelusionaddictiontreatmentblackoutspowerlessquaaludesstimulantdependencyresentmentwithdrawalpreoccupiedbarbituratesmethamphetamine

Plate Tectonics Word Search 2024-02-16

49 Items: coreringfiretimeplatedriftridgefaultcrustinneroutershelfbonusalfredwegnermantlepangeaokeefewiselygooglevolcanooceanicfossilssciencenearpodchoicesimproverespectsciencetectonicseafloorbehaviorpreparedhomeworktextbookmid-oceanspreadingmountainsclassroomsubductionearthquakeassignmentchromebookcontinentallithosphereresponsibleexpectationsasthenosphere...

Employability Skills in Law Enforcement 2020-04-23

49 Items: calmbodyjailkeyscellmoralguidetruthshankguardcuffstazerlightSkillsdetailhonestpropermanagesecretsafetysearchethicalcommandqualityprivatebehaviordemeanorlanguageattitudecomposedIntegrityeffectiveknowledgeinfluencedelegatedunruffledcompetenceleadershipconfidenceattributesaccomplishappearancecontrabandinteractioncorrectionsorganizationEmployability...

DC 23 Core Vocab Lists 1 - 5 Review 2017-03-21

50 Items: chatcitedenyfilelackscarunitvastamuseawareblastchutequotetardyurbanaccessaccuseadjustcleverdeletedeparteffectmatternotifyrecedeuniquevanishancientantonymclarifycompareconfessdiscusssynonymuniformacademicbehaviordialogueevaluateinternalpersuaderesemblestrategyencounterexceptionfantasticinstituteexperimentappropriatecharacteristic

DC 23 Core Vocab Lists 1 - 5 Review 2017-03-21

50 Items: chatcitedenyfilelackscarunitvastamuseawareblastchutequotetardyurbanaccessaccuseadjustcleverdeletedeparteffectmatternotifyrecedeuniquevanishancientantonymclarifycompareconfessdiscusssynonymuniformacademicbehaviordialogueevaluateinternalpersuaderesemblestrategyencounterexceptionfantasticinstituteexperimentappropriatecharacteristic

Performance Management System 2023-09-08

50 Items: teamtraitsystemmoraleensureappealaspectvisiongrowthrewardstrongmanagercomplexculturepurposemissiontalentscapitalprocessenvisionfunctioncyclicalelementsmetaphorleveragestrategyemphasisdecisionnurturesbehaviordimensionpotentialessentialencouragestructurealignmentownershipknowledgemanagementproductivephilosophyleadershipinnovationmechanismsperformance...


50 Items: teamtraitsystemmoraleensureappealaspectgrowthrewardstrongmanagercomplexculturepurposemissionvissiontalentscapitalprocessenvisionfunctioncyclicalelementsmetaphorleveragestrategyemphasisdecisionnurturesbehaviordimensionpotentialessentialencouragestructurealignmentownershipknowledgemanagementproductivephilosophyleadershipinnovationmechanisms...

Word Search 2023-09-06

50 Items: dyadicseniorthreatsproblemrewardshelpingconcernempathyconsultprocessmanagersfeedbackclinicalopennessattitudebehavioremphaticautonomypressureemployeesmutualitylisteningsolicitedcounselorcounselingexecutivessuggestivediscussionevaluationcorrectingperformanceinfluencingdescriptiveresponsibledevelopmentinvolvementcontrollinginterpretedconversation...

Chapter 3 - Develop a Business Plan 2023-05-17

53 Items: sbaplanpagesbdcdatacostcovertitletablescoretradenichefocusgrouppriceplacebrandsharelettertargetmarketsurveydirectdemandsupplyreturnharvestsummaryfundingprofileprimaryconceptproductbusinessstrategycontentsresearchappendixsegmentscustomerbehaviorfinancialstatementexecutivemarketingoperationdocumentsconcludingsupportingassociationprojections...

Lord of the Flies 2023-09-27

20 Items: Wild, uncontrolled.Large sea snail shell.Older boys on the island.Boys tasked with hunting.Someone who saves others.Younger boys on the island.Person rejected by society.Place of shelter or safety.Brutal, uncivilized behavior.Group gathering for a purpose.The pig's head; symbol of evil.Dance Ritual dance by the boys.Advanced state of human society....

animal kingdom 2023-05-03

57 Items: webfoodfoodfishapexpreylifecarechainbirdscyclesocialhabitatmammalsspeciesdiurnaltaxonomyreptilesmolluskskeystonepredatorbehaviorparentaldiversitypredationmigrationecosystemomnivoressymbiosismutualismstructurecourtshipmigrationnocturnalcomplexitycamouflagecarnivoresherbivoresendangeredextinctionamphibiansarthropodsparasitismvertebratesechinoderms...

Word Search #20 2024-03-04

55 Items: duelnameflawmojopowerroguecabalcraveadoptsleepbeckondemiselegacymettleanticsheroicfabledsubduememorydamseldestinyjusticewoundedamazingfashionimprovediffusecontextamplifycoursingdramatictheatriccolorfultiresomeshoutingbehaviortendencyflourishdistresshotspringbloodlineinvisibleendearingattributedesperatemelodramaintensityconfidantdeceptionsagacious...

Pre Calculus Word Search 2023-09-28

51 Items: sumoddrootsineaxisaxisevenvaluecubicrangezerosrootsto oneparentlinearcosinedomaindegreebuilderproductmaximumminimuminverseleadingintervalnotationbracketsinfinityfunctionconstantrationalverticalquotientbehaviorstandardquadraticpiecewisesyntheticinequalityhorizontalreflectiondifferenceincreasingdecreasingpolynomialparenthesisexponentiallogarithmic...

Introduction 2024-01-14

60 Items: acessafetrustgrowthcopingjourneyhealingempathytherapyinsightmindsetneglectanxietyrenewalrecoveryemotionsselfcareholisticstrengthidentitybehaviorautonomydiscoverychildhoodawarenessnarrativeemotionalcaregiverresiliencecompassionvalidationsupportivereflectionovercomingreclaimingchallengesattachmentpsychologyacceptanceboundariesmeditationexpression...

Manteca Day School 2019-20 2020-05-10

64 Items: DeanGillHartKaurRosaBlackFinchFrankGuptaHoodsMarieNancySousaCovertDudleyFablabFriendMarthaSeguraTeresaTorresVichetWhytryWrightAndradeKennedyMilerunBehaviorBookclubCeramicsDJFridayFielddayGameroomHomeroomTapeitupWegotyouAcademicsCareerdayDetentionHomiefadeKingsgameMdssweatsOpenhouseStormroomWaxmuseumAttendanceBrokenfootCounselingTurkeytrotWorkdetail...

Spoon 2024-07-01

66 Items: cutjoymugteathisauntbestdishlandbluebentforkcoolbowlspoonvisitfancystorygreatwrongshapeknifeluckysillystuffapartneverlightclinktwirlrelaxalivesleepfamilysilverproperlatelythoughspreadspiffyusefulexoticminutetuckeddivingcerealarounddarlingbedtimedistantmumbledherselfseriousmeasurehimselfrealizesnugglebehaviorfunctionmeanwhileeasygoingheadfirst...

Discomfort Word Search 2023-10-03

7 Items: minor future moneyintense eustress sudden schoolstress alarm chronic copesupport hassle denial good...

Animal Adaptations 2024-03-14

16 Items: copying a behavior or appearancemanipulate an object to perform a certain taskmore eyes in a group to watch out for predatorsbehaviors that are inherited rather than learnedpretending to be dead to escape from bodily harmadjustments to internal or external physical structuressolving a problem by repeated, varied attempts until successful...

Discomfort Word Search 2023-10-03

7 Items: minor future moneyintense eustress sudden schoolstress alarm chronic copesupport hassle denial good...

Manteca Day School 2019 / 20 2020-05-08

64 Items: DeanGillHartKaurRosaBlackFinchFrankGuptaHoodsMarieNancySousaCovertDudleyFablabFriendMarthaSeguraTeresaTorresVichetWhytryWrightAndradeKennedyMilerunBehaviorBookclubCeramicsDJFridayFielddayGameroomHomeroomTapeitupWegotyouAcademicsCareerdayDetentionHomiefadeKingsgameMdssweatsOpenhouseStormroomWaxmuseumAttendanceBrokenfootCounselingTurkeytrotWorkdetail...

3B vocab 2024-02-27

20 Items: rudeadviceapologyto harmbehaviorto judgeto praisecomplaintssuggestionunbearableforgive meto complainto apologisethe lack networki cant stand itwrong impressionto pay attention, listento stop talking to each otherla voz to raise ones voice

1 2024-05-25

10 Items: The highest class of nobility and landed gentry.The highest circle of fashionable society in London.Conformity to accepted standards of behavior or morality.Grand hall where high society gathered for elegant dances.The class of landed property owners ranking below nobility.The traditional process of romantic pursuits before marriage....

All vocab 2024-02-09

73 Items: bugtryapexfeatlooptripetunicgenesuntilcandidrecedeslakesreposeholderplacidenigmateeterfringetiraderepeatpromptdefineprogramrummageassuageovationincensecommandpreparereflectbehaviorquagmiregumptiondecibelspedigreediscreetnebulousmediocrerenouncefunctionvariablefor-loopalgorithmdebuggingveraciousmandatorycontagionexpulsionpervadingevolutioninherited...

The Bigger One 2022-09-30

72 Items: agendacinemaabandonabolishadviseralcoholarrivalarticleaveragebenefitcabinetcapitalcenturycharitycuriousdeficitdeliverdensitydepositdevelopabsoluteactivateallocateambitionapprovalaudiencebehaviorchemicalclassifycomputerconsidercreationcustomerdatabasedecisiondefenderdesignerdialoguedirectoradmissionadvantageadventureafternoonapartmentapplicant...

Justice & Law 2024-01-12

9 Items: laws seek ______ order and clarityto treat someone in an honest and free-of-judgment waygiving evey person the opportunty he/she needs to reach a goalgiving every person the exact same opportunities to reach a goala purpose of laws; orders _______ by setting and dividing authoritya purpose of laws; orders _______ by establishing proper procedures...

Acronyms 2023-11-16

20 Items: benefit Groupchild supportearned incomelong term carebehavior healthdate of serviceAccess to Recoveryfederal match codeAffordable Care ACTfair hearing BureauBureau Indian affairsdepartment of justiceBlue cross blur shieldAutomated teller machineindividual education planProtected health informationmedical assistance department...

Can You Finish This 2023-09-05

76 Items: asatbyaddageagoairallandanyarmartaskbadbutbuycanablealsoareaawaybabybackcalladmitadultafteragainagentagreeaheadallowalonealongamongapplyarguebeginbringbuildaffectagencyalmostalwaysamountanimalansweranyoneappeararoundarriveartistbeforebehindbudgetcameraabilityaddressagainstalreadyanotherarticlebrotheractivityactuallyalthoughamericananalysisanything...

skz iconic lines 2023-11-26

32 Items: hani.nstaaafelixleeknowhyunjinbangchanchangbinseungmini'm.foivei’m.hungrywakey.wakeytch.hairbandi/love/darkeuice.creeeeeemstray.kiss.woohey/brownie/boyi/can/speak/koreanbangchan/is/so/oldthis/is/so..not.yummyinto/the/aloooooooooneoi.felix!…memberstiny/'s/so/tiny...

Week 2 Academic Vocabulary Words 2 2023-11-05

8 Items: A long fightRolling over and overWhere a fight takes placeThin streaks of somethingMoves gently over somethingThin shapes that looks like featherTook a sharp breath in a surprised wayA time of great excitement and wild behavior

LFPL main library word search! 2024-07-23

15 Items: 641.5976.9Need help?Unlock thisDon't forget!Room in the basementWho built our libraryWhere to find microformA newer way of printingRules of behavior line 18Main Information ServicesMIS3 used to be home to thisSeven day checkout, no holdsVanessa Coleman is the expertWe originally shared a building with this Kentucky society

Unit 5 ~ 6 for the 3rd graders 2022-11-08

86 Items: taxsonairbornfastleadsaltnewsporkcoatsoldbeefrupeefighttoughangryreachmarchchinaclothwastereadyglobetradedailylegacygandhipersonlawyerfreelyacceptunfairarrestcolonyalmostleadergrowthprettybeyondborderunusedsupplydonatedependimportdependrespectgreatlyprotestbillioninsteadimaginereceiveserviceviolencesidewalkmovementfollowerpeacefulpopulouspowerful...

chapter 6 2023-05-22

40 Items: sadcalmlazycoldpainhappyangrytiredfevercoughpulsenurseenergypolitehealthstressdoctorannoyednervousconductmannersdynamicpatientto openbehaviorpancientstubbornpleasantheadachedepressedenergeticinpatiententhusiasmpersonalityopen-mindedsore throuthard-workingin a bad moodstomache achedoctors office

Economics Department Word Search 2023-09-18

91 Items: taxwagerentdavistreessienalaborpricetrademandalbookerkirwanethicsincomewealthbubblebudgetsupplydemandmarketprofitimportexportsavingtariffpacittipovertycapitalrealgdputilitysurplusdeficitdasguptaequalitybehaviorquantityresourcersquaredcurrencyscarcityshortageshukrallakhatiwadaeconomicshappinessinflationasymmetryincentivecommunityrecessioninflation...

Unit 3 2023-10-05

10 Items: My dad was f_______.she is a mean b_____.The movie was a______.The plan was a s_______.L______ we arrived in time.Don´t tell anyone your p_______.I don´t like sharing my c_________.I gave the deleveriy man a t______.Almin doesn´t have good b__________.he couldn´t solve the math homework because it was d___________.

Recovery 2022-10-15

12 Items: non-use of any addictive psychoactive substance.A dysfunctional state resulting from the use of psychoactive substances.A state in which an increased dosage of a psychoactive substance is needed to produce a desired effect.A process of withdrawing a person from a specific psychoactive substance in a safe and effective manner....

First Semester Psychology Vocabulary Word Search 2024-01-08

106 Items: biaslenspupilsensetheorysurveysampleethicscortexretinaplaceboNeuronsneuronscochleaclosurebehavioramygdalaprinciplecasestudyvariablessensationthresholdthresholdblindspotproximitypsychologyconstructshypothesisreplicatedcerebellumspinalcordperceptionadaptationafterimagegatetheorysimilaritycontinuitycommonfateassociationbehaviorismcorrelation...

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

26 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsmost popular male dog nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameblack or blue patches on whiteThe flesh of the lips and jawsMost popular dog breed of 2023An extra claw on the inside of the leg...

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

26 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsmost popular male dog nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameblack or blue patches on whiteThe flesh of the lips and jawsMost popular dog breed of 2023An extra claw on the inside of the leg...

Vocabulary - 8A 2024-02-13

10 Items: All parts as a whole.A thing that may be chosen.A way of exchanging information.Easily understood or clear to tell.A limitation or restriction to something.A person engaged in a specified activity.A state of being different from something else.A discussion on a particular topic with others.A way of feeling shown through someone’s behavior....

Late 19th Century vocabulary 2023-03-16

12 Items: complete avoidance of alcoholbusiness that rewards loyaltylimiting the earth's resourcesdishonest or deceitful behaviorowner of a manufacturing businesssomeone that invests in a new businessto deprive someone of the right to votecitizens proposing a new law by petitiongive variety and difference to something...

Great Expectations Vocab 2 2023-02-05

20 Items: guessagreeshamefulgenerousgloomy; sadquarrel; fightable to be seenlack of self-interestcondition; requirementto assume an air of superioritystrong dislike causing one to turn awayexpressing suffering or woe; melancholyskillful and competent with hands or mindto put into a state of embarrassment and unease...

Lesson 13 2023-11-15

6 Items: I will study for at least one hour every day before dinner is an example ofA type of rule governed behavior that is under control of socially-mediated consequenceWhen cooking, you might follow a recipe that tells you to preheat the oven to a certain temperature is an example of...

CZSD 2023-06-26


CJ 1 Chapter 2 Vocab 1 2023-06-23

11 Items: group exhibiting certain valuessociety creates crime and criminalstreats drug abuse as a mental illnesscriminal who commits multiple offensescriminal laws are designed by those in powerdrug offenders harm society by their actionsthoughts and actions are attributed to unconscious motives...

Vocab 2023-01-21

10 Items: quiet and modestinequality; differencelacking self-confidenceextremely poor; lacking food & shelterone who studies an art or science for amusementto express disapproval of; to depreciate one’s efforta difficult choice, especially one between two alternativesconformity to accepted standards of conduct; proper behavior...

Vocab 2023-01-21

10 Items: quiet and modestinequality; differencelacking self-confidenceextremely poor; lacking food & shelterone who studies an art or science for amusementto express disapproval of; to depreciate one’s efforta difficult choice, especially one between two alternativesconformity to accepted standards of conduct; proper behavior...

Body Positivity 2024-07-22

15 Items: Physical power and enduranceThe ability to bend and adaptEnergy and enthusiasm for lifeAbility to recover from setbacksBelief in one’s abilities and worthEmbracing one’s body and imperfectionsFeeling of being in control and confidentA feeling of great pleasure and happinessElegance and poise in movement or behavior...

Premonition Word Search 2024-04-26

12 Items: Frame of latA kind of fauscetTo create art in the bodymy granddaughter in spanishA heads up warning in advanceOutward behavior that isn't the bestA short jacket with no sleeves for girlsAnger by small things that by something unjustA large or a unknown size that isnt very reccongizableA sweet syrupy texture type of alcohol used as a solvent...

Manteca Day School - Challenge 2020-05-08

125 Items: AlanLinoGabeAbelDeanGillHartKaurRosaEdwinGavynKiaraCoreySohilAllanEmilyAndreTiaraArleeJesseRamonBlackFinchFrankGuptaHoodsMarieNancySousaMartinJohnnyJaylonLeyvasJasperAlyssaStevenSamuelDanielJaymonJerretIsaiasAQuoriEdwardCovertDudleyFablabFriendMarthaSeguraTeresaTorresVichetWhytryWrightAriannaMatthewAhlanahYahsiahBrandonBraulioMikaylaGabrielTristan...

Body Positivity 2024-07-21

14 Items: Physical power and endurance.Energy and enthusiasm for life.Ability to recover from setbacks.Belief in one’s abilities and worth.Embracing one’s body and imperfections.Feeling of being in control and confident.A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.Elegance and poise in movement or behavior.A quality that gives pleasure to the senses....

Final E Syllables 2024-02-13

10 Items: Was my uncle _____ in the head count?I wish I knew how to play the _____ .She _____ my space and it made me upset.I hope to go to an _____ park this summer!My favorite candy are the _____ sour warheads.Please take my _____ and listen to your teacher.Kobe was an amazing _____ before he passed away.I hope the bad behavior will _____ more in class....

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

Manteca Day School - Challenge 2020-05-08

123 Items: AlanLinoGabeAbelDeanGillHartKaurRosaEdwinGavynKiaraCoreySohilAllanEmilyAndreTiaraArleeJesseRamonBlackFinchFrankGuptaHoodsMarieNancySousaMartinJohnnyJaylonLeyvasJasperAlyssaStevenSamuelDanielJaymonJerretIsaiasAQuoriEdwardCovertDudleyFablabFriendMarthaSeguraTeresaTorresVichetWhytryWrightAriannaMatthewAhlanahYahsiahBrandonBraulioMikaylaGabrielTristan...

Manteca Day School - Challenge 2020-05-08

126 Items: AbelAlanDeanGabeGillHartKaurLinoRosaAllanAndreArleeBlackCoreyEdwinEmilyFinchFrankGavynGuptaHoodsJesseKiaraMarieNancyRamonSohilSousaTiaraAlyssaAQuoriCovertDanielDudleyEdwardFablabFriendIsaiasJasperJaylonJaymonJerretJohnnyLeyvasMarthaMartinSamuelSeguraStevenTeresaTorresVichetWhytryWrightAhlanahAndradeAriannaBrandonBraulioCelesteGabrielKennedyMatthew...

CAFFEINE AND CANINES 10/20/2023 2023-10-20

31 Items: RetrieveA dogs kneeA dogs ankleA dogs “fangs”Most famous dogThe third eyelidA pattern of footstepsMy coonhound mix’s namemost popular male dog nameMy senior Yorkie dogs nameBroad head with short muzzlenarrow head with long muzzleMost popular female dog nameMy blonde shepherd dogs nameMy white and Brown dogs nameMy brindle pit bull dogs name...

Adjectives for My favourite sportsperson 2024-07-07

19 Items: Showing controlled behavior.Free from errors or mistakes.Having a strong desire to win.Full of energy and enthusiasm.Relating to detailed planning.Certain about one's abilities.Concentrated on a task or goal.Having great strength or force.Able to move quickly and easily.Skilled in planning and tactics.Able to adjust to new conditions....

Tic Tac Toe 2022-09-07

5 Items: the fact or condition of being accountablethe state or of having a duty to deal with somethingthe mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individualmoral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activityan occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress

Body Positivity 2024-07-21

15 Items: - Physical power and endurance.- Energy and enthusiasm for life.- Ability to recover from setbacks.- Belief in one’s abilities and worth.- Embracing one’s body and imperfections.- Feeling of being in control and confident.- A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.- Elegance and poise in movement or behavior....

Mexico's Culture 2024-05-09

12 Items: an example of Mexican artofficial name of our countryan example of a Mexican sportofficial language of our countryscientists who study human cultureculture can change when the ___________ changesan example of a thing/element that makes up a cultureanother example of a thing/element that makes up a culture...

Chapter 4 Word Search 2023-05-12

20 Items: Fail to care for properlyFree from outside controlFailure to take proper careLack of respect of courtesyMaking false spoken statementsUsing finances inappropriatelyBeing worthy of honor or respectUnacceptable or improper behaviorKeeping something secret or privateActs which do not suit one's statusMoral principles that govern conduct...

Culture Word Search 2023-11-07

23 Items: - Belief in one God- Belief in many gods- growth to a global or worldwide scale- gender roles that are less restrictive- A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom.- the physical things created by members of a society- Central to a society and it helps to compare societies- the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape...

T Words 2023-04-11

10 Items: a turning or twisting forceto occur; happen; take placean area, region, or piece of landexperimental in nature; uncertain, hesitanttoo long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous.(v.) to oppose successfully; to prevent, frustratethe path followed by an object moving through spacethe special words or phrases that are used in a particular field...

If He Had Been With Me Word Search 2023-05-22

10 Items: An outcastThe quality of being naiveThe quality of being eccentricIn a forceful, passionate, or intense mannerA feeling or atmosphere so intense as to seem almost tangibleUpholster with new materials, especially with a different fabricA house divided into two apartments with a separate entrance for each...

Vocab 14 2024-04-09

12 Items: Skinny jeans are ____.The child had a _____ up bringingA salad is an example of something _____.A princess is _____ by her mother, the queen.After a hard week of school I had a _____ weekend.Her voice had a low ______ hinting that she was a school's _______ to set its rules for their students....

Integrated Medical Wellness Word Search 2023-06-12

12 Items: We should always do our what?We should not take anything what?One should never make these in life?Your instructor's favorite Superhero.What we are here to find for ourselves?To be without sin with our words is to be?What is the ability to differentiate the true from the false?What is the willingness to face our fears or walk through them?...

Unit 3: Spelling Quiz 1 2022-10-25

25 Items: dependentimportantpunishmentuncertain; waveringready to take placediligently watchfulof good quality; selectin a subordinate positionrelevant; highly significantcowardly; unfaithful to dutyconspicuous; prominent; famousfeeling very sure about somethinginducing sleep; inclined to sleepsomething that completes or makes perfect...

ANIMAL 2024-07-19

12 Items: - Large mammal with a trunk and tusks.- Marine mollusk with eight arms and a soft body.- Tallest land animal with a long neck and spotted coat.- Marsupial from Australia with a pouch for carrying young.- Large aquatic reptile with a long snout and armored body.- Large feline with distinctive orange coat and black stripes....

Structure and Function of Plants 2023-12-05

9 Items: _______ help plants get what they need.The part of the plant that makes most of its food.Which plant part plays the biggest role in supporting the plant?Flowers contain structures that are responsible for _____________.An adaptation used by cactus to survive in a hot, dry environment is ________ ________....

Incessant Word Search 2023-05-12

10 Items: - to examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. Verb.- continuing or following without interruption. Adjective- the owner of a business, or holder of a property. Noun.- to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort. Verb.- showing great attention to detail or correct behavior. Adjective....

Find 5 animals! 2024-05-27

5 Items: This large mammal has a long trunk and big ears, and is the largest land animal.This animal is the tallest land animal, known for its long neck and spotted pattern.This animal is known for its powerful hind legs and pouch, and is native to Australia.This intelligent marine mammal is known for its playful behavior and lives in oceans and rivers....

Week 18 Thursday 2024-02-04

25 Items: SpyingYoungera choicehelp or supportFor a short timePermitted by lawAt the present timeMoney for investmentMasses of bread or meatthe act of being presentA way of acting or behavingSomeone who repairs machinesA deep, gaping hole; a gorgeTo have said yes to somethingThe reason why something happensA relative who lived in the past...

Organs so scary yet so cool! 2024-07-19

11 Items: Organ storing urine before it is excreted from the body.Digestive organ where food is broken down and mixed with digestive enzymes.Pair of organs involved in respiration, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.Long, coiled organs where nutrients and water are absorbed from digested food....

Week 14 Hard 2023-12-16

25 Items: occurred1,000,000very goodspread outto suggestfascinatingto understandmake bigger or morethe time yet to comedifference of opinionunable to be comfortedinappropriate behaviorproperly made and completedpaper with a record of a purchasebrilliant; giving off heat or lightnever stopping, going on all the timeblocked path; dilemma with no solution...

3.03 vocabulary 2022-11-29

12 Items: Polite behavior; good mannersLoyalty to a particular businessFocused on customer needs and wantsAll the activities a business engages in to interact with its customersThe values and ideals that an organization encourages among its employeesThe people (i.e., employees) who work cooperatively together to achieve business goals...

Law 2024-01-19

20 Items: physicalpersonCreator of the "eye for eye" theoryThe name of the Codex for Civil lawSince we are born we have certain ...Basic unit of a legal system is a .....Meaning of the sword Lady justice holdsCopyright lasts for ... years after deathOnly one legal system in place is called...the state of being legally and officially true...

Assessments and teaching 2023-12-01

21 Items: any curriculum not included in classroom discussioncurriculum that is formally written and tested in the classroomcurriculum that has been implemented into classrooms but not explicitly taughta set of teaching behaviors that have been validated in research such as direct instruction...

Vocab 9 2024-01-10

12 Items: The two different stories were _______.after I got an A on my test is I was _______.It was a _______ event when War world 1 happened.After I got an a on my project tried to ______ them.I couldn't get past question one it was a real _____.He was ______ to a lower math class when he failed his EOC....

Vocab 15 2024-04-23

12 Items: Despite his _____, behavior he got a date to prom.The witness's testimony helped _____ the suspect's alibi.after winning the lottery I had a _____ or a lot of money.She was able to ____ information from her old history books.At the funeral a girl wore a _____ red dress which made others upset....

Defense Mechanisms In Addiction #2 2023-09-13

10 Items: Satisfying internal needs through helping others.Defending our actions with false logic and irrational reasoning.Becoming outwardly agreeable while maintaining inner rebelliosness.Refusal to deal with or encounter unpleasant objects or situations.Becoming quiet, and withdrawn as a means of manipulation of attention seeking....

All things quality 2022-12-13

18 Items: a name of a QC xxxquality is a "xxxxx" not an actpeople representative for qualityquality can improve this "12 letters"a brand of chocolates "quality xxxxxx"one of Bede's values (POD - 6 letters)best place to work (company name "xxxx")a brand / manufacturer of quality cars (Swedish)quality can improve this with customers / clients...

Master word search 2023-03-23

1 Item: cucumber together behavior important probably recommend volunteer understand develop hamburger character umbrella negative veteran wanted littlest middle xylophone gymnastics

Trick or Treat Forever: Exploring Age Limits and Halloween TraditionsTrick, treat, tradition, community, age, maturity, rules, guidelines, alternative, celebrate, respect, behavior, spooky, Halloween, festivities, joy, magic, embrace, fun, spirit,01HV75BC 2024-04-11

1 Item: treat, tradition, community, age, maturity, rules, guidelines, alternative, celebrate, respect, behavior, spooky, Halloween, festivities, joy, magic, embrace, fun, spirit

Drug Abuse Awareness and Prevention 2024-06-20

10 Items: a _ _ _ _ _ _ - fear or nervousness about what might happen.a _ _ _ _ - use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.c _ _ _ _ - an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government.p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - the act or practice of stopping something bad from happening....

Animal Farm Vocab 2023-01-05

25 Items: (n.) outward manner(n.) ardent followers(n.) scheming actions(prep.) not including(n.) the act of burial(v.) to request support(n.) a dissenting clique(n.) the act of directing(v.) get by special effort(v.) to instill with courage(adj.) not inclined to talking(v.) to agree or receive to do(n.) an example of evil behavior...


12 Items: of or relating to the mindnot completed, not finishedto notice or pay attention to (something)to give (someone) a reason for doing somethinga feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relaxa piece of work that has been given to someone, a job for someone to doan agreement between two or more people or groups that helps each in some way...

animal 2024-07-19

15 Items: Large carnivorous feline known for its mane and roar.Fastest land animal, known for its speed and spotted coat.Large striped cat known for its strength and hunting prowess.Largest land mammal with a trunk for grasping and a pair of tusks.Tall African mammal with a long neck and distinctive spotted coat....


1 Item: behavior, emotion, perception, memory, motivation, intelligence, development, personality, consciousness, therapy, stress, conditioning, learning, socialization, perception, schema, selfesteem, defense mechanism, attachment, resilience,mentalhealth, empa

chapter 2 basic chemistry vocab 2023-09-25

14 Items: the outermost shell of any atomAnything that takes up space and has massnumber of protons within the nucleus of an atomScientific study of the properties and behavior of matterA substance that can't be broken down by non-nuclear reactionsthe mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units...

chapter 2 basic chemistry vocab 2023-09-25

14 Items: the outermost shell of any atomAnything that takes up space and has massnumber of protons within the nucleus of an atomScientific study of the properties and behavior of matterA substance that can't be broken down by non-nuclear reactionsthe mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units...

chapter 2 basic chemistry vocab 2023-09-25

14 Items: the outermost shell of any atomAnything that takes up space and has massnumber of protons within the nucleus of an atomScientific study of the properties and behavior of matterA substance that can't be broken down by non-nuclear reactionsthe mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units...

Purcom Set 1 word puzzle 2022-12-15

25 Items: Full command in 2 languages.The most famous dead language."What are they talking about?"Sender gives a message to whom?Hearing things through language.Order is issued through language.The Latin word for "communication""meaning are in people, not words"Obstructs exchange of communication.Responses to the messages of the sender....

We Will Rock You 2024-07-03

30 Items: Cruel and oppressive government or ruleFormal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speechNot subject to being taken away or transferred; inherentThe faculty or power of using one's will to make decisionsThe capacity to make informed, uncoerced decisions; self-governanceThe belief that free will and determinism are compatible and can coexist...

Stages of Change 2024-04-09

1 Item: relapse, preparation, maintenance, action, pre-contemplation, self-talk, determination, motivation, mindset, planning, behavior, consequences, realistic, choice, problematic, recovery, goal, capable, addiction, obstacle, better-life, emotions, reflection