Software designed to gain unauthorized access to and disrupt or damage a computer system
When a scammer impersonates or claims to represent a legitimate company online in order to trick you into giving your information or steal your money
Malicious software that blocks access to a phone or computer system until a sum of money is paid.
Access The ability to control your device through another phone or computer it usually requires downloading some kinds of apps or software
Breach When the data a company stores is exposed to a hacker.This data could include email addresses, passwords or credit card information of the company customers and associates.
Questions An alternate way of identifying customers when they have forgotten a password, entered the wrong credentials, or tried to log in from an unfamiliar customer.
Certificate A way for websites to prove that they are encrypting, or making it harder for a hacker to gain access to the data on their site. If you use a site without an SSL certificate you have a higher risk of your information being exposed or stolen